71 research outputs found

    Fish assemblages associated with Cymodocea nodosa and Caulerpa prolifera meadows in the shallow areas of the Mar Menor coastal lagoon

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    The present study investigates several biological parameters of the fish assemblages, mainly juvenile fishes and adults of small sized species, associated with the seagrass Cymodocea nodosa and the macroalga Caulerpa prolifera in the shallow littoral areas of the Mar Menor coastal lagoon. Results showed that C nodosa seagrass meadows have a much higher number of fish species and considerably greater fish abundance and biomass than Ca. prolifera meadows. Other community variables (diversity and evenness) did not show significant differences between both meadows.En el presente estudio se investigaron diversos parámetros biológicos de las comunidades de peces, principalmente peces juveniles y adultos de especies de talla pequeña, asociadas a las praderas de la fanerógama acuática Cymodocea nodosa y la macroalga Caulerpa prolifera en las zonas someras litorales de la laguna costera del Mar Menor. Los resultados mostraron que las praderas de C. nodosa presentaron un mayor numero de especies y una mayor abundancia y biomasa de peces que las praderas de Ca. prolifera. Otras variables de la comunidad (diversidad y equitatividad) no mostraron diferencias significativas entre ambos tipos de praderas

    Fartet – Aphanius iberus (Valenciennes in Cuvier y Valenciennes, 1846)

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    Peces - Orden Cyprinodontiformes - Familia Cyprinodontidae en la Enciclopedia Virtual de Vertebrados Españoles, http://www.vertebradosibericos.org/. Versiones anteriores: 9-02-2009; 9-03-2012A comprehensive review of the natural history of the Spanish toothcarp Aphanius iberus in Spain.Peer reviewe

    Ciclo de vida de Alytes dickhilleni Arntzen & García-París, 1995 (Anura: Alytidae) y batracofauna acompañante en cuerpos de agua de interés para su conservación en la Región de Murcia (SE España)

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    Life cycle of amphibian community inhabiting two artificial ponds on the eastern edge of the native distribution of the endangered species Alytes dickhilleni Arntzen and García- Paris, 1995, was studied over a complete annual cycle (from December 2016 to November 2017). We confirm the breeding status of the target species and two more, Bufo spinosus Daudin, 1803 and Pelophylax perezi (López-Seoane, 1885). Breeding cycles of A. dickhilleni and P. perezi showed similar phenology to available data from other natural and manmade ponds on Region of Murcia; conversely, B. spinosus showed a slightly advanced cycle. This study highlights the important role of artificial and traditional livestock ponds to conservation of A. dickhilleni population in Iberian southeast.Se ha estudiado el ciclo de vida durante un periodo anual (diciembre 2016–noviembre 2017) de los anfibios en dos cuerpos de agua artificiales en el límite oriental de la distribución de la especie amenazada Alytes dickhilleni Arntzen y García-París, 1995. En ambos sistemas, se reproduce la especie objetivo y dos más, Bufo spinosus Daudin, 1803, y Pelophylax perezi (LópezSeoane, 1885). Los ciclos reproductivos de A. dickhilleni y P. perezi muestran semejanzas con lo descrito en medios naturales y artificiales en la Región de Murcia; por el contrario, B. spinosus presentó un adelanto significativo. Este estudio pone de manifiesto el importante papel de los cuerpos de agua artificiales ligados a prácticas ganaderas tradicionales para la conservación de A. dickhilleni en e

    La ictiofauna continental de la Cuenca del río Segura (S.E. Península Ibérica): décadas después de Mas (1986)

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    Desde la revisión de Mas (1986) se ha avanzado mucho en el co- nocimiento sobre la distribución y características poblacionales de los peces continentales de la Cuenca del río Segura. En este tra- bajo se presentan los cambios históricos observados en su compo- sición específica y la distribución actualizada de las especies en función de los sectores establecidos en dicha revisión. Las carac- terísticas de la comunidad detectada actualmente en tramos fluvia- les reflejan su notable degradación en comparación con el estado histórico. El número de especies ha aumentado significativamente producto de la introducción de especies foráneas. La tasa de cam- bio en este componente faunístico ha sido drástica en un periodo inferior a 25 años, maximizándose en los sectores fluviales que han sufrido mayor impacto contaminante y modificador del hábitat

