8 research outputs found

    Da Diplomacia da CiĂȘncia Ă  Diplomacia da Educação: o caso brasileiro

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    The use of soft power resources in smart strategies, has been usually linked by the literature with developed countries due to a perspective in which—especially—soft power is seen as an extension of hard power. However, Brazil, a developing country, has been signing Cultural Agreements since 1930s aiming to use science and education as diplomatic tools. This paper aims to give an historical perspective to the Brazilian science diplomacy through the signature of these bilateral cultural agreements since de 1930’s, and its development into education diplomacy in the 1960’s. We show in this paper that Brazil created a strong science diplomacy, embedded into its cultural diplomacy, by relying on the creation of a legitimate narrative based on culture, science and education as an alternative for its lack of hard power. These cultural agreements were developed into national exchange programmes focusing mainly on higher education students since 1965, and they exist still nowadays—as one of the world longest science (and education) diplomacy strategies of its kind, creating a successful and steady foreign policy managed by the Brazilian diplomatic body.O uso de recursos de soft power em estratĂ©gias inteligentes, geralmente tem sido vinculada pela literatura aos paĂ­ses desenvolvidos devido a uma perspectiva em que - especialmente - soft power Ă© visto como uma extensĂŁo do hard power. No entanto, o Brasil, um paĂ­s em desenvolvimento, assina Acordos Culturais desde a dĂ©cada de 1930, com o objetivo de usar a ciĂȘncia e a educação como ferramentas diplomĂĄticas. Este artigo tem como objetivo dar uma perspectiva histĂłrica Ă  diplomacia cientĂ­fica brasileira atravĂ©s da assinatura desses acordos culturais bilaterais desde a dĂ©cada de 1930 e seu desenvolvimento na diplomacia educacional na dĂ©cada de 1960. Mostramos neste artigo que o Brasil criou uma forte diplomacia cientĂ­fica, incorporada Ă  sua diplomacia cultural, baseando-se na criação de uma narrativa legĂ­tima baseada na cultura, ciĂȘncia e educação como alternativa Ă  sua falta de força. Esses acordos culturais foram desenvolvidos em programas de intercĂąmbio nacional focados principalmente em estudantes do ensino superior desde 1965, e ainda existem hoje em dia - uma das estratĂ©gias de diplomacia da ciĂȘncia (e da educação) mais longas do mundo, criando uma polĂ­tica externa bem-sucedida e estĂĄvel, administrada pelo ĂłrgĂŁo diplomĂĄtico brasileiro


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    This article delves into the relationship between Science Diplomacy (SD) and multilateral negotiations, with a specific case study focusing on aluminum production in Jamaica. It highlights the often indirect yet pivotal role of SD in shaping the outcomes of negotiations concerning energy and environmental issues. Although the concept of SD is not always directly at the negotiation table, SD practices act as a bridge between the scientific community and policymakers. The case study analyzes the influence of SD on negotiations related to alumina production in Jamaica, specifically the sale of the Alpart alumina refinery in 2016. It demonstrates how SD diverted negotiations from solely political and commercial considerations to technical discussions on environmental impacts. The crisis initially centered around a coal-based power plant and eventually extended to bauxite extraction, revealing the critical role of affordable energy in aluminum refining. Methodologically, our research design follows the traditional guidelines of a descriptive case study. We employed concepts extracted from both the theory of negotiations and science diplomacy. Leverage power and interests of key actors, including JISCO (Jinquan Iron and Steel Company), the Jamaican government, and the Jamaica Environment Trust (JET), are dissected. Ultimately, it underscores the influence of SD practices on the negotiations, shifting the focus towards environmental concerns and highlighting the importance of informed decision-making in international negotiations. JET played a pivotal role by illuminating the environmental hazards and by influencing the redefinition of power dynamics in the negotiations. Thus, this work exemplifies how SD can reshape negotiations and foster sustainable solutions to complex global challenges.Este artigo explora a relação entre Diplomacia CientĂ­fica (DC) e negociaçÔes multilaterais, com um estudo de caso especĂ­fico centrado na produção de alumĂ­nio na Jamaica. Ele destaca o papel muitas vezes indireto, mas crucial, da DC na formação dos resultados de negociaçÔes relacionadas a questĂ”es energĂ©ticas e ambientais. Embora o conceito de DC nem sempre esteja diretamente na mesa de negociaçÔes, as prĂĄticas de DC atuam como uma ponte entre a comunidade cientĂ­fica e os formuladores de polĂ­ticas. O estudo de caso analisa a influĂȘncia da DC nas negociaçÔes relacionadas Ă  produção de alumina na Jamaica, especificamente na venda da refinaria de alumina Alpart em 2016. Ele demonstra como a DC desviou as negociaçÔes de consideraçÔes puramente polĂ­ticas e comerciais para discussĂ”es tĂ©cnicas sobre impactos ambientais. A crise inicialmente girava em torno de uma usina de energia a carvĂŁo e acabou se estendendo Ă  extração de bauxita, destacando o papel crĂ­tico da energia acessĂ­vel na refinação de alumĂ­nio.  Do ponto de vista metodolĂłgico, o estudo utiliza um quadro descritivo de estudo de caso, somado a conceitos de teoria das negociaçÔes, para explorar a dinĂąmica do impacto da DC nas barganhas. O poder de influĂȘncia e os interesses dos principais atores, incluindo a JISCO (Jinquan Iron and Steel Company), o governo jamaicano e a Jamaica Environment Trust (JET), sĂŁo dissecados. Em Ășltima anĂĄlise, o artigo destaca a influĂȘncia das prĂĄticas de DC nas negociaçÔes, desviando o foco para as preocupaçÔes ambientais e destacando a importĂąncia da tomada de decisĂ”es informadas em negociaçÔes internacionais. A JET desempenhou um papel fundamental ao iluminar os riscos ambientais e influenciar a redefinição das dinĂąmicas de poder nas negociaçÔes. Assim, este trabalho exemplifica como a DC pode remodelar negociaçÔes e promover soluçÔes sustentĂĄveis para desafios globais complexos

    Measuring Brazilian science diplomacy: what do international students think of Brazil?

