1,396 research outputs found

    Ladrillo cerámico con huecos hexagonales

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    Ladrillo cerámico con huecos hexagonales. La invención consiste en un ladrillo cerámico con huecos hexagonales a lo largo de su dirección longitudinal. Resuelve el problema de la transmisión de ruido aéreo que presentan los ladrillos cerámicos con hueco cuadrado o rectangular. La intensidad del sonido transmitido en sólidos decrece con el aumento de camino recorrido. Por ello, la sustitución de las paredes perpendiculares que definen los huecos cuadrados o rectangulares, por las que definen los huecos hexagonales representa un mayor recorrido y una absorción mayor de ruido. El espesor del ladrillo puede variar según contenga una o más filas de hexágonos compartiendo caras o vértices. No hay limitación en las dimensiones del largo y ancho del mismo. Exteriormente los cantos de las piezas pueden ser machihembrados y las caras planas pueden o no presentar estriado. La colocación de la pieza se realiza con los huecos paralelos a la horizontal. Utilización en construcción de paramentos verticales en edificio

    Assessment of phase formation in lime-based mortars with added metakaolin, Portland cement and sepiolite, for grouting of historic masonry

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    Lime-based mortars containing pozzolanic additions of metakaolin, sepiolite and white Portland cement are studied in order to determine their performance as historic masonry conservation mortars. Hydration products on metakaolin – lime blended mortars include stable and metastable phases. The presence of such products has been studied by means of DTA and XRD analysis, concluding that the selection between them is mainly related with the water – lime ratio. Sepiolite addition to metakaolin – lime mortars has shown to inhibit C 4 AH 13 formation. Therefore, the in fluence of phase distribution on the mechanical resistance is considered. Finally, compounds production on blended lime–white Portland cement was compared to natural hydraulic lime ones, and as a result, no remarkable differences appeared, apart from traces of possible cement Portland addition to the latter, usually not mentioned in the nominal composition supplied by the manufacturers of lime binders

    Civil War Air Raid Shelters in Alicante: Archaeological Excavations in the Seneca and Dr. Balmis Squares

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    El golpe militar de 1936 conducirá a una dura contienda civil. Durante la misma, la Aviación Legionaria Italiana y, en menor medida, la Legión Cóndor bombardeará duramente numerosas ciudades de la costa mediterránea. Para proteger a la población, las Juntas Locales de Defensa Pasiva llevarán a cabo un programa de construcción de refugios antiaéreos sin precedentes hasta entonces. En Alicante serán numerosos los refugios construidos, entre ellos los situados en las plazas de Séneca y del Dr. Balmis, ambas construcciones salen a la luz, tras años de olvido, a raíz de sendos proyectos de remodelación de las zonas en las que se encuentran enclavados.The military coup that took place in Spain in 1936 led to a hard battle. During the war, the Italian Legionary Air Force and, to a lesser extent, the German Condor Legion, bombed heavily a few cities in the Mediterranean coast. In order to protect the population, the local Committees of Civil Defense carried out a unprecedented program for the construction of air raid shelters. There were many shelters built in Alicante, among them the ones located in the squares of Séneca and Dr. Balmis. This buildings, which are studied in this work, have been rescued after years of oblivion thanks to the current remodeling projects in the areas where they are located

    Determinación por procesamientos físico mecánicos de la dosificación de agua en morteros monocapa. Análisis predictivo de fisuraciones

