734 research outputs found

    Identificação da origem botânica do mel por DNA barcoding

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    O mel e um produto natural muito apreciado pelas suas propriedades sensoriais, nutricionais e medicinais. Os méis monoflorais são produtos de valor acrescentado por serem considerados de elevada qualidade e com aroma e sabor bem definidos, sendo por isso susceptíveis a adulterações. Tal facto torna importante o desenvolvimento de novas metodologias para a avaliação da autenticidade e origem botânica. 0 método usado atualmente para a determinação da origem botânica baseia-se na analise melissopalinol6gica, que e morosa e requer técnicos especializados [1]. Os métodos de ADN apresentam-se como alternativas promissoras para a identificação de espécies em matrizes complexas e processadas.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Hypericum species identification to assess the authenticity of plant food supplements

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    In the last years, medicinal plants and derived products have become increasingly available in the EU market as ingredients of formulations sold as food supplements. This type of products is legally considered as food under the Directive 2002/46/EC [l], thus with legal responsibility of its safety relying on business operators as they are not under the control of the European Medicines Agency (EMA).This work has been supported by FCT through grant PEst-C/EQB/LA0006/2013 and project EXPL/DTP-SAP/1438/2013 (Safety of PIant Food Supplements: searching for adulterant pharmaceutlcal drugs and plants)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Autenticação de produtos cárneos com a designação Halal: Deteção e quantificação de derivados de suíno (Sus scrofa)

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    Devido aos recentes escândalos alimentares relacionados com adulterações em produtos cárneos, tem-se assistido a uma maior atenção por parte dos consumidores e autorida-des sobre a ocorrência de fraudes neste setor, especialmen-te no que respeita a substituição de carne de espécies ani-mais de valor elevado por proteínas musculares de mais baixo custo. Em particular, devido ao seu baixo preço e ele-vada disponibilidade, a carne de porco e/ou derivados de suíno (gordura, plasma, colagénio, entre outros) podem ser fraudulentamente adicionados em produtos cárneos, tendo por objetivo o aumento de lucros de fabricantes pouco es-crupulosos [1,2]. Para além destas práticas representarem uma fraude económica, a presença de espécies animais não declaradas na rotulagem é algo que causa elevada preocu-pação em certos grupos religiosos para os quais o consumo de determinadas espécies é proibido.Os autores agradecem o apoio financeiro da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) através do projeto PEst-C/EQB/LA0006/2013.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Characterization of Three Portuguese Varietal Olive Oils Based on Fatty Acids, Triacylglycerols, Phytosterols and Vitamin E Profiles: Application of Chemometrics

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    In Portugal, olive oil production is considered an ancient activity, where old olive groves can still be observed. In the last few years monovarietal groves seem to be increasing, though some disadvantages, such as the susceptibility to insects and diseases, can result from the growth of individual olive varieties (Aguilera et al., 2005). In some typical producer countries, the olive cultivation is being improved by renewing old trees, reducing the association with other crops, selecting the olive varieties suited to local agroclimates and planting new single variety orchards (Criado et al., 2008). This is leading to an increase in the prevalence of monovarietal olive oils

    Riscos e benefícios associados ao consumo de carne de caça

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    A caça de animais é praticada pelo homem desde tempos ancestrais, tendo sido uma das principais fontes de nutrien-tes/alimentos na era pré-histórica. Com o progredir da civili-zação, e principalmente após o desenvolvimento da agricul-tura e a domesticação de animais, a importância da carne de caça como meio de subsistência diminuiu substancialmente em várias regiões do globo. Contudo, atualmente continua ainda a ser de grande relevância em diversos países, princi-palmente nos chamados países subdesenvolvidos e em vias de desenvolvimento, sobretudo Africanos, mas também Asiáticos, nos quais a carne de animais selvagens é frequen-temente consumida e também alvo de trocas económicas [1].info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Food supplements adulteration with undeclared synthetic phosphodiesterase type-5 drugs (PDE-5) inhibitors

