6 research outputs found

    Structural basis for the nuclease activity of a bacteriophage large terminase

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    The DNA-packaging motor in tailed bacteriophages requires nuclease activity to ensure that the genome is packaged correctly. This nuclease activity is tightly regulated as the enzyme is inactive for the duration of DNA translocation. Here, we report the X-ray structure of the large terminase nuclease domain from bacteriophage SPP1. Similarity with the RNase H family endonucleases allowed interactions with the DNA to be predicted. A structure-based alignment with the distantly related T4 gp17 terminase shows the conservation of an extended β-sheet and an auxiliary β-hairpin that are not found in other RNase H family proteins. The model with DNA suggests that the β-hairpin partly blocks the active site, and in vivo activity assays show that the nuclease domain is not functional in the absence of the ATPase domain. Here, we propose that the nuclease activity is regulated by movement of the β-hairpin, altering active site access and the orientation of catalytically essential residues

    Human Lin28 forms a high-affinity 1:1 complex with the 106~363 cluster miRNA miR-363

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    Lin28A is a post-transcriptional regulator of gene expression that interacts with and negatively regulates the biogenesis of let-7 family miRNAs. Recent data suggested that Lin28A also binds the putative tumour suppressor miR-363, a member of the 106~363 cluster of miRNAs. Affinity toward this miRNA and the stoichiometry of the protein-RNA complex are unknown. Characterisation of human Lin28's interaction with RNA has been complicated by difficulties in producing stable RNA-free protein. We have engineered a maltose binding protein fusion with Lin28, which binds let-7 miRNA with a Kd of 54.1 ± 4.2 nM, in agreement with previous data on a murine homologue. We show that human Lin28A binds miR-363 with 1:1 stoichiometry and with similar, if not higher, affinity (Kd = 16.6 ± 1.9 nM). Further analysis suggests that the interaction of the N-terminal cold shock domain of Lin28A with RNA is salt-dependent, supporting a model where the cold shock domain allows the protein to sample RNA substrates through transient electrostatic interactions

    Papillomavirus E1 helicase assembly maintains an asymmetric state in the absence of DNA and nucleotide cofactors

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    Concerted, stochastic and sequential mechanisms of action have been proposed for different hexameric AAA+ molecular motors. Here we report the crystal structure of the E1 helicase from bovine papillomavirus, where asymmetric assembly is for the first time observed in the absence of nucleotide cofactors and DNA. Surprisingly, the ATP-binding sites adopt specific conformations linked to positional changes in the DNA-binding hairpins, which follow a wave-like trajectory, as observed previously in the E1/DNA/ADP complex. The protein's assembly thus maintains such an asymmetric state in the absence of DNA and nucleotide cofactors, allowing consideration of the E1 helicase action as the propagation of a conformational wave around the protein ring. The data imply that the wave's propagation within the AAA+ domains is not necessarily coupled with a strictly sequential hydrolysis of ATP. Since a single ATP hydrolysis event would affect the whole hexamer, such events may simply serve to rectify the direction of the wave's motion

    Crystal Structure of Bacillus cereus HlyIIR, a Transcriptional Regulator of the Gene for Pore-forming Toxin Hemolysin II

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    Production of Bacillus cereus and Bacillus anthracis toxins is controlled by a number of transcriptional regulators. Here we report the crystal structure of B. cereus HlyIIR, a regulator of the gene encoding the pore-forming toxin hemolysin II. We show that HlyIIR forms a tight dimer with a fold and overall architecture similar to the TetR family of repressors. A remarkable feature of the structure is a large internal cavity with a volume of 550 Å(3) suggesting that the activity of HlyIIR is modulated by binding of a ligand, which triggers the toxin production. Virtual ligand library screening shows that this pocket can accommodate compounds with molecular masses of up to 400–500 Da. Based on structural data and previous biochemical evidence, we propose a model for HlyIIR interaction with the DNA