2,852 research outputs found

    Weimar Constitution and Social rights. Influence in the Colombian legal and constitutional context in the ligth of social welfare to social security health

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    La Constitución de la República de Weimar expedida en 1919 se erige como la primera Constitución en el mundo que hace alusión a disposiciones relacionadas con los derechos sociales asistenciales, concretamente a la seguridad social en salud; estas normas fueron impulsadas por la socialdemocracia alemana, que propendía por la protección a los citados derechos. En Colombia fue el constituyente de 1936 el que acogió los planteamientos normativos que estaban imperando en Alemania, encaminados a la protección de los derechos sociales asistenciales-sanitarios, consagrados como derechos y no como caridad.The Constitution of the Weimar Republic issued in 1919, stands as the first Constitution in the world which alludes to assists, specifically social security in health; social rights-related provisions these standards were driven by the German social democracy that propendía protection to these rights. In Colombia, it was the constituent of 1936 who hosted regulatory approaches that were prevail in Germany, aimed to protect health care social rights enshrined as rights and not charity

    Exact solutions for the Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet theory in five dimensions: Black holes, wormholes and spacetime horns

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    An exhaustive classification of certain class of static solutions for the five-dimensional Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet theory in vacuum is presented. The class of metrics under consideration is such that the spacelike section is a warped product of the real line with a nontrivial base manifold. It is shown that for generic values of the coupling constants the base manifold must be necessarily of constant curvature, and the solution reduces to the topological extension of the Boulware-Deser metric. It is also shown that the base manifold admits a wider class of geometries for the special case when the Gauss-Bonnet coupling is properly tuned in terms of the cosmological and Newton constants. This freedom in the metric at the boundary, which determines the base manifold, allows the existence of three main branches of geometries in the bulk. For negative cosmological constant, if the boundary metric is such that the base manifold is arbitrary, but fixed, the solution describes black holes whose horizon geometry inherits the metric of the base manifold. If the base manifold possesses a negative constant Ricci scalar, two different kinds of wormholes in vacuum are obtained. For base manifolds with vanishing Ricci scalar, a different class of solutions appears resembling "spacetime horns". There is also a special case for which, if the base manifold is of constant curvature, due to certain class of degeneration of the field equations, the metric admits an arbitrary redshift function. For wormholes and spacetime horns, there are regions for which the gravitational and centrifugal forces point towards the same direction. All these solutions have finite Euclidean action, which reduces to the free energy in the case of black holes, and vanishes in the other cases. Their mass is also obtained from a surface integral.Comment: 31 pages, 1 figure, minor changes and references added. Final version to be published in PR

    Near Infrared Spectroscopy of High Redshift Active Galactic Nuclei. II. Disappearing Narrow Line Regions and the Role of Accretion

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    We present new near infrared spectroscopic measurements for 29 luminous high-z quasars and use the data to discuss the size and other properties of the NLRs in those sources. The high resolution spectra have been used to carefully model the Fe II blends and to provide reliable [O III], Fe II and Hb measurements. We find that about 2/3 of all high luminosity sources show strong [O III] lines while the remaining objects show no or very weak such line. While weak [O III] emitters are also found among lower luminosity AGN, we argue that the implications for very high luminosity objects are different. In particular, we suggest that the averaging of these two populations in other works gave rise to claims of a Baldwin relationship in [O III] which is not confirmed by our data. We also argue that earlier proposed relations of the type R_NLR \propto L_[O III]^{1/2}, where R_NLR is the NLR radius, are theoretically sound yet they must break down for R_NLR exceeding a few kpc. This suggests that the NLR properties in luminous sources are different from those observed in nearby AGN. In particular, we suggest that some sources lost their very large, dynamically unbound NLR while others are in a phase of violent star-forming events that produce a large quantity of high density gas in the central kpc. This gas is ionized and excited by the central radiation source and its spectroscopic properties may be different from those observed in nearby, lower luminosity NLRs. We also discuss the dependence of EW(Hb) and Fe II/Hb on L, M_BH, and accretion rate for a large sample of AGNs. The strongest dependence of the two quantities is on the accretion rate and the Fe II/Hb correlation is probably due to the EW(Hb) dependence on accretion rate. We show the most extreme values measured so far of Fe II/Hb and address its correlation with EW([O III]).Comment: 10 pages (emulateapj), 9 figures. Accepted by Ap

    Experience with statically-generated proxies for facilitating Java runtime specialisation