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    The use ofplant food supplements (PFS) in developed countries is becoming increasingly popular mostly due to the consumers' widespread idea that natural products are safer and healthier than conventional pharmaceutical drugs [l]. However, in the last years, several studies have been showing the existence of gaps in PFS regulation that can result in insuíficient quality control and intentional adulteration ofthese products [2]. Among the issues that can aíFect PFS safety, the illegal addition of pharmaceutical substances is of major concern, since unscrupulous producers can dope PFS to provide for quick effects. Supplements used for sexual performance improvement are among the most popular PFS used by males. One of the major concerns in this type of product is the possible adulteration with drugs used for the treatment of erectile dysfunction, namely synthetic phosphodiesterase type-5 (PDE-5) inhibitor drugs, such as sildenafil, vardenafil and tadalafil which are approved prescription drugs being marketed as Viagra (Pfizer, USA), Levitra (Bayer Pharmaceuticals Co., Germany) and Cialis (Elli Lilly, USA), respectively. Since these drugs can present side eífects, its illegal addition in PFS can seriously endanger consumers' health. In particular, individuais for whom conventional PDE-5 inhibitor drugs are contraindicated and consequently use food supplements as an alternative maybe at risk ifthe clandestine addition ofthese drugs occurs. In the last years, the presence ofthis type ofdrugs have been detected by FDA in the US, and reported in food supplements commercialized in Ásia, however studies regarding this issue in the EU are almost inexistent. For the presented reasons, an analytical methodology based on the use of high performance liquid chromatography coupled to a fluorescence detector in series with a photodiode array (HPLC-FL-PDA) is proposed for the detection ofPDE-5 inhibitors, namely sildenafil and its analogue acetildenafil, vardenafil and tadalaíil, illegally added to supplements used for aphrodisiac purposes.to FCT (PEst-C/EQB/LA0006/2013 and EXPL/DTP-SAP/1438/2013) and QREN (NORTE-07-0124-FEDER-000069-CIÊNCIA DO ALIMENTO).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    DNA barcoding for the botanical species differentiation in honey

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    Honey is a natural product widely consumed for its well-known medicinal properties. In general, monofloral honeys have higher economic value since they are perceived as better quality products owing to their specific and well-defined flavor and aroma and, consequently, most appreciated by consumers. Considering that these products are very prone to fraudulent practices and misleading labeling, the development of methodologies for the assessment of their botanical origin and authentication is of utmost importance. For this purpose, traditional methods based on pollen identification by microscopic analysis are presently used. However, this approach is time consuming and greatly depends on the experience/skill of trained analysts (Laube et al., 2010). Recently, due to its high specificity and sensitivity, DNA-based methods are emerging as altemative tools for food authentication since they allow the unequivocal identification of different species. Currently, DNA barcoding has been regarded with increasing interest for the taxonomic identification of species, being recently suggested for the identification of plant species in honey (Bruni et al., 2015). Among several barcode regions, two plastidial genes (matK and rbcL) have been proposed for the differentiation of plants.This work was supported by FCT grant no. LAQV UID/QUI/50006/2013, Joana Costa and Sônia Soares are grateful to FCT grants (SFRH/BPD/102404/2014 and SFRH/BD/75091/2010, respectively) fmanced by POPH-QREN (subsidized by FSE and MCTES). The authors are gratefül for the kind supply of samples from Bank of Plant Germplasm of Tucson, USA.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Adulteration of Dietary Supplements by the Illegal Addition of Synthetic Drugs: a review

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    In the last few years, the consumption of dietary supplements, especially those having plants as ingredients, has been increasing due to the common idea that they are natural products posing no risks to human health. In the European Union and the United States, dietary supplements are legally considered as foods/special category of foods, thus are not being submitted to any safety assessment prior to their commercialization. Among the issues that can affect safety, adulteration by the illegal addition of pharmaceutical substances or their analogs is of major concern since unscrupulous producers can falsify these products to provide for quick effects and to increase sales. This review discusses the various classes of synthetic drugs most frequently described as being illegally added to dietary supplements marketed for weight loss, muscle building/sport performance and sexual performance enhancement. Information regarding regulation and consumption is also presented. Finally, several conventional and advanced analytical techniques used to detect and identify different adulterants in dietary supplements and therefore also in foods, with particular emphasis on plant food supplements, are critically described. This review demonstrates that dietary supplement adulteration is an emerging food safety problem and that an effective control by food regulatory authorities is needed to safeguard consumers.This work was supported by European Union (FEDER funds through COMPETE) and Natl. Funds (FCT, Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia) through projects EXPL/DTP-SAP/1438/2013 (Safety of plant food supplements: searching for adulterant pharmaceutical drugs and plants) and LAQV UID/QUI/50006/2013.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio