48 research outputs found


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    A retirada da vegetação natural para implantação de sistema agrícola pode provocar desequilíbrios no solo, conforme o sistema de manejo empregado. Com o objetivo de estudar as alterações em Latossolo Vermelho Distrófico causadas pelo cultivo contínuo de cana-de-açúcar, selecionaram-se três áreas (mata, cana-de-açúcar e reflorestada) adjacentes, no município de Guariba (SP). Em cada área, foram coletadas, aleatoriamente, quatro amostras, nas camadas de 0,0-0,10 m e 0,10-0,20 m. Foram avaliados os atributos químicos pH, matéria orgânica (MO), fósforo (P), potássio (K), cálcio (Ca), magnésio (Mg), alumínio (Al) e acidez potencial (H+Al), e calculados os valores de soma de bases (SB), capacidade de troca de cátions (CTC), saturação por alumínio (m%) e saturação por bases (V%). As análises de agrupamentos e componentes principais permitiram identificar a formação de três grupos, formados por mata nativa, área reflorestada e área com cana-de-açúcar. Os resultados indicam que o uso intensivo do solo alterou os seus atributos químicos. As técnicas de análises multivariadas mostraram que os principais atributos relacionados com os ambientes foram: na mata nativa, a MO, H+Al, m% e Al; na área com cana-de-açúcar, Mg, Ca, V%, SB e CTC. Enquanto que o ambiente reflorestado ficou entre os ambientes mata nativa e cana-de-açúcar.Palavras-chave: Mata nativa; cana-de-açúcar; área reflorestada. AbstractChemical properties of an oxisol under different management practices. The removal of natural vegetation for establishing an agricultural system may lead to soil imbalances according to management system used. Three adjacent areas were selected in Guariba, SP, Brazil, for the purpose of studying changes in a Latossolo Vermelho Distrófico (oxisol) caused by continuous cropping of sugarcane. In each area, four samples were collected in the 0.0-0.10 m and 0.10-0.20 m soil layers. The following chemical properties were evaluated: pH, organic matter (OM), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), aluminum (Al), potential acidity (H+Al), and aluminum saturation (m%); and the values of the sum of bases (SB), cation exchange capacity (CEC), and base saturation (V%). Cluster analyses and principal components allowed identification the formation of three groups, made up of native forest, reforested area, and the area planted to sugarcane. Results indicate that intensive use of the soil altered its chemical properties. Multivariate analysis techniques showed that the main properties related to the environment in the native forest area were organic matter, potential acidity, aluminum saturation, and aluminum. In the sugarcane area the properties were Mg, Ca, V%, BS, SB, and CEC. The reforested area was in an intermediate position between the native forest and sugarcane environments.Keywords: Native forest; sugarcane; reforested area.The removal of natural vegetation for establishing an agricultural system may lead to soil imbalances according to management system used. Three adjacent areas were selected in Guariba, SP, Brazil, for the purpose of studying changes in a Latossolo Vermelho Distrófico (Oxisol) caused by continuous cropping of sugarcane. In each area, four samples were collected in the 0.0–0.10 m and 0.10-0.20 m soil layers. The following chemical properties were evaluated: pH, Organic matter (OM), Phosphorus (P), Potassium (K), Calcium (Ca), Magnesium (Mg), Aluminum (Al), Potential acidity (H+Al), and Aluminum saturation (m%); and the values of the Sum of Bases (SB), Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC), and Base Saturation (V%).  Cluster analyses and principal components allowed identification the formation of three groups, made up of native forest, reforested area, and the area planted to sugarcane. Results indicate that intensive use of the soil altered its chemical properties. Multivariate analysis techniques showed that the main properties related to the environment in the native forest area were organic matter, potential acidity, aluminum saturation, and aluminum. In the sugarcane area the properties were Mg, Ca, V%, BS, SB, and CEC. The reforested area was in an intermediate position between the native forest and sugarcane environments


