183 research outputs found

    Cluster analysis of component composition of essential oil taken from plants of FIlipendula genus

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    The different plants of Filipendula genus are sources of essential oil and are used in scientific or folk medicine very often. As a result of conducted research, it was established that the component composition of essentially oil are methylsalycylate and salicylic aldehyde and mono- and sesquiterpenes mainly. At the same time the quantitative content of separate components of essential oil were significantly differed. Further the means of data clustering have been applied which allowed to analyze the set of all experimental data simultaneously. Analysis of built hierarchical tree showed the researched plants can be integrated into 3 groups in accordance with degree of difference: 1 - F. camtschatica, F. glaberrima, F. palmata; 2 - F. ulmaria, F. denudata, F.picbaueri; 3 - F. vulgaris. Such distribution corresponds to taxonomy positions of these spesies of Filipendula genus. Thus, the proposed approach to analysis of the components composition of essential oil can be used as an additional sign in solving taxonomy tasks for dividing various species. Besides the cluster analysis of component composition of essential oils can be as a methodical basis of implementation of technology a "fingerprint" technology, which can be used for identification of not qualitative herb raw materials containing other plants.The different plants of Filipendula genus are sources of essential oil and are used in scientific or folk medicine very often. As a result of conducted research, it was established that the component composition of essentially oil are methylsalycylate and salicylic aldehyde and mono- and sesquiterpenes mainly. At the same time the quantitative content of separate components of essential oil were significantly differed. Further the means of data clustering have been applied which allowed to analyze the set of all experimental data simultaneously. Analysis of built hierarchical tree showed the researched plants can be integrated into 3 groups in accordance with degree of difference: 1 - F. camtschatica, F. glaberrima, F. palmata; 2 - F. ulmaria, F. denudata, F.picbaueri; 3 - F. vulgaris. Such distribution corresponds to taxonomy positions of these spesies of Filipendula genus. Thus, the proposed approach to analysis of the components composition of essential oil can be used as an additional sign in solving taxonomy tasks for dividing various species. Besides the cluster analysis of component composition of essential oils can be as a methodical basis of implementation of technology a "fingerprint" technology, which can be used for identification of not qualitative herb raw materials containing other plants

    Modeling of Gravitational Separation By the Method of Smoothed Particles Hydrodynamics (SPH)

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    The article deals with the peculiarities of solving the problem of numerical simulation of gravity separation of dispersed particles. A simulation model is created by using the Monte Carlo method, in which the ‘first principles’ (elementary particles) are particles of the charge and reaction products. The object-oriented language ActionScript 3.0 was chosen as the programming language. At the same time, the most difficult(computational) task was to find neighbors (complexity N2 ). In this article, the comparison analysis of the improved algorithm of neighbors search of complexity (2⋅N⋅k) with standard neighbors search is given; the object of comparison is the quantity of the displayed particles moving in real time. Keywords: modeling of flows, gravity separator, the Monte Carlo method, smoothed particles, complexity of the algorithm, neighbors searc

    Chemical composition of Rhododendron aureum (gold rosebay) essential oil from Pribaikal’e (Russian Federation)

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    The essential oils from five samples of leaves of Rhododendron aureum from the Irkutsk region, Pribaikal’e, Russian Federation, were isolated by hydrodistillation and analyzed by a combination of GC and GC/MS. Compounds representing 70.5–78.3 % of the oils were identified. Twenty-seven compounds were identified according to their chromatographic retention indices and mass spectra. The major components of the oils were calarene (10.4––66.4 %), b-bourbonene (0.5–27.4 %), a-selinene (2.1–8.0 %) and kaur-16-ene (2.0–6.3 %). It was found that the chemical composition of Rh. aureum essential oil depends on the altitude of the growing plants


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    Установлена иммуномодулирующая активность полисахаридов из аира болотного, астрагала перепончатого, софоры желтоватой, зопника клубненосного, шлемника байкальского, кардамона настоящего, имбиря лекарственного при азатиоприновой иммуносупрессии. Показана зависимость степени выраженности иммуномодулирующей активности полисахаридов от. их структуры: чем. больше степень разветвления, тем выше активность

    Development of a Patient Acceptable Symptom State (PASS) Question for Children with Consistent, Long-Term Disability

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    Patient Acceptable Symptom State (PASS) is a single Yes/No question where a “yes” response indicates the minimal level of symptoms and function above which a person considers their current condition satisfactory. ➢ PASS has shown validity as an anchoring question for important health outcomes in adults with various diagnoses and in children with JIA (Strand 2011; Kvien 2007; Tubach 2012; Filocamo 2012; Consolaro 2012; Roos 2019). However, it has not been researched in children with consistent, long-term disability

    Correction of morphofunctional changes in mice thymus and spleen by Rhaponticum uniflorum (L.) DC. extract at cyclophosphamide immunosupression

