564 research outputs found

    Antioxidant activity of dietary supplements with green tea marketed in Portugal

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    Green tea is recognized by its antioxidant potential[1]. Nowadays, the marketing of dietary supplements claiming protection against free radicals has increased. However, most labels include no data about its antioxidant properties.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Sun protection potential determination of medicinal plants

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    Solar radiation is associated with problems such as skin cancer and early photoaging (Xiao et al., 2018). As a preventive and skin protective, synthetic compounds are used in various cosmetic products. However, the toxicity of these compounds is a major concern since it can cause health problems (Cefali et al., 2019). Plants exposed to high levels of solar radiation produce compounds to defend themselves from ultraviolet radiation and oxidative stress. Therefore, plants offer a source of UV protecting compounds that can be used in cosmetic products (Nunes et al., 2018). This study aims to determine the solar protection potential of Pterospartum tridentatum and Melilotus indicus. Aqueous and methanolic extracts (80:20, V/V) of each plant were prepared and subjected tophytochemical screening. Colorimetric methods were also used to determine antioxidant activity in vitro (DPPH assay, Iron Chelating Activity (ICA) and Total Phenolic Compounds (TPC) content), absorption coefficient and sun protection factor (SPF).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Adverse reactions and dietary supplements

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    Over the last years, the use of dietary supplements has increased substantially. Although these products are considered as safe and can be beneficial, there are risks associated with some. Manufacturers are not required to demonstrate their safety and efficacy, so it is essential that consumers have good knowledge about dietary supplements. The attribution of injury to a specific supplement can be challenging, especially because of the multiple ingredients, the variability in quality and content, as well as the vast underreporting of adverse reactions.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Sex workers' narratives about clients with disabilities: can training improve sexual health in Portugal? = Narrativas de trabalhadores(as) do sexo sobre clientes com diversidade funcional: poderá a formação melhorar a saúde sexual em Portugal?

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    People with disabilities face barriers that limit their sexual lives. In Portugal, some individuals with physical impairments have shown interest in resorting to sexual assistance provided by trained professionals, according to the client’s preferences and needs. However, in Portugal, sex workers lacking any formal training represent the only way to access commercial sex services. Thus, this study analyzes the experiences of sex workers that provide services for disabled clients. The interviews of thirteen sex workers were analyzed using the thematic analysis method proposed by Braun and Clarke. The key findings show that men seek out sexual and emotional satisfaction from sex work. Additionally, specificities inherent to the lack of training and the relationships established tend to embarrass professionals. Finally, we conclude that training coupled with sexual education and popular awareness about gender differences in the pursuit of sex is fundamental to improve the sexual health of those who choose sex services as a way of sexual expression.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Are adventitious lung sounds responsive to one session of respiratory physiotherapy?

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    Physiotherapists often use adventitious lung sounds(ALS), i.e., wheeze(Wh) and crackle(Cr), to monitor respiratory techniques in acute obstructive(AO) and restrictive(AR) respiratory patients. ALS are responsive to bronchodilators however, evidence regarding its usefulness in respiratory physiotherapy(RP) is scarce. This study aimed to assess the responsiveness of ALS to one session of RP applied in acute obstructive and restrictive respiratory patients. RP included breathing retraining and airway clearance techniques. Sound recordings were acquired with a digital stethoscope pre/post intervention, following the CORSA short-term acquisition guidelines. Computerised analysis was used to characterise Wh(occupation rate and duration) and Cr parameters(number and two cycle duration-2CD) per breathing cycle(BC). Comparisons were explored with Paired-Samples t-Tests(PASW 18.0). Thirty outpatients(14 males, 55.2±17.8y), diagnosed with AO(exacerbation of COPD, acute bronquitis & asthma;n=18) and AR diseases(pneumonia; n=12) were recruited. A significant decrease for Wh occupation rate(t=4.19, p=0.03) and duration(t=2.35, p=0.04) per BC, in the trachea, was found for AR patients. In all chest locations, the number of Cr per BC, presented a significant increase(t=-2.71, p=0.01) for AO and decrease(t=2.05, p=0.05) for AR patients. No significant differences were found for the 2CD. Both Wh and Cr changed significantly in response to RP. Wh and Cr decrease in AR diseases may be indicative of more airways opened after treatment. Cr increase in AO diseases, suggest movement of secretions to more central airways, allowing more air to pass and leading airways to suddenly open. Further research is recommended.publishe

