284 research outputs found

    Application of ESI FT-ICR MS to Study Kraft Lignin Modification by the Exoenzymes of the White Rot Basidiomycete Fungus TrametesHirsutaLE-BIN 072

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    Trameteshirsuta is a wood rotting fungus that possesses a vast array of lignin degrading enzymes, including7 laccases, 7 ligninolyticmanganese peroxidases, 9 lignin peroxidases and 2 versatile peroxidases. In this study,electrospray ionization Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (ESI FT-ICR MS)was used to examine kraft lignin modification by the enzymatic system of this fungus.The observed pattern of lignin modification suggested that before the 6th day of cultivation,the fungal enzymatic system tended to degrade more oxidized moleculesand, hence, less recalcitrant molecules, with the production of hard-to-modify reduced molecular species. At some point after the 6th day of cultivation,the fungal enzymatic system tended to degrade more oxidized moleculesand, hence, less recalcitrant molecules, with the production of hard-to-modify reduced molecular species. At some point after the 6th day of cultivation,the fungus started to degrade less oxidized, more recalcitrant, compounds, converting them into the more oxidized forms. The altered pattern of lignin modification enabled changes in the fungal enzymatic system. These changes were further attributed to the appearance of the particular ligninolyticmanganese peroxides enzyme(MnP7), which was added by the fungus to the mixture of enzymes that had already been secreted (VP2 and MnP5). Keywords: wood rotting fungi, kraft lignin, mass spectrometry, peroxidase

    Comparative analysis of the PET and ICT sensor properties of 1,8-naphthalimides containing aza-15-crown-5 ether moiety

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    International audienceNovel 4-amino- and 4-(acetyl)amino-N-aryl-1,8-naphthalimides containing aza-15-crown-5 ether receptor unit in the N-aryl fragment and at C-4 of the naphthalimide residue were designed and prepared. Significant internal charge transfer from electron donating amino or amido group at C-4 of the naphthalene ring to the acceptor carboxyimide moiety as well as photoinduced electron transfer between N-aryl receptor and the naphthalimide fragment was revealed by the UV/Vis absorption spectroscopy and considerable fluorescence quenching. The addition of calcium perchlorate to an acetonitrile solution of naphthalimides with the receptor at imide nitrogen hindered the photoinduced electron transfer process and accordingly restored the quenched fluorescence of the free ligands. In the case of the compound in which the aza-15-crown-5 receptor is located at C-4, the coordination with Ca2+ reduced the internal charge transfer interaction in the chromophore and caused a significant blue-shift of the absorption and emission peak. The observed spectral effects were analyzed using PM6 semiempirical calculations. Formation of complexes was also confirmed by 1H NMR spectroscopy

    Probiotic Potential and Functional Properties of Lactobacillus Reuteri, Lactobacillus Rhamnosus and Lactobacillus Helveticus: A Comparative Study

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    This study was conducted to evaluate and comparethe probiotic propertiesofLactobacillus helveticusNK1, Lactobacillus rhamnosusF and Lactobacillus reuteriLR1lactobacilli strains.Changes in pH, cell growth, proteolytic activity, antioxidantactivity, and angiotensin-converting enzyme(ACE)inhibitoryactivity were monitored during fermentation ofreconstituted skim milk (RSM) by pure cultures of lactobacilli.Among the tested strains, L. helveticusNK1 showed the highest proteolytic, ACE inhibitoryand antioxidantactivitiesduring milk fermentation,followed by L. rhamnosus F and L. reuteriLR1.The promising capability of all of the lactobacilli strains to release bioactivepeptides from the milk proteins was demonstrated. Keywords: Lactobacillus, probiotic, milk fermentation, bioactive peptide

    Biodegradation Potential of SteccherinumOchraceum: Growth on Different Wood Types and Preliminary Evaluation of Enzymatic Activities

