288 research outputs found

    Household HIV/AIDS status and sexual debut among adolescents in Kenya

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    Adolescents in households affected by HIV/AIDS may be at an increased risk of poorer reproductive health than other adolescents due to the impoverishing effects of AIDS in households or lack of parental guidance. In this paper, we examine the effect of parents’ HIV status on adolescent sexual and reproductive health, focusing on early sexual debut among adolescents in Kenya. The analysis places particular emphasis on comparisons of the relative disadvantage of different groups of adolescents aged 15-17 years, with particular reference to those living in households where an adult is infected with HIV. The data come from the 2003 and 2008 Kenya Demographic and Health Surveys (KDHS). The results suggest increased vulnerability among adolescent boys and girls living in households where an adult is infected with HIV, especially when other household factors are controlled for. On average, adolescent boys and girls living in households where at least one adult is infected with HIV have about 50% higher odds of having initiated sexual activity compared to their counterparts of similar age and gender in households where no adult is HIV positive. The odds are more than 60% higher when household characteristics and circumstances relating to wealth, household head and living arrangements are controlled for. Further analysis reveals that the observed vulnerability among adolescents living in households with HIV infected adults is partly explained by background factors relating to region of residence and ethnicity and to a lesser extent by school non-attendance and mass media exposure

    Mirrors of Justice? Undocumented Immigrants in the United States and Russia

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    Factors influencing utilisation of wellness centre services among men who have sex with men in Tumaini wellness centres, Kisumu and Awendo towns, Kenya

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    Background: Men who have sex with men (MSM) are a crucial and marginalised at risk population for HIV in Africa but have not in the past been given a lot of attention. Like other areas of Africa, homosexuality is illegal in Kenya and hence most gay and other same-sex practicing Kenyans live in highly stigmatising and discriminatory settings, which put them at risk of emotional and/or physical harm.Objective:To determine factors influencing utilisation of Wellness Centre services by Men who have Sex with Men inTumaini Wellness Centres in Kisumu and Awendo towns.Design:A retrospective Cohort Study.Setting: TumainiWellness centre in Kisumu and Awendo towns between 2012 and 2015.Subjects:Three hundred and fifty three Men who have sex with men who had been enrolled in the Wellness Centre in Kisumu City and Awendo town between 2012 and 2015.Results:The study used consecutive sampling to select a sample size of 198 MSM. However, the study obtained 353 responses, which gives a response rate of more than 100%. The association between current utilization of Wellness Center services andindependent variables (uptake of STI screening service, condom uptake, uptake of Alcohol and Drug use and uptake of Risk reduction counselling) were assessed by use of chi-square. The results show that the factors influencing Screening for STIs in wellness centres include marital status (p=0.0398), Town of residence (p=0.002), knowledge on the correct use of the condom (p=0.016), HTC counselling (p=0.013) and receiving of results (p=0.013). In addition, factor influencing condom distribution in the wellness centres include knowledge on the correct use of condoms (p=0.0001), consistent use of condoms (p=0.001), negotiating of condom use with regular partner and casual partner (p=0.001) and alcohol influence (p=0.016). The study also established that factors that significantly influence uptake of alcohol and drug use screening services were drug use in the past 30 days (p=0.017) and HTC counselling (p=0.039). It was also established that HTC counselling (p=0.001), receiving of HIV results (p=0.0013) and negotiation for condom use with regular partner and casual partners (p=0.008) influence the uptake of risk reduction counselling were age of the MSM.Conclusion: Age of MSM, knowledge on condom use, Alcohol use and HTC results are some of the factors that influence uptake of Wellness Centre Services. This study recommends that governmental organisations such as NASCOP should setup wellness centres that cater for high risk groups like men who have sex with men to offer treatment and specialised counselling as part of HTS and STI services that is confidential and sensitive to the needs of men who have sex with men. In addition, both governmental and non-governmental organizations should increase the coverageof HTC by establishing more MSM friendly centres. In addition, the governmental and non-governmental organisations should seek to integrate HTC services and STIs screening in wellness centres

    Factors Influencing Hypertension Prevalence in Patients Attending Hypertensive Clinic in Siaya County Referral Hospital, Kenya

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    This study focused on the factors influencing hypertension prevalence among patients attending a hypertensive clinic in Siaya County Referral Hospital. Cross-Sectional descriptive study design was employed and the researcher collected both qualitative and quantitative first-hand information from the key informants and hypertensive patients respectively. The study targeted 34o hypertensive patients attending the hypertensive clinic in the county hospital, Krejcie and Morgan sampling frame was used to arrive at a sample of181patients who were then obtained through simple random sampling. The study used key informant interview guides and questionnaires to collect the data. Quantitative data were analyzed descriptively using measures of central tendency, frequencies and percentages and inferentially through Spearman Correlation. Qualitative data were analysed through content analysis. The study found out that demographic characteristics and attitude on hypertension had an insignificant negative influence on hypertension prevalence. Knowledge and social-economic characteristics had significantly negative influence on the prevalence of hypertension. The study recommends that the government and the various agencies like the NGOs and mass media should intensify campaigns that are aimed at increasing the knowledge, awareness, education and information concerning hypertension and its effects. Finally, there is a need for both the county and the national government to come up with health support programs, including subsidized medicare, increasing free medical camps and provision of affordable health insurance covers that would cater for patients of low socio-economic status to enable them access medical care


