128 research outputs found

    Avaliação de alterações em tomografia computadorizada de tórax de pacientes internados por Covid-19

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    Introduction: SARS-CoV-2 has rapid dissemination and high infectivity and can evolve into Severe Respiratory Distress Syndrome (SARS), which led to a high number of deaths and hospitalizations in the recent pandemic. Computed tomography (CT) of the chest has demonstrated an essential role in the initial evaluation and evolution of these patients.Methodology: This was a retrospective observational study at a single center, University Hospital in Northeastern Brazil, evaluating 97 patients hospitalized for COVID-19 with laboratory confirmation to evaluate and quantify the chest CTfindings, comparing the findings with the severity of the case and relating them to the morbidities presented. The CT scans were performed by radiologists from the hospital and the data were evaluated by the university’s statistics laboratory.Results: Among the main alterations, ground-glass opacities were present in more than 90% of the patients. The study observed that the magnitude of the pulmonary involvement of this finding had a relationship with the outcome of higher hospitalization. Conclusion: In this sense, the relevance of chest CT to suggest the diagnosis of Covid-19 and establish the prognosis of the disease is observed. However, further studies are still needed to confirm these findings.Introdução: O SARS-CoV-2 possui rápida disseminação e alta infectividade, podendo evoluir com Síndrome da Angústia Respiratória Grave (SARS), o que levou a um número elevado de mortes e internações na recente pandemia. A Tomografia Computadorizada (TC) de tórax demonstrou um papel essencial na avaliação inicial e evolução dessespacientes. Metodologia: Este foi um estudo observacional retrospectivo em centro único - Hospital Universitário no Nordeste do Brasil - avaliando 97 pacientes internados por COVID-19 com confirmação laboratorial, a fim de avaliar e quantificar os achados de TC de tórax, comparando os achados com a gravidade do caso e relacionando-os com as morbidades apresentadas. As TCs foram laudadas por radiologistas do próprio hospital. Após isso, os dados foram avaliados pelo laboratório de estatística da universidade para serem analisados e discutidos. Resultados: Dentre as principais alterações, o vidro fosco estava presente em mais de 90% dos pacientes. Foi observado que a magnitudedo comprometimento pulmonar deste achado apresentou relação desfavorável com o desfecho da internação. Conclusão: Neste sentido, observa-se a relevância da TC de tórax para sugerir o diagnóstico de Covid-19 e estabelecer o prognóstico da doença. No entanto, ainda são necessários mais estudos para destrinchar estes achados

    Assessment of potato peel and agro-forestry biochars supplementation on in vitro ruminal fermentation

