56 research outputs found

    Proposal of new regression formulae for the estimation of age in infant skeletal remains from the metric study of the pars basilaris

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    In the context of physical and forensic anthropology, when a child’s skeleton is damaged or in poor condition, which is common, many of the metric methods for the estimation of skeletal age cannot be used. In these circumstances, those more resistant bones, such as the pars basilaris, will be most useful. The aims of this study were to test existing methods for estimating skeletal age from the metric study of the pars basilaris and to propose new regression formulae. One hundred fourteen individuals aged between 5 months of gestation and 6 years were analyzed; seven measures were taken from each pars basilaris using a digital caliper. The chronological age was compared with the estimated age using the methods published by Fazekas and Kósa in 1978 and by Scheuer and MacLaughlin in 1994. New regression formulae are proposed, obtained by classical calibration, which include confidence intervals at 50 and 97.5 % to express the error. With both methods, significant differences were observed; the method of Fazekas and Kósa shows a tendency to underestimate the age, and the method of Scheuer and MacLaughlin tends to overestimate it. The proposed formulae represent a good tool for estimating age in many different contexts because they are relatively easy to apply, although other analysis systems, such as Bayesian approach or geometric morphometry, offer more robust and effective results


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    El principal objetivo es el aprovechamiento completo del material de poda de olivo sin hoja, centrándose en la fermentación de pentosas, fundamentalmente D y L-arabinosa, utilizando la levadura no tradicional termotolerante H. polymorpha, para transformar estos monómeros en productos de alto valor añadido (xilitol, arabitol y etanol). El material inicial triturado y tamizado se somete a un proceso de hidrolisis ácida a presión, seguido de un proceso de sacarificación y fermentación simultánea con H. polymorpha. A 45ºC, un pHo = 5,5 y utilizando una concentración inicial del inóculo de 0,13 g dm-3, se obtuvieron los valores más altos de rendimientos en arabitol y etanol ( = 0,69% y = 17,52%). En lo que se refiere al rendimiento en xilitol ( ) fue máximo con 0,15 g dm-3 de inóculo inicial, 45ºC y pHo = 4,5, obteniéndose 11,13 kg de xilitol por cada 100 kg de poda seca.En España, la incorporación del Trabajo Social Sanitario en Atención Primaria de Salud se produjo en 1984, con la promulgación del Real Decreto 137/84, de 11 de enero, sobre estructuras básicas de salud, con objeto de contribuir a la atención integral de la salud de la población abordando los aspectos socio-culturales que influyen en la misma, mediante el fomento de la autodeterminación de las personas, grupos y comunidades para constituirse como sujetos activos en su propio proceso de alcanzar mejores niveles de salud. En esta tesis se estudia la situación de los y las profesionales de Trabajo Social de Atención Primaria de Salud en Andalucía, su opinión acerca del contexto en que realizan su actividad laboral, dificultades que encuentran para desarrollar su trabajo de manera adecuada y aspectos que consideran deberían mejorarse, mostrando, así mismo, su contribución en la consecución de una atención integral e integrada de la salud.Tesis Univ. Jaén. Departamento de DE INGENIERÍA QUÍMICA, AMBIENTAL Y DE LOS MATERIALES. Leída el 29 de marzo de 2019

    La Mejora Continua en el Aula. Innovación y Formación

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    En este trabajo se propone dotar al docente de una herramienta para que trabaje de acuerdo a unos estándares de calidad aplicados al contexto del aula. Estos útiles de trabajo se basan en la metodología de la mejora continua de la calidad de los procesos, según describe el conocido normalmente como "círculo" o "ciclo de Deming" (aunque su verdadero nombre sería de Shewhard, ya que fue el primer creador del mismo) o PDCA (Deming, 1989). La herramienta está constituida por procedimientos, normas y guías de actuación, que ayuden o faciliten la tarea al profesor y contribuyan a la garantía de la calidad de su actividad educativa. Son una ayuda para el docente, sencilla, funcional y de fácil aplicación, por lo que difieren totalmente de los actuales sistemas de gestión de la calidad que se implantan en los centros de educativos y que suelen colapsar la gestión y su control con una gran cantidad de documentación, datos, registros e indicadores que acaban por no llevarse al día y sobre todo y lo que más perjudica, desmotivando a los docentes hacia su uso

    Use of Natural Microtalcs during the Virgin Olive Oil Production Process to Increase Its Content in Antioxidant Compounds

