317 research outputs found

    Direct Applicability of Generally Accepted Principles of International Law in Legal Order of the Republic of Slovenia

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    Self-executing, incorporated and generally accepted principles of international law have been used directly in legal order of the Republic of Slovenia. Systematic records of these identified and enforced norms do not exist. It is difficult for lawyers and judges to get acquainted with them. The predicament is even greater because, with the exception of the Court of Justice of the European Union, a translation of the relevant case law of international tribunals is not available. Generally accepted principles of international law are applicable in Slovenian legal order per se. Despite that, it is not entirely clear how administrative bodies should react in situations where the rights and obligations of legal entities are on the one hand regulated by law and customary international law but on the other hand are contradictory

    Pomisleki in dileme o normativnem okviru instituta pomilostitve [Scruples and Dilemmas of the Institute of Clemency Regulatory Framework]

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    Normativni okvir instituta pomilostitve izhaja iz Ustave RS, ki je vsebinsko razčlenjena z zakonodajno intervencijo. Podrobno branje in interpretacija Zakona o pomilostitvi nakazujeta na nekatere dileme in pomisleke v smeri nedopustnega oženja izključne izvirne ustavne pristojnosti predsednika republike. Da bi se izognili dvomom, bi bila potrebna dopolnitev Ustave v šesti alineji prvega odstavka 107. člena, npr. z oblikovano določbo, da predsednik republike odloča o pomilostitvah »na način, kakor je to določeno z zakonom«. Zakon o pomilostitvi je mogoče do takrat z zgodovinsko objektivistično interpretacijo razumeti tako, da predsednika republike pravno ne omejuje pri izvajanju njegove izvirne ustavne pristojnosti dajanja pomilostitev.The legal framework institution of clemency stems from the Constitution, which is substantially filled with a legislative intervention. Detailed reading and interpretation of the Pardon Act indicate some dilemmas and doubts about the inadmissible narrowing of the exclusive original constitutional power of the President of the Republic. For the avoidance of doubt, it would require an amendment of the Constitution in the sixth line of the first paragraph of Article 107 with the provision that the President of the Republic decides on the granting of clemency ‘in the manner provided by law.’ It is, therefore, possible to understand the valid Pardon Act through historical objectivist interpretation in such a way that the President of the Republic is not restricted by law in the implementation of his original constitutional powers on the granting of clemency

    Neposredna uporaba splošno veljavnih načel mednarodnega prava v pravnem redu Republike Slovenije

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    Inkorporirana neposredno izvršljiva splošno veljavna načela mednarodnega prava se v pravnem redu Republike Slovenije uporabljajo neposredno. Obstaja problem odsotnosti sistemske ureditve evidence uveljavljenih tovrstnih pravnih norm in zato težavnost njihovega prepoznavanja. Zadrega je večja, ker tudi ni na voljo relevantne strokovno prevedene judikature mednarodenih tribunalov, z izjemo sodb Sodišča Evropske unije. Čeprav splošno veljavna načela mednarodnega prava veljajo v slovenskem pravnem redu per se, ni popolnoma jasno, kako naj se odzovejo upravni organi v situacijah, ko so pravice in obveznosti pravnih subjektov hkrati urejene z zakonom in uveljavljenim običajnim mednarodnim pravom, vendar so nasprotujoče

    Fluid and solid phases of the Gaussian core model

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    We study the structural and thermodynamic properties of a model of point particles interacting by means of a Gaussian pair potential first introduced by Stillinger [Stillinger F H 1976 J. Chem. Phys. 65, 3968]. By employing integral equation theories for the fluid state and comparing with Monte Carlo simulation results, we establish the limits of applicability of various common closures and examine the dependence of the correlation functions of the liquid on the density and temperature. We employ a simple, mean-field theory for the high density domain of the liquid and demonstrate that at infinite density the mean-field theory is exact and that the system reduces to an `infinite density ideal gas', where all correlations vanish and where the hypernetted chain (HNC) closure becomes exact. By employing an Einstein model for the solid phases, we subsequently calculate quantitatively the phase diagram of the model and find that the system possesses two solid phases, face centered cubic and body centered cubic, and also displays reentrant melting into a liquid at high densities. Moreover, the system remains fluid at all densities when the temperature exceeds 1% of the strength of the interactions.Comment: 22 pages, 10 figure