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    UIDB/50006/2020 UIDB/04033/2020 grant ref. PDE/BDE/114434/2016 DL 57/2016 -Norma transitória.Background. The awareness of environmental and socio-economic impacts caused by greenhouse gas emissions from the livestock sector leverages the adoption of strategies to counteract it. Feed supplements can play an important role in the reduction of the main greenhouse gas produced by ruminants-methane (CH4). In this context, this study aims to assess the effect of two biochar sources and inclusion levels on rumen fermentation parameters in vitro. Methods. Two sources of biochar (agro-forestry residues, AFB, and potato peel, PPB) were added at two levels (5 and 10%, dry matter (DM) basis) to two basal substrates (haylage and corn silage) and incubated 24-h with rumen inocula to assess the effects on CH4 production and main rumen fermentation parameters in vitro. Results. AFB and PPB were obtained at different carbonization conditions resulting in different apparent surface areas, ash content, pH at the point of zero charge (pHpzc), and elemental analysis. Relative to control (0% biochar), biochar supplementation kept unaffected total gas production and yield (mL and mL/g DM, pD0.140 and pD0.240, respectively) and fermentation pH (p D 0.666), increased CH4 production and yield (mL and mL/g DM, respectively, pD0.001) and ammonia-N (NH3-N, pD0.040), and decreased total volatile fatty acids (VFA) production (p < 0.001) and H2 generated and consumed (p ≤ 0.001). Biochar sources and inclusion levels had no negative effect on most of the fermentation parameters and efficiency. Acetic.propionic acid ratio (pD0.048) and H2 consumed (pD0.019) were lower with AFB inclusion when compared to PPB. Biochar inclusion at 10% reduced H2 consumed (p < 0.001) and tended to reduce total gas production (pD0.055). Total VFA production (pD0.019), acetic acid proportion (pD0.011) and H2 generated (pD0.048) were the lowest with AFB supplemented at 10%, no differences being observed among the other treatments. The basal substrate affected most fermentation parameters independently of biochar source and level used. Discussion. Biochar supplementation increased NH3-N content, iso-butyric, iso-valeric and valeric acid proportions, and decreased VFA production suggesting a reduced energy supply for microbial growth, higher proteolysis and deamination of substrate N, and a decrease of NH3-N incorporation into microbial protein. No interaction was found between substrate and biochar source or level on any of the parameters measured. Although AFB and PPB had different textural and compositional characteristics, their effects on the rumen fermentation parameters were similar, the only observed effects being due to AFB included at 10%. Biochar supplementation promoted CH4 production regardless of the source and inclusion level, suggesting that there may be other effects beyond biomass and temperature of production of biochar, highlighting the need to consider other characteristics to better identify the mechanism by which biochar may influence CH4 production.publishersversionpublishe

    Rib Fracture in Buffalo with Ruminal Cannula

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    Background: Buffalos are very rustic animals that are adapted to adverse conditions, but the lack of adequate management can increase the susceptibility of these animals to several diseases. Rib fracture in this species is usually related to mineral deficiency and complications resulting from unappropriated management. Rib fractures in ruminants are rarely diagnosed and usually present conservative treatment; however, cases with presence of contaminated wounds require extra attention. The objective of this work was to report an atypical case of open fracture of the last rib in a buffalo with ruminal cannula, describing the case from diagnosis to surgical treatment.Case: An adult female water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) that was well fed and receiving minerals, with implantation of a ruminal cannula, presented a lesion around the ruminal cannula, with increasing volume, exudation, and myiasis. Thegeneral parameters and behavior of the animal were apparently normal. The animal presented normal appetite and respiration and good physical condition and nutritional state, with pain reaction to the touch in the region of the lesion andtheir adjacencies; it presented no claudication and reluctance to remain in left lateral decubitus, and no discomfort. The clinical inspection of the cutaneous lesion showed an oblique-type fracture in the body of the last left rib, with exposed bone in the lumbar region and extremity exposed to the ruminal cannula, already presenting necrosis. The region was cleaned, removing larvae (myiasis) for better exposition of the fracture; in the following day, an osteotomy was done to remove exposed bone fragments. A trichotomy, cleaning, and debridement of the lesion and their adjacencies were done, with subsequent sedation and locoregional paralumbar anesthesia with lidocaine for resection of necrotic bone fragments. Cutaneous and muscle syntheses were not done because the region presented permanent contact with the rumen content. The post-operatory management was based on daily cleanings and bandages, with administration of antibiotics every 48 h for 20 days. The total recovery of the animal occurred within 45 days after the surgery.Discussion: Despite rib fractures in buffalos are mainly related to mineral deficiency, the case of the present study showed that these fractures are not always related to pre-existent causes. The clinical signs of the lesion were focal, because they refer to an open fracture that did not caused injuries to other structures, thus not determining an associated symptomatology. Opened rib fractures are rare, and most of them are healed by second intention without veterinary intervention. Regarding open fractures, the decontamination and debridement of a lesion and their adjacencies with removal of necrotic tissuesand use of antibiotics are essential for prevention of infections. When the lesion is in a contaminated region by permanent contact with rumen content, as in this case, daily cleaning with bandages is needed for a best healing, but synthesis oftissues is not indicated because there is a possibility of contamination and formation of abscesses. Therefore, procedures that ensure the decontamination of the wound and prevention of infections with prolonged use of antibiotics are essential for a better healing of open rib fractures in regions that are subjected to constant contamination