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    Most of the scholarship programs come from developed countries. However, more recently the literature has analyzed international scholarship programs in developing countries, such as the case of Brazil’s PEC-PG and PEC-G. In this paper we aim at answering a simple yet important question: how have PEC-PG and PEC-G been affecting international students and researchers’ perception about Brazil? Therefore, the main objective of this research is to verify the impact of PEC-PG and PEC-G (independent variable) on the perception of foreign students (dependent variable). We conducted a survey by sending an invitation to the e-mail to 65,493 students and professors through SurveyMonkey. We aim at contributing to the literature by measuring how effective these programs have been in boosting Brazil’s image abroad. Taking into account that PECs are a consistent Brazilian program dating back to 1960’s, we expected to find international students’ positive views regarding Brazil. Students and researchers’ positive views would be the expected result of a successful scientific diplomacy policy. We consider that international scholarship programs are scientific diplomacy’s tools, in other words, ways of exercising power through the influence on perception. Our results, however, showed that the majority of respondents have a negative image of Brazil

    Da Diplomacia da CiĂȘncia Ă  Diplomacia da Educação: o caso brasileiro

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    The use of soft power resources in smart strategies, has been usually linked by the literature with developed countries due to a perspective in which—especially—soft power is seen as an extension of hard power. However, Brazil, a developing country, has been signing Cultural Agreements since 1930s aiming to use science and education as diplomatic tools. This paper aims to give an historical perspective to the Brazilian science diplomacy through the signature of these bilateral cultural agreements since de 1930’s, and its development into education diplomacy in the 1960’s. We show in this paper that Brazil created a strong science diplomacy, embedded into its cultural diplomacy, by relying on the creation of a legitimate narrative based on culture, science and education as an alternative for its lack of hard power. These cultural agreements were developed into national exchange programmes focusing mainly on higher education students since 1965, and they exist still nowadays—as one of the world longest science (and education) diplomacy strategies of its kind, creating a successful and steady foreign policy managed by the Brazilian diplomatic body.O uso de recursos de soft power em estratĂ©gias inteligentes, geralmente tem sido vinculada pela literatura aos paĂ­ses desenvolvidos devido a uma perspectiva em que - especialmente - soft power Ă© visto como uma extensĂŁo do hard power. No entanto, o Brasil, um paĂ­s em desenvolvimento, assina Acordos Culturais desde a dĂ©cada de 1930, com o objetivo de usar a ciĂȘncia e a educação como ferramentas diplomĂĄticas. Este artigo tem como objetivo dar uma perspectiva histĂłrica Ă  diplomacia cientĂ­fica brasileira atravĂ©s da assinatura desses acordos culturais bilaterais desde a dĂ©cada de 1930 e seu desenvolvimento na diplomacia educacional na dĂ©cada de 1960. Mostramos neste artigo que o Brasil criou uma forte diplomacia cientĂ­fica, incorporada Ă  sua diplomacia cultural, baseando-se na criação de uma narrativa legĂ­tima baseada na cultura, ciĂȘncia e educação como alternativa Ă  sua falta de força. Esses acordos culturais foram desenvolvidos em programas de intercĂąmbio nacional focados principalmente em estudantes do ensino superior desde 1965, e ainda existem hoje em dia - uma das estratĂ©gias de diplomacia da ciĂȘncia (e da educação) mais longas do mundo, criando uma polĂ­tica externa bem-sucedida e estĂĄvel, administrada pelo ĂłrgĂŁo diplomĂĄtico brasileiro

    Attributable mortality due to nosocomial sepsis in Brazilian hospitals: a case–control study

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    Abstract Background Nosocomial sepsis is a major healthcare issue, but there are few data on estimates of its attributable mortality. We aimed to estimate attributable mortality fraction (AF) due to nosocomial sepsis. Methods Matched 1:1 case–control study in 37 hospitals in Brazil. Hospitalized patients in participating hospitals were included. Cases were hospital non-survivors and controls were hospital survivors, which were matched by admission type and date of discharge. Exposure was defined as occurrence of nosocomial sepsis, defined as antibiotic prescription plus presence of organ dysfunction attributed to sepsis without an alternative reason for organ failure; alternative definitions were explored. Main outcome measurement was nosocomial sepsis-attributable fractions, estimated using inversed-weight probabilities methods using generalized mixed model considering time-dependency of sepsis occurrence. Results 3588 patients from 37 hospitals were included. Mean age was 63 years and 48.8% were female at birth. 470 sepsis episodes occurred in 388 patients (311 in cases and 77 in control group), with pneumonia being the most common source of infection (44.3%). Average AF for sepsis mortality was 0.076 (95% CI 0.068–0.084) for medical admissions; 0.043 (95% CI 0.032–0.055) for elective surgical admissions; and 0.036 (95% CI 0.017–0.055) for emergency surgeries. In a time-dependent analysis, AF for sepsis rose linearly for medical admissions, reaching close to 0.12 on day 28; AF plateaued earlier for other admission types (0.04 for elective surgery and 0.07 for urgent surgery). Alternative sepsis definitions yield different estimates. Conclusion The impact of nosocomial sepsis on outcome is more pronounced in medical admissions and tends to increase over time. The results, however, are sensitive to sepsis definitions