16 research outputs found


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    Purpose of the study: The purpose of the article is to substantiate the features of organizational and methodical directions of the programs’ complex for creative development and social adaptation of modern adolescents in difficult situations. Methodology: The study is based on the analysis of somatic and psychological changes taking place in the process of becoming a teenager, which are reflected in the biological, mental and cognitive processes. The identified components determined the grounds for the development of the structure and mechanisms of childhood social risk management. Results: It is shown that the understanding of somatic and psychological changes occurring in the process of a teenager formation, which is reflected in the biological, mental, cognitive processes, is the basis for the development of the structure and mechanisms for childhood social risks’ management in the course of an integrative program of any profile. Organizational aspects of preparation and carrying out of actions within such programs are defined. Provisions defining immanent social teaching and educational effects, including prevention of the deviant behavior, increase of educational results’ level, growth of teenagers’ cognitive interest to self-development and self-education, increase of teenagers’ motivation to active and initiative inclusion in development of the program content are allocated. The scientific-methodical and pedagogical experience of the organization of exit integrative programs, the use of pedagogical strategies of which allows achieving positive dynamics of teenagers’ creative development trajectory and social adaptation is briefly described. Applications of this study: Suggested by the author's program increases the growth of teenagers’ cognitive interest to self-development and self-education, increases the teenagers’ motivation and may be used by psychologists and teachers in educational system of all levels.   Novelty/Originality of this study: It is proved that the understanding of somatic, cognitive, social changes in the process of a teenager’s formation and compliance with certain organizational rules of activities that take into account the specifics of this age period, increase the motivation of adolescents, their involvement in the development of the program’s content, stimulate the growth of cognitive interest of adolescents to self-development and self-education

    The HIM (Health for Izhevsk Men) trial protocol

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    BACKGROUND: Russia is one of the very few industrialised countries in the world where life expectancy has been declining. Alcohol has been implicated as a major contributor to the rapid fluctuations observed in male life expectancy since 1985 that have been particularly marked among working-age men. One approach to reducing the alcohol problem in Russia is 'brief interventions' which seek to change views of the personal acceptability of excessive drinking and to encourage self-directed behaviour change. There is limited understanding in Russia of the salience and applicability of Motivational Interviewing (MI), a well-defined brief intervention commonly used to target alcohol-related behaviour, but MI may have important potential for success within the Russian context. METHODS/DESIGN: The study will be an individually randomised two-armed parallel group exploratory trial. The primary hypothesis is that a brief adaptation of MI will be effective in reducing self-reported hazardous drinking at 3 months. The secondary hypothesis is that it will be effective in reducing self-reported past week beverage alcohol consumption, alcohol dependence and related problems at 3 months and at 12 months. MI will also be effective at 12 months in reducing self-reported hazardous drinking, alcohol dependence and related problems, proxy reported hazardous drinking, and recent alcohol use as indicated by bio-markers. Participants are drawn from the Izhevsk Family Study II, with eligibility determined based on proxy reports of hazardous drinking in the past year. All participants undergo a health check, with MI subsequently delivered to those in the intervention arm. Signed consent is obtained from those in the intervention arm at this point. Both groups are then invited for 3 and 12 month follow ups. The control group will not receive any additional intervention. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ISRCTN82405938

    Evaporation of Small Sessile Drop Deposited on a Horizontal Solid Surface: New Exact Solutions and Approximations