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    AbstractConsidering the lack of information about spatial behavior of the soil attributes in areas of archaeological black earth and native forest, the objective of this study was to evaluate the spatial variability of chemical attributes and determine the sampling density in soil with archaeological black earth and native forest in the region of Manicoré, AM. The study was conducted in a rural property located in the community of Santo Antônio do Matupi, at the margins of BR 230, Trans-amazon highway, in the region of Manicoré, AM. In these areas were established grids of 70 m x 70 m, with regular spacing of 10 x 10 m, totaling 64 points, then soil samples were collected at a depth of 0.0-0.20 m and 0 , 40 - 0,60 m. Chemical attributes were determined (pH, OM, P, K, Ca, Mg, SB, CTC, V% and H + Al). Data were analyzed using descriptive statistical techniques and geostatistics. Sampling density was determined basing on CV and on the range of the semivariograms. It was verified that the studied attributes showed spatial variability and the area of archaeological black earth presented greater spatial variability than the native forest. Its greater sampling density was determined basing on the range of the adjusted semivariograms.Keywords: Indian black earth; attributes of soil; geostatistics.


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    RESUMO: Diante dos acelerados processos de degradação do Meio Ambiente há uma preocupação com o uso e conservação do mesmo, bem como, com a vidados seres existentes nele. O objetivo do trabalho foi analisar os saberes adquiridos pelos discentes, ao longo de sua formação educacional na educação básica, contribuindo para o enriquecimento desse saber com relação ao uso e conservação do meio ambiente, propondo práticas ecologicamente benéficas ao meio ambiente como a arborização. O trabalho foi realizado na Escola Justino Costa, no Município de Breves-PA, com a turma do nono ano do Ensino Fundamental. Consistiu em avaliar os conhecimentos prévios dos alunos, debater sobre o tema, reavaliar o efeito do trabalho, e arborizar a área externa da Escola. Os resultados obtidos por meio de questionários foram satisfatórios, demonstrando familiaridade dos educandos com o tema da palestra. Concluiu-se que, o espaço no qual os alunos convivem diariamente, contribuiu para enriquecimento de seus saberes, e que a teoria aliada à prática é primordial para a assimilação e problematização do tema, tendo maior possibilidade de promover a conscientização dos estudantes. Palavras-chave: Degradação; Preservação; Conservação; Educação Ambiental; Escola.   ENVIRONMENT: KNOWING, PRESERVING AND AWARENESS THROUGH ORGANIZATION ABSTRACT: Faced with accelerated processes of environmental degradation, there is a concern with its use and conservation, as well as with the life of the beings existing in it. The objective of this work was to analyze the knowledge acquired by the students, throughout their educational background in basic education, contributing to the enrichment of this knowledge in relation to the use and conservation of the environment, proposing ecologically beneficial practices such as afforestation. The work was realized at the Justino Costa School, in Breves-Pa, with the ninth grade class. It consisted of assessing, the student’s previous knowledge, discussion on the topic, reassess the effect of job, and afforest the outside area of the school. Results obtained through questionnaires were satisfactory, demonstrating the student’s familiarity with the theme. It was concluded that the space in the which students live daily contributed to enrichment of their knowledge, and that the theory combined with practice is primordial for the assimilation and problematization of the theme, having a greater possibility of promoting students awareness. Keywords: Degradation, Preservation, Conservation, Environmental Education, School

    Análises multivariadas de atributos químicos do solo para caracterização de ambientes.

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    As alterações da cobertura vegetal e uso do solo promovem mudanças na quantidade e qualidade dos atributos químicos do solo e, consequentemente, no carbono orgânico do solo. Nesse contexto, objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar as alterações dos atributos químicos de um Latossolo Vermelho distrófico submetido a diferentes manejos, utilizando a análise multivariada. Foram estudadas três áreas adjacentes (mata, cana-de-açúcar e área reflorestada), no município de Santa Ernestina (SP). Em cada área foram coletadas aleatoriamente quatro amostras de solo nas camadas de 0,0-0,1 m e 0,1- 0,2 m de profundidade. Foram avaliados os atributos químicos: pH, matéria orgânica, cálcio, potássio, magnésio, alumínio, acidez potencial, enxofre, boro, cobre, ferro, manganês, e zinco. Em seguida os dados foram submetidos a análises estatísticas multivariadas. A classificação dos acessos em grupos foi feita por dois métodos: método de agrupamentos hierárquico e análise de componentes principais. As análises de agrupamentos e componentes principais permitiram identificar a formação de dois grupos, um formado pela mata nativa e o outro pela área em reflorestamento e a área cultivada com cana-de-açúcar. O uso das técnicas de multivariadas foi eficiente para verificar as similaridades e/ou diferenças das áreas estudadas. Os resultados indicam que o uso intensivo do solo diminui sua qualidade tendo como referência a vegetação nativa

