89 research outputs found

    Threats to conservation of Vitellaria paradoxa subsp. nilotica (Shea Butter) Tree in Nakasongola district, Central Uganda

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    This study assessed the major threats to conservation of the shea butter tree (Vitellaria paradoxa) on farms in Buruli subregion. Data were collected through a household survey, focused group and key informant interviews. Questionnaires data were coded, entered in Statistical Package for Social Scientists (SPSS) computer program and analyzed for major threats to conservation of the shea butter tree in Nakasongola District. Binary logistic regression analysis was used to show how socio- demographic characteristics influenced the willingness of the local people to protect shea butter trees on their farms. While the tree is a source of fruit, oil and charcoal to local communities, factors such as existing tree and land tenure system, termites, lack of planting materials and high poverty levels constrain on-farm shea tree growing. There was a significant association between marital status and willingness of the respondents to plant shea trees (R=6.614, P<0.05). The existing shea tree populations are entirely wild with great economic potential that needs to be conserved. Regional research programs should aim at mobilizing local communities to carry out interventions such as shea tree germplasm multiplication, assisted tree regeneration and encouraging farmers to protect naturally regenerating trees. This will enhance tree based rehabilitation of the degraded resources, while ensuring environmental sustainability and improved livelihoods. National governments and local and international conservation bodies need to come up with appropriate incentives for promoting on-farm conservation of this very valuable species. Efforts are also needed to propagate shea tree vegetatively and using seed. Failure to intervene will otherwise culminate into complete degradation and loss of shea parkland benefits, leading to ‘the tragedy of the commons’ not only in Buruli sub region, but also other shea parklands areas in Lango, Teso and West Nile sub regions of Uganda.Buyinza Joel and Okullo John Bosco Lamori

    Farmers\u27 Attitudes Towards On-Farm Cultivation of Indigenous Fruit Trees in Adwari Sub-County, Lira District, Uganda

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    This study was conducted in Adwari sub-county, Lira district to (i) determine the conservation status and threats to indigenous fruit trees (IFTs), (ii) assess farmers’ attitudes towards IFT cultivation, (iii) documents local knowledge on propagation and management of IFTs, and (iv) identify opportunities and constraints to promotion of IFTs cultivation. Semi-structured questionnaires were administered to a total of 120 randomly selected respondents. MINITAB statistical package was used to analyze the data. Logistic regression analysis was performed to show the influence of socio-economic characteristics on farmers’ towards their attitudes to plant IFTs. The population of IFTs was found to be generally declining. The major reasons for decline were charcoal burning and firewood collection. Although, majority of farmers had positive attitudes towards cultivation of IFTs, their attitudes were influenced by gender, education level, farm size and occupation status. Lack of clear markets for indigenous fruits, unclear information about their food values, lack of seedlings in local nurseries, and dearth of information propagation techniques were the major hindrance to cultivation of IFTs. There is a need especially by local governments and local councils to formulate clear strategies on conservation of IFTs for example by establishing a community nursery and propagation center for IFTs. There is a need to address the issue of marketing and pricing of indigenous tree fruit products. Lastly, there is a need of further study to analyze the market environment for indigenous tree fruits compared with alternative possibilities such as exotic fruits or agricultural crops

    Analysis of Ozone (O3) and Erythemal UV (EUV) measured by TOMS in the equatorial African belt

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    We presented time series of total ozone column amounts (TOCAs) and erythemal UV (EUV) doses derived from measurements by TOMS (Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer) instruments on board the Nimbus-7 (N7) and the Earth Probe (EP) satellites for three locations within the equatorial African belt for the period 1979 to 2000. The locations were Dar-es-Salaam (6.8° S, 39.26° E) in Tanzania, Kampala (0.19° N, 32.34° E) in Uganda, and Serrekunda (13.28° N, 16.34° W) in Gambia. Equatorial Africa has high levels of UV radiation, and because ozone shields UV radiation from reaching the Earth’s surface, there is a need to monitor TOCAs and EUV doses. In this paper we investigated the trend of TOCAs and EUV doses, the effects of annual and solar cycles on TOCAs, as well as the link between lightning and ozone production in the equatorial African belt. We also compared clear-sky simulated EUV doses with the corresponding EUV doses derived from TOMS measurements. The TOCAs were found to vary in the ranges 243 DU − 289 DU, 231 DU − 286 DU, and 236 DU − 296 DU, with mean values of 266.9 DU, 260.9 DU, and 267.8 DU for Dar-es-Salaam, Kampala and Serrekunda, respectively. Daily TOCA time series indicated that Kampala had the lowest TOCA values, which we attributed to the altitude effect. There were two annual ozone peaks in Dar-es-Salaam and Kampala, and one annual ozone peak in Serrekunda. The yearly TOCA averages showed an oscillation within a five-year period. We also found that the EUV doses were stable at all three locations for the period 1979−2000, and that Kampala and Dar-es-Salaam were mostly cloudy throughout the year, whereas Serrekunda was mostly free from clouds. It was also found that clouds were among the major factors determining the level of EUV reaching the Earth´s surface. Finally, we noted that during rainy seasons, horizontal advection effects augmented by lightning activity may be responsible for enhanced ozone production in the tropics.publishedVersio

