42 research outputs found

    Innate Structure of DNA Foci Restricts the Mixing of DNA from Different Chromosome Territories

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    The distribution of chromatin within the mammalian nucleus is constrained by its organization into chromosome territories (CTs). However, recent studies have suggested that promiscuous intra- and inter-chromosomal interactions play fundamental roles in regulating chromatin function and so might define the spatial integrity of CTs. In order to test the extent of DNA mixing between CTs, DNA foci of individual CTs were labeled in living cells following incorporation of Alexa-488 and Cy-3 conjugated replication precursor analogues during consecutive cell cycles. Uniquely labeled chromatin domains, resolved following random mitotic segregation, were visualized as discrete structures with defined borders. At the level of resolution analysed, evidence for mixing of chromatin from adjacent domains was only apparent within the surface volumes where neighboring CTs touched. However, while less than 1% of the nuclear volume represented domains of inter-chromosomal mixing, the dynamic plasticity of DNA foci within individual CTs allows continual transformation of CT structure so that different domains of chromatin mixing evolve over time. Notably, chromatin mixing at the boundaries of adjacent CTs had little impact on the innate structural properties of DNA foci. However, when TSA was used to alter the extent of histone acetylation changes in chromatin correlated with increased chromatin mixing. We propose that DNA foci maintain a structural integrity that restricts widespread mixing of DNA and discuss how the potential to dynamically remodel genome organization might alter during cell differentiation

    Simultaneous lineage tracing and cell-type identification using CRISPR-Cas9-induced genetic scars

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    A key goal of developmental biology is to understand how a single cell is transformed into a full-grown organism comprising many different cell types. Single-cell RNA-sequencing (scRNA-seq) is commonly used to identify cell types in a tissue or organ. However, organizing the resulting taxonomy of cell types into lineage trees to understand the developmental origin of cells remains challenging. Here we present LINNAEUS (lineage tracing by nuclease-activated editing of ubiquitous sequences)-a strategy for simultaneous lineage tracing and transcriptome profiling in thousands of single cells. By combining scRNA-seq with computational analysis of lineage barcodes, generated by genome editing of transgenic reporter genes, we reconstruct developmental lineage trees in zebrafish larvae, and in heart, liver, pancreas, and telencephalon of adult fish. LINNAEUS provides a systematic approach for tracing the origin of novel cell types, or known cell types under different conditions

    Variability of an early developmental cell population underlies stochastic laterality defects

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    Embryonic development seemingly proceeds with almost perfect precision. However, it is largely unknown how much microscopic variability is hidden beneath this macroscopic accuracy. Here, we quantified embryo-to-embryo variability in vertebrate development, by studying cell number variation in the zebrafish endoderm. We noticed that the size of a subpopulation of the endoderm, the dorsal forerunner cells (which later form the left-right organizer), is highly variable between individual embryos. We found that the frequency of left-right laterality defects is increased drastically in embryos with a low number of dorsal forerunner cells, and we observed that these fluctuations are largely nonhereditary. Hence, a stochastic variation in early development leads to a remarkably strong macroscopic phenotype. These fluctuations appear to be caused by variable deposition of maternal factors involved in specification of the dorsal forerunner cells. In summary, we here dissect cause and consequence of embryo-to-embryo variability in a vertebrate model

    Variability of an early developmental cell population underlies stochastic laterality defects

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    Embryonic development seemingly proceeds with almost perfect precision. However, it is largely unknown how much underlying microscopic variability is compatible with normal development. Here, we quantify embryo-to-embryo variability in vertebrate development by studying cell number variation in the zebrafish endoderm. We notice that the size of a sub-population of the endoderm, the dorsal forerunner cells (DFCs, which later form the left-right organizer), exhibits significantly more embryo-to-embryo variation than the rest of the endoderm. We find that, with incubation of the embryos at elevated temperature, the frequency of left-right laterality defects is increased drastically in embryos with a low number of DFCs. Furthermore, we observe that these fluctuations have a large stochastic component among fish of the same genetic background. Hence, a stochastic variation in early development leads to a remarkably strong macroscopic phenotype. These fluctuations appear to be associated with maternal effects in the specification of the DFCs

    A single-cell RNA labeling strategy for measuring stress response upon tissue dissociation

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    Tissue dissociation, a crucial step in single-cell sample preparation, can alter the transcriptional state of a sample through the intrinsic cellular stress response. Here we demonstrate a general approach for measuring transcriptional response during sample preparation. In our method, transcripts made during dissociation are labeled for later identification upon sequencing. We found general as well as cell-type-specific dissociation response programs in zebrafish larvae, and we observed sample-to-sample variation in the dissociation response of mouse cardiomyocytes despite well-controlled experimental conditions. Finally, we showed that dissociation of the mouse hippocampus can lead to the artificial activation of microglia. In summary, our approach facilitates experimental optimization of dissociation procedures as well as computational removal of transcriptional perturbation response

    MDC1 maintains active elongation complexes of RNA polymerase II

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    The role of MDC1 in the DNA damage response has been extensively studied; however, its impact on other cellular processes is not well understood. Here, we describe the role of MDC1 in transcription as a regulator of RNA polymerase II (RNAPII). Depletion of MDC1 causes a genome-wide reduction in the abundance of actively engaged RNAPII elongation complexes throughout the gene body of protein-encoding genes under unperturbed conditions. Decreased engaged RNAPII subsequently alters the assembly of the spliceosome complex on chromatin, leading to changes in pre-mRNA splicing. Mechanistically, the S/TQ domain of MDC1 modulates RNAPII-mediated transcription. Upon genotoxic stress, MDC1 promotes the abundance of engaged RNAPII complexes at DNA breaks, thereby stimulating nascent transcription at the damaged sites. Of clinical relevance, cancer cells lacking MDC1 display hypersensitivity to RNAPII inhibitors. Overall, we unveil a role of MDC1 in RNAPII-mediated transcription with potential implications for cancer treatment

    Transcription-driven genome organization::A model for chromosome structure and the regulation of gene expression tested through simulations

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    Current models for the folding of the human genome see a hierarchy stretching down from chromosome territories, through A/B compartments and topologically-associating domains (TADs), to contact domains stabilized by cohesin and CTCF. However, molecular mechanisms underlying this folding, and the way folding affects transcriptional activity, remain obscure. Here we review physical principles driving proteins bound to long polymers into clusters surrounded by loops, and present a parsimonious yet comprehensive model for the way the organization determines function. We argue that clusters of active RNA polymerases and their transcription factors are major architectural features; then, contact domains, TADs and compartments just reflect one or more loops and clusters. We suggest tethering a gene close to a cluster containing appropriate factors—a transcription factory—increases the firing frequency, and offer solutions to many current puzzles concerning the actions of enhancers, super-enhancers, boundaries and eQTLs (expression quantitative trait loci). As a result, the activity of any gene is directly influenced by the activity of other transcription units around it in 3D space, and this is supported by Brownian-dynamics simulations of transcription factors binding to cognate sites on long polymers