    Variabilidade espacial da resistência do solo à penetração e umidade em áreas cultivadas com mandioca na região de Humaitá, AM

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    A mandioca é uma cultura de grande importância regional devido à sua adaptabilidade e excelente fonte de proteína, por outro lado, o sistema de manejo é fundamental para o sucesso do cultivo. Assim, o preparo do solo é uma das etapas primordiais para o plantio seja realizado de forma inadequada, evitando a compactação e perda da qualidade física. A resistência do solo a penetração (RSP) tem sido um importante indicador da qualidade física do solo, por ser diretamente relacionado ao crescimento das plantas e de fácil determinação. Objetivou-se com este trabalho investigar a variabilidade espacial da resistência do solo a penetração (RSP) e do teor de umidade do solo em diferentes profundidades em área cultivada com mandioca. O experimento foi instalado em um Cambissolo Háplico Alítico plíntico. Os pontos de coleta das amostras foram estabelecidos por meio de uma malha de 70 x 70 m, amostrando-se nos pontos de cruzamento da malha, com espaçamentos regulares de 10 em 10 m. A RSP e umidade foram avaliadas nas profundidades 0,0–0,15, 0,15–0,30 e 0,30–0,45 m. Foram realizadas análises exploratória dos dados e geoestatística. A resistência do solo a penetração (RSP) e o teor de umidade apresentaram dependência espacial em todas as profundidades estudadas, exceto na profundidade de 0,30 - 0,45 m da RSP que apresentou efeito pepita puro. O teor de umidade no solo e a RSP apresentaram valores de alcances maiores que o espaçamento da malha, variando entre 15,10 a 67,76 m

    Spatial variability of physical attributes and soil aggregates in archaeological dark dirt under pasture

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    Algumas áreas de Terra Preta Arqueológica na Amazônia vêm sendo utilizadas com pastagem o que tem gerado grande preocupação quanto às alterações dos atributos físicos e o estado de agregação do solo. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a variabilidade espacial e as possíveis modificações dos atributos físicos e agregados do solo em terra preta arqueológica sob pastagem. Uma grade de 80 x 56m foi usada e a amostragem realizada em 88 pontos em disposição de 8 x 8m. Nas camadas de 0-0,05, 0,05-0,10 e 0,10-0,20m foram avaliados: a densidade do solo (Ds), carbono orgânico total (COT), estoque de carbono (Est C), diâmetro médio ponderado (DMP), macroporosidade (Macro), microporosidade (Micro) e volume total de poros (VTP). Pelo exame de semivariogramas constatou-se a ocorrência de dependência espacial. Mesmo a área de estudo sendo em pastagem observou-se que os valores de Ds, Macro e VTP, estiveram acima ou abaixo dos valores de referências que podem causar restrição ao crescimento radicular de plantas e à infiltração de água no solo. O DMP e Ds foram dependentes do COT, pois os valores de ambos aumentam ou diminuem de acordo com a camada. Com o aumento da camada do solo, houve o acréscimo do estoque de carbono.136Some areas of archaeological dark dirt in the Amazon have been used with pasture that has generated great concern regarding changes in soil physical attributes and its aggregation state. The objective of this study was to evaluate the spatial variability and possible modifications of soil physical and aggregate attributes in archaeological black dirt under pasture. A grid of 80 x 56m with 88 sampling points distributed in 8 x 8m were marked. Soil layers at 0-0.05, 0.05-0.10, and 0.10-0.20m were analyzed for: soil density (SD), total organic carbon (TOC), carbon stock (C stock), meanweight diameter (MWD), macroporosity (Macro), microporosity (Micro), and total porosity (TP). From semivariograms tests it was verified the occurrence of spatial dependence. Even with major pasture cover in the study area it was observed that the values of Ds, Macro, and VTP were above or below the reference values, which may cause restriction for root growth of plants and water infiltration in the soil. The DMP and Ds were COT-dependent because values of both increase or decrease depending on the soil layer. When higher the soil layer there was an increase in carbon stock