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    Evaporating a liquid sessile drop deposited on a horizontal surface is an important object of applications (printing technologies, electronics, sensorics, medical diagnostics, hydrophobic coatings, etc.) and theoretical investigations (microfluidics, self-assembly of nanoparticles, crystallization of solutes, etc.). The arsenal of formulas for calculating the slow evaporation of an axisymmetric drop of capillary dimensions deposited on a flat solid surface is reviewed. Characteristics such as vapor density, evaporation flux density, and total evaporation rate are considered. Exact solutions obtained in the framework of the Maxwellian model, in which the evaporation process of the drop is limited by vapor diffusion from the drop surface to the surrounding air, are presented. The summary covers both well-known results obtained during the last decades and new results published by us in the last few years, but practically unknown to the wider scientific community. The newest formulas, not yet published in refereed publications, concerning exact solutions for a number of specific contact angles are also presented. In addition, new approximate solutions are presented (total evaporation rate and mass loss per unit surface area per unit time in the whole range of contact angles θ∈[0, π), drop lifetime in constant contact radius evaporation regime and constant contact angle mode), which can be used in modeling without requiring significant computational resources

    Порівняльний аналіз систем професійно-технічного навчання. Освіта в Україні, Сполучених Штатах Америки і Великій Британії

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    We emphasize that in an autonomous mode, in a closed pedagogical and industrial environment, the modernization of vocational education is impossible and not a real thing. International cooperation, pedagogical dialogue, identification of commonalities and differences in the systems of vocational education of different countries and Ukraine are extremely necessary here. It is a well-known truth about the impossibility and inexpediency of mechanical transfer of this or that model of education, which was born, formed and developed in another country, or specific methods of foreign scientists and practitioners to the educational field of Ukraine and other countries. Domestic ideas, respectively - concepts, models, methods, educational institutions of a new type must go their own way, with consistent, scientifically sound consideration of national traditions, specific conditions and opportunities, as well as global trends that meet the needs of solving global problems. The way of revealing progressive ideas of this or that foreign experience, their philosophical, comparative-pedagogical analysis, clarification of conceptual bases of formation and development of concrete educational models, their comparison with domestic approaches, concepts and models can be expedient and perspective. On this basis, possible directions for the implementation of these ideas in another country, including Ukraine, provided scientific and methodological support, taking into account a set of factors (socio-cultural, economic, sociological, psychological, personnel, material, technical) and direction of public policy in in this area. We emphasize that the achievement of this goal contributes to comparative pedagogical and psychological research aimed at comprehensive objective study and understanding of the world educational process, identifying global trends, progressive ideas in concepts and models of education in different countries and forecasting education in each country, specific region or the world. Thus the main purpose of the research is very important, namely to study systems of vocational education in Ukraine, the United States of America and Great Britain and to conduct their comparative analysis.Наголошуємо, що в автономному режимі, в закритому педагогічно-виробничому середовищі модернізація професійно-технічної освіти неможлива і нереальна. Тут вкрай необхідні міжнародна співпраця, педагогічний діалог, виявлення спільного та відмінного в системах професійної освіти різних країн та України. Загальновідома істина про неможливість і недоцільність механічного перенесення тієї чи іншої моделі освіти, яка народилася, сформувалася і розвивається в іншій країні, чи специфічних методичних розробок зарубіжних вчених і практиків в освітню сферу України та ін. країни. Вітчизняні ідеї, відповідно – концепції, моделі, методики, навчальні заклади нового типу повинні йти своїм шляхом, з послідовним, науково обґрунтованим врахуванням національних традицій, конкретних умов і можливостей, а також загальносвітових тенденцій, що відповідають потребам вирішення глобальних проблем. Доцільним і перспективним може бути шлях виявлення прогресивних ідей того чи іншого зарубіжного досвіду, їх філософського, порівняльно-педагогічного аналізу, з’ясування концептуальних засад становлення і розвитку конкретних освітніх моделей, їх порівняння з вітчизняними підходами, концепціями та моделями. На цій основі визначено можливі напрямки реалізації цих ідей в іншій державі, зокрема в Україні, забезпечено науково-методичне забезпечення з урахуванням комплексу факторів (соціокультурних, економічних, соціологічних, психологічних, кадрових, матеріально-технічних) та напрямку державної політики України в цій сфері. Підкреслимо, що досягненню поставленої мети сприяють порівняльно-педагогічні та психологічні дослідження, спрямовані на комплексне об’єктивне вивчення та розуміння світового освітнього процесу, виявлення загальносвітових тенденцій, прогресивних ідей у концепціях і моделях освіти в різних країнах та прогнозування розвитку освіти в кожній країні, певний регіон чи світ. Тому дуже важливою є основна мета дослідження, а саме вивчити системи професійно-технічної освіти в Україні, Сполучених Штатах Америки та Великобританії та провести їх порівняльний аналіз

