84 research outputs found

    Single-stage technogy for granulated foam glass production based on the composition of tripoli and technogical microsilica

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    The possibility of foam glass production by means of one-stage technology based on the natural tripoli and technogenic silica is determined. 45 % sodium hydroxide solution is used for the synthesis of foam glass. The addition of microsilica as an extra component in an amount of 10 to 50 wt. % in batch component increases the strength of the obtained material to 4 MPa and reduces foaming temperature from 870 to 830 °C. The increased mechanical strength of the material is due to the residual quartz dissolution and cristobalite crystallization. The samples obtained from batch with 30 wt. % microsilica have maximum strength

    Level differentiation technology in vocational education

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    Differentiated learning technology has been used for a long time. However, with the introduction of innovative educational technologies, it acquires new features and therefore requires additional research. Higher schools are in the process of searching for elements based on a personality-focused approach and introduce the most effective technologies in this process.  The purpose of the article is to discusses the implementation of technologies that provide a single differentiation in the process of preparing students. The characteristic of students' work in differentiated educational conditions is presented. Teaching and training students is arranged in groups. As a result, there is a way to prepare competent students, making them highly qualified professionals. The study shows that there are great opportunities in teaching students of a higher educational institution. The formation of competencies with the help of differentiated learning technology becomes more effective, since individual characteristics of each student are taken into account and their interest and motivation to study a particular course increases. Differentiated tasks allow you to monitor dynamics of the development of students' competence, the systematic implementation of a certain type of tasks that are suitable for certain groups of students.The article presents a study of the level of training of students of the University of the 3rd year of study. The study was conducted in 2018 throughout the school year. Our results are based on data obtained from two groups of students with the same number of subjects. The introduction of differentiated learning technology can improve the quality of training of higher education institutions students. With the help of these technologies, each student, building training in accordance with their personal characteristics and professional needs, achieves success in mastering the material, quickly forms professional competence. The results of the study focused on the quality of training showed that differentiated technologies improve students’ performance


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    Objective: The objective of this work was to obtain a water-soluble 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) polymeric complex on the basis of a methacrylic acid (MAA) copolymer to be used as an injectable chemotherapeutic agent. Methods: A polymeric carrier was synthesized using tert-butyl methacrylate (TBMA) as a monomer, thioglycolic acid, and azobisisobutyronitrile as a radical polymerization initiator. The polymer was converted by acid hydrolysis into a water-soluble copolymer of TBMA and MAA of 20: 80 mass%, respectively. The copolymer of TBMA and MAA was modified with 5-FU. Their formation was proved using IR and UV spectroscopy. The particle size of the 5-FU polymeric complex was estimated by turbidimetry, which is based on measuring the intensity of light transmitted through a disperse system. The release of 5-FU from the obtained ionic complexes by dialysis in vitro was evaluated. Results: Polymeric carriers were obtained with different amounts of 5-FU (5, 15, 25, 50 mol%). A high peak at λ = 266 nm was observed in the UV spectrum of the polymeric carrier (characteristic of 5-FU). The particle size was estimated at 13 nm for the complex with 5 mol% 5-FU and 26.8 n for the complex with 50 mol% 5-FU. The 5-FU release was estimated in two parallel experiments at 37 °C. One utilized a phosphate-citrate buffer with pH 5.0 to model the intracellular space and the other, a phosphate buffer with pH 7.4 to model the intravascular space. Two systems, with 5 and 15 mol% 5-FU, were chosen for testing. In both phosphate buffer and phosphate-citrate buffer, 5-FU was released from the polymeric complex with 5 mol% 5-FU approximately 1.3 times faster than from the complex containing 5 mol% 5-fluorouracil. The kinetics of 5-FU release from the polymeric complex (5 mol% 5-fluorouracil) showed that the 5-FU release was 77.9% in phosphate-citrate buffer and 59.6% in phosphate buffer over 52 h of dialysis. When the 5-FU release kinetics was studied with the polymeric complex containing 15 mol% 5-FU, the 5-FU release was 100.0% in phosphate-citrate buffer and 75.1% in phosphate buffer over 57 h of dialysis. Conclusion: Water-soluble nanoscale complexes of 5-FU with TBMA–MAA copolymers extend application of 5-FU, while its general toxicity might be lower. The complexes are sufficiently stable at pH 7.4 and readily release 5-FU at pH 5.0

    Развитие социологического знания и изменение структуры раздела «60.5 Социология» в Библиотечно-библиографической классификации

