215 research outputs found

    Universal Torsion-Induced Interaction from Large Extra Dimensions

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    We consider the Kaluza-Klein (KK) scenario in which only gravity exists in the bulk. Without the assumption of symmetric connection, the presence of brane fermions induces torsion. The result is a universal axial contact interaction that dominates those induced by KK gravitons. This enhancement arises from a large spin density on the brane. Using a global fit to Z-pole observables, we find the 3 sigma bound on the scale of quantum gravity to be 28 TeV for n=2. If Dirac or light sterile neutrinos are present, the data from SN1987A increase the bound to \sqrt{n}M_S >= 210 TeV.Comment: 9 pages REVTeX, 1 postscript figure, uses axodraw.st

    Diffusion doping route to plasmonic Si/SiOx nanoparticles

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    International audienceSemiconductor nanoparticles (SNPs) are a valuable building block for functional materials. Capabilities for engineering of electronic structure of SNPs can be further improved with development of techniques of doping by diffusion, as post-synthetic introduction of impurities does not affect the nucleation and growth of SNPs. Diffusion of dopants from an external source also potentially allows for temporal control of radial distribution of impurities. In this paper we report on the doping of Si/SiOx SNPs by annealing particles in gaseous phosphorus. The technique can provide efficient incorporation of impurities, controllable with precursor vapor pressure. HRTEM and X-ray diffraction studies confirmed that obtained particles retain their nanocrystallinity. Elemental analysis revealed doping levels up to 10%. Electrical activity of the impurity was confirmed through thermopower measurements and observation of localized surface plasmon resonance in IR spectra. The plasmonic behavior of etched particles and EDX elemental mapping suggest uniform distribution of phosphorus in the crystalline silicon cores. Impurity activation efficiencies up to 34% were achieved, which indicate high electrical activity of thermodynamically soluble phosphorus in oxide-terminated nanosilicon

    Crystal Chemistry and Phonon Heat Capacity in Quaternary Honeycomb Delafossites: Cu[Li_(1/3)Sn_(2/3)]O)2 and Cu[Na_(1/3)Sn_(2/3)]O_2

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    This work presents an integrated approach to study the crystal chemistry and phonon heat capacity of complex layered oxides. Two quaternary delafossites are synthesized from ternary parent compounds and copper monohalides via a topochemical exchange reaction that preserves the honeycomb ordering of the parent structures. For each compound, Rietveld refinement of the powder X-ray diffraction patterns is examined in both monoclinic C2/c and rhombohedral R3̅m space groups. Honeycomb ordering occurs only in the monoclinic space group. Bragg peaks associated with honeycomb ordering acquire an asymmetric broadening known as the Warren line shape that is commonly observed in layered structures with stacking disorder. Detailed TEM analysis confirms honeycomb ordering within each layer in both title compounds and establishes a twinning between the adjacent layers instead of the more conventional shifting or skipping stacking faults. The structural model is then used to calculate phonon dispersions and heat capacity from first principles. In both compounds, the calculated heat capacity accurately describes the experimental data. The integrated approach presented here offers a platform to carefully analyze the phonon heat capacity in complex oxides where the crystal structure can produce magnetic frustration. Isolating phonon contribution from total heat capacity is a necessary and challenging step toward a quantitative study of spin liquid materials with exotic magnetic excitations such as spinons and Majorana fermions. A quantitative understanding of phonon density of states based on crystal chemistry as presented here also paves the way toward higher efficiency thermoelectric materials

    First demonstration of tuning between the Kitaev and Ising limits in a honeycomb lattice

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    Recent observations of novel spin-orbit coupled states have generated tremendous interest in 4d/5d4d/5d transition metal systems. A prime example is the Jeff=12J_{\text{eff}}=\frac{1}{2} state in iridate materials and α\alpha-RuCl3_{3} that drives Kitaev interactions. Here, by tuning the competition between spin-orbit interaction (λSOC\lambda_{\text{SOC}}) and trigonal crystal field splitting (ΔT\Delta_\text{T}), we restructure the spin-orbital wave functions into a novel ÎŒ=12\mu=\frac{1}{2} state that drives Ising interactions. This is done via a topochemical reaction that converts Li2_{2}RhO3_{3} to Ag3_{3}LiRh2_{2}O6_{6}, leading to an enhanced trigonal distortion and a diminished spin-orbit coupling in the latter compound. Using perturbation theory, we present an explicit expression for the new ÎŒ=12\mu=\frac{1}{2} state in the limit ΔT≫λSOC\Delta_\text{T}\gg \lambda_{\text{SOC}} realized in Ag3_{3}LiRh2_{2}O6_{6}, different from the conventional Jeff=12J_\text{eff}=\frac{1}{2} state in the limit λSOC≫ΔT\lambda_{\text{SOC}}\gg \Delta_\text{T} realized in Li2_{2}RhO3_{3}. The change of ground state is followed by a dramatic change of magnetism from a 6 K spin-glass in Li2_{2}RhO3_{3} to a 94 K antiferromagnet in Ag3_{3}LiRh2_{2}O6_{6}. These results open a pathway for tuning materials between the two limits and creating a rich magnetic phase diagram.Comment: 22 pages, 4 figure