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    The aim of the study is to evaluate the effect of R. uniflorum dry extract on morphofunctional state of mice thymus and spleen at cyclophosphamide immunosuppression.Materials and methods. The experiments were carried out on F1 (CBAxC57Bl/6) mice 18–20 g of weight. Immune deficiency was simulated by a single intraperitoneal introduction of cyclophosphamide in the dose 250 mg/kg. R. uniflorum dry extract in the dose 100 mg/kg was administered per os for 14 days. The thymus and spleen were fixed for histological studies on day 16. The thymus total area, the cortex and medulla area, the connective tissue capsule thickness, the spleen white and red pulp area were used to measure on micropreparations stained with hematoxylineosin and azure-eosin. The cell density and the cellular composition were calculated in the thymus cortical substance.Results. The R. uniflorum extract increased the thymus total area and the corticomedullary index by 37 and 26 % (p ≤ 0.05), respectively. The cells density increased in the cortical substance, it decreased in the medulla, as a result “layer inversion” is not observed in any animal of the experimental group. The number of proliferating lymphocytes, blasts and large lymphocytes increased; the number of destructive cells and macrophages decreased in the cortical substance. The spleen white pulp relative volume was 39 % higher than in the control.Conclusions. The R. uniflorum dry extract had an immunocorrective effect on the thymus and spleen morphofunctional state at cyclophosphamid immunosuppression

    Получение медного концентрата при обогащении железных руд

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    The data on the complex processing of iron ore from one of the deposits of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which involves several operations of wet magnetic separation with re-grinding of raw products and their subsequent refining to produce a conditioned iron concentrate with 65–66 % iron containing 79–80 % Fe and 2.2–2.5 % Si, are presented. It was found that during the magnetic enrichment of the ore under study, the copper minerals concentrate in the magnetic separation tailings and the copper content in them increases from 0.093 to 0.2 %. A scheme and reagent system have been developed for the recovery of conditioned copper concentrate from magnetically enriched tailings. To obtain copper concentrate, magnetic separation tailings are subjected to regrinding in a lime medium to a fineness of 75 % of the –0.071 mm grade. After two operations of the main copper flotation with the use of water glass, butyl xanthate and frother MIBK, waste tailings are obtained. The froth product of the first basal flotation is cleaned twice. The result is a copper concentrate containing 15.2 % copper, 26.5 % iron, 17.5 % sulfur, 3.47 % silicon, 1.4 % aluminum and 8.5 % zinc, which corresponds to the KM-7 grade according to GOST R 52998-2008. Waste tailings contain: copper 0.08 %, iron 20.1 %, sulfur 0.25 %, silicon 16.2 %, aluminum 6.4 % and zinc 0.045 %. The influence of xanthates with different length and structure of hydrocarbon radical as well as hostaflots and amyl aeroflots on the process of copper flotation is studied. The high efficiency of butyl xanthate in the flotation of copper minerals has been confirmed.Приведены данные по комплексной переработке железной руды одного из месторождений Республики Казахстан, которая предусматривает несколько операций мокрой магнитной сепарации с доизмельчением полученных черновых продуктов и последующую их перечистку с получением кондиционного железного концентрата, содержащего 65–66 % железа при извлечении 79–80 % Fe и 2,2–2,5 % Si. Установлено, что при магнитном обогащении исследуемой руды медные минералы концентрируются в хвостах магнитной сепарации и содержание меди в них повышается с 0,093 до 0,2 %. Разработана схема и реагентный режим получения кондиционного медного концентрата из хвостов магнитного обогащения. Для получения медного концентрата хвосты магнитной сепарации подвергаются доизмельчению в известковой среде до крупности 75 % класса –0,071 мм. После двух операций основной медной флотации с применением жидкого стекла, бутилового ксантогената и вспенивателя МИБК получают отвальные хвосты. Пенный продукт первой основной флотации дважды перечищается. В результате получается медный концентрат с содержанием, %: 15,2 Cu, 26,5 Fe, 17,5 S, 3,47 Si, 1,4 Al и 8,5 Zn, который соответствует марке КМ-7 (ГОСТ Р 52998-2008). Отвальные хвосты содержат, %: 0,08 Cu, 20,1 Fe, 0,25 S, 16,2 Si, 6,4 Al и 0,045 Zn. Рассмотрено влияние на процесс медной флотации ксантогенатов с различной длиной и строением углеводородного радикала, а также Хостафлотов и амилового аэрофлота. Подтверждена высокая эффективность бутилового ксантогената при флотации медных минералов

    Studying of the anti-ischemic action of <I>Rhaponticum uniflorum</I> and <I>Serratula centauroides</I> dry extracts on a model of bilateral occlusion of the carotid arteries