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    During the olive oil production process, certain olive varieties, such as ‘Hojiblanca’ and ‘Picual’, create pastes from which it is difficult to separate the oil, resulting in low extraction yields. To improve oil extraction, one alternative is the addition of natural microtalcs (NMT). In the present study, a NMT of great purity (CaCO3 concentration less than 6 wt.%) and small average particle size (φ ≤ 2.1 µm) was added in the malaxation stage on an industrial scale at two olive mills. In one of them and using ‘Hojiblanca’ olives, the performance of the high-purity NMT was compared with that of a traditional NMT, while in the other, the effect of its dosage in the quality of ‘Picual’ oils was assessed. The performance of the high-purity NMT was evaluated in terms of industrial oil yield, extractability index, quality parameters and oxidative stability of the resulting oils. The addition of the high-purity NMT not only increased the extraction yields but also improved the quality of the virgin olive oils, especially in relation to antioxidant compounds (tocopherols and phenolic compounds). Increases of 10.4% in phenolic compounds and of 21.5% in the tocopherols were found, thus enhancing the oxidative stability of the oils

    Automating the decision making process of Todd’s age estimation method from the pubic symphysis with explainable machine learning

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    Age estimation is a fundamental task in forensic anthropology for both the living and the dead. The procedure consists of analyzing properties such as appearance, ossification patterns, and morphology in different skeletonized remains. The pubic symphysis is extensively used to assess adults’ age-at-death due to its reliability. Nevertheless, most methods currently used for skeleton-based age estimation are carried out manually, even though their automation has the potential to lead to a considerable improvement in terms of economic resources, effectiveness, and execution time. In particular, explainable machine learning emerges as a promising means of addressing this challenge by engaging forensic experts to refine and audit the extracted knowledge and discover unknown patterns hidden in the complex and uncertain available data. In this contribution we address the automation of the decision making process of Todd’s pioneering age assessment method to assist the forensic practitioner in its application. To do so, we make use of the pubic bone data base available at the Physical Anthropology lab of the University of Granada. The machine learning task is significantly complex as it becomes an imbalanced ordinal classification problem with a small sample size and a high dimension. We tackle it with the combination of an ordinal classification method and oversampling techniques through an extensive experimental setup. Two forensic anthropologists refine and validate the derived rule base according to their own expertise and the knowledge available in the area. The resulting automatic system, finally composed of 34 interpretable rules, outperforms the state-of-the-art accuracy. In addition, and more importantly, it allows the forensic experts to uncover novel and interesting insights about how Todd’s method works, in particular, and the guidelines to estimate age-at-death from pubic symphysis characteristics, generally.Ministry of Science and Innovation, Spain (MICINN) Spanish GovernmentAgencia Estatal de Investigacion (AEI) PID2021-122916NB-I00 Spanish Government PGC2018-101216-B-I00Junta de AndaluciaUniversity of Granada P18 -FR -4262 B-TIC-456-UGR20European CommissionUniversidad de Granada/CBU

    Differences in job satisfaction and stress among self-employed people and employees

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    Recepción: 20 de mayo de 2016 | Revisión: 21 de mayo de 2016 | Aceptado: 30 de mayo de 2016Correspondencia: [email protected] esta investigación se ha pretendido buscar las posibles diferencias existentes en la satisfacción y el estrés laboral entre los trabajadores autónomos y los trabajadores por cuenta ajena. Para llevar esto a cabo se han utilizado dos cuestionarios a partir de los cuales se han obtenido los datos para su posterior análisis. A la vista de los resultados, se ha hallado una correlación negativa entre la satisfacción y el estrés laboral. Sin embargo, no se han encontrado evidencias de que los trabajadores autónomos tengan mayores niveles de satisfacción laboral y menores de estrés en el trabajo.The aim of this research study was to determine the possible existence of differences in job satisfaction and stress among self-employed people and employees. In order to do so two questionnaires were used from which we obtained all the data for the subsequent analysis. In the light of the results a negative correlation between the two aforementioned variables was found. However, no evidence was found concerning self-employed people having higher job satisfaction levels and lower levels of stress.Universidad de Granada. Departamento de Psicología Social. Proyecto de Innovación Docente ReiDoCre

    COEDU-IN Project: an inclusive co-educational project for teaching computational thinking and digital skills at early ages