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    White-rot fungi isa source of a great variety of oxidative and hydrolytic enzymes suitable for biotechnological applications, e.g. in pulp and paper, textile and food industries, bioethanol production, degradation of recalcitrant environmental pollutants,and others. Steccherinumochraceum is a xylotrophicwhite-rot basidiomycetethat can be found in variousclimatic zones on different woody substrates (mostly well decayed). For this research, seventeenstrains of S. ochraceumwere collected in different regions of Russia from various wood substrates (aspen, alder, oak, hazel, birch and willow). Phylogeneticanalyseswere performedbasedon the nucleotide sequences of ITS1, ITS2, 5.8S rRNA, 28S rRNA, β-tubulin and tef1.Oxidaseandcellulaseactivitieswereassessedbyplate-tests with ABTS and CMC. Forevaluation of biodegradation potential,solid state fermentation on alder and pine sawdust wasperformed. Weightanddensitylossaswellas the C:Nratioweremeasuredafter 90 days of cultivation.All S. ochraceum strains exhibited high oxidative activity towards ABTS, indicating secretion of oxidative enzymes (i.e. laccases and class II peroxidases). Cellulase activity was medium or low for most strains and in some strains – absent. Allstrainswereabletodegradealderandpinesawdust. There was no correlation between the enzymatic activity, biodegradation potential and geographic origin of S. ochraceum strains. However, S. ochraceum strains isolated from the same wood substrates exhibited similar characteristics in most cases. Strain LE-BIN 3398 was the most effective for degrading both alder and pine sawdust and could be regarded as a promising source of oxidative enzymes for biotechnology. Keywords: basidiomycetes, biodegradation, solid state fermentation, oxidase activity, Steccherinumochraceu

    Multimodal Discourse: In Search of Units

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    Abstract Human communication is inherently multimodal. In this study we focus on three channels of spoken discourse: the verbal component, prosody, and gesticulation. We address the question of units that can be identified within these components and in spoken multimodal discourse as a whole. The basic unit of the verbal channel is the clause, reporting an event or a state. A set of prosodic criteria help to define elementary discourse units, that is prosodic units serving as quanta of discourse production. The gestural channel consists of individual gestures, each defined by a set of features. Elementary discourse units are strongly coordinated with both clauses and gestures and can thus be considered basic units of multimodal discourse. Larger units can also be identified, such as prosodic sentences and series of gestures that again demonstrate coordination. By identifying units of natural discourse, coordinated across various channels, we make a step towards multimodal linguistics

    Lys98 Substitution in Human AP Endonuclease 1 Affects the Kinetic Mechanism of Enzyme Action in Base Excision and Nucleotide Incision Repair Pathways

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    Human apurinic/apyrimidinic endonuclease 1 (APE1) is a key enzyme in the base excision repair (BER) and nucleotide incision repair (NIR) pathways. We recently analyzed the conformational dynamics and kinetic mechanism of wild-type (wt) protein, in a stopped-flow fluorescence study. In this study, we investigated the mutant enzyme APE1K98A using the same approach. Lys98 was known to hydrogen bond to the carboxyl group of Asp70, a residue implicated in binding the divalent metal ion. Our data suggested that the conformational selection and induced fit occur during the enzyme action. We expanded upon the evidence that APE1 can pre-exist in two conformations. The isomerization of an enzyme-product complex in the BER process and the additional isomerization stage of enzyme-substrate complex in the NIR process were established for APE1K98A. These stages had not been registered for the wtAPE1. We found that the K98A substitution resulted in a 12-fold reduction of catalytic constant of 5′-phosphodiester bond hydrolysis in (3-hydroxytetrahydrofuran-2-yl)methyl phosphate (F, tetrahydrofuran) containing substrate, and in 200-fold reduction in 5,6-dihydrouridine (DHU) containing substrate. Thus, the K98A substitution influenced NIR more than BER. We demonstrated that the K98A mutation influenced the formation of primary unspecific enzyme-substrate complex in a complicated manner, depending on the Mg2+ concentration and pH. This mutation obstructed the induced fit of enzyme in the complex with undamaged DNA and F-containing DNA and appreciably decreased the stability of primary complex upon interaction of enzyme with DNA, containing the natural apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP) site. Furthermore, it significantly delayed the activation of the less active form of enzyme during NIR and slowed down the conformational conversion of the complex of enzyme with the cleavage product of DHU-substrate. Our data revealed that APE1 uses the same active site to catalyze the cleavage of DHU- and AP-substrates