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    Issues pertaining to mechanisms which can be used to change the behaviour of Java classes at runtime are discussed. The proxy mechanism is compared to, and contrasted with other standard approaches to this problem. Some of the problems the proxy mechanism is subject to are expanded upon. The question of whether statically-developed proxies are a viable alternative to bytecode rewriting was investigated by means of the JavaCloak system, which uses statically-generated proxies to alter the runtime behaviour of externally-developed code. The issues addressed include ensuring the type safety, dealing with the self problem, object encapsulation, and issues of object identity and equality. Some performance figures are provided which demonstrate the load the JavaCloak proxy mechanism places on the system

    Advanced Multiphysics Modeling of Solar Tower Receivers Using Object-oriented Software and High Performance Computing Platforms

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    AbstractThis paper presents an advanced methodology for the detailed modeling of the heat transfer and fluid dynamics phenomena in solar tower receivers. It has been carried out in the framework of a more ambitious enterprise which aims at modeling all the complex heat transfer and fluid dynamics phenomena present in central solar receivers. The global model is composed of 4 sub-models (heat conduction, two-phase flow, solar and thermal radiation and natural convection) which are described. Results of the numerical model obtained so far are also presented and discusse

    The rolling ball problem on the sphere

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    nuloBy a sequence of rolling motions without slipping or twisting along arcs of great circles outside the surface of a sphere of radius R, a spherical ball of unit radius has to be transferred from an initial state to an arbitrary final state taking into account the orientation of the ball. Assuming R > 1 we provide a new and shorter prove of the result of Frenkel and Garcia in [4] that with at most 4 moves we can go from a given initial state to an arbitrary final state. Important cases such as the so called elimination of the spin discrepancy are done with 3 moves only

    The rolling ball problem on the sphere

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    nuloBy a sequence of rolling motions without slipping or twisting along arcs of great circles outside the surface of a sphere of radius R, a spherical ball of unit radius has to be transferred from an initial state to an arbitrary final state taking into account the orientation of the ball. Assuming R > 1 we provide a new and shorter prove of the result of Frenkel and Garcia in [4] that with at most 4 moves we can go from a given initial state to an arbitrary final state. Important cases such as the so called elimination of the spin discrepancy are done with 3 moves only


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    Penelitian ini berupa:Penelitian Tindakan Kelas yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar IPS. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memperoleh data empiris tentang hasil belajar IPS melalui metode pembelajaran cooperative learning tipe two stay two stray pada siswa kelas IV Sekolah Dasar Negeri Menteng Atas 05 Pagi Setiabudi Jakarta selatan. Penelitian dilaksanakan menggunakan model siklus dari Kemmis dan Mc.Taggart. Penelitian tindakan kelas dilakukan melalui tahapan perencanaan,pelaksanaan, pengamatan, dan refleksi, ulang pada siklus berikutnya. Pada siklus I, hasil belajar aspek kognitif menunjukkan persentase rata-rata nilai kelas sebesar 58% sehingga belum dinyatakan tuntas belajar karena ketuntasan belajarnya masih di bawah Kriteria Ketuntasan Mnimal (KKM) yaitu sebesar 85%. Pada siklus II mengalami peningkatan persentase hasil belajar kognitif menjadi 89%. Hasil belajar afektif pada siklus I aspek sikap peduli sebesar 64%, komunikatif 61%, tanggung jawab 64%, kerjasama 71% dan menyumbangkan ide 61% dan mengalami peningkatan pada siklus II sebesar sikap peduli 89%, komunikatif 81%, tanggung jawab 83%, kerjasama 89%, menyumbangkan ide 81%. Hasil belajar psikomotor pada siklus I dalam menempel potongan gambar masalah sosial dalam indikator persiapan 71%, proses 68%, dan hasil 68% dan mengalami peningkatan pada siklus II sebesar persiapan 97%, proses 89%, dan hasil 92%. Implikasi dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa pembelajaran cooperative learning tipe two stay two stray dapat dijadikan salah satu metode pembelajaran dalam meningkatkan hasil belajar IPS siswa kelas IV Sekolah Dasar tentang masalah sosial, dengan metode cooperative learning tipe two stay tw stray, siswa terlibat aktif, bersemangat, meningkat percaya diri siswa dan membangun pengetahuannya sendiri maupun kelompok dengan kemampuan-kemampuan tersebut, siswa dapat menyelesaikan masalah dalam kehidupan sehari-hari