    Improved recovery of urinary small extracellular vesicles by differential ultracentrifugation

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    Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are lipid-membrane enclosed structures that are associated with several diseases, including those of genitourinary tract. Urine contains EVs derived from urinary tract cells. Owing to its non-invasive collection, urine represents a promising source of biomarkers for genitourinary disorders, including cancer. The most used method for urinary EVs separation is differential ultracentrifugation (UC), but current protocols lead to a significant loss of EVs hampering its efficiency. Moreover, UC protocols are labor-intensive, further limiting clinical application. Herein, we sought to optimize an UC protocol, reducing the time spent and improving small EVs (SEVs) yield. By testing different ultracentrifugation times at 200,000g to pellet SEVs, we found that 48 min and 60 min enabled increased SEVs recovery compared to 25 min. A step for pelleting large EVs (LEVs) was also evaluated and compared with filtering of the urine supernatant. We found that urine supernatant filtering resulted in a 1.7-fold increase on SEVs recovery, whereas washing steps resulted in a 0.5 fold-decrease on SEVs yield. Globally, the optimized UC protocol was shown to be more time efficient, recovering higher numbers of SEVs than Exoquick-TC (EXO). Furthermore, the optimized UC protocol preserved RNA quality and quantity, while reducing SEVs separation time.</p

    Improved recovery of urinary small extracellular vesicles by differential ultracentrifugation

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    Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are lipid-membrane enclosed structures that are associated with several diseases, including those of genitourinary tract. Urine contains EVs derived from urinary tract cells. Owing to its non-invasive collection, urine represents a promising source of biomarkers for genitourinary disorders, including cancer. The most used method for urinary EVs separation is differential ultracentrifugation (UC), but current protocols lead to a significant loss of EVs hampering its efficiency. Moreover, UC protocols are labor-intensive, further limiting clinical application. Herein, we sought to optimize an UC protocol, reducing the time spent and improving small EVs (SEVs) yield. By testing different ultracentrifugation times at 200,000g to pellet SEVs, we found that 48 min and 60 min enabled increased SEVs recovery compared to 25 min. A step for pelleting large EVs (LEVs) was also evaluated and compared with filtering of the urine supernatant. We found that urine supernatant filtering resulted in a 1.7-fold increase on SEVs recovery, whereas washing steps resulted in a 0.5 fold-decrease on SEVs yield. Globally, the optimized UC protocol was shown to be more time efficient, recovering higher numbers of SEVs than Exoquick-TC (EXO). Furthermore, the optimized UC protocol preserved RNA quality and quantity, while reducing SEVs separation time.</p

    Review: Heads or Tails? Toward a Clear Role of Biochar as a Feed Additive on Ruminant’s Methanogenesis

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    The use of biochar has been suggested as a promising strategy in bio-waste management and greenhouse gases mitigation. Additionally, its use, as a feed additive, in ruminants has been reported to have contrasting effects on enteric methane production. Hence, this chapter intends to overview the most relevant literature that exploited the use of biochar as a mitigation strategy for methane. This includes the reported effects of biochar on methane production and rumen fermentation observed in in vitro and in vivo assays, as well as manure’s methane emission. The information available about the biochar and the experimental conditions used in the different studies is still limited, which created additional challenges in identifying the biological mechanisms that potentially drive the contrasting results obtained. Nevertheless, it is clear from the current state-of-the-art that biochar may be a key player in the modulation of gut fermentation and in the reduction of greenhouse gases produced by ruminants that need to be consolidated by further research

    Olhares distintos sobre a noção de estabilidade e mudança no desempenho da coordenação motora grossa