    Phytochemical screening of aqueous and hydroalcoholic extractive solutions of Taraxacum hispanicum leaves

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    Plants of the genus Taraxacum (dandelion) are a source of diverse phytochemicals, and its biological activities can be exploited in different areas of human health. Phytochemical composition of dandelion, in particular T. officinale, has been extensively studied over the years. However, to date no studies have been performed regarding T. hispanicum phytochemical characterization, which is a common South European specie of Taraxacum.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Influence of solvent type, extraction techniques, particle size, extraction times and temperatures on antioxidant activity of T. hispanicum

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    Plants of the genus Taraxacum have been used for years in medicine and food. This genus, with a complex taxonomy, includes some species of difficult distinction, where T. hispanicum is included. The leaves of these plants, known as dandelion, continue to be used as infusions, ethanolic extracts, or as juice. Since the plant represents an important source of pharmacologically active molecules, namely antioxidant activity, it is important to develop extractive procedures to maximize its potential health benefits.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Orientação genética e anemia falciforme : o papel do profissional de saúde na educação em saúde e preservação de direitos

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Humanas, Departamento de Serviço Social, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Política Social, 2014A anemia falciforme (AF) está entre as doenças genéticas de maior prevalência no Brasil e tem sido objeto de atenção destacada das equipes de profissionais de saúde. Devido sua prevalência, morbidade e alto índice de mortalidade, o governo brasileiro vem criando programas que possibilitam o diagnóstico e tratamento precoce, como é o caso do Programa de Triagem Neonatal (PNTN) criado em 2001. Este programa realiza não somente a testagem para doenças congênitas (dentre elas, a AF), mas também presta atendimento contínuo e integral às crianças triadas e seus familiares. Para consolidar este acompanhamento, realiza-se a orientação genética: momento que consiste em repassar informações genéticas sobre a doença, tratamentos e probabilidades reprodutivas, dando a pessoa com AF e seus familiares a possibilidade de escolher sobre os cuidados adotados, a reprodução e outros aspectos relativos à própria vida. O objetivo desta dissertação é entender o momento da orientação genética concedida por profissionais de saúde que compõe a equipe multidisciplinar da triagem neonatal em AF. O serviço de referência estudado localiza-se na região Centro-oeste do Brasil e a escolha se justifica por cumprir todos os requisitos para atendimento descritos no PNTN e, portanto, representa a política de triagem neonatal e orientação genética presente no país. As técnicas de coleta de dados utilizadas foram a observação direta e a entrevista semi-estruturada. Todos os profissionais entrevistados foram convidados a participar e receberam um Termo de Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido. Os familiares das crianças triadas também foram informados sobre a observação do atendimento. Como principais constatações ressaltam-se: a necessidade de articulação entre as políticas sociais para que se atinja o atendimento integral, dentre as quais as políticas da assistência social; a importância da disseminação de informações sobre a doença, das reuniões internas da equipe multidisciplinar que lida com a triagem neonatal, da capacitação e engajamento profissional e da constante luta por mais direitos sociais para as pessoas com AF. ______________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThe Sickle Cell Anemia (SCA) is one of the genetic sicknesses with the largest prevalence in Brazil and has been subject of attention to the health professionals. Due to its prevalence, morbidity has a high death index, so the Brazilian government has created programs that facilitate the early diagnoses and treatment, just like the Neonatal Triage Program (PNTN) created in 2001. This program not only does testing for congenital diseases (one of them being SCA), but also gives continuous treatment to the children that have gone though triage and their families. To consolidate this treatment, a genetic guidance is done: moment when all the genetic information about the disease is passed along, treatments and possibilities of reproduction, given to the person with SCA and relatives the possibility of choosing about adopted safe measures, the reproduction and other aspects related to life. In this study, we have tried to understand the moment where health professionals, who make up the multidisciplinary neonatal triage, team in SCA, gives genetic guidance. The referenced studied service is located in Central-West Region of Brazil and it was chosen because it covers all the requirement treatment described in PNTN and, hereby, it represents the political neonatal triage and orientation currently present in Brazil. The technics of collected data used were direct observation and semi-structure interviews. All interviewed professional were invited to participate and received an Informational Consent Term. The family members of the children triaged were also informed about the observation of the service. The major results that stand out were the need of articulation in social politics so it can reach continuous service. Along with it, the importance of the dissemination of information about the disease, internal meetings of the multidisciplinary team that works with the neonatal triage, and gives strategic information and professional engagement and fights for more social rights for people with SCA