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    There is substantiated the necessity to change the section “60.5 Sociology” in the schedules of the domestic Library bibliographical classification, due to the development of sociological knowledge in the recent decades. Based on the analysis of causes, forms and the nature of changes of sociological knowledge, there is proposed a new version of schedules. Comparative analysis of the previous and proposed versions of the LBC schedules, the analysis of a large mass of the latest literature on sociology allows to point out the increasing multi-paradigmality, interdisciplinarity and historicity of the sociological knowledge. It poses a number of problems to the classifiers on the reflection of these features in the LBC schedules and distributing the literature by sectors of socio-humanitarian knowledge. Some examples of solutions to these problems are proposed in this work.В статье обосновывается необходимость изменения раздела «60.5 Социология» в таблицах отечественной Библиотечно-библиографической классификации, вызванная развитием социологического знания за последние десятилетия. На основе анализа причин, форм и характера изменений социологического знания предлагается новый вариант данных таблиц. Сравнительный анализ предыдущего и предлагаемого вариантов таблиц ББК, анализ массива новейшей литературы по социологии позволяют говорить об усиливающейся мультипарадигмальности, междисцилинарности и историчности социологического знания. Это ставит ряд проблем перед систематизаторами по отражению данных особенностей в таблицах ББК и разведению литературы по отраслям социально-гуманитарного знания. Некоторые примеры решения этих проблем предлагаются в данной работе

    Digital system of registering, storage and actualization of municipal legal acts: elaboration and approbation in the territory of Krasnoyarsk krai

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    Objective to determine the legal status of the electronic information system of accounting storing and updating of municipal normative legal acts to disseminate the experience of development and implementation of such a system in Krasnoyarsk krai. Methods general scientific method of dialectical cognition historicallegal systemstructural comparativelegal formallogical and other particular scientific methods of cognition. Results the authors come to the conclusion that the electronic information system of accounting storing and updating of municipal normative legal acts is a type of official information systems and has special qualitative characteristics. Development and implementation of such systems in the activities of local governments according to the authors is a promising direction to ensure the openness of municipal legal acts and the accessibility of information on the results of municipal rulemaking. To illustrate the authorrsquos approach a functional description of the electronic information system of accounting storing and updating of municipal regulatory legal acts ldquoMunicipal legal acts of the Krasnoyarsk krairdquo is given. Scientific novelty consists in the development of theoretical conceptions about the legal nature of official information systems and applied problems of their use in the activities of local governments. Modern information and communication technologies allow the transition to the real embodiment of direct democracy including the involvement of the population in the direct decisionmaking at the level of local government using EISof municipal legal acts. Given the functions that may be performed by EIS ensuring access of citizens to the system of legal acts their storage and systematization communication between local governments and public authorities provision of official authentic texts of a legislative act organization of discussion on drafts of municipal legal acts formation of open data etc. it seems necessary to legislatively establish a legal regime of EIS as the official legal information system. EIS has significant advantages in comparison with other legal systems including the register maintained by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on the website ldquoNormative legal acts of the Russian Federationrdquo. Additional features of EIS aimed at the implementation of the provisions of the Federal Law ldquoOn ensuring access to information on the activities of state bodies and local selfgovernmentrdquo may occur when the legislator makes changes to the procedure for the official publication of municipal legal acts provided for in part 2 of Article 47 of the Federal Law ldquoOn general principles of local selfgovernment in the Russian Federationrdquo. Practical significance consist in the possibility of wide implementation of the electronic information system of accounting storing and updating of municipal normative legal acts in the activities of local governments developed by the authorsrsquo team

    Crystal structure and spin-trimer magnetism of Rb-2.3(H2O)(0.8)Mn-3[B4P6O24(O,OH)(2)]

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    The title borophosphate is characterized by a rare combination of the magnetic high-spin Mn2+ ions in both octahedral and tetrahedral coordinations. The crystal structure and magnetic properties are presented.</p