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    Estudos sobre coordenação motora grossa (CMG) de crianças focam na descrição dos valores normativos em razão da idade e sexo. Poucos analisam a dinâmica da mudança do desempenho de cada criança em relação ao seu grupo ao longo do tempo. O objetivo do presente estudo foi estimar a estabilidade das diferenças interindividuais na mudança intraindividual da CMG ao longo de 18 meses. Participaram do estudo 120 escolares de sete anos de idade da cidade de Muzambinho - MG. Foram realizadas quatro coletas com intervalos de seis meses. A CMG foi avaliada pelas provas do KTK. Os valores médios apresentaram incrementos em todas as provas, diferindo entre gênero apenas para o equilíbrio à retaguarda. Os resultados da correlação entre o desempenho inicial e a mudança ao longo do tempo indicaram uma forte heterogeneidade. Os resultados da estabilidade se mostraram fracos, os quais foram discutidos em relação a diferentes trajetórias do desenvolvimento da CMG.Las investigaciones sobre la coordinación motora gruesa (GMC) de niños se centran en la descripción de los valores normativos basados en la edad y en el sexo, y pocos estudios analizan la dinámica de cambio en el desempeño de cada niño en relación a su grupo al largo del tiempo. El objetivo de este estudio fue estimar la estabilidad de las diferencias interindividuales en el cambio interindividual de la CMG durante dieciocho meses. Participaron de la investigación 120 estudiantes de siete años de edad de la ciudad de Muzambinho - MG. Cuatro muestras fueron tomadas a intervalos de seis meses. La CMG se evaluó mediante las pruebas del KTK. Los valores medios mostraron aumentos en todas las pruebas, defiriendo entre géneros sólo para el equilibrio a la retaguardia. Los resultados de la correlación entre el rendimiento inicial y el cambio a lo largo del tiempo indicaron una fuerte heterogeneidad. Los resultados de la estabilidad se mostraron débiles. Estos resultados se discuten en términos de diferentes trayectorias de desarrollo de la CMG.Studies about gross motor coordination in children (GMC) focus on the description of normative values derived from age and sex, and few analyzed the dynamics of change of each child within its group. The goal of the present study is estimate the stability of intra-individual change over inter-individual differences over eighteen months. One hundred and twenty students with seven years old in the city of Muzambinho - MG participated in the study. Data was collected four times, with a six-month interval between each assessment. GMC was evaluated through KTK test battery. Mean values for all tests increased over time, with differences between sex for equilibrium test. The correlation values between initial performance and improvements over eighteen months indicated high heterogeneity. Results of stability estimates were weak for tests. These results were discussed about different trajectories in the development of motor coordination

    Impactos negativos da administração de hidroxicloroquina e anticoagulante em pacientes com infecção por SARS-COV-2: um ensaio clínico randomizado

