11 research outputs found


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    The quality of modern food products may be improved by adding bee pollen (PB) to the composition. The important stage of the process of improvement of an existent product or creation of new one is the optimization of the technology of bee pollen preparation, especially, comminution. The aim of the researches was to investigate the process of comminution and to optimize technological parameters for receiving high quality powder, used as a component of sour-milk beverages and other products. The study elucidates the influence of a series of factors on the size of particles and quality of bee pollen powder by technological and phytochemical properties. Using the visual method with modern optimal devices, it was established, that pollen can be comminuted to the particles size 120–8 mcm. The dispersity degree of received powder caused changes of the phytochemical activity and technological parameters of a product. The method of colorimetry determined that the content of flavonoids in pollen increases by 53 % at communiting to particle sizes 15±5 mcm and decreases at the higher dispersity. The screen method determined the homogeneity of the material, processed by three types of comminutors and substantiated the use of a mill-pestle in the technology of bee pollen comminution as the most effective comminutor. Using the plan of the complete factor experiment of the third kind, there were studied the surfaces of a response of the dependence of pollen powder homogeneity on the comminutor work intensity, mass and term of the material processing. Technological parameters of pollen comminution by a mill-pestle were optimized: working body speed 70–80 turn/min (min−1), processing duration – 6 min, batch mass – 150 g


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    The article presents fixation methods of parameters of whey with food fibers for fermentation with lacto-fermentative Zygosaccharomyces lactis 868-K yeast for getting a non-alcoholic fermented beverage. As a result of the analysis of conditions of preparation and introduction of food fibers – apple pectin in cellulose and orange Citri-Fi into whey, there were determined optimal parameters of the process of increasing viscosity of whey-vegetable mixtures. The method of IR-spectroscopy fixed the influence of different forms of bonds of food fibers’ moisture in mixtures with water and whey. There was revealed the continuous absorption of moisture of spectrums of samples with food fibers and apple pectin in cellulose in strips of 2668 and 2723 cm-1, that testifies to the presence of strong hydrogenous bonds and high concentration of a mobile proton and, as a result, the high sorption ability to water. There were offered methods and gotten results of the analysis of the carbon dioxide content, amount of formed ethyl alcohol and yeast cells, allowing to determine rational conditions of fermentation of whey-vegetable wort of the increased viscosity. At fermentation using Zygosaccharomyces lactis 868-K race, the most intensive increment of yeast cells was observed before 30 hours of fermentation. There was established the rational temperature of fermentation of whey-vegetable wort with the increased viscosity– 30...32 °С, at which the maximal accumulation of yeast cells - 70,5...71,2 мmln/cm3 and ethyl alcohol 0,69...1,02 % was observed. The presented information was enough for grounding parameters of technological stages of whey fermented beverages with the high viscosity.&nbsp

    Оптимізація технології подрібнення бджолиного обніжжя

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    We conducted optimization of the technology for shredding bee pollen based on the results of evaluation of technological and physical-chemical indicators in order to obtain powder of high quality.It was established by the results of performed studies that by using modern types of shredders, it is possible to shred bee pollen to particles the size of 12‒8 µm. We identified influence of the powder dispersity on the phytochemical activity of bee pollen based on the results of determining a content of flavonoids. The amount of flavonoids in the pollen increases in the case of shredding to particles the size of 15±5 µm, and decreases at dispersity ≤10 µm. We recommend shredding the bee pollen to particles the size of 15±5 µm. Based on the results of estimating the dispersity and homogeneity of the finished product, it was substantiated to apply a mill-mortar in the technology of shredding bee pollen. We optimized technological parameters of shredding bee pollen in a mill-mortar: speed of the working body is 70‒80 rpm (min−1), duration of treatment is 6 minutes, weight of the batch is 150 g.The obtained results could prove useful when manufacturing new, or improving already existing, food products of high quality, or when applying in pharmacology and biotechnologyИсследовано влияние измельчения на технологические и физико-химические показатели обножки пчелиной. Установлено влияние механической обработки на дисперсность продукта. Показано, что измельчение может иметь значительное влияние на фитохимические и технологические характеристики порошка. Обоснован выбор типа измельчителя и, используя метод математического моделирования, оптимизированы технические параметры получения высококачественного продуктаДосліджено вплив подрібнення на якість порошку обніжжя бджолиного за технологічними та фізико-хімічними показниками. Встановлено вплив механічної обробки на дисперсність продукту. Показано, що подрібнення може мати значний вплив на фітохімічні та технологічні характеристики порошку. Обґрунтовано вибір типу подрібнювача та, використовуючи метод математичного моделювання, оптимізовано технічні параметри для отримання високоякісного продукт