    Towards all-non-vacuum-processed photovoltaic systems: a water-based screen-printed Cu(In,Ga)Se2 Photoabsorber with a 6.6% efficiency

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    During the last few decades, major advances have been made in photovoltaic systems based on Cu(In,Ga)Se2 chalcopyrite. However, the most efficient photovoltaic cells are processed under high-energy-demanding vacuum conditions. To lower the costs and facilitate high-throughput production, printing/coating processes are proving to be effective solutions. This work combined printing, coating, and chemical bath deposition processes of photoabsorber, buffer, and transparent conductive layers for the development of solution-processed photovoltaic systems. Using a sustainable approach, all inks were formulated using water and ethanol as solvents. Screen printing of the photoabsorber on fluorine-doped tin-oxide-coated glass followed by selenization, chemical bath deposition of the cadmium sulfide buffer, and final sputtering of the intrinsic zinc oxide and aluminum-doped zinc oxide top conductive layers delivered a 6.6% maximum efficiency solar cell, a record for screen-printed Cu(In,Ga)Se2 solar cells. On the other hand, the all-non-vacuum-processed device with spray-coated intrinsic zinc-oxide- and tin-doped indium oxide top conductive layers delivered a 2.2% efficiency. The given approaches represent relevant steps towards the fabrication of sustainable and efficient Cu(In,Ga)Se2 solar cells.This study was conducted with financial support from the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (PTDC/CTM-ENE/5387/2014, PTDC/NAN-MAT/28745/2017, UID/FIS/04650/2020, UID/QUI/0686/2020, PTDC/FIS-MAC/28157/2017, SFRH/BD/121780/2016 and SFRH/BD/143750/2019) and the Basque Government Industry Department (ELKARTEK and HAZITEK)

    Impact of Solution Chemistry on Growth and Structural Features of Mo-Substituted Spinel Iron Oxides

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    International audienceThe effect of crystallizing solution chemistry on the chemistry of subsequently as-grown materials was investigated for Mo-substituted iron oxides prepared by thermally activated co-precipitation. In the presence of Mo ions, we find that varying the oxidation state of the iron precursor from Fe(II) to Fe(III) causes a progressive loss of atomic long-range order with the stabilization of 2–4 nm particles for the sample prepared with Fe(III). The oxidation state of the Fe precursor also affects the distribution of Fe and Mo cations within the spinel structure. Increasing the Fe precursor oxidation state gives decreased Fe-ion occupation and increased Mo-ion occupation of tetrahedral sites, as revealed by the extended X-ray absorption fine structure. The stabilization of Mo within tetrahedral sites appears to be unexpected, considering the octahedral preferred coordination number of Mo(VI). The analysis of the atomic structure of the sample prepared with Fe(III) indicates a local ordering of vacancies and that the occupation of tetrahedral sites by Mo induces a contraction of the interatomic distances within the polyhedra as compared to Fe atoms. Moreover, the occupancy of Mo into the thermodynamic site preference of a Mo dopant in Fe2O3 assessed by density functional theory calculations points to a stronger preference for Mo substitution at octahedral sites. Hence, we suggest that the synthetized compound is thermodynamically metastable, that is, kinetically trapped. Such a state is suggested to be a consequence of the tetrahedral site occupation by Mo ions. The population of these sites, known to be reactive sites enabling particle growth, is concomitant with the stabilization of very small particles. We confirmed our hypothesis by using a blank experiment without Mo ions, further supporting the impact of tetrahedral Mo ions on the growth of iron oxide nanoparticles. Our findings provide new insights into the relationships between the Fe-chemistry of the crystallizing solution and the structural features of the as-grown Mo-substituted Fe-oxide materials
