32 research outputs found

    The incidence of the anomaly P syndrome in water frogs (Anura, Ranidae, Pelophylax) from the Middle Volga River (Russia)

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    The anomaly P is a widespread morphological anomaly, which occurs in some groups of amphibians, caused by the trematode parasite Strigea robusta (Digenea: Strigeidae). This anomaly has been previously recorded in water frogs of the genus Pelophylax and toads of the genera Bufo and Bufotes. The anomaly P includes symmetrical polydactyly cases as a mild attenuated form of the complex syndrome, which in severe cases includes strong deformations of hindlimbs and forelimbs. Strigea robusta has a complex 3-host life cycle using planorbid mollusks as the first intermediate hosts, amphibian larvae as the second intermediate hosts, and anatid birds as the definitive hosts. Herein, we described new records of the anomaly P syndrome in water frogs of the genus Pelophylax from the northeastern parts of their ranges. Symmetrical polydactyly (as a mild form of the anomaly P syndrome) was found in 30 individuals of three species of water frogs from seven localities: in 25 individuals of P. lessonae from four waterbodies, in four individuals of P. ridibundus from three waterbodies, and one individual of P. esculentus. In Gusevo pond, three individuals of P. lessonae with severe cases of the syndrome were found. This is the first record of the anomaly P in reliably identified hybridogenetic edible frogs (P. esculentus) that have been identified in nature. Additionally, we provided new data about the occurrence of the anomaly P and the prevalence of the trematode S. robusta in mollusks taken from two water bodies where anomalous water frogs were found

    The first record of natural transfer of mitochondrial DNA from Pelophylax cf. bedriagae into P. lessonae (Amphibia, Anura)

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    The unidirectional natural transfer of mitochondrial (mt) DNA from Pelophylax lessonae into P. ridibundus is a common phenomenon in central Europe. Cases of mtDNA exchange between P. lessonae and other non-clonal species of the genus Pelophylax have been unknown so far. In this paper, we describe the first case of mtDNA transfer from P. cf. bedriagae into P. lessonae, which was found in National Park «Smolny», Republic of Mordovia, Russia

    Lightsheet-based flow cytometer for whole blood with the ability for the magnetic retrieval of objects from the blood flow

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    Detection and extraction of circulating tumor cells and other rare objects in the bloodstream are of great interest for modern diagnostics, but devices that can solve this problem for the whole blood volume of laboratory animals are still rare. Here we have developed SPIM-based lightsheet flow cytometer for the detection of fluorescently-labeled objects in whole blood. The bypass channel between two blood vessels connected with the external flow cell was used to visualize, detect, and magnetically separate fluorescently-labeled objects without hydrodynamic focusing. Carriers for targeted drug delivery were used as model objects to test the device performance. They were injected into the bloodstream of the rat, detected fluorescently, and then captured from the bloodstream by a magnetic separator prior to filtration in organs. Carriers extracted from the whole blood were studied by a number of in vitro methods


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    Detection of Glacial Refugia and Post-Glacial Colonization Routes of Morphologically Cryptic Marsh Frog Species (Anura: Ranidae: <i>Pelophylax</i>) Using Environmental Niche Modeling

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    Studying the distribution of morphologically cryptic animal species is always a very difficult task. Because most marsh frog species (the Pelophylax ridibundus complex) are cryptic, we used molecular markers to identify them. Three marsh frog species (P. ridibundus, P. kurtmuelleri and P. cf. bedriagae) inhabit the northern part of Western Palearctic. We created a database of localities and built models of their modern distribution. These models showed that the most suitable habitats are on the north of the Mediterranean region for P. cf. bedriagae, temperate Europe for P. ridibundus, and the Balkan coastal areas for P. kurtmuelleri. The projection of the modern ecological niches under the late-Quaternary climatic conditions showed that the range of P. kurtmuelleri remained largely unchanged during the period, whereas the ranges of P. cf. bedriagae and especially P. ridibundus changed greatly over time. During the Last Glacial Maximum, the presumed range of P. cf. bedriagae covered a relatively large area in the north of the Mediterranean region and the south of European Russia. Glacial refugia of P. ridibundus were apparently located in the northern Balkans, the northern coast of the Black and Azov seas, and possibly in Western Europe. The northward long-distance post-glacial dispersal of P. ridibundus occurred from refugia in the northeastern Balkans and the Black-Azov seas region. Since the Late Pleistocene, suitable habitats for P. cf. bedriagae in southern Russia began to decline, but local habitats for P. ridibundus become more suitable. Therefore, a mosaic of populations consisting of these both species and their hybrids has now been found here

    Технико-экономические аспекты развития зеленой энергетики в государствах Арабского Востока