    Гуманитарные науки в структуре Библиотечно-библиографической классификации

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    The constant increase in the number of publications containing the term “humanitarian” in the title, the subject and methodological diversity of these works testify to the formation of the sphere of humanitarian knowledge, including not only traditional Humanities (cultural studies, literary studies, philology, linguistics, etc.), but also philosophical, transdisciplinary, methodological, popular science and even pseudo-scientific texts. All this literature needs to be systematized.Meanwhile, the literature on various aspects of humanitarian sphere in the system of Library Bibliographic Classification (LBC) is scattered in different sections. In part, it can be found in the sections of philosophy, epistemology and philosophical anthropology, in part it can be placed in cultural studies, in the philosophy of science. In addition, there are texts that are difficult to classify basing on the existing dividing.The term “humanitarian” did not immediately begin to be used in compilation of LBC Schedules that is largely due to the lack of clear differentiation of social and humanitarian knowledge. Until now, there are different traditional approaches in literature in considering their correlation. In our opinion, the trends towards their increasingly clear differentiation are quite clear. Therefore, the determination of the place for literature in the humanitarian sphere in the LBC Schedules is becoming more and more important. According to the authors’ opinion, it would be logical in front of the row of the Humanities to single out the section “Humanities as a whole”, which would head the LBC sector “Culture. Science. Education”. The authors suggest putting here the literature on General characteristic features of humanitarian knowledge, its role in spiritual culture, philosophical and cultural reflections on the humanitarian sphere. Publications in which researchers are trying to implement a new synthesis of the Humanities would also find their place here. The section may include literature on humanitarian knowledge, its structure, features and functions in society. An important feature of the development of the humanitarian sphere is the development of problems of practical application of humanitarian knowledge. Literature on digital Humanities, humanitarian informatics, humanitarian technologies and humanitarian expertise will also be reflected in this section.Постоянный рост числа публикаций, содержащих в заглавии термин «гуманитарный», предметное и методологическое разнообразие этих работ свидетельствуют о формировании сферы гуманитарного познания. Она включает не только традиционные гуманитарные науки (культурологию, литературоведение, филологию, языкознание и т. д.), но и философские, трансдисциплинарные, методологические, научно-популярные и даже псевдонаучные тексты. Весь этот массив литературы нуждается в систематизации.Между тем литература, посвященная различным аспектам гуманитарной сферы, в системе Библиотечно-библиографической классификации (ББК) разбросана по разным разделам. Частично она может находиться в разделах философии, гносеологии и философской антропологии, частично — культурологии, философии науки. Кроме того, есть тексты, которые сложно классифицировать на основе существующих делений. Термин «гуманитарный» не сразу начал использоваться при составлении таблиц ББК, что во многом связано с недостаточно четкой дифференциацией социального и гуманитарного познания. До сих пор в литературе существуют разные традиции рассмотрения их соотношения. На наш взгляд, тенденции ко все более четкой их дифференциации достаточно ясны. Поэтому определение места для литературы по гуманитарной сфере в Таблицах ББК постепенно становится все более важным. Логично выделить в начале ряда гуманитарных наук раздел «Гуманитарное науки в целом», возглавляющий отдел ББК «Культура. Наука. Просвещение». Здесь можно поместить литературу, посвященную общей характеристике гуманитарного познания, его роли в духовной культуре, философско-культурологическим размышлениям над гуманитарной сферой. Также нашли бы свое место публикации, в которых исследователи пытаются осуществить новый синтез гуманитарных наук. Раздел может включать в себя литературу, посвященную гуманитарному знанию, его структуре, особенностям, функциям в обществе. Важной особенностью развития гуманитарной сферы является разработка проблем практического применения гуманитарного знания. Литература по цифровым гуманитарным наукам, гуманитарной информатике, гуманитарным технологиям, гуманитарной экспертизе также найдет отражение в этом разделе

    The Readiness of the Population to Introduce a Pharmaceutical Insurance System in Kazakhstan