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    Learning to program is the new literacy of the 21st century. Computational thinking, closely related to programming, requires thinking and solving problems with different levels of abstraction and is independent of hardware devices. The early childhood education stage provides teachers with the opportunity to lay the foundations for a comprehensive quality education using innovative tools and technologies. Educational robotics in early childhood education becomes a tool that facilitates the acquisition of knowledge to children, playfully, based on the principles of interactivity, social interrelationships, collaborative work, creativity, constructivist and constructionist learning, and a student-centered didactic approach, allowing in turn that student can acquire digital competencies and develop logical and computational thinking in an underlying way. This project explores the current state of teaching and learning computational thinking and programming in early childhood education in an inclusive manner. Moreover, the lack of diversity and inequality is particularly latent in science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) fields. Therefore, this work considers this problem and presents an inclusive coeducation approach to this new literacy, eliminating gender stereotypes and extending them to people with Down syndrome and hospitalized minors

    Type 2 Diabetes-Related Variants Influence the Risk of Developing Prostate Cancer:A Population-Based Case-Control Study and Meta-Analysis

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    In this study, we have evaluated whether 57 genome-wide association studies (GWAS)-identified common variants for type 2 diabetes (T2D) influence the risk of developing prostate cancer (PCa) in a population of 304 Caucasian PCa patients and 686 controls. The association of selected single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) with the risk of PCa was validated through meta-analysis of our data with those from the UKBiobank and FinnGen cohorts, but also previously published genetic studies. We also evaluated whether T2D SNPs associated with PCa risk could influence host immune responses by analysing their correlation with absolute numbers of 91 blood-derived cell populations and circulating levels of 103 immunological proteins and 7 steroid hormones. We also investigated the correlation of the most interesting SNPs with cytokine levels after in vitro stimulation of whole blood, peripheral mononuclear cells (PBMCs), and monocyte-derived macrophages with LPS, PHA, Pam3Cys, and Staphylococcus Aureus. The meta-analysis of our data with those from six large cohorts confirmed that each copy of the FTOrs9939609A, HNF1Brs7501939T, HNF1Brs757210T, HNF1Brs4430796G, and JAZF1rs10486567A alleles significantly decreased risk of developing PCa (p = 3.70 × 10−5, p = 9.39 × 10−54, p = 5.04 × 10−54, p = 1.19 × 10−71, and p = 1.66 × 10−18, respectively). Although it was not statistically significant after correction for multiple testing, we also found that the NOTCH2rs10923931T and RBMS1rs7593730 SNPs associated with the risk of developing PCa (p = 8.49 × 10−4 and 0.004). Interestingly, we found that the protective effect attributed to the HFN1B locus could be mediated by the SULT1A1 protein (p = 0.00030), an arylsulfotransferase that catalyzes the sulfate conjugation of many hormones, neurotransmitters, drugs, and xenobiotic com-pounds. In addition to these results, eQTL analysis revealed that the HNF1Brs7501939, HNF1Brs757210, HNF1Brs4430796, NOTCH2rs10923931, and RBMS1rs7593730 SNPs influence the risk of PCa through the modulation of mRNA levels of their respective genes in whole blood and/or liver. These results confirm that functional TD2-related variants influence the risk of developing PCa, but also highlight the need of additional experiments to validate our functional results in a tumoral tissue context

    Experiencias de innovación docente desde la interdisciplinariedad: diseño y puesta en práctica de material audiovisual multilingüe de introducción a un laboratorio de química

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    Como bien sabemos, en la sociedad plural en la que nos desenvolvemos cada vez es más importante el conocimiento de un segundo idioma, un tercero incluso, como una habilidad social más que nos permite relacionarnos, intercambiar ideas y puntos de vista con gente de diferentes países, cultura y profesión. En el ámbito de la ciencia, de las disciplinas técnicas en concreto, esta situación se acentúa, siendo el inglés el idioma dominante y lamentablemente, gran limitador de la transmisión y comunicación de ideas científicas por parte de millones de hispanohablantes. Ante esta realidad, la entrada en el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior –EEES- de la Universidad española se presenta como una excelente oportunidad para incentivar la movilidad y poner en marcha iniciativas que incidan en el aprendizaje significativo por parte del alumno de un segundo idioma. Ésa es la finalidad del material audiovisual multilingüe sobre técnicas de laboratorio que, diseñado hace algún tiempo en el marco de un proyecto de innovación docente financiado por la Universidad de Jaén, presentamos en el marco de estas jornadas al objeto de darlo a conocer, recoger sugerencias para su futura mejora y debatir sobre su grado de aceptación por parte del alumnado