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    Los objetivos, bajo los cuales se basa el presente, consisten en un primer momento en describir las estrategias de aprendizaje que utilizan hombres y mujeres, alumnos de nuevo ingreso del Plantel Nezahualcóyotl de la escuela preparatoria de la UAEM. A partir de ello se puntualizaron las semejanzas y diferencias de las estrategias de aprendizaje utilizadas por ambos géneros. La investigación se llevó a cabo bajo un enfoque constructivista, para lo cual se utilizó el instrumento de las escalas ACRA (versión electrónica) el cual esta divido en 4 áreas, ADQUISICIÓN, CODIFICACIÓN, RECUPERACIÓN Y APOYO. La muestra estuvo conformada por 252 alumnos de nuevo ingreso, del plantel Nezahualcóyotl de la escuela preparatoria UAEM; cuyas edades oscilan entre 14 y 16 años, siendo 125 hombres y 127 mujeres.En esta investigación se habla acerca de esos elementos que intervienen con el procesamiento de la información, de las estrategias que los adolescentes utilizan en el proceso de aprendizaje, marcando las diferencias del uso de éstas respecto al género, siendo el tema de la influencia del género sobre las estrategias de aprendizaje poco estudiado en el ámbito de la psicología educativa, lo cual impulso la presente investigación.Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Méxic

    La 72: un oasis en las rutas migratorias de México

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    Los refugios gestionados localmente a lo largo de las rutas de migración en México proporcionan el alivio y el apoyo que tantos necesitan. Frente a la violencia, las políticas de migración cada vez más estrictas y los obstáculos cotidianos, quienes trabajan en el refugio La 72 se esfuerzan por respetar el sentido de dignidad de las personas mientras cuidan su seguridad

    Aguas residuales y contaminación del lago de Amatitlán: Villa Canales y Villa Nueva (2005-2014)

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    La contaminación y destrucción del lago de Amatitlán es un problema ambiental actual y de gran magnitud en el írea Metropolitana de la Ciudad de Guatemala, un fenómeno antrópico que crece aceleradamente, derivado del crecimiento demográfico y urbano que experimentan los lugares poblados de los 14 municipios que se localizan en la cuenca del lago de Amatitlán. La vivienda urbana -que se cuantifica por miles- es una de las fuentes productoras de las aguas residuales domiciliares que se depositan en el citado lago desde el traslado y asentamiento de la ciudad de Guatemala de la Asunción al Valle de la Ermita en el año de 1776 hasta el año 2016 (240 años), las que nunca han recibido un tratamiento apropiado; esta tendencia hará que en el corto plazo, el lago se pierda, convirtiéndose en un pantano insalubre que hará inhabitables sus tierras adyacentes. Mediante estimaciones de población urbana municipal y datos recientes de la cantidad de viviendas construidas en las áreas urbanas de los municipios de Villa Canales y Villa Nueva en el perí­odo 2005-2014, se estimó la producción de aguas residuales domiciliares (caudales o volúmenes), útiles para ilustrar y dimensionar este problema, débilmente visibilizado, considerado y valorado por la población, la iniciativa privada e instituciones del estado -municipalidades, instituciones y ministerios-, involucradas en este problema

    Mujeres en el proceso productivo en la comunidad de Tasba Pain, Municipio de Waspam Rio Coco

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    El interés por el tema sobre la participación de la mujer en el proceso productivo en la comunidad de Tasba Pain, es para identificar el aporte de la mujer en la economía familiar y comunitaria. Es un tema relevante en Nicaragua y en muchos países de Centroamérica por la desigualdad en la que se vive entre la sociedad dominante

    Factors that Hinder Parents from the Communicating of Sexual Matters with Adolescents in Rwanda

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    Parent-adolescent communication about sexual matters is one of the means that encourages adolescents to adopt responsible sexual behaviour. However, parents do not discuss sexual matters with adolescents and those who discuss to some extent; little information about sexuality is provided. This study, was, therefore aimed to find out the factors that hindered parents from communicating with their adolescent children on sexual matters. A descriptive, cross sectional study employing both quantitative and qualitative approaches was utilized. Simple random sampling was used to select households of parents/caretakers with adolescents and face to face interviews were used to collect data in February 2011. Out of 388 respondents, majority (81%) reported that they do not discuss sexual matters with the adolescents due to socio-demographic, cultural, individual and socio-environmental factors/barriers. Being male (p=0.04), parents’ age over 44 years (OR< 1 at 95% CI), lower levels of education (≤primary) and income (farming and remittance) was significantly associated with “not communicating” sexual matters with the adolescents (p<0.05). These findings strengthen the need for continued sensitization of parents/caretakers to involve themselves in discussing sexual matters with the adolescents. Furthermore, guidance of parents/caretakers on how to approach the subject of sexuality and sustenance of discussions with the adolescents is paramount.Key words: Communication, Sexual matters, Parents/ Caretakers, Adolescent