124 research outputs found

    Effective index approximations of photonic crystal slabs: a 2-to-1-D assessment

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    The optical properties of slab-like photonic crystals are often discussed on the basis of effective index (EI) approximations, where a 2-D effective refractive index profile replaces the actual 3-D structure. Our aim is to assess this approximation by analogous steps that reduce finite 2-D waveguide Bragg-gratings (to be seen as sections through 3-D PC slabs and membranes) to 1-D problems, which are tractable by common transfer matrix methods. Application of the EI method is disputable in particular in cases where locally no guided modes are supported, as in the holes of a PC membrane. A variational procedure permits to derive suitable effective permittivities even in these cases. Depending on the structural properties, these values can well turn out to be lower than one, or even be negative. Both the “standard” and the variational procedures are compared with reference data, generated by a rigorous 2-D Helmholtz solver, for a series of example structures.\u

    Formative research - an essential step in developing and adapting health interventions and policies in low- and lower-middle income countries

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    Background: Situation analysis is an important component of designing and developing healthcare interventions and allows us to describe health gaps and needs of different population groups in various settings. The overall objective of both studies was to shed light on the health situation and needs of adolescents and adults living in low- and low-middle income countries in Africa, with a focus on sexual and reproductive health (SRH) and respiratory health. Methods: We employed mixed-methods research. The data collection took place in 2017 and 2018 in Maputo, Mozambique and in the Nakivale refugee settlement in Mbarara, Uganda. Data was collected in healthcare facilities and communities. We used questionnaires, focus group discussions and individual interviews, as well as clinical assessments and lung function testing. Data was analysed using statistical methods: descriptive statistics and logistic regression, and qualitative thematic analysis. Results: In Study I, a total of 212 male and female participants were recruited, from whom 155 participants provided usable spirometry results. The mean age of participants was 35.20 years (SD 10.99) and 59.35% (93 of 155) were female. Spirometric prediction equations were developed based on the studied population. The predicted values for spirometric parameters: forced vital capacity (FVC), forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1) and the FEV1/FVC ratio using Mozambican equations were lower than the GLI- and the South African-based predictions [1]. In Study II, a total of 260 female participants were recruited, with a median age of 15.9 years. The countries of origin for majority of girls were DR Congo and Burundi. A total of 43% of girls, who had experienced menstruation (93%), had ever missed school due to pain, lack of hygiene products or shame. SRH knowledge was poor: a total of 11.7% of the girls were not aware of how HIV is prevented and 13.8% could not name any methods to prevent pregnancy. Thirty girls were sexually active at the time of interview, 11 of them had experienced forced sexual intercourse, which occurred during conflict, in transit or within the camp. A total of 27 participants had reported female genital mutilation (FGM). The most preferred sources for SRH information were parents or guardians, however, some participants mentioned that they were shy or afraid to discuss other sexuality topics apart from menstruation with their parents. A total of 30% of girls had ever visited an SRH service centre, mostly to seek medical aid for menstrual problems or to test for HIV [2]. Conclusions: These studies contribute to knowledge on the health status of vulnerable populations, i.e. adolescents in a refugee camp in Uganda and adults living in poor urban neighbourhoods in Mozambique, and provide valuable data for the design and implementation of future research projects and programs in these settings, addressing specific health issues (SRH and respiratory health)

    Potential Nonclassical Symmetries and Solutions of Fast Diffusion Equation

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    The fast diffusion equation ut=(u1ux)xu_t=(u^{-1}u_x)_x is investigated from the symmetry point of view in development of the paper by Gandarias [Phys. Lett. A 286 (2001) 153-160]. After studying equivalence of nonclassical symmetries with respect to a transformation group, we completely classify the nonclassical symmetries of the corresponding potential equation. As a result, new wide classes of potential nonclassical symmetries of the fast diffusion equation are obtained. The set of known exact non-Lie solutions are supplemented with the similar ones. It is shown that all known non-Lie solutions of the fast diffusion equation are exhausted by ones which can be constructed in a regular way with the above potential nonclassical symmetries. Connection between classes of nonclassical and potential nonclassical symmetries of the fast diffusion equation is found.Comment: 13 pages, section 3 is essentially revise

    Professional Preparation of Future Socionomists for Cross-Cultural Communication in a Multilingual Environment of Higher Education Institutions in Countries of the Danube Region

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    The article presents an original model for professional preparation of future socionomists for cross-cultural communication in a multilingual environment of higher education institutions in countries of the Danube region. The authors describe the main trends in the internationalization of humanitarian universities. Innovative approaches to formal, non-formal and informal learning of future masters and postgraduate students to use cross-cultural communication skills in multilingual groups are proposed.&nbsp

    Light industry specialists training issues in the conditions of globalization

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    National Identity Formation under Statelessness: Experience of Ukraine in Soviet Times

