151 research outputs found

    A progressive damage model of textile composites on meso-scale using finite element method: static damage analysis

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    A meso-scale finite element model for static damage in textile composites was established. The impregnated yarn is taken as homogeneous and transverse isotropic material, whose mechanical properties are calculated using Chamis' equations. The damage modes are determined by using the Tsai-Wu criterion and additional criteria. The Murakami damage tensor is used to calculate the post-damage stiffness matrix. The model has been validated using plain weave and twill weave carbon-epoxy composites. The initiation of inter-fiber matrix cracks and fiber rupture were analyzed using this meso-FE model

    Effects of agricultural landscape heterogeneity on pollinator visitation rates in Mediterranean oilseed rape

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    Agricultural intensification, by changing land use and modifying the yearly configuration and composition through crop sequences, affects the abundance and diversity of pollinators and, consequently, pollination. This study aims to assess the impact of the characteristics of agricultural landscapes on pollinator abundance in the Mediterranean region. We studied the response of three major wild pollinator groups (hoverflies, bumblebees, and wild bees) to four landscape characteristics: three related to composition, namely, equivalent crop diversity in the sampling year (eRg), previous year equivalent crop diversity (eRgP) and percentage of seminatural habitats (SNH), and one related to landscape configuration, namely, mean field size (MFS). For this evaluation, we selected twenty-two oilseed rape fields (OSRs) differing in surrounding landscape characteristics within a 1-km radius. Multimodel inference indicates that landscape variables affect pollinator groups differently. The percentage of SNH was the most important variable having a positive influence on the abundance of bumblebees, while eRgP and MFS were found to be important for the abundance of wild bees and hoverflies. These data allow us to prioritize actions aimed at specific groups of pollinators, improve agricultural landscape schemes, promote the conservation of wild pollinators, promote crop diversity at the landscape scale and increase the extent of seminatural areas

    Alignment Dynamics of Slow Light Diffusion in Ultracold Atomic \u3csup\u3e85\u3c/sup\u3eRb

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    A combined experimental and theoretical investigation of time- and alignment-dependent propagation of light in an ultracold atomic gas of atomic 85Rb is reported. Coherences among the scattering amplitudes for light scattering off excited hyperfine levels produce strong variations of the light polarization in the vicinity of atomic resonance. Measurements are in excellent agreement with Monte Carlo simulations of the multiple scattering process

    Li-rich pegmatites and related peraluminous granites of the Fregeneda-Almendra field (Spain-Portugal): A case study of magmatic signature for Li enrichment

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    Based on field and petrographic observations, mineralogical, geochemical (whole-rock by ICP-MS, ICP-OES, ISE and PGNAA) and geochronological (Ar[sbnd]Ar on mica and U[sbnd]Pb on columbite) data, ten pegmatite types and one type of cassiterite-rich quartz hydrothermal veins have been distinguished in the Fregeneda-Almendra field (FA) (Central Iberian Zone), some of them highly enriched in Li (included in petalite, spodumene and Li-rich mica). The pegmatites and the veins mostly intrude Neoproterozoic to Cambrian rocks from the Schist-Greywacke Complex. Felsic igneous magmatism during syn- to late-D3 stages ( 320295 Ma) of the Variscan orogeny was important and nearly continuous in the area, with the overlap of different granitic units of highly peraluminous S-type composition. The most important in outcrop corresponds to the Mêda-Escalhão-Penedono-Lumbrales granitic complex (MEPL), which belongs to a two-mica leucogranitic series. The other granitic units (Saucelle, Feli and East-MEPL granites) are younger and belong to a P-rich, Ca-poor monzogranitic series. Spatial relationships, together with chemical, mineralogical and geochronological data, indicate that all the pegmatite types and the cassiterite-rich quartz hydrothermal veins are not cogenetic, being related to three different magmatic events: (i) ( 319313 Ma) includes the syn-D3 MEPL granite and three types of barren pegmatites (intragranitic, quartz+andalusite layers and simple concordant pegmatites); (ii) ( 305300 Ma) corresponds to the late to post-D3 Feli granite, related to a group of cassiterite-rich quartz veins; and, (iii) ( 300298 Ma) represents the late- to post-D3 East-MEPL and Saucelle granites, likely parental of some barren aplitic-pegmatitic apophyses and the discordant intermediate and Li-rich pegmatites. These latter form part of a general granite-pegmatite fractionation trend. (c) 2023 The Author

    Galaxy pre-processing in substructures around z∼\sim0.4 galaxy clusters

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    We present a detailed analysis of galaxy colours in two galaxy clusters at \mbox{z ∼\sim 0.4}, \mbox{MACS J0416.1-2403} and \mbox{MACS J1206.2-0847}, drawn from the CLASH-VLT survey, to investigate the role of pre-processing in the quenching of star formation. We estimate the fractions of red and blue galaxies within the main cluster and the detected substructures and study the trends of the colour fractions as a function of the projected distance from the cluster and substructure centres. Our results show that the colours of cluster and substructure members have consistent spatial distributions. In particular, the colour fractions of galaxies inside substructures follow the same spatial trends observed in the main clusters. Additionally, we find that at large cluster-centric distances \mbox{(r≥r200r \geq r_{200})} the fraction of blue galaxies in both the main clusters and in the substructures is always lower than the average fraction of UVJ-selected star-forming galaxies in the field as measured in the COSMOS/UltraVista data set. We finally estimate environmental quenching efficiencies in the clusters and in the substructures and find that at large distances from the cluster centres, the quenching efficiency of substructures becomes comparable to the quenching efficiency of clusters. Our results suggest that pre-processing plays a significant role in the formation and evolution of passive galaxies in clusters at low redshifts.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS. 28 pages, 14 figures, 20 table
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