47 research outputs found

    Szlak byłych miast tkackich wschodniej Wielkopolski jako dorobek dziedzictwa kulturowego i szansa na rozwój regionu

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    Artykuł pochodzi z książki pt. „Dziedzictwo kulturowe - ochrona i adaptacja jako szansa na rozwój”, red. W. Tołoczko, Łódź 2008Prorektor ds. Nauki Uniwersytetu Łódzkieg

    Zagospodarowanie doliny Mrogi na odcinku od Jordanowa do Koziołek

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    Artykuł pochodzi z książki pt. " Zagospodarowanie dolin rzecznych”Materiały Ogólnopolskiej Konferencji Studenckich Kół Naukowych Geografów „Zagospodarowanie dolin rzecznych” Łódź, 27-29 października 2006 r.Minister Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego, Dziekan Wydziału Nauk Geograficznych Uniwersytetu Łódzkieg

    Spatial variability of selected physicochemical parameters within peat deposits in small valley mire: a geostatistical approach

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    Geostatistical methods for 2D and 3D modelling spatial variability of selected physicochemical properties of biogenic sediments were applied to a small valley mire in order to identify the processes that lead to the formation of various types of peat. A sequential Gaussian simulation was performed to reproduce the statistical distribution of the input data (pH and organic matter) and their semivariances, as well as to honouring of data values, yielding more ‘realistic’ models that show microscale spatial variability, despite the fact that the input sample cores were sparsely distributed in the X–Y space of the study area. The stratigraphy of peat deposits in the Ldzań mire shows a record of long-term evolution of water conditions, which is associated with the variability in water supply over time. Ldzań is a fen (a rheotrophic mire) with a through-flow of groundwater. Additionally, the vicinity of the Grabia River is marked by seasonal inundations of the southwest part of the mire and increased participation of mineral matter in the peat. In turn, the upper peat layers of some of the central part of Ldzań mire are rather spongy, and these peat-forming phytocoenoses probably formed during permanent waterlogging

    The tentative reconstruction of evolution of the biogenic accumulation reservoir in Bydlin (Silesian-Cracovian Upland)

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    Osady torfowiska we wsi Bydlin na Wyżynie Śląsko-Krakowskiej poddano analizie geochemicznej, paleobotanicznej oraz malakologicznej. Torfowisko znajduje się, w obrębie rozległej depresji morfologicznej na obszarze krasu węglanowego. Sekwencja osadów została udokumentowana na podstawie wierceń o maksymalnej głębokości 4,20 m. W złożu torfowiska osady są bardzo zróżnicowane, występują zarówno torfy mszyste, turzycowo-mszyste i turzycowiskowe, jak i osady powstające w jeziorach, głównie w postaci gytii wapiennej, gytii ilasto-wapiennej oraz kredy jeziornej. Typ osadu świadczy o limnicznej przeszłości zagłębień w zachodniej i południowej części torfowiska. Na podstawie zawartości głównych składników litogeochemicznych budujących osady jeziorne i torfowe, składu i struktury malakofauny, przebiegu krzywych pyłkowych oraz składu botanicznego osadów torfowych dokonano charakterystyki cech paleośrodowiska, zrekonstruowano etapy rozwoju torfowiska oraz określono pozycję stratygraficzną osadów

    Changes in habitat conditions in a Late Glacial fluviogenic lake in response to climatic fluctuations (Warta River valley, central Poland)