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    The issue of national identity is multifaceted, disputable and extremely important in modern society, being one of the factors that determine its vitality. This paper presents the look at the problem from pedagogical perspective. The authors aim to explore the peculiarities of the formation of Ukrainian national identity in native intelligentsia under Ukrainian statelessness in Soviet times using the life and activity of Yurii Stupak as an example. Yurii Stupak is a notable representative of Ukrainian intelligentsia, an educator, scholar, literary studies expert, art critic, local history researcher, the author of numerous works in history of education and ethno-pedagogy. The study uses qualitative methodology and is founded on the laws and categories of scientific research. The researchers applied modern research approaches (personality oriented, cultural, personified, interdisciplinary) and methods (general scientific analysis, comparison, generalization, systematization; textual analysis, elaboration of the source base and historiographical work on the selected problem; the method of retrospective analysis). The authors have established that formation of the personality of Yurii Stupak as a teacher and scholar was influenced by numerous socio-political, socio-economic, cultural-educational and personal factors. The authors prove the decisive impact of family education and learning from nationally conscious teachers at higher education institutions as well as self-education and will for constant personal and professional development on facilitating the continuity of the process of formation of Ukrainian national identity in the native intelligentsia during the investigated period. It is confirmed that national identity does not depend on the existence of sovereign statehood, but it stimulates its revival


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    The experience of introducing a hybrid intermittent heating system for educational institutions is presented. The analysis of theoretical and experimental research, modern energy technologies for the integration of renewable energy sources into innovative and existing heat supply systems for buildings. The adaptation of modern developments of hybrid systems to buildings operating both in permanent and intermittent operation mode (administrative institutions, educational institutions and other public buildings) has been carried out. The conditions for increasing the efficiency of using heterogeneous renewable energy sources in combined heat supply systems have been established. For the proposed combined heat supply system, a hybrid heat generation is provided using low-potential renewable heat sources in the heat pump cycle and high-potential traditional heat sources in a pellet boiler. A mathematical model of the operating modes of a combined heat supply system using renewable heat sources is proposed, which can be used for numerical modeling of thermal processes in a variable heat supply mode for public buildings. The study of the dynamics of heating the premises when changing the climatic conditions of different regions of Ukraine, including the southern regions, is done. This makes it possible to analyze the efficiency of using alternative energy sources for heat supply and substantiate the conditions for including heat accumulators in the circuit. The research results are relevant because allow to achieve significant energy savings for heat supply of public buildings, characterized by a low level of energy efficiency. The proposed solutions indicate that the combined use of the capabilities of heterogeneous renewable energy sources can be effective only with a hybrid method of heat generation using a heat pump and a pellet boiler, taking into account the operating mode of buildings. As a result of theoretical and experimental studies, it was established: the dynamics of heating and cooling of premises with a high accumulation capacity; the share of replacement of the consumed thermal power in the hybrid use of heat generators. The conditions for the most effective use of heat accumulators in a combined heat supply system have been established. The results obtained make it possible to increase the efficiency of the use of renewable energy sources for public buildings, taking into account the mode of their operation, in which the heat supply system operates in an intermittent mod

    Розробка підходів до організації трансферу інновацій та управління інтелектуальною власністю для забезпечення конкурентоспроможності підприємств

