10 research outputs found


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    Kehilangan gigi sebagian maupun seluruhnya memiliki dampak, yaitu dampak emosional, sistemik, dan fungsional. Terganggunya proses pengunyahan akibat kehilangan gigi dapat mempengaruhi pemilihan makanan sehingga terjadi perubahan pada asupan nutrisi. Perubahan pada gambaran asupan nutrisi memiliki dampak bagi tubuh, seperti terjadinya penyakit kronis, penurunan kemampuan fungsional, dan peningkatan kejadian infeksi sehingga dapat mempengaruhi kualitas hidup pasien. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui gambaran asupan nutrisi akibat kehilangan gigi sebagian berdasarkan jumlah gigi yang hilang pada pasien di Bagian Gigi dan Mulut di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Zainal Abidin (RSUDZA) Banda Aceh yang berkunjung pada Bulan Juni-Juli 2010. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian Non Eksperimental dan bersifat Deskriptif Analitik melalui wawancara secara langsung menggunakan kuesioner dengan skala Likert. Tehnik sampling yang digunakan adalah tehnik penarikan sampel Non Propability secara Purposive, dengan jumlah sampel 120 orang yang terdiri dari 53 orang laki-laki (44,17%) dan 67 orang perempuan (55,83%). Sampel yang digunakan adalah pasien dengan kriteria berusia lebih dari 20 tahun, yang kehilangan gigi sebagian dan belum pernah menggunakan gigi tiruan. Pengolahan data dilakukan secara statistik dengan Program SPSS menggunakan uji Chi-Square dan Kruskal-Wallis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan gambaran asupan nutrisi akibat kehilangan gigi sebagian pada pasien dirasakan berubah lebih dari setengah jumlah pasien dengan persentase tertinggi pada perasaan kesulitan memakan makanan yang mengandung protein dan lemak, sedangkan persentase terendah pada perasaan kesulitan memakan makanan yang mengandung vitamin C. Gambaran asupan nutrisi akibat kehilangan gigi sebagian pada pasien berdasarkan jumlah gigi yang hilang secara keseluruhan dirasakan berubah paling tinggi tingkat kesulitannya pada kelompok jumlah gigi yang hilang 22-28 gigi (76,2%) dan terendah yang merasa kesulitan pada kelompok jumlah gigi yang hilang 1-7 gigi (46,8%). Kata kunci:asupan nutrisi, pasien, kehilangan gigi sebagian, tingkat kesulitan.Banda Ace

    Determinants of Farmers' Preference for Sustainable Land Management Practices for Maize and Cassava Production in Ogun State, Nigeria

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    In order to ensure agricultural sustainability, as highlighted in the millennium development goals, it has become necessary to focus policies on enhancing sustainable land management, especially in vulnerable areas of sub-Saharan Africa. Hence there is the need for this study which was designed to analyze the determinants of farmers’ adoption of Sustainable Land Management Practices (SLMP) in the production of maize and cassava in Ogun State. Multi-stage sampling technique was adopted in this study. The data for study was collected from 338 farmers with the use of questionnaire. Information collected covered farmers’ socio-economic, institutional and farm level characteristics and specific SLMPs used. The SLMPs studied included Structural and Mechanical Erosion Control (SMEC), Agronomic Practices (AP), Cultivation Practices (CP) and Soil Management Practices (SMP). Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and the logit model. The farmers had an average of nine years of formal education, 54% participated in Community Based Organizations (CBOs), and 91% had access to extension education, 55% had land tenancy security 81% favoured the use of AP more than other SLMPs. About 47% of the farmers cultivated undulating farmlands which were vulnerable to degradation. Farmers’ level of education and their participation in CBOs positively influenced their adoption of the SLMPs. Overall results from this study show that the adoption of SLMPs can be enhanced by increasing farmers’ literacy level and encouraging them to participate more in community based organizations

    Testing market integration of staple food stuffs in Borno State, Nigeria

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    The main objective of this study is to test market integrated of staple foodstuff in Borno State. The data used came from a database of International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (llTA) Ibadan. The data were on monthly prices of some selected foodstuff in Borno State and covered a period of nine years (1992-2000). A total of 108 observations were used. A simpler version of bivarate autoregression model was employed in the analysis. The study reveals that contemporaneous and instantaneous price effects have more significant effect. The instantaneous price transmission was less than unity in all cases with values ranging from 0.017 to 0.912. Also, lagged price in the independent market lead to decline in price in the dependent market. Out of 11 pairs of index of market onnection (IMC) values obtained, pepper shows very high degree of marketing efficiency and dependence between the market pairs with values of 1.361 for R? U and 1.07 for U?R while dry okra shows a very low degree of marketing efficiency and dependence between the market pairs with IMC values of 0.875 (R?U) and 0.060 (U?R). Moreso, there is a high degree of market efficiency in the marketing of these staple foodstuffs because of the existence of short-run market integration. We recommend that the provision of the necessary infrastructure like storage, processing, transportation facilities, communication system, access roads will prevent the inefficient allocation and distribution of goods and resources in Borno State, Nigeria

    Productivity performance of climatological sub-regions within the Tully mill area

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    Inter-annual climate variability has a significant impact on productivity in the Wet Tropics region. Climate also varies spatially, yet the impact on productivity is less well known. Two distinct climatological sub-regions (northern and southern) have been identified within the Tully mill area based on total annual rainfall and annual average daily radiation. The wetter northern sub-region is characterised by lower radiation, lower temperatures and higher rainfall than in the drier southern sub-region. Mean cane and sugar yields were analysed for the two climate sub-regions using block productivity data obtained from Tully Sugar Limited for 2000 to 2017. After excluding 2011 (Tropical Cyclone Yasi), only farms with 15 or more years of data were included. The impact of spring-summer (SONDJF) rainfall and El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) phases on cane and sugar yields in the two climate sub-regions was also analysed. On average, the northern, wetter climate sub-region yielded less cane and sugar yield than the southern, drier sub-region. There were significant differences between SONDJF rainfall terciles (dry, normal and wet) and ENSO phases (El Niño, Neutral and La Niña) for cane and sugar yields in the two climate sub-regions. Cane and sugar yields were significantly lower in years experiencing high SONDJF rainfall or in the La Niña phase. This analysis validates the results of the analyses used to derive the two climatological sub-regions in Tully. Improved knowledge of how climatic conditions influence sub-regional productivity performance will assist industry extension programs and on-farm management decisions

    Market institutions and urban food supply in West and Southern Africa: a review

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    As the urban share of Africa's population increases, the importance of understanding how food supply is shaped by market institutions has grown. However, this topic has received little attention from policy makers and researchers despite the implications of market institutions and regulatory systems for livelihoods and poverty. This paper reviews the existing literature on market intermediaries, access to selling spaces, finance for traders and sources of information on prices and supplies. The gaps in research are identified and a set of key research issues in this crucial, yet under-researched, area are articulated