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    The aim of the study to evaluate the anti-ischemic effect of Serratula centauroides and Rhaponticum uniflorum dry extracts for bilateral carotid artery occlusion.Materials and methods. The studies were carried out on 77 Wistar rats. Rh. uniflorum and S. centauroides dry extracts at doses 50, 100, 200 mg/kg were administered intragastrically for 14 days prior to bilateral occlusion of the carotid arteries. To assess the anti-ischemic effect of the investigated agents, the total mortality, the dynamics of survival, the survival time, the animals’ neurological status were determined using a modified McGraw scale and the brain hydration degree.Results. S. centauroides at a dose 200 mg/kg reduced the percentage of animals’ death by 2.8 times (p ≤ 0.05) compared with the control. Life expectancy in animals treated with S. centauroides at doses 100 and 200 mg/kg and Rh. uniflorum at dose 100  mg/kg increased by 46, 52 and 64  %, respectively, compared to the control. The neurological deficit lowest severity was observed in animals treated with S. centauroides at dose 200 mg/kg. The most pronounced statistically significant decrease in the brain hydration level was observed in animals treated with Rh.  uniflorum at doses 100 and 200 mg/kg and S. centauroides at dose 100 mg/kg.Conclusion. S. centauroides and Rh. uniflorum dry extracts have an anti-ischemic effect in cerebral ischemia

    Effect of individual substances isolated from Silene jeniseensis Willd on the state of the main links of immunity at experimental immune deficiency

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    Introduction. The search, development and introduction of new drugs with an immunotropic effect are one of the priority tasks of modern immunopharmacology. Numerous studies have proven the immunotropic activity of individual substances isolated from medicinal plants (flavonoids, polysaccharides, ecdysteroids, terpenoids, etc.). In the present study, it is of interest to determine the immunomodulatory effect of individual substances isolated from Silene jeniseensis Willd.The aim of the study. Determination of the immunomodulatory activity of individual substances isolated from Silene jeniseensis: flavonoid isoorientin-2”-O-rhamnoside, polysaccharide arabino-3.6-galactan and ecdysteroid 20-hydroxyecdysone under conditions of cyclophosphamide induced experimental immunosuppression.Methods. Experiments were carried out on F1 (CBAxC57Bl/6) mice. Immunodeficiency was modeled by intraperitoneal administration of cyclophosphamide to control group animals in the dose 250 mg/kg once. Experimental groups of mice received the test substances intragastrically once a day for 14 days against the background of immunosuppression in the following doses: isoorientin-2”-O-rhamnoside – 10 mg/ kg, arabino-3.6-galactan – 3 mg/kg, 20-hydroxyecdysone – 3 mg/kg. The effect of substances on cellular immunity was determined in a delayed hypersensitivity reaction, humoral immunity was determined in an antibody formation reaction by local hemolysis according to A.J. Cunningham. The phagocytic activity of peritoneal macrophages was studied in relation to colloidal ink particles.Results. With the introduction of isoorientin-2”-O-rhamnoside, arabino-3.6-galactan and 20-hydroxyecdysone in experimental animals, there was an increase in the index of delayed-type hypersensitivity reaction by 1.3–1.4 times, the absolute and relative number of antibody-forming cells by 1.4–1.7 times, phagocytic index by 1.2–1.5 times compared with the data in the control group, which indicates the leveling of the suppressive effect of cyclophosphamide on cell-mediated immune response, antibody genesis and phagocytosis of macrophages.Conclusion. Isoorientin-2”-O-rhamnoside and arabino-3.6-galactan have the most pronounced immunomodulatory effect. The obtained data allow us to consider the studied substances as promising plant immunomodulators

    Accumulation dynamics of phenolic compounds in the aboveground organs of Euphrasia pectinata Ten., growing in the Central Siberia

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    A plant of the Euphrasia L. genus is promising to be introduced into medical practice and being used in traditional medicine for eye, gastrointestinal tract, upper respiratory tract disease treatment. Euphrasia pectinata Ten is widespread and growing abundantly in the Central Siberia. Study of the composition and quantitative content of phenolic compounds of Euphrasia pectinata Ten. growing in Irkutsk Region was studied by HpLC method. Organ-specific distribution and dynamics of accumulation depending on the phase of vegetation of 8 compounds (3-O-caffeoylquinic acid(chlorogenicacid), hyperozide, acteoside, cynaroside, diosmetin-7-O-β-D-glucuronide, dihydroquercetin, luteolin, quercetin) were studied. The maximum of flavonoid glycosides is accumulated in flowers and leaves, and the maximum of flavonoid aglycone is accumulated in stems. The maximum quantity of flavonoids in aboveground organs is observed in the flowering period, and maximum of phenylethanoid acteoside is observed in the fruiting period. Thus, as a medicinal plant, the materials can be recommended for harvesting of the aboveground organs E. pectinata during the flowering period