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    The work deals with the problems of innovation transfer and intellectual property management at enterprises. An approach reasoning the choice of innovations and the type of their transfer at an enterprise has been developed, which increases the efficiency of innovation processes. For this purpose, the essence of the category “innovation transfer” regarding the micro-level was clarified and determined according to the sources of innovations. A set-theoretic model of innovation selection based on evaluating the essence of innovations, their generators (suppliers) and implementation conditions has been developed. For such an assessment, a set of criteria has been proposed, a number of the most essential conditions for introducing innovations at an enterprise have been identified, and an optimization model for the efficiency of the innovation development process has been developed. They allow making an informed choice of innovations in accordance with the needs of the enterprise. Evaluation criteria for the innovative potential are proposed and their essence is determined. Testing of the evaluation confirmed the possibility of using the proposed criteria. A model of innovation transfer, which presents the main processes and participants in the transfer of external and internal innovations has been developed, which allows enterprises to ensure a high level of organization and implementation of the transfer. Given the direct relationship between the transfer of innovations and intellectual property, an approach to improving intellectual property management at the enterprise is proposed. A number of principles of intellectual property management have been determined. The stages of intellectual property management at the enterprise are proposed as a set of specific actions determining all processes directly or indirectly related to such management, as well as those responsible for these processes and resource provision.Работа посвящена решению проблем организации трансфера инноваций и управления интеллектуальной собственностью предприятий. Разработан подход к обоснованию выбора инноваций и виду их трансфера на предприятии, что обеспечивает повышение эффективности инновационных процессов. Для этого уточнено сущность категории «трансфер инноваций» касательно микроуровня и определено ее в соответствии с источниками инноваций. Разработана теоретико-множественная модель выбора инноваций, согласно которой он осуществляется на основе оценки сущности инноваций, их генераторов (поставщиков) и условий внедрения. Для такой оценки предложен комплекс критериев и определен ряд наиболее существенных условий внедрения инноваций на предприятии, а также разработана оптимизационная модель оперативности процесса разработки инноваций. Их использование позволяет сделать обоснованный выбор инноваций в соответствии с потребностями предприятия. Предложены критерии для оценки инновационного потенциала инноваций и определена их сущность. Проведена апробация такой оценки, которая подтвердила возможность использования предложенных критериев. Разработана модель трансфера инноваций, в которой представлены основные процессы и участники трансфера внешних и внутренних инноваций, что позволяет предприятиям обеспечить высокий уровень организации и реализации трансфера. Учитывая непосредственную связь трансфера инноваций и интеллектуальной собственности, предложен подход к усовершенствованию управления ею на предприятии. Определен ряд принципов управления интеллектуальной собственностью. Предложены этапы управления ею на предприятии как комплекс конкретных действий, предусматривающий определение всех процессов, прямо или косвенно связанных с таким управлением, а также ответственных за эти процессы и ресурсного обеспеченияРоботу присвячено вирішенню проблем щодо організації трансферу інновацій та управління інтелектуальною власністю підприємств. Розроблено підхід до обґрунтування вибору інновацій і виду їх трансферу на підприємстві, що забезпечує підвищення ефективності інноваційних процесів. Для цього  уточнено сутність категорії «трансфер інновацій» стосовно мікрорівня та визначено її відповідно до джерел інновацій. Розроблено теоретико-множинну модель вибору інновацій, відповідно до якої він здійснюється на основі оцінки суті інновацій, їх генераторів (постачальників) та умов впровадження. Для такої оцінки запропоновано комплекс критеріїв і визначено низку найбільш суттєвих умов упровадження інновацій на підприємстві, а також розроблено оптимізаційну модель оперативності процесу розробки інновацій. Їх використання дозволяє зробити обґрунтований вибір інновацій відповідно до потреб підприємства. Запропоновано критерії для оцінки інноваційного потенціалу інновацій та визначено їх сутність. Здійснено апробацію такої оцінки, яка підтвердила можливість використання запропонованих критеріїв. Розроблено модель трансферу інновацій, у якій представлено основні процеси та учасників трансферу зовнішніх і внутрішніх інновацій, що дозволяє підприємствам забезпечити високий рівень організації і реалізації трансферу. Враховуючи безпосередній зв’язок трансферу інновацій та інтелектуальної власності, запропоновано підхід до вдосконалення управління нею на підприємстві. Визначено низку принципів управління інтелектуальною власністю. Запропоновано етапи управління нею на підприємстві як комплекс конкретних дій, що передбачає визначення всіх процесів, які прямо чи опосередковано пов’язані з таким управлінням, а також відповідальних за ці процеси та ресурсного забезпеченн

    Features of Learning Motivation of Students-Choreographers in Conditions of Modern Military Conflicts

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    Rapid changes in the modern world economic and political, and, accordingly, the educational system, actualize studying the issues related to the role, importance and principles of the organization of work of higher educational institutions. A decrease in students’ motivation to acquire knowledge is an important problem of the modern educational system. Achieving high educational motivation is possible only on the condition of understanding its essence and effective mechanisms of development. The purpose of the academic paper lies in analysing the viewpoints of various scientists regarding the specifics of the motivation of students studying choreography in the conditions of modern military conflicts, as well as in practically investigating the main aspects of the motivation of the training process of students – choreographers in the conditions of military operations. Results. Based on the results of the research, the viewpoints of scientists regarding the educational motivation of students – choreographers in the conditions of military conflicts have been established, and the practical aspects of the motivation of students of this professional field during military conflicts have been clarified

    Sexual and Reproductive Health during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Results from a Cross-Sectional Online Survey in Germany

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    The accumulated evidence maps the COVID-19 pandemic's diverse impacts on sexual and reproductive health (SRH);however, the precise changes in sexual behaviours and the underlying causes producing these changes are rarely considered. This study is aimed at assessing the changes in sexual behaviours during the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany, using quantitative methods, and it is also aimed at identifying the underlying reasons, using qualitative methods. It is a part of the broader I-SHARE project, which administered a cross-sectional online survey in 33 countries to describe the effects of the COVID-19 restrictions on different aspects of SRH. In the current study, a total of 611 adults from Germany are included. The findings demonstrate a decline in sexual satisfaction, as well as increases in sexual problems and partnership conflicts. Furthermore, the findings indicate an increase in pornography consumption and masturbation. Psychological stress, due to the pandemic, seemed to be the main reason for the changes in the participants' sexual behaviours, followed by a decrease in social contacts, and an increase in time resources. Thus, it is important to provide accessible clinical and psychosocial (online) interventions and services in order to maintain good sexual health in times of pandemic