    Soils characterization and classification in clean field, dirty field and forest areas in amazonian environments

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    The soil and vegetation characteristics of the southern Amazonas region include highly weathered soils, high aluminum content and some hydromorphic conditions, its vegetation is composed from grasslands to small isolated trees and forest galleries along the rivers streams. In this way, this work aims to characterize and classify the soil in areas of clean field, dirty field, and forest in Humaitá region AM. Soil trenches were opened in the clean field, dirty field, and forest environments, soil profiles were morphologically characterized, and samples were collected from their horizons. Physical analysis of texture, dispersed clay in water, flocculation, bulk density, particle density and porosity were performed. The chemical analyzes included pH and KCl in water; Ca, Mg, K, Al, and; available P; H+Al and organic C; SiO2, Al2O3 and Fe2O3 sulfuric attack. The soils were classified according to criteria established by the Brazilian System of Soil Classification and Soil Taxonomy. The forest, dirty field (high) and clean field (low) showed different soil types, Typic Dystrudept for the first two environments and Typic Fluvaquents for last. Multivariate techniques expressed the similarity relations presenting between the different environments studied, characterizing, which are of great importance in the relation landscape-soil studies


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    A produção excessiva de lixo no planeta é consequência de ações provocadas devido a problemática do consumismo desenfreado e falta de conscientização por parte da população. A reutilização de materiais recicláveis pode ser uma alternativa concreta e prática para desenvolver o processo de conscientização ambiental em crianças, sendo essencial a introdução de atividades de reutilização de materiais recicláveis na infância. Assim, o objetivo desse trabalho foi confeccionar brinquedos através de materiais recicláveis, proporcionando conhecimento e conscientização para a preservação do meio ambiente, no entorno do IFPA, Campus Breves. Este trabalho foi realizado no Instituto Federal do Pará, Campus Breves com as crianças do entorno. As oficinas tiveram por objetivo ensinar as crianças a confeccionar brinquedos e, posteriormente, a brincar com os brinquedos confeccionados por elas mesmas. Dentre os materiais utilizados estão garrafas pet, latas de leite, varal, cola, tesoura, EVA, sendo confeccionados vai-e-vem de garrafa PET, porta trecos e pé de lata. A análise dos resultados foi realizada observando a participação, envolvimento e interesse das crianças e se as mesmas conseguiram produzir seu próprio brinquedo, além de verificar se os recursos didáticos utilizados despertaram a curiosidade das crianças. Também foi realizado um questionário com os alunos envolvidos com o objetivo de avaliar a importância do projeto no seu crescimento profissional e o seu valor para a comunidade. Teve-se como resultado, que o projeto funcionou como um instrumento capaz de interferir no processo de ensino-aprendizagem no sentido de formar crianças conscientes e capazes de se integrar melhor com a sociedade, além de entender que a importância da reciclagem e da preservação do meio ambiente deve ser um processo contínuo. A apresentação dos temas citados e a possibilidade de construir os próprios brinquedos despertou a curiosidade das crianças e tendem a gerar frutos. Pode-se concluir que, além de conscientizar as crianças, foi possível fabricar brinquedos a partir de materiais de baixo custo, sendo esta uma ação com princípio educativo ambiental. Além disso, notou-se a satisfação dos alunos em participar das oficinas com a comunidade. Palavras-chave: Educação ambiental. Garrafa PET. Brinquedos. Crianças.   RECYCLING TO RECREATE: ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION BY MAKING TOYS WITH RECYCLABLE MATERIALS IN BREVES, MARAJÓ ISLAND, BRAZIL ABSTRACT: The excessive production of garbage on the planet is a consequence of actions due to the problem of unbridled consumerism and the lack of awareness on the part of the population. The reuse of recyclable materials can be a concrete and practical alternative to develop the process of environmental awareness in children and it is essential to introduce activities to reuse recyclable materials. Thus, the objective of this work was to make toys through recyclable materials, providing knowledge and awareness for the preservation of the environment, around IFPA, Campus Breves. This work was carried out at the Federal Institute of Pará, Campus Breves with the surrounding children. The workshops included teaching children how to make toys and then playing with toys made by themselves. Among the materials used are pet bottles, milk cans, clothes line, glue, scissors, EVA, being made from the back and forth of PET bottle, door shanks and can foot. The analysis of the results was carried out observing the participation, involvement and interest of the children and if they were able to produce their own toy, besides verifying if the didactic resources used aroused the curiosity of the children. A questionnaire was also carried out with the students involved in the project in order to evaluate the importance of the project in its professional growth. As a result, the project worked as an instrument capable of interfering in the teaching-learning process in order to educate children who are aware and able to integrate better with society, in addition to understanding that the importance of recycling and preservation environment must be a continuous process. The presentation of the themes mentioned and the possibility of constructing the toys themselves aroused children's curiosity and tended to bear fruit. It can be concluded that in addition to making children aware, it was possible to manufacture toys from low-cost materials, which is an action with an environmental educational principle. In addition, students' satisfaction with participating in community workshops was noted. Keywords: Environmental education. Pet bottle. Toys. Children

