190 research outputs found

    Atmosphere dynamic processes structure at 80-105 km altitude

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    Determination of wind velocity by means of Doppler meteor radars is based on the assumption that an ionized meteor trail drifts together with the neutral atmosphere. From the Doppler frequency shift it is possible to estimate the radial velocity of the trail drift. Conversion of the recorded radial velocity to the true wind velocity vector in the given space region depends both on the radar technical parameters and the chosen atmospheric motion model. The atmospheric dynamic processes structure is considered

    RNA interference by mixtures of siRNAs prepared using custom oligonucleotide arrays

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    RNA interference (RNAi) is a process in which double-strand RNA (dsRNA) directs the specific degradation of a corresponding target mRNA. The mediators of this process are small dsRNAs, of ∼21 bp in length, called small interfering RNAs (siRNAs). siRNAs, which can be prepared in vitro in a number of ways and then transfected into cells, can direct the degradation of corresponding mRNAs inside these cells. Hence, siRNAs represent a powerful tool for studying gene functions, as well as having the potential of being highly specific pharmaceutical agents. Some limitations in using this technology exist because the preparation of siRNA in vitro and screening for siRNAs efficient in RNAi can be expensive and time-consuming processes. Here, we demonstrate that custom oligonucleotide arrays can be efficiently used for the preparation of defined mixtures of siRNAs for the silencing of exogenous and endogenous genes. The method is fast, inexpensive, does not require siRNA optimization and has a number of advantages over methods utilizing enzymatic preparation of siRNAs by digestion of longer dsRNAs, as well as methods based on chemical synthesis of individual siRNAs or their DNA templates

    Design of the Model of Ratiometric Polymer Nanobiothermometer Based on Quantum Dots

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    To solve many modern biological and biotechnological tasks it is necessary to realize strictly control and regulation of temperature of the cells and their organelles. Thi stasks include control of various exo- and endothermic reactions, monitoring of tissues‘ and individual cell‘s temperature in in vitro researches and in vivo procedures such as the hyperthermia procedure that used for cancer treatment. The today known methods of measuring and controlling of temperature at the cellular level can not provide the necessary level of locality and accuracy due to too big size and heightened sensitivity to external factors. The real alternative of existing today methods is nanoscale temperature biosensor operating on a ratiometric principle and based on the composite structure from polymers and colloidal quantum dots. In this paper we present a working model and plan of investigation of ratiometric nanoscale polymer nanobiothermometer based on quantum dots. Keywords: thermosensors, quantum dots, local temperature, polymers, temperature measuremen

    Correlative Microscopy: A Potent Tool for Biomedicine

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    The correlative microscopy method based on a combination of optical and electronic techniques that is increasingly widely used now, has a number of limitations. Here, an alternative approach is considered that uses scanning probe microscopy (SPM) technique to get high-resolution and ultra-high-resolution data. SPM greatly increases the possibilities of collecting new information (on topological, morphological, electrical, magnetic etc. properties). To obtain three-dimensional distributions of different parameters of the sample, ultramicrotomography is used, which allows to scan the sample in steps of up to 20 nm. The principal advantage of the approach is that spectral data are used which due to the combination in near field microscopy can be gained with high and ultrahigh resolution. All above mentioned features are implemented in a single instrument, which allows to have 3-D data and their distributions at the same instrumental platform. A special feature of the approach is the possibility to use all the power of micro(nano)spectral methods. Therefore, it would be more correct to name the proposed approach ”Correlative microspectroscopy”. Keywords: correlative microscopy, correlative microspectroscopy, scanning near-ielf optical microscopy, ultramicrotomography, Raman, TER

    Porous matrixes based on ion-irradiated polymer as templates for synthesis of nanowires

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    Irradiation with swift heavy ions is usually used for production of track membranes (nuclear filters). These membranes traditionally used as filters for fine filtration in medicine and biology. Another application is matrixes for so called matrix synthesis. The idea of this technique is to fill pores by any desired material- metal,polymer, semiconductor and so on. This work is devoted to formation of membrane for template synthesis, to investigation of filling process and to study some properties of obtained structures. It was found that filtration track membranes are not the best material for template synthesis –another type of matrixes are needed- with different pores profiles and parallel pores orientation These parameters could be obtained during irradiation. Different types of etching gave possibility to vary by will the shape of the pores and to obtain pores with conical shape. The process of etching in the alkali solution in mixture of water and alcohol was investigated. The main part of the work devoted to fabrication of micro- and nanowires via electrodeposition. Different types of metals-copper, silver, cobalt and nickel were used for galvanic deposition of the pores. Two types of the processes- galvanostatic and potentiostatic were investigated. It was also demonstrated that obtained metallic nanowires could be used as the substrates for deposition of the probe (biological molecules) in mass-spectrometer. The application of such structures in non-linear optic was also described. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/2083

