449 research outputs found

    Evolució i utilitat d'un clàssic del sanejament

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    Ingeniería de aguas residuales: tratamiento, vertido y reutilización Autores: George Tchobanoglous, Franklin L. Burton, H. David Stensel Editor: Metcalf & Eddy El Metcalf, como se llama popularmente a este manual, es posiblemente el libro sobre aguas residuales más conocido en las escuelas de ingeniería de todo el mundo. Es también uno de los manuales más veteranos. Siendo un libro de referencia mundial, incluso en los países en desarrollo, uno se cuestiona sobre su utilidad real en contextos de pobreza.Enginyeria d'aigües residuals: tractament, abocament i reutilització Autors: George Tchobanoglous, Franklin L. Burton, H. David Stensel Editor: Metcalf & Eddy El Metcalf, com s'anomena popularment a aquest manual, és possiblement el llibre sobre aigües residuals més conegut a les escoles d'enginyeria de tot el món. És també un dels manuals més veterans. Sent un llibre de referència mundial, fins i tot als països en desenvolupament, un es qüestiona sobre la seva utilitat real en contexts de pobresa.Peer Reviewe

    Representing hybridity as the bridge between cultures in Ivory's 1982 film "Heat and Dust"

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    In 1980s Britain, during the Thatcher decade, a cycle of cinematographic productions called "Raj films", which included titles such as Gandhi (Attenborough, 1982), Heat and Dust (Ivory, 1982), A Passage to India (Lean, 1984), Kim (1984), The Far Pavilions (1984) and The Jewel in the Crown (1984), tackled the issue of the representation of historical and cultural relationships between centre and margins. On the one hand, these films seem to build a portrayal of the British identity through a nostalgic approach to the imperial past in which whiteness and patriarchy were the key elements that set the basis for the social norm while relegating "other" identities to the periphery. On the other hand, a close analysis of these productions reveals that special attention is also paid precisely to those characters inhabiting marginal spaces. This is the case of Ivory's Heat and Dust (1982), which focuses on the problematic relationships between characters belonging to East and West, past and present, centre and periphery. Basing my analysis on the theories by Stuart Hall, Homi Bhabha and Richard Dyer among others, I will try to demonstrate how Heat and Dust proposes hybridity as the bridge that brings the gap between centre and periphery

    Teaching Programme for 1º Bachillerato: Inglés

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    Trabajo de Fin de Máster del Máster en Profesor de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato, Formación Profesional y Enseñanza de Idiomas, curso 2020-2021[ES] El presente Trabajo de Fin de Máster corresponde a una propuesta de programación didáctica para la enseñanza del inglés como Lengua Extranjera para un grupo de 1o de Bachillerato en el contexto del sistema educativo Español. Dicha programación didáctica ha sido diseñada en base a los principios metodológicos del enfoque comunicativo en la enseñanza de lenguas, y específicamente, las actividades propuestas se adscriben al enfoque discursivo y al aprendizaje basado en tareas. Bajo este marco teórico, se ha diseñado un conjunto de 9 Unidades Didácticas, cada una de las cuales está orientada a la exploración de un elemento transversal concreto relevante para la correcta inserción de los alumnos en la vida adulta. La última sección del TFM corresponde al desarrollo de la UD 5 “Pretty as a Picture” y las propuestas concretas diseñadas para sus seis sesiones.[EN] This Final Master’s Thesis corresponds to a Teaching Programme for EFL addressed to a group of 1st Year Bachillerato students in the Spanish Educational System. This Teaching Programme has been developed under the guidelines of the Communicative Language Teaching methodological principles, and its activities are framed within the Discourse-Based Approach and Task-Based Language Teaching. Given this theoretical framework, a set of 9 Teaching Units has been designed, each of which revolves around the exploration of a specific transversal element relevant for the students’ correct insertion into adulthood. The last section of the Thesis concerns the development of Teaching Unit 5 “Pretty as a Picture” and the concrete proposals for its different six sessions

    Transnational representation of a gendered recession in corporate dramas

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    The cinematic depiction of the financial crisis has centred on the explanation of the causes and consequences of the global recessionary scenario in which gender acquires special relevance. My aim in this article is to carry out a hitherto unaddressed transnational analysis of corporate dramas. More specifically, I elicit the commonalities as well as local specificities that different Western cinematographies show when tackling gendered recessionary discourses on ‘mancession’ and ‘austerity’. Films such as The Last Days of Lehman Brothers (Samuels, 2009, BBC), Money Never Sleeps (Stone, 2010), The Company Men (J. Wells, 2010) and The Big Short (McKay, 2015) have, on the one hand, aligned with nostalgic and retro-sexist discourses by focusing on male suffering to confront the recession while relegating female characters as emotional companions of the male hero. On the other hand, the representation of female characters in these films has also put to the test the inconsistencies of neoliberal discourses when analysed from the perspective of genre. To illustrate the transnational dimension of the ‘narrated’ impact of the ‘Global Financial Crisis’ in different scenarios, I compare a US Wall Street film and a Spanish corporate drama of the Great Recession: Margin Call (J Chandor, 2011, USA) and The Tip of the Iceberg (La punta del iceberg, D Cánovas, 2016, Spain)

    The improvement of the speaking skill with the use of cinema in the classroom and textbook activities