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    Los morteros de revestimiento monocapa tienen entre sus componentes diversos aditivos y adiciones en proporciones variables, según cada fabricante. De este modo, cada mortero monocapa puede calificarse como único. En este artículo se presentan una serie de procedimientos de laboratorio que permiten averiguar la cantidad de agua de amasado con la que se ha elaborado un mortero, partiendo de muestras extraídas en obra. De este modo, si aparece un defecto o anomalía del mortero aplicado puede descartarse, o no, que se deba a una incorrecta dosificación por no haber seguido las recomendaciones del fabricante. Se demuestra que la medida del Módulo de Young ultrasónico puede predecir la proporción de área fisurada que aparecerá en el mortero tras la hidratación de los conglomerantes. ABSTRACT Mortars coating for external facades often contain different additives mixed up in different proportions depending on the manufacturer, so that each mortar should be considered and treated as a composite displaying specific physical characteristics. This article aims to set up some ad hoc procedures that will allow determining the exact proportion of water added to a mortar. The methodology adopted will be based on a preliminary stage of sample- taking from the building site so that, given a defect in the product, it will be possible to detect defects in the mixture and also find out whether the manufacturer’s specifications have been followed or not. It is shown that there exists a close relationship between the ultrasonic Young’s Modulus of each mortar and its surface cracked area after hydration

    Mobile application to travel the world using virtual reality and machine learning

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    This research intends to make travel and culture an accessible possibility for all. With a phone and a VRHeadset, people will have the opportunity to see some of the most amazing scenes in the world and learn about the history and culture of famous landmarks without leaving the comfort of their own homes

    Foliations with isolated singularities on Hirzebruch surfaces

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    We study foliations ℱ on Hirzebruch surfaces Sδ and prove that, similarly to those on the projective plane, any ℱ can be represented by a bi-homogeneous polynomial affine 1-form. In case ℱ has isolated singularities, we show that, for δ=1, the singular scheme of ℱ does determine the foliation, with some exceptions that we describe, as is the case of foliations in the projective plane. For δ≠1, we prove that the singular scheme of ℱ does not determine the foliation. However, we prove that, in most cases, two foliations ℱ and ℱ′ given by sections s and s′ have the same singular scheme if and only if s′=Φ(s), for some global endomorphism Φ of the tangent bundle of Sδ

    Faster Prefix-Sorting Algorithms for Deterministic Finite Automata

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    Sorting is a fundamental algorithmic pre-processing technique which often allows to represent data more compactly and, at the same time, speeds up search queries on it. In this paper, we focus on the well-studied problem of sorting and indexing string sets. Since the introduction of suffix trees in 1973, dozens of suffix sorting algorithms have been described in the literature. In 2017, these techniques were extended to sets of strings described by means of finite automata: the theory of Wheeler graphs [Gagie et al., TCS'17] introduced automata whose states can be totally-sorted according to the co-lexicographic (co-lex in the following) order of the prefixes of words accepted by the automaton. More recently, in [Cotumaccio, Prezza, SODA'21] it was shown how to extend these ideas to arbitrary automata by means of partial co-lex orders. This work showed that a co-lex order of minimum width (thus optimizing search query times) on deterministic finite automata (DFAs) can be computed in O(m² + n^{5/2}) time, m being the number of transitions and n the number of states of the input DFA. In this paper, we exhibit new combinatorial properties of the minimum-width co-lex order of DFAs and exploit them to design faster prefix sorting algorithms. In particular, we describe two algorithms sorting arbitrary DFAs in O(mn) and O(n² log n) time, respectively, and an algorithm sorting acyclic DFAs in O(m log n) time. Within these running times, all algorithms compute also a smallest chain partition of the partial order (required to index the DFA). We present an experiment result to show that an optimized implementation of the O(n² log n)-time algorithm exhibits a nearly-linear behaviour on large deterministic pan-genomic graphs and is thus also of practical interest

    A note on the use of vector barrier parameters for interior-point methods

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    A key feature to ensure desirable convergence properties in an interior point method is the appropriate choice of an updating rule for the barrier parameter. In this work we analyze and describe updating rules based on the use of a vector of barrier parameters. We show that these updating rules are well defined and satisfy sufficient conditions to ensure con vergence to the correct limit points. We also present some numerical results that illustrate the improved performance of these strategies compared to the use of a scalar barrier parameter.Publicad
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