    Discrete-Impulse Energy Supply in Milk and Dairy Product Processing

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    The efficient use of supplied energy is the basis of the discrete-impulse energy supply (DIES) concept. In order to explore the possibility of using DIES to intensify the hydromechanical processes, the emulsification of milk fat (homogenization of milk, preparation of spreads) and, in particular, the processing of cream cheese masses, were studied. Whole non-homogenized milk, fat emulsions, and cream cheese mass were the object of investigation. To evaluate the efficiency of milk homogenization, the homogenization coefficient change was studied, which was determined by using the centrifugation method, as it is the most affordable and accurate one. To provide the proper dispersion of the milk emulsion, six treatment cycles must be carried out under the developed cavitation mode in a static-type apparatus, here resulting in a light grain-like consistency, and exhibiting the smell of pasteurized milk. The emulsions were evaluated according to the degree of destabilization, resistance and dispersion of the fat phase. On the basis of the obtained data with respect to the regularities of fat dispersion forming in the rotor-type apparatus, the proper parameters required to obtain technologically stable fat emulsion spreads, possessing a dispersion and stability similar to those of plain milk creams, were determined. It was determined that under the DIES, an active dynamic effect on the milk globules takes place. The rheological characteristics of cheese masses were evaluated on the basis of the effective change in viscosity. The effect of the mechanical treatment on the structure of the cheese masses was determined

    Дослідження впливу харчових волокон на процес ферментації молочної сироватки

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    We report the results of research on the effect of food fibers on the fermentation process of whey – the base of beverages. By using the method of IR spectroscopy, we studied various forms of moisture bonds of apple pectin in fiber and orange fruit fibers Citri-Fi with water or whey. The results obtained show the existence of strong hydrogen bonds and high concentration of the movable proton. High sorption capacity for water is observed. This effect is important in terms of regulating the viscosity of wort. By employing mathematical modeling, we established conditions for the preparation and introduction of Citri-Fi to whey for obtaining beverages with enhanced viscosity. The visualization is provided of the transformations of dry Citri-Fi when swelling in whey – an increase in the volume of tubular fibers. For the basic indicators of fermentation (the content of carbon dioxide, the amount of formed ethyl alcohol and yeast cells, the content of reducing sugars) we defined rational conditions for the fermentation of whey-plant wort with enhanced viscosity. During fermentation using the race Zygosaccharomyces lactis 868-K, the most intensive growth of yeast cells at the level from 42.3 to 71.3 mln/cm3 was observed over the interval of 6…24 hours of fermentation. The dynamics of accumulation of carbon dioxide in wort is correlated to the indicators of growth in yeast cells. The data obtained indicate a certain oppression of yeast development in whey-plant wort. This is due to the presence of colloidal substances of whey and the residue of insoluble components of food fibers. We established a fermentation temperature of whey-plant wort with enhanced viscosity − 30…32 °C, at which there is a sufficient accumulation of ethyl alcohol at the level of 0.64...0.69 % by volume. Further increase or decrease in temperature results in a decrease in the amount of alcohol, indicating a decrease in the activity of cell enzymes. We have proven the possibility to apply the results obtained for developing a technology for manufacturing whey-based fermented beverages with enhanced viscosityПредставлены исследования влияния пищевых волокон на брожение молочной сыворотки. Установлены формы связи влаги в смесях молочной сыворотки и пищевых волокон с разной степенью влагопоглощающей способности. По основным показателям брожения определены рациональные условия ферментации лактосбраживающими дрожжами Zygosaccharomyces lactis 868-K сывороточно-растительного сусла. Доказана возможность использования результатов в технологии сывороточных ферментированных напитков повышенной вязкостиПредставлені дослідження впливу харчових волокон на бродіння молочної сироватки. Встановлено форми зв'язку вологи в сумішах молочної сироватки і харчових волокон з різним ступенем вологопоглинальної здатності. За основними показниками бродіння визначені оптимальні умови ферментації лактозозброджувальними дріжджами Zygosaccharomyces lactis 868-K сироватково-рослинного сусла. Доведено можливість використання результатів у технології сироваткових ферментованих напоїв підвищеної в'язкост