    Fractal features of soil texture and physical attributes in indian dark earth under different uses in Western Amazon

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    Studying particle size distribution is important to understand soil structure and formation processes. This research aimed to assess the fractal dimension of soil texture in Indian Dark Earth (IDE) areas in southern Amazonas state under different land uses, as follows: two areas in the municipality of Apuí, one growing cocoa and the other coffee; a grassland area in the municipality of Manicoré; and a forest area in the municipality of Novo Aripuanã. A sampling grid containing 88 collection points (intersecting points on the grid) was established in each area, measuring 80 x 42 m for the cocoa and coffee-growing sites, and 80 x 56 m and 60 x 42 m for the grassland and forest areas, respectively. Soil samples were collected in soil core and as clumps at a depth of 0.0-0.20m to determine the structural physical properties and texture of the soil. The following physical attributes were assessed: texture (PSD), bulk density (BD), macroporosity (Macro), microporosity (Micro), total porosity (TP) and aggregate stability (GMD and WMD). The fractal dimension (D) of the soil texture was determined, followed by analysis of variance and comparison of the means using Tukey’s test (p≤0.05). Pearson’s correlation was applied to assess the correlation between variables. There was a significant difference between the IDEs studied, with a higher D value in the cocoa-growing area in relation to the other sites. Additionally, the larger the clay fraction, the higher the D value. Fractal dimension (D) showed a positive correlation with sand, clay, BD, Macro, GMD and WMD, and a negative correlation with silt, micro, TP. Based on the D values obtained, the ADE cultivated with cocoa showed superior quality in relation to the other areas studied

    Genome-wide analysis of the transcriptional response to drought stress in root and leaf of common bean

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    Genes related to the response to drought stress in leaf and root tissue of drought-susceptible (DS) and tolerant (DT) genotypes were characterized by RNA-Seq. In total, 54,750 transcripts, representative of 28,590 genes, were identified; of these, 1,648 were of high-fidelity (merge of 12 libraries) and described for the first time in the Andean germplasm. From the 1,239 differentially expressed genes (DEGs), 458 were identified in DT, with a predominance of genes in categories of oxidative stress, response to stimulus and kinase activity. Most genes related to oxidation-reduction terms in roots were early triggered in DT (T75) compared to DS (T150) suggestive of a mechanism of tolerance by reducing the damage from ROS. Among the KEGG enriched by DEGs up-regulated in DT leaves, two related to the formation of Sulfur-containing compounds, which are known for their involvement in tolerance to abiotic stresses, were common to all treatments. Through qPCR, 88.64% of the DEGs were validated. A total of 151,283 variants were identified and functional effects estimated for 85,780. The raw data files were submitted to the NCBI database. A transcriptome map revealed new genes and isoforms under drought. These results supports a better understanding of the drought tolerance mechanisms in beans