29 research outputs found

    Detection and mapping of mtDNA SNPs in Atlantic salmon using high throughput DNA sequencing

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    BACKGROUND: Approximately half of the mitochondrial genome inherent within 546 individual Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) derived from across the species' North Atlantic range, was selectively amplified with a novel combination of standard PCR and pyro-sequencing in a single run using 454 Titanium FLX technology (Roche, 454 Life Sciences). A unique combination of barcoded primers and a partitioned sequencing plate was employed to designate each sequence read to its original sample. The sequence reads were aligned according to the S. salar mitochondrial reference sequence (NC_001960.1), with the objective of identifying single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). They were validated if they met with the following three stringent criteria: (i) sequence reads were produced from both DNA strands; (ii) SNPs were confirmed in a minimum of 90% of replicate sequence reads; and (iii) SNPs occurred in more than one individual. RESULTS: Pyrosequencing generated a total of 179,826,884 bp of data, and 10,765 of the total 10,920 S. salar sequences (98.6%) were assigned back to their original samples. The approach taken resulted in a total of 216 SNPs and 2 indels, which were validated and mapped onto the S. salar mitochondrial genome, including 107 SNPs and one indel not previously reported. An average of 27.3 sequence reads with a standard deviation of 11.7 supported each SNP per individual. CONCLUSION: The study generated a mitochondrial SNP panel from a large sample group across a broad geographical area, reducing the potential for ascertainment bias, which has hampered previous studies. The SNPs identified here validate those identified in previous studies, and also contribute additional potentially informative loci for the future study of phylogeography and evolution in the Atlantic salmon. The overall success experienced with this novel application of HT sequencing of targeted regions suggests that the same approach could be successfully applied for SNP mining in other species

    A genome-wide meta-analysis yields 46 new loci associating with biomarkers of iron homeostasis

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    Bell et al. report 46 new loci associated with biomarkers of iron homeostasis, including ferritin levels, iron binding capacity, and iron saturation, in the Icelandic, Danish and UK populations. The associated loci point to new iron-regulating proteins and important genetic differences between men and women

    A genome-wide meta-analysis yields 46 new loci associating with biomarkers of iron homeostasis

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    Abstract: Iron is essential for many biological functions and iron deficiency and overload have major health implications. We performed a meta-analysis of three genome-wide association studies from Iceland, the UK and Denmark of blood levels of ferritin (N = 246,139), total iron binding capacity (N = 135,430), iron (N = 163,511) and transferrin saturation (N = 131,471). We found 62 independent sequence variants associating with iron homeostasis parameters at 56 loci, including 46 novel loci. Variants at DUOX2, F5, SLC11A2 and TMPRSS6 associate with iron deficiency anemia, while variants at TF, HFE, TFR2 and TMPRSS6 associate with iron overload. A HBS1L-MYB intergenic region variant associates both with increased risk of iron overload and reduced risk of iron deficiency anemia. The DUOX2 missense variant is present in 14% of the population, associates with all iron homeostasis biomarkers, and increases the risk of iron deficiency anemia by 29%. The associations implicate proteins contributing to the main physiological processes involved in iron homeostasis: iron sensing and storage, inflammation, absorption of iron from the gut, iron recycling, erythropoiesis and bleeding/menstruation

    Increased incidence of disability due to mental and behavioural disorders in Iceland 1990-2007

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    To access publisher full text version of this article. Please click on the hyperlink in Additional Links fieldAIMS: To explore longitudinal changes in the importance of mental and behavioural disorders and their subgroups among people receiving disability pension in Iceland in the period 1990 to 2007. METHOD: Estimation of the incidence of disability pension was based on national demographic data and information from the national disability register which includes the main diagnoses causing disability. RESULTS: The share of mental and behavioural disorders among new recipients of disability pension increased from 14 to 30% for women and 20 to 35% men. There was a marked increase in the incidence of disability due to disorders related to the use of alcohol and other psychoactive substances, mood disorders, disorders of psychological development and behavioural and emotional disorders with onset usually occurring in childhood and adolescence. The proportion of mental and behavioural disorders as the primary diagnosis among new recipients of disability pension increased. CONCLUSION: The most likely explanation for the changes we observe is alteration in social conditions leading to a lower threshold for seeking disability pension for mental disorders

    A prospective study on the causes of notably raised alanine aminotransferase (ALT).