    Metal-ion induced FRET in macrocyclic dynamic tweezers

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    International audienceAbstract We report here about effective FRET process (73-99%) in mono-Mg2+ complexes of symmetrical crown ether bis(styryl) dyes. The FRET process has not been observed in the free state and in binuclear complexes. The formation of mononuclear complex provides two styrylic fragments with appropriate positions of absorption and emission bands for FRET. The other important parameter for FRET is the proper geometric orientation of both chromophores, which attain sandwich conformation with close positioning of complexed and free styryl fragments induced by ion-modulated geometry reorganization of the bis-dye

    Genome-wide association studies targeting the yield of extraembryonic fluid and production traits in Russian White chickens

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    Background: The Russian White is a gene pool breed, registered in 1953 after crossing White Leghorns with local populations and, for 50 years, selected for cold tolerance and high egg production (EL). The breed has great potential in meeting demands of local food producers, commercial farmers and biotechnology sector of specific pathogen-free (SPF) eggs, the former valuing the breed for its egg weight (EW), EL, age at first egg (AFE), body weight (BW), and the latter for its yield of extraembryonic fluid (YEF) in 12.5-day embryos, ratio of extraembryonic fluid to egg weight, and embryo mass. Moreover, its cold tolerance has been presumably associated with day-old chick down colour (DOCDC) white rather than yellow, the genetic basis of these traits being however poorly understood. Results: We undertook genome-wide association studies (GWASs) for eight performance traits using single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotyping of 146 birds and an Illumina 60KBeadChip. Several suggestive associations (p <5.16*10(-5)) were found for YEF, AFE, BW and EW. Moreover, on chromosome 2, an association with the white DOCDC was found where there is an linkage disequilibrium block of SNPs including genes that are responsible not for colour, but for immune resistance. Conclusions: The obtained GWAS data can be used to explore the genetics of immunity and carry out selection for increasing YEF for SPF eggs production.Peer reviewe

    Kinetics of substrate recognition and cleavage by human 8-oxoguanine-DNA glycosylase

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    Human 8-oxoguanine-DNA glycosylase (hOgg1) excises 8-oxo-7,8-dihydroguanine (8-oxoG) from damaged DNA. We report a pre-steady-state kinetic analysis of hOgg1 mechanism using stopped-flow and enzyme fluorescence monitoring. The kinetic scheme for hOgg1 processing an 8-oxoG:C-containing substrate was found to include at least three fast equilibrium steps followed by two slow, irreversible steps and another equilibrium step. The second irreversible step was rate-limiting overall. By comparing data from Ogg1 intrinsic fluorescence traces and from accumulation of products of different types, the irreversible steps were attributed to two main chemical steps of the Ogg1-catalyzed reaction: cleavage of the N-glycosidic bond of the damaged nucleotide and β-elimination of its 3′-phosphate. The fast equilibrium steps were attributed to enzyme conformational changes during the recognition of 8-oxoG, and the final equilibrium, to binding of the reaction product by the enzyme. hOgg1 interacted with a substrate containing an aldehydic AP site very slowly, but the addition of 8-bromoguanine (8-BrG) greatly accelerated the reaction, which was best described by two initial equilibrium steps followed by one irreversible chemical step and a final product release equilibrium step. The irreversible step may correspond to β-elimination since it is the very step facilitated by 8-BrG