32 research outputs found

    Transformation Paths from Cubic to Low-Symmetry Structures in Heusler Ni2MnGa Compound

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    In order to explain the formation of low-temperature phases in stoichiometric Ni2MnGa magnetic shape memory alloy, we investigate the phase transformation paths from cubic austenite with Heusler structure to low-symmetry martensitic structures. We used ab initio calculations combined with the generalized solid state nudged elastic band method to determine the minimum energy path and corresponding changes in crystal lattice. The four-, five-, and seven-layered modulated phases of martensite (4O, 10M, and 14M) are built as the relaxed nanotwinned non-modulated (NM) phase. Despite having a total energy larger than the other martensitic phases, the 10M phase will spontaneously form at 0 K, because there is no energy barrier on the path and the energy decreases with a large negative slope. Moreover, a similar negative slope in the beginning of path is found also for the transformation to the 6M premartensite, which appears as a local minimum on the path leading further to 10M martensite. Transformation paths to other structures exhibit more or less significant barriers in the beginning hindering such a transformation from austenite. These findings correspond to experiment and demonstrates that the kinetics of the transformation is decisive for the selection of the particular low-symmetry structure

    Kelainan Peak Expiratory Flow Rate Dibandingkan dengan Keluhan Sistim Pernapasan – studi pada 75 anggota pasukan kuning, Surabaya

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    Telah dilakukan kajian untuk membandingkan hasil pemeriksaan faal paru Peak Expiratory Flow Rate (PEFR) dalam mendeteksi kelainan paru obstruktif dengan anamnesis adanya keluhan batuk, pengeluaran dahak, sesak nafas dan nafas berbunyi. Sebagai subyek penelitian adalah anggota pasukan kuning Kotamadya Surabaya yang bertugas di jalan raya sebanyak 75 orang. Dipilih anggota pasukan kuning karena dalam melaksanakan tugas sehari-hari diduga mendapat pemaparan polusi debu dan gas buang kendaraan bermotor. Hasil yang didapat adalah proporsi kelainan PEFR secara keseluruhan sebesar 42,67%, di antara yang mengeluh keluhan batuk sebesar 24,00%, di antara yang mengeluarkan dahak sebesar 14,67%, di antara yang sesak nafas sebesar 22,67% dan di antara yang nafasnya berbunyi sebesar 10,67%. Ternyata didapatkan hubungan antara kelainan faal paru PEFR dengan adanya keluhan batuk (p = 0,0216), dengan keluhan pengeluaran dahak (p = 0,0005), dengan keluhan sesak nafas (p = 0,018) dan dengan keluhan nafas berbunyi (p = 0,0000). Subyek dengan kelainan faal paru PEFR tanpa keluhan berkisar antara 30,67 –36% dari seluruh subyek yang diperiksa

    Building hierarchical martensite

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    Martensitic materials show a complex, hierarchical microstructure containing structural domains separated by various types of twin boundaries. Several concepts exist to describe this microstructure on each length scale, however, there is no comprehensive approach bridging the whole range from the nano- up to the macroscopic scale. Here, we describe for a Ni-Mn-based Heusler alloy how this hierarchical microstructure is built from scratch with just one key parameter: the tetragonal distortion of the basic building block at the atomic level. Based on this initial block, we introduce five successive levels of nested building blocks. At each level, a larger building block is formed by twinning the preceding one to minimise the relevant energy contributions locally. This naturally explains the occurrence of different types of twin boundaries. We compare this scale-bridging approach of nested building blocks with experiments in real and reciprocal space. Our approach of nested building blocks is versatile as it can be applied to the broad class of functional materials exhibiting diffusionless transformations.Comment: 25 pages, including supplementar

    Low temperature a/b nanotwins in Ni50Mn25+xGa25x Heusler alloys

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    We have found low temperature a/b nanotwins having (110) twinning plane in a five-layered modulated martensite phase of Ni50Mn25+xGa25x (at. %) Heusler alloys and identified the particular region in phase diagram where the nanotwinning occurs. Evolution of the structure with decreasing temperature was studied by X-ray diffraction using single crystals exhibiting magnetic shape memory effect. The merging of (400) and (040) lines upon cooling for 2.6 < x < 3.5 indicated a/b nanotwinning originating from the refinement of initially coarse a/b twins. Refinement of the twins with decreasing temperature was observed directly using scanning electron microscopy. The prerequisite for nanotwinning is an extremely low twin boundary energy, which we estimated using first-principles calculations to be 0.16 meV/2. As the nanotwinning distorts the relation between the crystal lattice and the X-ray diffraction pattern, it should be taken into consideration in structural studies of Ni-Mn-Ga Heusler alloys

    Effect of electron localization in theoretical design of Ni-Mn-Ga based magnetic shape memory alloys

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    The precise determination of the stability of different martensitic phases is an essential task in the successful design of (magnetic) shape memory alloys. We evaluate the effect of electron delocalization correction on the predictive power of density functional theory for Ni-Mn-Ga, the prototype magnetic shape memory compound. Using the corrected Hubbard-model-based generalized gradient approximation (GGA+U), we varied the Coulomb repulsion parameter U from 0 eV to 3 eV to reveal the evolution of predicted material parameters. The increasing localization on Mn sites results in the increasing stabilization of 10M modulated structure in stoichiometric Ni2MnGa in agreement with experiment whereas uncorrected GGA and meta-GGA functional provide the lowest energy for 4O modulated structure and nonmodulated structure, respectively. GGA+U calculations indicate that 10M structure is more stable than other martensitic structures for U > 1.2 eV. The key features of density of states (DOS) responsible for the stabilization or destabilization of particular martensitic phases calculated with GGA+U are found also in DOS calculated with advanced quasi-particle self-consistent GW (QSGW) method. It supports the physical background of Hubbard correction. Moreover, the calculations with U = 1.8 eV provide the best agreement with experimental data for lattice parameters of stoichiometric and off-stoichiometric alloys. (C) 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd

    Magnetic and Magneto-Optical Properties of Fe75-xMn25Gax Heusler-like Compounds

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    Fe75-xMn25Gax Heusler-like compounds were investigated in a wide range of Fe/Ga ratios while keeping the Mn content constant and equal 25 at% in order to elucidate the interplay between magnetic properties and composition. Materials were prepared by arc-melting from pure elements and subsequently annealed. Experimental investigations were focused on magnetization behavior in a wide temperature range from 4 to 1000 K and magnetic field up to 9 T. Optical and magneto-optical (MO) measurements were employed to shed more light on the magnetic state and electronic structure of investigated materials. Magnetization measurements indicated that in the vicinity of stoichiometry (Fe2MnGa) the compounds are ferro/ferrimagnetic, whereas the Fe-deficient compound is paramagnetic and at high Fe concentration the antiferromagnetic interaction prevails. Theoretical calculations of corresponding ordered and disordered stoichiometric compounds were carried out and compared to the experiment on the level of net magnetic moment as well as magneto-optical spectra. This comparison suggests that the Heusler crystal structure, L2(1), is not present even close to stoichiometry. Moreover, the comparison of density of states (DOS) for ordered and disordered structures allowed us to explain missing martensitic transformation (MT) in investigated materials

    Strukturni a magneticke vlastnosti amorfnich a nanokrystalickych materialu a jejich kompaktu

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    Available from STL Prague, CZ / NTK - National Technical LibrarySIGLECZCzech Republi

    Solid state synthesis of Fe-B-Si alloys

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    Solid state synthesis of Fe-B-Si alloys

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