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    To access publisher's full text version of this article click on the hyperlink at the bottom of the pageHigh levels of alanine aminotransferase (ALT) can be a marker of severe liver disease with variable aetiologies and prognosis. Very few prospective studies have been undertaken on the aetiology and prognosis of patients with high ALT levels. No population-based prospective study has systematically evaluated drug-induced liver injury (DILI) among these patients. The objective was to determine the aetiology and prognosis of patients with high ALT.In a catchment area of 160,000 inhabitants, a population-based prospective study identified all adult patients with serum level of ALT >500 U/L during a 12-month period. All underwent thorough diagnostic work-up and follow-up. In suspected DILI, causality was assessed with Roussel Uclaf Causality Assessment Method.A total of 155 patients were identified with ALT >500 U/L, 12 children and one with ALT of non-liver-related origin, leaving 142 patients for the analysis: 73 (51%) males, median age 52 (IQR 36-68, range 19-89 years). The most common causes were choledocholithiasis 48/142 (34%), ischaemic hepatitis 26 (18%), viral hepatitis 16 (11%) and DILI 15 (11%), hepatobiliary malignancy (n = 6), surgery/interventions (n = 8) and other aetiologies (n = 23). No specific aetiology was found in 6% of cases. In the total study cohort 99 (70%) required hospitalisation, 78 (55%) had jaundice and 22 (16%) died, liver-related death in 10%, 35% in IH and 7% in DILI.The most common cause of notably high ALT was choledocholithiasis. Ischaemic hepatitis was a common aetiology with approximately 35% liver-related mortality. Viral hepatitis and DILI were important aetiologies among these patients.National University Hospital of Iceland University of Iceland Research Fun

    Data from: Present-day genetic structure of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in Icelandic rivers and ice-cap retreat models

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    Due to an improved understanding of past climatological conditions, it has now become possible to study the potential concordance between former climatological models and present-day genetic structure. Genetic variability was assessed in 26 samples from different rivers of Atlantic salmon in Iceland (total of 2,352 individuals), using 15 microsatellite loci. F-statistics revealed significant differences between the majority of the populations that were sampled. Bayesian cluster analyses using both prior information and no prior information on sampling location revealed the presence of two distinguishable genetic pools - namely, the Northern (Group 1) and Southern (Group 2) regions of Iceland. Furthermore, the random permutation of different allele sizes among allelic states revealed a significant mutational component to the genetic differentiation at four microsatellite loci (SsaD144, Ssa171, SSsp2201 and SsaF3), and supported the proposition of a historical origin behind the observed variation. The estimated time of divergence, using two different ABC methods, suggested that the observed genetic pattern originated from between the Last Glacial Maximum to the Younger Dryas, which serves as additional evidence of the relative immaturity of Icelandic fish populations, on account of the re-colonisation of this young environment following the Last Glacial Maximum. Additional analyses suggested the presence of several genetic entities which were likely to originate from the original groups detected

    Data from: Present-day genetic structure of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in Icelandic rivers and ice-cap retreat models

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    Due to an improved understanding of past climatological conditions, it has now become possible to study the potential concordance between former climatological models and present-day genetic structure. Genetic variability was assessed in 26 samples from different rivers of Atlantic salmon in Iceland (total of 2,352 individuals), using 15 microsatellite loci. F-statistics revealed significant differences between the majority of the populations that were sampled. Bayesian cluster analyses using both prior information and no prior information on sampling location revealed the presence of two distinguishable genetic pools - namely, the Northern (Group 1) and Southern (Group 2) regions of Iceland. Furthermore, the random permutation of different allele sizes among allelic states revealed a significant mutational component to the genetic differentiation at four microsatellite loci (SsaD144, Ssa171, SSsp2201 and SsaF3), and supported the proposition of a historical origin behind the observed variation. The estimated time of divergence, using two different ABC methods, suggested that the observed genetic pattern originated from between the Last Glacial Maximum to the Younger Dryas, which serves as additional evidence of the relative immaturity of Icelandic fish populations, on account of the re-colonisation of this young environment following the Last Glacial Maximum. Additional analyses suggested the presence of several genetic entities which were likely to originate from the original groups detected

    Microsatellite genotypes and sample locations

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    Genotype information from 14 microsatellite loci (SsaF43, Ssa14, Ssa289, Ssa171, Ssa197, Ssa202, SSsp1605, SSsp2201, SSsp2210, SSsp2216, SsspG7, SsaD144, SsaD157 and SSsp3016) for 2028 individuals collected in the field from 26 locations in Iceland