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    The Warta River val ley was greatly in flu enced by the ice sheet of the Last Gla cial Max i mum (LGM). A small peatland lo cated in the Warta drain age sys tem is here used as a palaeoarchive of cli ma tic and hab i tat changes dur ing the Late Gla cial (Weichselian). The ugi pound sed i ment pro file was in ves ti gated us ing multi-proxy (pol len, Chironomidae, Cladocera and geo chem is try) anal y ses that re corded changes in a fluviogenic sed i men tary de pres sion. Af ter the Poznan Phase (LGM), ugi pound func tioned as an ox bow lake that was cut off from the ac tive river chan nel as a re sult of flu vial ero sion. Since that time, the Warta River has flowed only along the sec tion now oc cu pied by the Jeziorsko Res er voir. Sed i men ta tion of lac us trine de pos its started at the be gin ning of the Late Gla cial. Sum mer tem per a ture re con struc tions in di cate cool Old est and Youn ger Dryas, but no clear cool ing in the Older Dryas. Dur ing the Youn ger Dryas the palaeolake was com pletely oc cu pied by a peatland (fen), which pe ri od i cally dried out dur ing the Ho lo cene. In ves ti ga tion of this site has tracked the re ac tion of the hab i tat to cli ma tic, hy dro log i cal and geomorphological changes through out the Late Weichselian.Peer reviewe

    Multi-proxy inferred hydroclimatic conditions at Bęczkowice fen (central Poland); the influence of fluvial processes and human activity in the stone age

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    Fens have been forming in the river valleys of central Poland since the Bølling and went through a transformation from fully aquatic to semiterrestrial habitats during the Younger Dryas/Holocene transition. This drove plant and invertebrate communities and left a distinct pattern in chemical sediment composition, which is why river valley peatlands are sensitive palaeo-archives of climatic, hydrological and edaphic changes. Here we reconstruct the Late Weichselian history of the Bęczkowice fen in the upper Luciąża River valley using geochemical, pollen, Cladocera and Chironomidae proxies. Pollen-based age estimation indicates that the analysed peat sequence dates from the Bølling to Early Holocene. The layers 190-170 cm and 125-105 cm of the studied core were reworked by fluvial processes. Chironomidae and Cladocera communities indicate mostly limnetic conditions during the Allerød and early Younger Dryas. Peatland pools were supplied mostly by Luciąża River floods, but also by groundwater. Since the onset of the Holocene, the water level has dropped, eliminating aquatic midges and water fleas, and supporting taxa typical of astatic waters and wet soil.Peer reviewe

    Environmental changes during Mesolithic-Neolithic transition in Kuyavia Lakeland, Central Poland

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    Funding Information: The field research was carried out as part of the project “Settlement of the Funnel Beaker Culture in the Wietrzychowice Cultural Park”, thanks to the funds of the Professor Konrad Jażdżewski Foundation for Archaeological Research and the County Labor Office - “Exploreres” program. Thanks are also due to Mrs. B. Lewandowska and Mr. A. Myrta for their invaluable help during the field works of Śmieły site, and to Kacper Świerk for his help in Chironomidae subfossils analysis. Publisher Copyright: © 2021 Elsevier Ltd and INQUAThe Wietrzychowice Cultural Park protects one of the last preserved megalithic barrows constructed by the Funnel Beaker Culture societies at the Kuyavia Lakeland (Central Poland). The nearby archaeological site at Śmieły located on the shore of Karaśnia Lake provided numerous Mesolithic and Neolithic remains such as flint artefacts, potsherds, arrowheads, and mammal bones with traces of human processing. The lake and peat sediments at the Śmieły site provided a unique opportunity to investigate man-environment relationships during the transition period from Mesolithic to Neolithic. The age-depth model for the deposits was based on five radiocarbon dates as well as archaeological artefacts. The multi-proxy study, including geochemistry, pollen, plant macrofossils, Mollusca, Cladocera and Chironomidae analyses, were conducted to recognize palaeoenvironmental changes between 7500 and 3500 BCE. Combining environmental and archaeological data, we attempt to distinguish between natural phenomena triggered by climate factors with those induced by human activity. The data indicated hydrological changes associated with natural factors: (1) the phase of aquatic ecosystem since 7500 to 5800 BCE, (2) the phase of water shallowing between 5800 and 4600 BCE, and (3) the development of alder fen in the lake shore zone since ca. 4600 BCE. Vegetation changes suggest early landscape transformations in Central Poland already due to the activity of Mesolithic societies. Fossil pollen and plant macroremains data combined with detailed map of modern soil distribution in the area allowed to identify pattern of vegetation distribution around the Mesolithic campsite. Neolithic discontinuity of habitation process between ca. 4600 and 4000 BCE (in the times of Brześć Kujawski Group of Lendyel Culture) can be associated with climate change resulting in Karaśnia Lake level lowering.Peer reviewe