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    Предмет исследования: комплекс факторов, влияющих на готовность граждан к внедрению в Казахстане новой системы страхования лекарственного обеспечения. Цель работы: исследовать готовность казахстанцев к введению системы страхования лекарственного обеспечения, предусматривающей 50 % государственное софинансирование. В 2022 г. авторами статьи было осуществлено социально-экономическое обоснование целесообразности внедрения в республике новой системы страхования, а также разработаны методология и инструментарий прикладного исследования. В статье приводятся результаты массового опроса населения на выборке 5 819 человек из 17 регионов республики (выборка многоступенчатая, квотная). Для обработки и анализа данных опроса применялись методы компьютерного анализа данных (SPSS 25.0), статистического анализа, сравнительного анализа, классификации, группировки. Выявлены и классифицированы факторы, в различной степени влияющие на готовность населения Казахстана к введению новой системы страхования лекарственного обеспечения: субъективное одобрение; финансовые возможности; состояние здоровья; социально-демографические характеристики. Население Казахстана в целом характеризуется средней степенью готовности к введению новой системы страхования лекарственного обеспечения. Однако около трети респондентов не имеют сформированного положительного или отрицательного мнения. Эмпирические данные подтверждают низкую информированность населения по теме медицинского страхования. Результаты применимы в деятельности Министерства здравоохранения Казахстана посредством включения системы страхования лекарственного обеспечения в программы обязательного и добровольного медицинского страхования. Исследование показало, что оптимальному внедрению и устойчивости новой системы будет способствовать разработка альтернативных персонально ориентированных страховых комплектов, предназначенных для людей, во‑первых, с разным уровнем доходов, во‑вторых, с индивидуальным риском возникновения и осложнения болезней, наступления инвалидности. Для успешной реализации новой системы руководству Министерства здравоохранения Казахстана рекомендуется расширять просветительскую работу с населением в области обязательного и добровольного медицинского страхованияSubject of the study: a set of factors affecting the readiness of citizens to introduce a new pharmaceutical insurance system in Kazakhstan. The purpose of the work: to study the readiness of the population of Kazakhstan to introduce a pharmaceutical insurance system with 50 % state co-financing. In 2022, the authors of the article within the framework of the project “Development of a quantitative methodology for identifying population groups ready to support the introduction of pharmaceutical insurance and assessment of the financial stability of this type of insurance in Kazakhstan” (AP09259811) gave a socio-economic justification for the feasibility of introducing pharmaceutical insurance in the republic, and also developed a methodology and tools for applied scientific study. The article presents the results of a mass survey of the population. Sample: 5,819 people from 17 regions of Kazakhstan (multi-stage, quota sampling). To process and analyze the survey data, the following methods were used: computer analysis of primary sociological data (SPSS 25.0), statistical analysis, comparative analysis, classification, grouping. The factors influencing the readiness of the population of Kazakhstan to introduce a new pharmaceutical insurance system to varying degrees have been identified and classified: 1) subjective approval; 2) financial capabilities; 3) health status; 4) socio-demographic characteristics. The population of Kazakhstan is characterized by an average degree of readiness for the introduction of a new pharmaceutical insurance system (43.9 %). However, 37.7 % of respondents do not have a clearly formed positive or negative opinion. Empirical data confirm the low awareness of the population on the topic of health insurance in general. The results can be applied in the work of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan. More precisely, they can be integrated into the pharmaceutical insurance system (namely, into compulsory and private health insurance programs). The study showed the feasibility of introducing a new pharmaceutical insurance system in Kazakhstan with 50 % state co-financing. The optimal implementation and sustainability of the new system will be facilitated by the development of alternative personally oriented insurance kits designed for people, firstly, with different income levels, and secondly, with an individual risk of the occurrence and complications of diseases, as well as the onset of disability. For the successful implementation of the new system, the leadership of the Ministry of Health of Kazakhstan is recommended to expand educational work among the population of the republic in the field of compulsory and voluntary health insuranc

    Layered nanomaterials for renewable energy generation and storage

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    This study focuses on potential applications of two-dimensional (2D) materials in renewable energy research.</jats:p

    Selective footprints and genes relevant to cold adaptation and other phenotypic traits are unscrambled in the genomes of divergently selected chicken breeds

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    Background: The genomes of worldwide poultry breeds divergently selected for performance and other phenotypic traits may also be affected by, and formed due to, past and current admixture events. Adaptation to diverse environments, including acclimation to harsh climatic conditions, has also left selection footprints in breed genomes. Results: Using the Chicken 50K_CobbCons SNP chip, we genotyped four divergently selected breeds: two aboriginal, cold tolerant Ushanka and Orloff Mille Fleur, one egg-type Russian White subjected to artificial selection for cold tolerance, and one meat-type White Cornish. Signals of selective sweeps were determined in the studied breeds using three methods: (1) assessment of runs of homozygosity islands, (2) FST based population differential analysis, and (3) haplotype differentiation analysis. Genomic regions of true selection signatures were identified by two or more methods or in two or more breeds. In these regions, we detected 540 prioritized candidate genes supplemented them with those that occurred in one breed using one statistic and were suggested in other studies. Amongst them, SOX5, ME3, ZNF536, WWP1, RIPK2, OSGIN2, DECR1, TPO, PPARGC1A, BDNF, MSTN, and beta-keratin genes can be especially mentioned as candidates for cold adaptation. Epigenetic factors may be involved in regulating some of these important genes (e.g., TPO and BDNF). Conclusion: Based on a genome-wide scan, our findings can help dissect the genetic architecture underlying various phenotypic traits in chicken breeds. These include genes representing the sine qua non for adaptation to harsh environments. Cold tolerance in acclimated chicken breeds may be developed following one of few specific gene expression mechanisms or more than one overlapping response known in cold-exposed individuals, and this warrants further investigation