29 research outputs found

    Street-based adolescents at high risk of HIV in Ukraine

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    BACKGROUND: Ukraine has the highest HIV prevalence in Europe, with young people disproportionately represented among populations at high risk. One particularly vulnerable group comprises adolescents who live or work on the streets. This study aimed to measure the extent and distribution of HIV risk behaviours among street-based adolescents in four Ukrainian cities as part of a regional UNICEF HIV prevention programme for most-at-risk adolescents. METHODS: A cross-sectional behavioural survey was conducted of 805 adolescents (aged 10-19 years) in the cities of Kiev, Donetsk, Dnepropetrovsk and Nikolaev. Using location-based network and convenience sampling, 200 adolescents were reached in each site and were administered a standardised questionnaire on drug use, sexual behaviour, condom use, HIV knowledge, access to prevention services, experience of violence and contact with state institutions and police. RESULTS: Considerable levels of HIV risk behaviour were found, including injecting drug use among 15.5% of the sample. Almost three-quarters of adolescents had experienced sexual debut, most before the age of 15 years. Male-to-male sexual behaviour was reported by just under 10% of boys. Condom use was low although varied by partner type. There were high rates of forced sex, and 75.5% of respondents reported police harassment. CONCLUSIONS: Street-based adolescents in Ukraine are at significant risk of contracting HIV due to involvement in injecting drug use and unprotected sex in personal and commercial exchanges, including male-to-male sex. This group initiates risk behaviours at early ages, and does not appear to have good access to prevention and other health services

    The Impact of Yoga Practice on the Development of Flexibility among the Female Student’s Pedagogical Specialties in the Process of Physical Training of Higher Educational Institutions

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    Annotation. The purpose is to define an efficient impact of the specifically formed activities through Yoga practice on the development of flexibility among the female student’s in the process of physical training of higher educational institutions. Material. 96 female students have been participated in the pedagogical experiment. The research has been conducted during the one academic semester. The impact of Yoga practice on the indicator of flexibility was assessed at the end of the pedagogical experiment. The state of its development before and after the experiment was determined and compared. Results of the research. The results of the pedagogical experiment confirmed the successful influence of the offered activities through Yoga practice on the development of flexibility. It has been established that the systematic Yoga practicing contributes to the best manifestation of this physical quality. It has been proved that the use of Yoga practice has improved the flexibility indicators of the experimental group more in comparison with the control group. Conclusions. Practicing Yoga has positively impacted on the development of flexibility among female students. Whereas this quality is one of the indicators for assessing the physical condition of the graduates (18-20 years), it is expedient to include Yoga practicing in the curriculum of physical education for students of higher educational institutions and introduce this method of flexibility development in the process of physical education

    Reduced adipose tissue oxygenation in human obesity evidence for rarefaction, macrophage chemotaxis, and inflammation without an angiogenic response

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    OBJECTIVE-Based on rodent studies, we examined the hypothesis that increased adipose tissue (AT) mass in obesity without an adequate support of vascularization might lead to hypoxia, macrophage infiltration, and inflammation. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS-Oxygen partial pressure (AT pO 2) and AT temperature in abdominal AT (9 lean and 12 overweight/obese men and women) was measured by direct insertion of a polarographic Clark electrode. Body composition was measured by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry, and insulin sensitivity was measured by hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamp. Abdominal subcutaneous tissue was used for staining, quantitative RT-PCR, and chemokine secretion assay. RESULTS-AT pO 2 was lower in overweight/obese subjects than lean subjects (47 ± 10.6 vs. 55 ± 9.1 mmHg); however, this level of pO 2 did not activate the classic hypoxia targets (pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase and vascular endothelial growth factor [VEGF]). AT pO 2 was negatively correlated with percent body fat (R =-0.50, P \u3c 0.05). Compared with lean subjects, overweight/ obese subjects had 44% lower capillary density and 58% lower VEGF, suggesting AT rarefaction (capillary drop out). This might be due to lower peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ1 and higher collagen VI mRNA expression, which correlated with AT pO 2 (P \u3c 0.05). Of clinical importance, AT pO 2 negatively correlated with CD68 mRNA and macrophage inflammatory protein 1α secretion (R =-0.58, R =-0.79, P \u3c 0.05), suggesting that lower AT pO 2 could drive AT inflammation in obesity. CONCLUSIONS-Adipose tissue rarefaction might lie upstream of both low AT pO 2 and inflammation in obesity. These results suggest novel approaches to treat the dysfunctional AT found in obesity. © 2009 by the American Diabetes Association