    Lithology and chemical composition of a Neoholocene palaeochannel infill within the Białka River valley, Kraków-Częstochowa Upland

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    Mires are common in the landscape of the Kraków-Częstochowa Upland, but they are rarely explored by Earth scientists. In addition to numerous morphological depressions filled with biogenic sediments, mires also occur within river valley, usually upstream from gaps. The intensification of marsh formation within the Białka River valley (left-side tributary of Krztynia, upper Pilica catchment) may have been influenced by the occurrence of poorly permeable, fluvial silty sands in the bedrock. Infilling of the studied depression at Młyny was accomplished via fluvial sedimentation characterised by local aggradation interrupted by carbonate precipitation, and sedentation of autochthonous organic matter. The former sediment type is represented mostly by mineral-organic aggraded silt with a dominant fine fraction, occurring mostly in the basal part of the studied core, and sand fraction in the top interval of the core, superjacent to calcareous-clay gyttja. Ash content reaches up to 87% and Fe concentrations are periodically elevated (30–48 mg/g). Calcium carbonate (CaCO3) also occurs in the studied oxbow mire deposit, exceeding 40% in some intervals, which indicates that a more important part was played by groundwaters in the water balance of the Białka valley. This periods were periodically interrupted due to higher flooding activity and recorded by mineral sediments characterised by specific granulometric composition, and an elevated percentage of organic matter deposited as rhythmists. Elevated concentrations of trace elements noted in a horizon dated at 1885±105 BP by means of radiocarbon dating may point to human impact on the environment due to the adaptation of economy to local conditions. The geochemical record of human activity is corroborated by archaeological data from various parts of the Białka valley catchment. The reason for the concentration of trace elements being highest in the top interval of the studied core is the intense economic development of Silesia-Kraków region, and the associated deforestation, mining and metallurgy

    Significance of geological and geomorphological conditions for development and the contemporary state of peatlands in the Nida Basin

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    Significance of geological and geomorphological conditions for development and the contemporary state of peatlands in the Nida Basin. Prz. Geol., 68:135-144; doi: 10.7306/2020.6 Abstract. Synthetic studies of biogenic deposits made on a regional scale reveal how the geological structure and land relief have been affecting the development of limnic and peat sediments. The research was made in the Nida Basin, which is the region of great diversity of natural landscape in southern Poland and has a relatively large area of peatlands. The conclusions have been based on SRTM interpretation, hydrogeological documentations of deposits near Busko-Zdrój, and field and laboratory works. The spring-fed fen at Zwierzyniec, along with the fen at Mikulowice, has been forming on the densest complexes of alkaline fens in the Małopolska Upland. The calcareous tufa includes records of chemical denudation occurring in the southern part of the Pińczów Hump in the Late Weichselian and Holocene

    Assessment of Peat Extraction Range and Vegetation Succession on the Baligówka Degraded Peat Bog (Central Europe) Using the ALS Data and Orthophotomap

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    The Baligówka peat bog is one of the peat bogs of the Orawa-Nowy Targ Basin—the largest complex of wetlands in the Polish Carpathians. Its area has declined in the past as a result of drainage and peat exploitation, which caused a bad hydrological condition and it is gradually overgrown by non-peat bog medium and high vegetation. The research uses models derived from airborne laser scanning (ALS) and an orthophotomap to delimit the bog and divide it into parts and assess the range of drainage ditches and vegetation. The area of the peat dome along with 3 sites of peat exploitation is currently 159.6 ha, while the ecotone zone is 105.9 ha. Both sections are separated by a steep post-mining slope. The medium and high vegetation areas cover 44% of the peat bog; its location is related to the dense drainage system in the southern part of the dome. The parameters of the Baligówka peat bog: area, size and extent of drainage system, and the degree of overgrowth by high vegetation, are the subject of research towards the protection under the Natura 2000 network (PLH120016) and the establishment of a plan for restoration activities