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    The improvement of the speaking skill with the use of cinema in the classroom and textbook activities es el trabajo final del Máster en Profesorado de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria, Bachillerato, Formación Profesional y Enseñanzas de Idiomas, Artísticas y Deportivas. Es un reflejo de las competencias y contenidos aprendidos a lo largo del Máster con una propuesta para mejorar la destreza de speaking en inglés. Por una parte, se presenta un análisis del cine como un recurso atractivo, variado y dinámico para la enseñanza del idioma. Por otra parte, hay una reflexión sobre las actividades de la sección de speaking en algunos libros de texto y su contribución a desarrollar la competencia comunicativa de los estudiantes (ESO y Bachillerato).Se concluye con propuestas para el futuro con respecto a la enseñanza de la lengua inglesa y a la labor como docente

    Directionally solidified fabrication in planar geometry of Al2O3-Er3Al5O12 eutectic composite for thermophotovoltaic devices

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    In this work Al2O3-Er3Al5O12 eutectic composite was manufactured in planar geometry departing from eutectic particles both produced by directional solidification using a CO2 laser system at rates of 180 and 720 mm/h. Microstructure and mechanical properties were investigated as a function of the growth rate. Homogeneous and interpenetrated microstructure was found with phase size strongly dependent on the growth rate, decreasing when the processing rate was increased. Thermal emission of eutectic composites was studied in function of thermal excitation by using CO2 laser radiation as a heating source. An intense narrow emission band at 1.55 µm matching with the sensitive region of the InGaAs photoconverter and a low emission band at 1 µm were obtained. Features of thermal emission bands were correlated with collecting angle, microstructure and laser power, and compared to those obtained from departing eutectic particles

    From priority projects to corridor approaches: African and European transport networks in perspective

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    In many ways, European integration has inspired African states to move towards a more ambitious African Union, and there are clear parallels between the institutional arrangements of the AU and the EU. However, a number of authors have warned of the limitations involved in making any comparisons, starting from the fact that African States have ceded very restricted sovereignty at a supranational level compared with Europe. In this chapter, we pose the question of whether the African transport network and the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) are comparable. We want to see whether the criticisms of and lessons learned from the European experience are applicable to the development of the African Regional Transport Infrastructure Network (ARTIN), as supported by the Programme for the Infrastructure Development of Africa (PIDA). By reviewing the literature that highlights the methodological shortcomings in the planning process of the TEN-T, we analyse the similarities and differences between the two continental ambitions from different standpoints: official narratives, stakeholder analysis and planning and funding instruments. We conclude that support for the transport sector is an appropriate way of strengthening African integration, but any ambitions to do so need to be balanced in accordance with the existing resources. In particular, the completion of ‘missing links’ can have significant structuring effects, but it should not be done at any cost, because planning errors can have very negative consequences. National political interference, low cost-effectiveness and a high environmental impact are common criticisms in the case of the TEN-T. Africa suffers considerably from the same drawbacks, with the additional problems of higher investment needs, insufficient funding, a larger surface area to cover, lower densities and lack of maintenance. By looking at the European experience, Africa may be able to improve and accelerate its own process.This book is based on research from a European Research Council (ERC) Advanced Grant for the project entitled African Governance and Space: Transport Corridors, Border Towns and Port Cities in Transition (AFRIGOS) [ADG-2014–670851]Objectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::9 - Indústria, Innovació i InfraestructuraObjectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::11 - Ciutats i Comunitats SosteniblesPostprint (published version

    Patchwork in an interconnected world: the challenges of transport networks in Sub-Saharan Africa

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    Sub-Saharan Africa has recently undergone, or still do in many countries, a period of transport infrastructure expansion. Current policies are centred on the development of international links, which require large capital-intensive projects and are sometimes economically dubious. This paper reviews the past policies and transport functions since colonial times by placing them in their economic and political context. We find that present strategies have similarities to the ones prevailing in previous periods, where expansion phases dominated by transport-led economic growth theories were followed by a stagnation of Africa’s infrastructure development. In view of the challenges in translating findings from empirical research into right policies, we identify the potential of more balanced and sustainable strategic investments, notably by reinforcing the existing secondary transport networks converging into urban centres.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    The European Union and the role of local governments in the future post-2015 development agenda

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    El periodo para el cual fueron definidos los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio (ODM) ha coincidido con un aumento sustancial de los apoyos de la Unión Europea a las reformas de descentralización iniciadas a mediados de los años 90. Este impulso obedece a dos grandes propósitos de la cooperación internacional: contribuir a la mejora de la gobernanza democrática local, aumentando el control y la participación ciudadana, y facilitar el acceso de la población de manera más eficiente y eficaz a los servicios básicos. En este contexto, al hacer balance de los ODM, diversos autores defienden que la contribución de los gobiernos locales ha sido determinante. Este artículo analiza cómo ha sido la evolución de las políticas de ayuda de la Unión Europea en relación a la descentralización y las implicaciones que estos apoyos han podido tener en materia de realización de los ODM. En este proceso, la cooperación realizada a través de los gobiernos locales y las organizaciones de la sociedad civil ha desempeñado una importante labor en la configuración de un sistema de ayuda multinivel y ha contribuido a una progresiva integración de la dimensión urbana y del enfoque territorial en las políticas de ayuda europeasThe period for which the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) were defined has coincided with a substantial increase in EU support to decentralization reforms initiated in the mid-90s. This intensification aims at two major goals of the international cooperation: to contribute to the improvement of local democratic governance, by increasing accountability and citizen participation, and to provide the population with a more effective and efficient access to basic services. In this context, upon evaluating MDGs progress, several authors argue that the contribution of local governments has been crucial. This papers looks at the evolution of the European Union aid policies in relation to decentralization and the implications that this support may have had on achieving the MDGs. In this process, the cooperation undertaken by local governments and civil society organizations has played an important role in shaping a multi-level support system and has contributed to the gradual incorporation of the urban dimension and the territorial approach in the European aid policie