    Evaluation of interspecific populations of grapevine in breeding for complex resistance to fungal diseases and phylloxera

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    Roentgenoscopy was used as a method to determine the quality of hybrid seeds and to predict the development of viable plants from interspecific hybridization. The seeds were grouped into five classes of quality (embryo classes) depending on embryo size and degree of endosperm development As the index number of a class increased, the proportion of plantlets and vigorous plants produced also increased. In order to evaluate genotypic peculiarities of the original forms and seedlings, the seedlings were studied at the juvenile stage of ontogeny. Analysis of development of the hybrids studied during 5-6 years under conditions of complex infection pressure at a special planting site made it possible to evaluate the degree of their resistance to phylloxera, pathogenic soil microflora and fungal diseases and to eliminate susceptible genotypes. The heritability of resistance to fungal diseases (mildew, oidium, grey rot) and phylloxera was studied, conclusions were made concerning the combining ability of the original forms, and these forms were evaluated as donors of the desirable characters. Using transgressive resistant hybrids as donors in backcrossing provided improved quality with a broad range of resistance variability, which made it possible to select promising genotypes

    Small molecule compounds identified from mixture-based library inhibit binding between plasmodium falciparum infected erythrocytes and endothelial receptor icam-1

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    Specific adhesion of P. falciparum parasite-infected erythrocytes (IE) in deep vascular beds can result in severe complications, such as cerebral malaria, placental malaria, respiratory distress, and severe anemia. Cerebral malaria and severe malaria syndromes were associated previously with sequestration of IE to a microvasculature receptor ICAM-1. The screening of Torrey Pines Scaffold Ranking library, which consists of more than 30 million compounds designed around 75 molecular scaffolds, identified small molecules that inhibit cytoadhesion of ICAM-1-binding IE to surface-immobilized receptor at IC50 range down to ~350 nM. With their low cytotoxicity toward erythrocytes and human endothelial cells, these molecules might be suitable for development into potentially effective adjunct anti-adhesion drugs to treat cerebral and/or severe malaria syndromes. Our two-step high-throughput screening approach is specifically designed to work with compound mixtures to make screening and deconvolution to single active compounds fast and efficient

    Technology for Creation and Detailed Analysis of Polymer Composites with Uniform Distribution of Quantum Dots and Liquid Crystals

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    One of the most actual tasks in biotechnology is the creation of a new generation of nanobiosensors with improved brightness, photo stability, and sensitivity. Compositions of polymers and colloidal quantum dots (QDs) are the most promising base to develop such sensors. This work presents the technology for creation and detailed analysis of nanostructured composite films based on polypropylene matrices with uniformly distributed CdSe/ZnS quantum dots and liquid crystals. Methods of optical microscopy, scanning probe microscopy and confocal fluorescen tmicrospectroscopy were used. The presence of liquid crystals in the composite allows additional control of QDs fluorescence. The methodology proposed is applicable not only to polypropylene, but also to other porous polymers. The results of this work indicate the possibility of creating high-quality polymer/QDs composite materials and open the way to the development of nanomaterials (nanosensors) with optical properties sensitive to various environmental parameters (electric field, photo irradiation, mechanical action, etc.). Keywords: quantum dot-polymer composites, nanoporous polypropylene, fluorescenc


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    The estimation of state of vegetative nervous system (by cardiointervalography) in 20 children and. adolescents of 10-17 years (13,5 ± 2,1 years in average) with dysplastic coxarthrosis was realized. The study showed that before the treatment increase of activity of sympathetic nervous system prevails. During the first week after surgery acetylcholine type of regulation of heart rate accompanied by increased activity of sympathetic division of vegetative nervous system was registered. Postoperative treatment time (during 1 month) and. increased physical activity contribute to the restoration of regulatory systems to the original level. During the treatment by Ilizarov apparatus the decrease of level of tolerance to hypoxia and. decrease of processes of general adaptation are registered