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    The quality of modern food products may be improved by adding bee pollen (PB) to the composition. The important stage of the process of improvement of an existent product or creation of new one is the optimization of the technology of bee pollen preparation, especially, comminution. The aim of the researches was to investigate the process of comminution and to optimize technological parameters for receiving high quality powder, used as a component of sour-milk beverages and other products. The study elucidates the influence of a series of factors on the size of particles and quality of bee pollen powder by technological and phytochemical properties. Using the visual method with modern optimal devices, it was established, that pollen can be comminuted to the particles size 120–8 mcm. The dispersity degree of received powder caused changes of the phytochemical activity and technological parameters of a product. The method of colorimetry determined that the content of flavonoids in pollen increases by 53 % at communiting to particle sizes 15±5 mcm and decreases at the higher dispersity.The screen method determined the homogeneity of the material, processed by three types of comminutors and substantiated the use of a mill-pestle in the technology of bee pollen comminution as the most effective comminutor.Using the plan of the complete factor experiment of the third kind, there were studied the surfaces of a response of the dependence of pollen powder homogeneity on the comminutor work intensity, mass and term of the material processing. Technological parameters of pollen comminution by a mill-pestle were optimized: working body speed 70–80 turn/min (min−1), processing duration – 6 min, batch mass – 150 g

    Optimization of Technology for Shredding the Bee Pollen

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    We conducted optimization of the technology for shredding bee pollen based on the results of evaluation of technological and physical-chemical indicators in order to obtain powder of high quality.It was established by the results of performed studies that by using modern types of shredders, it is possible to shred bee pollen to particles the size of 12‒8 µm. We identified influence of the powder dispersity on the phytochemical activity of bee pollen based on the results of determining a content of flavonoids. The amount of flavonoids in the pollen increases in the case of shredding to particles the size of 15±5 µm, and decreases at dispersity ≤10 µm. We recommend shredding the bee pollen to particles the size of 15±5 µm. Based on the results of estimating the dispersity and homogeneity of the finished product, it was substantiated to apply a mill-mortar in the technology of shredding bee pollen. We optimized technological parameters of shredding bee pollen in a mill-mortar: speed of the working body is 70‒80 rpm (min−1), duration of treatment is 6 minutes, weight of the batch is 150 g.The obtained results could prove useful when manufacturing new, or improving already existing, food products of high quality, or when applying in pharmacology and biotechnolog


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    The quality of modern food products may be improved by adding bee pollen (PB) to the composition. The important stage of the process of improvement of an existent product or creation of new one is the optimization of the technology of bee pollen preparation, especially, comminution. The aim of the researches was to investigate the process of comminution and to optimize technological parameters for receiving high quality powder, used as a component of sour-milk beverages and other products. The study elucidates the influence of a series of factors on the size of particles and quality of bee pollen powder by technological and phytochemical properties. Using the visual method with modern optimal devices, it was established, that pollen can be comminuted to the particles size 120–8 mcm. The dispersity degree of received powder caused changes of the phytochemical activity and technological parameters of a product. The method of colorimetry determined that the content of flavonoids in pollen increases by 53 % at communiting to particle sizes 15±5 mcm and decreases at the higher dispersity.The screen method determined the homogeneity of the material, processed by three types of comminutors and substantiated the use of a mill-pestle in the technology of bee pollen comminution as the most effective comminutor.Using the plan of the complete factor experiment of the third kind, there were studied the surfaces of a response of the dependence of pollen powder homogeneity on the comminutor work intensity, mass and term of the material processing. Technological parameters of pollen comminution by a mill-pestle were optimized: working body speed 70–80 turn/min (min−1), processing duration – 6 min, batch mass – 150 g


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    The article presents fixation methods of parameters of whey with food fibers for fermentation with lacto-fermentative Zygosaccharomyces lactis 868-K yeast for getting a non-alcoholic fermented beverage.As a result of the analysis of conditions of preparation and introduction of food fibers – apple pectin in cellulose and orange Citri-Fi into whey, there were determined optimal parameters of the process of increasing viscosity of whey-vegetable mixtures.The method of IR-spectroscopy fixed the influence of different forms of bonds of food fibers’ moisture in mixtures with water and whey. There was revealed the continuous absorption of moisture of spectrums of samples with food fibers and apple pectin in cellulose in strips of 2668 and 2723 cm-1, that testifies to the presence of strong hydrogenous bonds and high concentration of a mobile proton and, as a result, the high sorption ability to water.There were offered methods and gotten results of the analysis of the carbon dioxide content, amount of formed ethyl alcohol and yeast cells, allowing to determine rational conditions of fermentation of whey-vegetable wort of the increased viscosity. At fermentation using Zygosaccharomyces lactis 868-K race, the most intensive increment of yeast cells was observed before 30 hours of fermentation. There was established the rational temperature of fermentation of whey-vegetable wort with the increased viscosity– 30...32 °С, at which the maximal accumulation of yeast cells - 70,5...71,2 мmln/cm3 and ethyl alcohol 0,69...1,02 % was observed.The presented information was enough for grounding parameters of technological stages of whey fermented beverages with the high viscosity.