    Coarse-graining diblock copolymer solutions: a macromolecular version of the Widom-Rowlinson model

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    We propose a systematic coarse-grained representation of block copolymers, whereby each block is reduced to a single ``soft blob'' and effective intra- as well as intermolecular interactions act between centres of mass of the blocks. The coarse-graining approach is applied to simple athermal lattice models of symmetric AB diblock copolymers, in particular to a Widom-Rowlinson-like model where blocks of the same species behave as ideal polymers (i.e. freely interpenetrate), while blocks of opposite species are mutually avoiding walks. This incompatibility drives microphase separation for copolymer solutions in the semi-dilute regime. An appropriate, consistent inversion procedure is used to extract effective inter- and intramolecular potentials from Monte Carlo results for the pair distribution functions of the block centres of mass in the infinite dilution limit.Comment: To be published in mol.phys(2005

    Self diffusion in a system of interacting Langevin particles

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    The behavior of the self diffusion constant of Langevin particles interacting via a pairwise interaction is considered. The diffusion constant is calculated approximately within a perturbation theory in the potential strength about the bare diffusion constant. It is shown how this expansion leads to a systematic double expansion in the inverse temperature β\beta and the particle density ρ\rho. The one-loop diagrams in this expansion can be summed exactly and we show that this result is exact in the limit of small β\beta and ρβ\rho\beta constant. The one-loop result can also be re-summed using a semi-phenomenological renormalization group method which has proved useful in the study of diffusion in random media. In certain cases the renormalization group calculation predicts the existence of a diverging relaxation time signalled by the vanishing of the diffusion constant -- possible forms of divergence coming from this approximation are discussed. Finally, at a more quantitative level, the results are compared with numerical simulations, in two-dimensions, of particles interacting via a soft potential recently used to model the interaction between coiled polymers.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures .ep

    Implementation and performance analysis of bridging Monte Carlo moves for off-lattice single chain polymers in globular states

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    Bridging algorithms are global Monte Carlo moves which allow for an efficient sampling of single polymer chains. In this manuscript we discuss the adaptation of three bridging algorithms from lattice to continuum models, and give details on the corrections to the acceptance rules which are required to fulfill detailed balance. For the first time we are able to compare the efficiency of the moves by analyzing the occurrence of knots in globular states. For a flexible homopolymer chain of length N=1000, independent configurations can be generated up to two orders of magnitude faster than with slithering snake moves.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, preprint submitted to computer physics communication

    An integral equation approach to effective interactions between polymers in solution

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    We use the thread model for linear chains of interacting monomers, and the ``polymer reference interaction site model'' (PRISM) formalism to determine the monomer-monomer pair correlation function hmm(r)h_{mm}(r) for dilute and semi-dilute polymer solutions, over a range of temperatures from very high (where the chains behave as self-avoiding walks) to below the θ\theta temperature, where phase separation sets in. An inversion procedure, based on the HNC integral equation, is used to extract the effective pair potential between ``average'' monomers on different chains. An accurate relation between hmm(r)h_{mm}(r), hcc(r)h_{cc}(r) [the pair correlation function between the polymer centers of mass (c.m.)], and the intramolecular form factors is then used to determine hcc(r)h_{cc}(r), and subsequently extract the effective c.m.-c.m. pair potential vcc(r)v_{cc}(r) by a similar inversion procedure. vcc(r)v_{cc}(r) depends on temperature and polymer concentration, and the predicted variations are in reasonable agreement with recent simulation data, except at very high temperatures, and below the θ\theta temperature.Comment: 13 pages, 13 figures, revtex ; revised versio