    Inventario y estado de conservación de la fauna piscícola en la cuenca alta del río Segura (SE Península Ibérica)

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    The objectives of this study were: 1) to establish the composition and distribution of fish populations in the upper Segura river basin, and 2) to characterize the conservation status of the sampling sites according to their ichthyofauna. It was detected the occurrence of 13 fish species, 3 native (Luciobarbus sclateri, Salmo trutta and Squalius pyrenaicus), 3 translocated from Iberian basins (Cobitis paludica, Gobio lozanoi and Pseudochondrostoma polylepis) and 7 exotic fish to the Iberian Peninsula (Alburnus alburnus, Cyprinus carpio, Esox lucius, Lepomis gibbosus, Micropterus salmoides, Sander lucioperca and Onchorrhyncus mykiss). Sampling sites were characterized according to the conservation status of their fish communities: Type 1, good condition which are dominated by native fish species; Type 2, intermediate condition which are dominated by non-native fish species but significant populations of native fish species inhabiting in these sectors; Type 3, poor condition where sampling sites were dominated by exotic fish species.Los objetivos principales del fueron: 1) inventariar, en términos de composición y distribución, las poblaciones de peces de la cuenca alta del río Segura; 2) clasificar los distintos tramos fluviales en función del estado de conservación de su ictiofauna. Se ha detectado la presencia de 13 especies, 3 autóctonas (Luciobarbus sclateri, Salmo trutta y Squalius pyrenaicus), 3 translocadas desde otras cuencas pero nativas de la Península Ibérica (Cobitis paludica, Gobio lozanoi y Pseudochondrostoma polylepis) y 7 exóticas a la Península Ibéricas (Alburnus alburnus, Cyprinus carpio, Esox lucius, Lepomis gibbosus, Micropterus salmoides, Sander lucioperca y Onchorrhyncus mykiss). Se han diferenciado 3 tipos de tramos fluviales en función del estado de conservación de las comunidades de peces: Tipo 1, estado bueno con dominio de especies autóctonas; Tipo 2, estado intermedio donde dominan las translocadas pero con importantes poblaciones de especies autóctonas; Tipo 3, estado deficiente con dominio de especies introducidas

    Plasticity in Reproductive Traits, Condition and Energy Allocation of the Non-Native Pyrenean Gudgeon Gobio lozanoi in a Highly Regulated Mediterranean River Basin

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    The invasion success of non-native fish, such as Pyrenean gudgeon Gobio lozanoi in several Iberian rivers, is often explained by the expression of its life history traits. This study provides the first insights into the reproductive traits, fish condition, and energy allocation (protein and lipid contents of tissues) of this species, along a longitudinal gradient in one of the most regulated river basins in the Iberian Peninsula, the Segura river. Larger sizes of first maturity, higher fecundity and larger oocytes were found in fluvial sectors with the most natural flow regimes, characterised by a low base flow with high flow peaks in spring and autumn. A delay in the reproductive period, lower fish condition and no differences in sex-ratio were observed in fluvial sectors with a high increase in base flow and notable inversion in the seasonal pattern of flow regime. Lipid contents in the liver and gonads were stable during the reproductive cycle and decreases in muscle were noted, whereas ovarian and liver proteins increased. In relation to energy allocation for G. lozanoi, an intermediate energy strategy was observed between income and capital breeding. Our results support the hypothesis that the high plasticity of G. lozanoi population traits plays a significant role in its success in a highly regulated Mediterranean river basin. Understanding the mechanisms by which flow regulation shapes fish populations in Mediterranean type-rivers could inform management actions

