8 research outputs found

    Czy więcej znaczy lepiej? Badania ilościowe w geografii społeczno-ekonomicznej ery Big Data

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    Big Data are inseparable part of the current research methodology in many scientific disciplines – including socio-economic geography. They are being used as a new data in old research problems, as a new research objects and as a means to investigate digital geographies. Big Data are being criticized for lack of representativeness and problematic representation, heterogeneity, and ethical issues. Despite these problems, their presence as a part of the geographical research methodology is increasingly frequent. We propose a set of recommendations that in our view allows a researcher to critically assess the validity of utilizing Big Data in a given research project.Wielkie zbiory danych typu Big Data są obecnie nieodłącznym elementem badań w wielu dziedzinach nauki – w tym w geografii społeczno-ekonomicznej. Znajdują one szereg zastosowań, zarówno wnosząc możliwość analizy nowych danych w klasycznych problemach badawczych, jak i same w sobie będąc nowym przedmiotem badań oraz pozwalając na badanie cyfrowych geografii. Jednocześnie Big Data krytykuje się za niejednorodność, brak reprezentatywności, nierówność reprezentacji czy też problemy etyczne. Z tego powodu zwracamy uwagę na szereg dylematów związanych z obecnością Big Data w praktyce badawczej, sugerując istotną rolę krytycznego podejścia do ich zastosowania w praktyce badawczej

    Twitter as an Object of Sociological Inquiry and a Source of Social Data: Constructivist Perspective

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    Serwis społecznościowy Twitter zyskał szczególne zainteresowanie naukowców społecznych z co najmniej dwóch powodów. Po pierwsze, stanowi on fenomen społeczny, wpływając na praktyki komunikacyjne oraz sposoby organizowania się ludzi. Po drugie, Twitter to repozytorium ustrukturyzowanych danych, które mogą zostać wykorzystane w celu badania zjawisk związanych lub niezwiązanych bezpośrednio ze społecznym oddziaływaniem tego medium. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest zebranie wiedzy, która, w opinii autorki, jest niezbędna do sprawnego i owocnego wykorzystania Twittera do prowadzenia badań socjologicznych; zarówno tych, w których Twitter jest przedmiotem analizy, jak i tych, w których Twitter dostarcza jedynie danych do analizy. Jako że technologia rekonfiguruje praktyki społeczne, będąc jednocześnie przez praktyki społeczne kształtowaną, socjologia Twittera wymaga przede wszystkim zrozumienia charakteru tej technologii oraz wpływu, jaki ona wywiera na praktyki badawcze, będące praktykami społecznymi. W artykule pokazany zostaje przekształcający wpływ Twittera w tych dwóch aspektach. Perspektywa konstruktywistyczna pozwala na zrozumienie zarówno samego medium, jak i charakteru oraz ograniczeń wytwarzanych za jego pośrednictwem danych.Twitter received special attention of social scientists for at least two reasons. Firstly, this social networking site is a social phenomenon, influencing communication and organizational practices. Secondly, Twitter is a repository of structured data, which may be used in order to study phenomena either related or not directly related with social impact of this medium. The purpose of the following paper is to summarize knowledge, which, in the author’s opinion, is necessary to smoothly and fruitfully use Twitter for conducting sociological inquiry: either this, in which Twitter is an object of analysis, or the one in which the service only delivers analytical data. As technology reconfigures social practices, being at the same time shaped by those practices, sociology of Twitter demands first of all understanding of the character of this technology as well as the influence of this technology on research practices, which are here understood as social practices. The article shows transformative character of Twitter in these two aspects. Constructivist perspective enables to understand the medium itself, as well as the character and limitations of data produced through it

    Cooperative platforms as an attempt to revise the corporate model of sharing economy

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    Sharing economy was supposed to be a phenomenon leading to a reform of the socio-economic system. However, monetization of work performed by online communities collaborating towards creation and maintenance of portals such as Uber and Airbnb triggered the formation of a model of capitalism which rests upon the idea of corporation as a broker in transactions between individual providers and the recipients of services. The adverse effects of "platform capitalism", i.e., excessive concentration of ownership and relaxation of employment, have led to a countermovement, namely platform cooperativism. This article analyses the phenomenon of platform cooperativism, that is, the movement which aims at revising the current direction of the development of sharing economy by suggesting an alternative, socially-distributed ownership and management model. In order to achieve that, we expose the main tensions accompanying the expansion of sharing economy which is interpreted as a "double movement" in Karl Polanyi's terminology, or public opposition to the commodification of further spheres of social life. We contend that the tensions between corporate sharing economy and platform cooperatives touch upon issues critical to economic theory, such as the boundaries of work, management and profit distribution, as well as the meaning of innovation

    The Effect of L-Carnitine, Hypotaurine, and Taurine Supplementation on the Quality of Cryopreserved Chicken Semen

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    The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of L-carnitine (LC), hypotaurine (HT), and taurine (T) on the quality of frozen-thawed chicken semen. Pooled semen samples were divided into seven aliquots (control, 1 mM LC, 5 mM LC, 1 mM HT, 10 mM HT, 1 mM T, and 10 mM T) and subjected to cryopreservation. Postthaw sperm motility was determined by IVOS system and sperm characteristics were assessed with fluorochromes and flow cytometry. The highest sperm motility and the highest percentage of viable sperm were in the HT1 group (P<0.01 and P<0.05) following cryopreservation. After thawing, we observed a higher percentage of sperm without apoptosis and membrane reorganization changes in the LC1 and T1 group when compared to the control (P<0.05). There was a higher percentage of live sperm without lipid peroxidation (LPO) in all treatments (P<0.01; P<0.05), when compared to the control group. The percentage of sperm with high mitochondrial potential significantly increased with LC1, T1, and T10 (P<0.05). Supplementation of the diluent with LC1, LC5, and T1 significantly (P<0.05) reduced DNA susceptibility to fragmentation, compared to the control and HT1 groups. These results indicate that the addition of examined antioxidants improves the quality of cryopreserved chicken semen

    Current Landscape of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: Epidemiology, Histological Classification, Targeted Therapies, and Immunotherapy

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    Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) is a subtype of the most frequently diagnosed cancer in the world. Its epidemiology depends not only on tobacco exposition but also air quality. While the global trends in NSCLC incidence have started to decline, we can observe region-dependent differences related to the education and the economic level of the patients. Due to an increasing understanding of NSCLC biology, new diagnostic and therapeutic strategies have been developed, such as the reorganization of histopathological classification or tumor genotyping. Precision medicine is focused on the recognition of a genetic mutation in lung cancer cells called “driver mutation” to provide a variety of specific inhibitors of improperly functioning proteins. A rapidly growing group of approved drugs for targeted therapy in NSCLC currently allows the following mutated proteins to be treated: EGFR family (ERBB-1, ERBB-2), ALK, ROS1, MET, RET, NTRK, and RAF. Nevertheless, one of the most frequent NSCLC molecular sub-types remains without successful treatment: the K-Ras protein. In this review, we discuss the current NSCLC landscape treatment focusing on targeted therapy and immunotherapy, including first- and second-line monotherapies, immune checkpoint inhibitors with chemotherapy treatment, and approved predictive biomarkers