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    The effectiveness of solar and wind power plants has been analyzed,as well as the prospects for the development of green energy in the countries of the Middle East region. The development of green energy contributes,on the one hand, to saving fossil fuels extracted from the earth there by extending their use, and on the other hand, the alternative high-tech complexes working on solar and wind energy could also be widely applied. Comparative characteristics of solar and wind energy are given, as well as anassessment of the effec-tiveness of its use in the states of Middle East is carried out. It was concluded that it is necessary to develop and create energy-technological complexes based on the synthesis of solar panels and wind generators, and electric energy storage systems. Project proposals for the energy-technological complex of the countries of Middle East based on solar and wind installations are posed.Проанализированы эффективность применения солнечных и ветряных энергоустановок и перспективы зеленой энергетики в странах Арабского Востока. Развитие зеленой энергетики способствует, с одной стороны, экономии добываемых в земле углеводородных топлив и тем самым продлению сроков их использования, а с другой - применению альтернативных высокотехнологичных комплексов с использованием энергии Солнца и ветра. Приведены сравнительные характеристики применения солнечной и ветряной энергетики, проведена оценка эффективности ее применения в государствах Арабского Востока. Сделан вывод о необходимости разработки и создания энерготехнологических комплексов на базе синтеза солнечных батарей и ветряных генераторов, систем аккумулирования электрической энергии. Представлены проектные предложения по энерготехнологическому комплексу стран Арабского Востока на базе солнечных и ветряных установок

    Implications of hybridization, NUMTs, and overlooked diversity for DNA barcoding of eurasian ground squirrels

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    The utility of DNA Barcoding for species identification and discovery has catalyzed a concerted effort to build the global reference library; however, many animal groups of economical or conservational importance remain poorly represented. This study aims to contribute DNA barcode records for all ground squirrel species (Xerinae, Sciuridae, Rodentia) inhabiting Eurasia and to test efficiency of this approach for species discrimination. Cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (COI) gene sequences were obtained for 97 individuals representing 16 ground squirrel species of which 12 were correctly identified. Taxonomic allocation of some specimens within four species was complicated by geographically restricted mtDNA introgression. Exclusion of individuals with introgressed mtDNA allowed reaching a 91.6% identification success rate. Significant COI divergence (3.5–4.4%) was observed within the most widespread ground squirrel species (Spermophilus erythrogenys, S. pygmaeus, S. suslicus, Urocitellus undulatus), suggesting the presence of cryptic species. A single putative NUMT (nuclear mitochondrial pseudogene) sequence was recovered during molecular analysis; mitochondrial COI from this sample was amplified following re-extraction of DNA. Our data show high discrimination ability of 100 bp COI fragments for Eurasian ground squirrels (84.3%) with no incorrect assessments, underscoring the potential utility of the existing reference librariy for the development of diagnostic ‘mini-barcodes’

    A New Record of <i>Bufo gargarizans</i> Complex (Bufonidae, Anura) from Truong Son Mounts, Ha Tinh and Ha Giang Provinces, Vietnam Based on Molecular Evidence with a Description of a New Species

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    Based on a combination of molecular and morphological data, we herein report a new species within the bufonid Bufo gargarizans species complex. This is a widespread species complex with distribution from eastern Russia and the Korean Peninsula to China and the Ryukyu Islands of Japan. Records of this species have been documented in the Guangxi and Yunnan Provinces near the border with Vietnam and, for the first time from Vietnam, in Ha Giang Province. The new record of Bufo cf. gargarizans from Vietnam is from Ha Tinh Province. This species has never been reported from Vietnam so far south, about 550 km south from the previously known locality in Ha Giang Province. The female specimen was found in the Ha Tinh Province, Vu Quang National Park of central Vietnam and two specimens (male and female) were found Ha Giang Province. They are clearly distinguished from B. gargarizans and all the mentioned species by a specific color pattern on the belly and creamy-yellowish throat with large, bright red speckles. Genetic divergences of three Vietnam specimens from Ha Giang and Ha Tinh Provinces in the ND2 gene sequences between the B. sp. nov. and all other congeners ranged from 4.3% (with B. andrewsi) to 7.0% (with B. stejnegeri). We give a description of the morphological characters and coloration of the new record and provide an expanded diagnosis

    Implications of Hybridization, NUMTs, and Overlooked Diversity for DNA Barcoding of Eurasian Ground Squirrels

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    <div><p>The utility of DNA Barcoding for species identification and discovery has catalyzed a concerted effort to build the global reference library; however, many animal groups of economical or conservational importance remain poorly represented. This study aims to contribute DNA barcode records for all ground squirrel species (Xerinae, Sciuridae, Rodentia) inhabiting Eurasia and to test efficiency of this approach for species discrimination. Cytochrome <i>c</i> oxidase subunit 1 (COI) gene sequences were obtained for 97 individuals representing 16 ground squirrel species of which 12 were correctly identified. Taxonomic allocation of some specimens within four species was complicated by geographically restricted mtDNA introgression. Exclusion of individuals with introgressed mtDNA allowed reaching a 91.6% identification success rate. Significant COI divergence (3.5–4.4%) was observed within the most widespread ground squirrel species (<i>Spermophilus erythrogenys</i>, <i>S. pygmaeus</i>, <i>S. suslicus</i>, <i>Urocitellus undulatus</i>), suggesting the presence of cryptic species. A single putative NUMT (nuclear mitochondrial pseudogene) sequence was recovered during molecular analysis; mitochondrial COI from this sample was amplified following re-extraction of DNA. Our data show high discrimination ability of 100 bp COI fragments for Eurasian ground squirrels (84.3%) with no incorrect assessments, underscoring the potential utility of the existing reference librariy for the development of diagnostic ‘mini-barcodes’.</p></div