    Plasticity in Reproductive Traits, Condition and Energy Allocation of the Non-Native Pyrenean Gudgeon Gobio lozanoi in a Highly Regulated Mediterranean River Basin

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    The invasion success of non-native fish, such as Pyrenean gudgeon Gobio lozanoi in several Iberian rivers, is often explained by the expression of its life history traits. This study provides the first insights into the reproductive traits, fish condition, and energy allocation (protein and lipid contents of tissues) of this species, along a longitudinal gradient in one of the most regulated river basins in the Iberian Peninsula, the Segura river. Larger sizes of first maturity, higher fecundity and larger oocytes were found in fluvial sectors with the most natural flow regimes, characterised by a low base flow with high flow peaks in spring and autumn. A delay in the reproductive period, lower fish condition and no differences in sex-ratio were observed in fluvial sectors with a high increase in base flow and notable inversion in the seasonal pattern of flow regime. Lipid contents in the liver and gonads were stable during the reproductive cycle and decreases in muscle were noted, whereas ovarian and liver proteins increased. In relation to energy allocation for G. lozanoi, an intermediate energy strategy was observed between income and capital breeding. Our results support the hypothesis that the high plasticity of G. lozanoi population traits plays a significant role in its success in a highly regulated Mediterranean river basin. Understanding the mechanisms by which flow regulation shapes fish populations in Mediterranean type-rivers could inform management actions

    Passage performance of technical pool-type fishways for Potamodromous Cyprinids: novel experiences in semiarid environments

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    Producción CientíficaEndemic freshwater fish from semiarid environments are among the most threated species in the world due to water overexploitation and habitat fragmentation problems. Stepped or pool-type fishways are used worldwide to reestablish longitudinal connectivity and mitigate fish migration problems. Many of them are being installed or planned in rivers of semiarid environments, however, very few studies about fish passage performance through pool-type fishways has been carried out to date on these regions. The present work focuses on the passage performance of two potamodromous cyprinids endemic of these regions, with different ecological and swimming behavior: southern Iberian barbel (Luciobarbus sclateri) and Iberian straight-mouth nase (Pseudochondrostoma polylepis). These are assessed in two of the most common types of stepped fishways: vertical slot and submerged notch with bottom orifice fishways. Experiments were carried out during the spawning season in the Segura River (southeastern Spain), using a passive integrated transponder (PIT) tag and antenna system. Ascent success was greater than 80%, with a median transit time lower than 17 minutes per meter of height in all trials, and for both species and fishway types. Results show that both types of fishways, if correctly designed and constructed, provide interesting alternatives for the restoration of fish migration pathways in these regions.LIFE+ Segura Riverlink (project LIFE12 ENV/1140)Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (grant FPU14/03994)Universidad de Valladolid (grant PIF- UVa 2017)Junta de Castilla y León - Fondo Social Europeo (grant PIF-2017

    Dinámica poblacional y relaciones con el hábitat de Aphanius iberus (Valenciennes 1846) en un humedal con salinas en explotación

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    Aphanius iberus es un ciprinodóntido endémico de la PenínsulaIbérica muy amenazado, a pesar de los esfuerzos de gestión reali-zados. Se presenta la variación temporal de su abundancia y surelación con el hábitat, en un humedal con salinas en explotación.La densidad muestra una estacionalidad con máximos durante elverano y otoño. Cambios en los niveles de agua de la balsa provo-can incrementos en la salinidad que pueden haber ejercido efectosnegativos sobre su abundancia relacionados con la reducción de lavegetación acuática. Se observaron cambios en el uso del micro-hábitat que pueden relacionarse con el ciclo temporal de abundan-cia y del mesohábitat. La abundancia mostró una relación con lavegetación acuática y la cercanía a motas salineras, áreas proba-blemente usadas como refugio. Los resultados apoyan la necesi-dad de criterios biológicos en la gestión de humedales para mante-ner la especie. Los efectos observados deben considerarse en ac-ciones de conservación sobre sus poblaciones