    До теорії хвиль Релея викликаних ударом

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    The paper deals with the dependence of the characteristics of the Relay waves caused by impact on the properties of the surfaces of the colliding bodies. The main characteristics of the impact process - the duration of the impact, local compression, voltage in the contact area - are considered as functions of the parameters characterizing the frequency, amplitude, wavelength of the Relay and the speed of their attenuation. In the previous works of the authors the case of collision of bodies with non-deformed surfaces of high curvature has been investigated. In the given work the case of collision of bodies with small curvature of their undeformed surfaces is considered.   Comparison of the results obtained by the authors in this paper with those obtained earlier allowed us to conclude that the spectrum of Relay waves frequency does not depend on the properties of the colliding surfaces of the bodies. Obviously, the curvature of the body surfaces has a significant effect on the amplitude of the waves and the velocity of their attenuation with depth. В работе рассматривается зависимость характеристик волн Релея, вызванных ударом, от свойств поверхностей соударяющихся тел.Основные характеристики процесса удара, - продолжительность удара, местное сжатие, напряжения в области контакта, - рассматриваются как функции параметров, характеризующих частоты, амплитуды, длины волн Релея и быстроту их затухания. В предыдущих работах авторов был исследован случай соударения тел, недеформированные поверхности которых обладают большой кривизной. В данной работе рассмотрен случай соударения тел с малой кривизной их недеформированных поверхностей.Сравнение результатов, полученных авторами в данной работе, с результатами, полученными ранее, позволило сделать вывод: спектр частот волн Релея не зависит от свойств поверхностей соударяющихся тел. Очевидно, существенно влияет кривизна поверхностей тел на амплитуды волн и быстроту их затухания с глубиной. The paper deals with the dependence of the characteristics of the Relay waves caused by impact on the properties of the surfaces of the colliding bodies.   The main characteristics of the impact process - the duration of the impact, local compression, voltage in the contact area - are considered as functions of the parameters characterizing the frequency, amplitude, wavelength of the Relay and the speed of their attenuation.  In the previous works of the authors the case of collision of bodies with non-deformed surfaces of high curvature has been investigated. In the given work the case of collision of bodies with small curvature of their undeformed surfaces is considered.  Comparison of the results obtained by the authors in this paper with those obtained earlier allowed us to conclude that the spectrum of Relay waves frequency does not depend on the properties of the colliding surfaces of the bodies. Obviously, the curvature of the body surfaces has a significant effect on the amplitude of the waves and the velocity of their attenuation with depth

    Structural, Magnetic and Vibrational Properties of Van Der Waals Ferromagnet CrBr3 at High Pressure

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    The crystal and magnetic structures of van der Waals layered ferromagnet CrBr3 were studied using X-ray powder diffraction and neutron powder diffraction at pressures up to 23 GPa at ambient temperature and up to 2.8 GPa in the temperature range 6–300 K, respectively. The vibration spectra of CrBr3 were studied using Raman spectroscopy at pressures up to 23 GPa at ambient temperature. The anomalous pressure behavior of structural parameters and vibrational modes was observed, associated with a gradual isostructural phase transition in the pressure range 2.5–7 GPa. The Curie temperature TC reduced rapidly with a pressure coefficient dTC/dP=−4.1(4) K/GPa. A full suppression of the ferromagnetic state was expected at PC~8.4 GPa, where onset of the antiferromagnetic spin arrangement or magnetically disordered state may take place. Anomalies in Raman spectra at P~15 GPa point to another possible phase transformation in CrBr3, which may be related to the proximity of metallization of this van der Waals ferromagnet