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    Objetivo: Avaliar antimalárico com ou sem tratamento anticoagulante, em pacientes com infecção recente por SARS-COV-2. Métodos: Estudo clínico realizado no Hospital das Clínicas Samuel Libânio da Universidade do Vale do Sapucaí, Pouso Alegre-MG. Aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética (4.034.077) e registrado nos Ensaios Clínicos (NCT04788355). Pacientes suspeitos de COVID-19 foram incluídos na sala de emergência. Os grupos foram: C (controle) com 6 pacientes, A (anticoagulante apixabana) com 9 pacientes, H (hidroxicloroquina) com 5 pacientes e HA (hidroxicloroquina e anticoagulante apixabana) com 8 pacientes. Resultados: não houve diferenças significativas entre os grupos. O grupo HA, no qual houve intervenção com dois medicamentos, apresentou maior número de dias com sintomas (p = 0,037) e piores resultados, quando comparado ao controle: os sintomas mais relevantes foram: tosse (p = 0,001), e anosmia/ageusia (p = 0,011) cefaléia (p = 0,001). Conclusão: O presente estudo teve início quando havia dúvidas sobre o uso de medicamentos como hidroxicloroquina (HCQ) e apixabana (APX). O “n” reduzido foi definido por meio de questões burocráticas e polêmicas independentes das ações dos autores. Nenhum benefício clínico foi associado com HCQ e APX. Houve um aumento no número de dias sintomáticos quando HCQ e APX foram administrados. Apesar das limitações, não houve indicação terapêutica dos medicamentos avaliados.Purpose: To evaluate antimalarial with or without anticoagulant treatment, in patients with recent SARS-COV-2 infection. Methods: Clinical study carried out at Samuel Libânio Clinic Hospital, University of Vale do Sapucaí, Pouso Alegre-MG. Approved by the Ethics Committee (4.034.077) and registered in the Clinical Trials (NCT04788355). Suspected patients for COVID-19 were included in the emergency room. The groups were: C (control) with 6 patients, A (anticoagulant apixaban) with 9 patients, H (hydroxychloroquine) with 5 patients and HA (hydroxychloroquine and anticoagulant apixaban) with 8 patients. Results: there were no significant differences between groups. The HA group, in which there was an intervention with two drugs, presented a greater number of days with symptoms (p = 0.037) and worse results, when compared to the control: most relevant symptoms, were: cough (p = 0.001), and anosmia / ageusia (p = 0.011) headache (p = 0.001). Conclusion: The present study began when there were doubts about the use of drugs such as Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and apixaban (APX). The reduced “n” was defined through bureaucratic and polemic issues independent of the authors’ actions. No clinical benefit was associated with HCQ and APX. There was an increase in the number of symptomatic days when HCQ and APX were administered. Despite the limitations, there was no therapeutic indication of the evaluated drugs

    Dinâmica de parâmetros limnológicos e uso e cobertura da terra nas bacias hidrográficas das represas Dr. João Penido e São Pedro, Juiz de Fora (MG)

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    Esta pesquisa teve por objetivo correlacionar os parâmetros limnológicos dos principais tributários das represas Dr. João Penido e São Pedro no município de Juiz de Fora com o uso da terra nas bacias hidrográficas destes mananciais. As amostras foram coletadas mensalmente no período de 2012 até 2013, escolhendo-se seções na nascente, foz e captação, contemplando quatro pontos na bacia da Represa de São Pedro e seis pontos na bacia da Represa Dr. João Penido. Através de uma Sonda Multiparamétrica, foram verificados em campo, os parâmetros: OD, pH, temperatura, condutividade, STD e salinidade. Em cada ponto amostral, foram coletados três litros de água para análise dos parâmetros: DBO5,20, OD, cloreto, turbidez, sólidos totais, pH, fósforo total, nitrogênio total, nitrato, nitrito, amônia e uma amostra de 100ml para análise de coliformes termotolerantes e/ou E-coli. Tais parâmetros foram analisados no LADINAA, Ecologia e outros laboratórios, seguindo as metodologias do Standard Methods for Examination of Water and Waste water (APHA, 2012). As cartas de uso e cobertura da terra foram elaboradas utilizando as Ortofotos Digitais da Prefeitura de Juiz de Fora e adotando a classificada supervisionada MAXVER no software ArcGIS 10.2. Estes dados foram tratados utilizando correlação monótona, relacionando as porcentagens de cada classe de uso da terra até cada seção de monitoramento com os parâmetros citados. Foi utilizado o coeficiente de correlação “” de Spearman com os seguintes resultados: a classe Mata Atlântica aumentou o OD e diminuiu Nitrato, Fósforo e ST; o Eucalipto reduziu o OD e aumentou o Nitrato; a Pastagem Degradada (possivelmente abandonada) reduziu Nitrato e Fósforo; a Pastagem aumentou Coliformes, Fósforo e ST e; finalmente, a Classe Urbanização aumentou Coliformes, Turbidez e Condutividade. Vale ressaltar o fato de as classes de uso da terra não serem independentes: o aumento da porcentagem de “Eucalipto” provoca espacialmente uma diminuição das demais classes. Estes resultados, ainda que parciais, apontam para a necessidade de estudos que orientem o poder público sobre os usos menos impactantes em bacias de mananciais