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    The article is devoted to the actual problem of pedagogical excellence basis formation as a result of readiness to the pedagogical activity of doctoral students in the technical university in the process of pedagogical disciplines teaching on the basis of multidisciplinary and competence approaches and the «goodness pedagogy» concept of the academician I.A.Zyazyun. The essence of the «pedagogical excellence» definition in thoughts of outstanding pedagogues is determined. The peculiarities of pedagogical excellence basis formation of doctoral students in the process of pedagogical disciplines teaching, methods of its achievement, structure and main qualities that its form are considered. The results of pedagogical excellence basis formation of future high school pedagogues from the 1-year postgraduate students on above-mentioned principles are discussed.Статья посвящена актуальной проблеме формирования основ педагогического мастерства, как результата готовности к педагогической деятельности аспирантов технического университета в процессе обучения педагогическим дисциплинам на основе междисциплинарного и компетентностного подходов и педагогической концепции Педагогики Добра академика И.А.Зязюна. Определена сущность термина «педагогическое мастерство» в измерениях выдающихся педагогов. Расскрыты особенности формирования основ педагогического мастерства аспирантов в процессе обучения блоку педагогических дисциплин, методы его достижения, структура, определены основные качества, которые его формируют. Обсуждаются результаты сформованости основ педагогического мастерства будущих преподавателей высшей школы из числа аспирантов 1 года обучения на заявленных высше основах.Статтю присвячено актуальній проблемі формування основ педагогічної мастерності як результата готовності до педагогічної діяльності аспірантів технічного університету у процесі навчання педагогічним дисциплінам на засадах міждисциплінарного і компетентісного підходів та педагогічної концепції Педагогіки Добра академіка І.А.Зязюна. Визначено сутність терміну «педагогічна майстерність» у вимірах видатних педагогів. Розглянуто особливості формування основ педагогічної майстерності аспірантів у процесі навчання блоку педагогічних дисциплін, методи її досягнення, структуру, визначено основні якості, що її формують. Обговорюються результати сформованості основ педагогічної майстерності майбутніх викладачів вищої школи з числа аспірантів 1 року навчання на вищеозначених засадах


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    Foreign experience of the usage of learning web-oriented systems proves their efficiency and quality in the process of teaching, their positive influence on teacher’s pedagogical activity. The key condition of research is professional training of future teachers of philological specialties in the environment of the web-oriented system of education in higher educational establishment. For the improvement of the use and introduction of the learning web-oriented system in pedagogical activity of future teachers of philological specialties it is offered the introduction of the training course on the computer-aided translation of professional foreign texts

    University 3.0 model as a significant factor of economic growth and its implementation in Belarus

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    Modern tendencies and approaches to educating specialists in logistics

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    It is becoming more and more acceptable that we are facing two challenges in educating logisticians. On the one hand, we have to ensure that they gain skills needed to succeed in the world outside the academia; on the other hand, educating students properly contributes to the economy growth, for we live in a highly competitive, changing world. Also important is to distinguish between theory and experience that should act together and support each other. We need to lay emphasis on the developing not only a professional with theoretical and empirical knowledge, but also a specialist able to apply both, gathering new and deepening already existing understanding of business environmen

    University 3.0 model as a significant factor of economic growth and its implementation in Belarus

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    Удосконалення системи управління та правового забезпечення реалізації фінансових і податкових інновацій в умовах цифровізації

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    This paper considers the organizational and legal support of the processes of digitalization of innovation in the financial and tax sectors. The main prerequisites were identified, and the role of financial and tax innovations in the development of the economy at the macro level was defined. Emphasis is on digital technologies as the main driving force of innovation in the financial and tax sector. The relationship between the concepts of "financial and tax innovations" and "financial engineering" has been established. The main directions of digitalization of the financial and tax sectors are identified. The digital technologies that have the greatest impact on financial and tax innovation are identified, namely: blockchain, Big Data, artificial intelligence, cloud technologies, the Internet of Things. The directions of legal regulation were substantiated and further steps to develop legal support for the digitalization of the financial sector were determined. To this end, the components of legal regulation, institutional regulation, and scientific and methodological regulation of digitalization of the financial sector are detailed. In contrast to numerous studies in the field of legal support and regulation of digitalization of the financial and tax sectors, it has been hypothesized and proved that the greatest effect is achieved with the harmonious interaction of institutional components. The system of management of financial and tax innovations in the context of digitalization has been improved. To this end, the stages of the transformation process of the financial and tax innovation management system in the context of digitalization were detailed and an algorithm for digitalization of the financial sector has been developed. The scope of practical application of the research results is the development of the financial and tax sector through the introduction of digital toolsДосліджено організаційно-правове забезпечення процесів цифровізації інноваційної діяльності у фінансовій і податковій сфері. Виокремлено основні передумови, а також визначено роль фінансових і податкових інновацій в розвитку економіки на макрорівні. Акцентовано увагу на цифрових технологіях як головної рушійної сили інноваційної діяльності у фінансовій і податковій сфері. Встановлено взаємозв’язок між поняттями «фінансові і податкові інновації» і «фінансовий інжиніринг». Визначено основні напрями цифровізації фінансової і податкової сфери. Виокремлено цифрові технології, які здійснюють найбільший вплив на фінансову і податкову інноваційну діяльність, а саме: блокчейн, Вig Data, штучний інтелект, хмарні технології, Інтернет речей. Обґрунтовано напрями правового регулювання та визначено подальші кроки щодо розвитку правового забезпечення цифровізації фінансової сфери. З цією метою деталізовано складові нормативно-правового регулювання, інституційного регулювання та науково-методичного регулювання цифровізації фінансової сфери. На відміну від чисельних досліджень в галузі правового забезпечення і регулювання цифровізації фінансової і податкової сфери, висунуто і доведено гіпотезу, що найбільший ефект досягається при гармонійній взаємодії інституціональних складових. Удосконалено систему управління фінансовими і податковими інноваціями в умовах цифровізації. З цією метою деталізовано етапи трансформаційного процесу системи управління фінансовими і податковими інноваціями в умовах цифровізації і розроблено алгоритм цифровізації фінансової сфери. Сферою практичного застосування результатів дослідження є розвиток фінансового і податкового сектору на основі впровадження цифрових інструменті