    Machine learning enabled experimental design and parameter estimation for ultrafast spin dynamics

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    Advanced experimental measurements are crucial for driving theoretical developments and unveiling novel phenomena in condensed matter and material physics, which often suffer from the scarcity of facility resources and increasing complexities. To address the limitations, we introduce a methodology that combines machine learning with Bayesian optimal experimental design (BOED), exemplified with x-ray photon fluctuation spectroscopy (XPFS) measurements for spin fluctuations. Our method employs a neural network model for large-scale spin dynamics simulations for precise distribution and utility calculations in BOED. The capability of automatic differentiation from the neural network model is further leveraged for more robust and accurate parameter estimation. Our numerical benchmarks demonstrate the superior performance of our method in guiding XPFS experiments, predicting model parameters, and yielding more informative measurements within limited experimental time. Although focusing on XPFS and spin fluctuations, our method can be adapted to other experiments, facilitating more efficient data collection and accelerating scientific discoveries

    Physical factors contributing to rural water supply functionality performance in Uganda

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    This report communicates the findings generated from one of the project surveys – deconstruction and forensic analysis of 50 individual water points in Uganda. The report presents the new data generated to Uganda’s groundwater resource potential; the nature and condition of hand-pump borehole installations; and the significance of both of these factors to service performance. Based on the evidence collected, the main physical factors affecting functionality performance within Uganda are the poor condition of handpump components, and the complex aquifer resource. The impact of these factors can be mitigated through appropriate material choice for handpump components (non GI), increased investment in borehole siting and testing, and adequate accessibility to repairs and maintenance capacity with breakdowns. These factors should not be considered to be the only driving forces of functionality outcomes in these regions of Uganda, however, and the results of this survey need to be examined alongside the wider project findings. Wider institutional arrangements, resources and dynamics, are likely to play a significant role in the implementation of appropriate borehole construction, siting and design; procurement processes; and the management capacity available for water points at national to local levels

    Permeability of the crystalline basement in Uganda : evidence from 665 pumping tests and implications for solar pumping

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    Crystalline basement rocks of Precambrian age underlie nearly three quarters of Uganda, providing groundwater supplies to meet ever increasing demand from rural areas and urban growth centres. Development of groundwater sources is commonly based on several factors including physical and socio-economic considerations that have a bearing on their functionality and long term reliability. Here we present new transmissivity data from 665 boreholes across basement aquifers in Uganda calculated from previously unanalyzed pumping test data. Other data are available to help interpret the transmissvity values, including borehole lithological logs, weathering thickness, well design and depth to groundwater. Spatial and depth comparisons are made to relate aquifer permeability to lithology and weathering, and also to relate borehole yields to well design. The data provide an improved understanding of the physical permeability of weathered crystalline basement rock aquifers across Uganda, complimenting earlier studies of vertical permeability profiles in focused areas. The analysis helps inform the physical capacity of the aquifer to supply the borehole yields to meet increasing demands, and application the potential for higher abstraction technologies, such as solar pumps

    Validity and reliability of the Oral Impacts on Daily Performance (OIDP) frequency scale: a cross-sectional study of adolescents in Uganda

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    BACKGROUND: Assessing oral health related quality of life impact of mouth in adolescents is a relatively ignored area in dental research. This study aimed to examine reliability and validity of an abbreviated version of the oral impact of daily performance (OIDP) questionnaire and to analyse the interrelationship among OIDP scores, socio-demographic characteristics and oral health status in Uganda. METHOD: 1146 adolescents (mean age 15.8, response rate 87%) attending secondary schools in Kampala (urban) and Lira (rural) completed a survey instrument designed to measure subjective oral health indicators including the eight-item OIDP frequency scores. A clinical examination was conducted among 372 students (mean age 16.3, response rate 72%) and caries was assessed following the World Health Organisation criteria (1997). RESULTS: 62% of the students experienced at least one oral impact during the 6 months preceding the survey. Cronbach's alpha for the OIDP frequency items was 0.91 and the corrected item-total correlation ranged from 0.62 to 0.75. Discriminant and construct validity were demonstrated in that the OIDP scores varied systematically in the expected direction with missing teeth and self-report indicators of oral health status, respectively. Socio-demographics and dental attendance did not predict OIDP through interaction with clinical indicators but varied systematically and independently with OIDP frequency scores in the multivariate analysis. CONCLUSION: the OIDP frequency score have acceptable psychometric properties in the context of an oral health survey among Ugandan adolescents. Some evidence of the importance of social and personal characteristics in shaping adolescents' responses to oral disorders was provided

    Drinking water quality from rural handpump-boreholes in Africa

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    Groundwater provides a vital source of drinking water for rural communities in many parts of Africa, particularly in the dry season when there are few safe alternative sources. This paper summarises results from a study (n = 428) assessing dry season water quality, both microbiological and inorganic chemistry, in handpump equipped boreholes (HPBs) across the Ethiopia Highlands (n = 142), Malawi (n = 162) and Uganda (n = 124) using a stratified, randomised sampling design. This study seeks to examine general water quality by randomly sampling rural groundwater supplies across larger areas with different geology and climate. The majority, 72%, of HPBs surveyed provide good quality dry season drinking water as defined by WHO drinking water quality criteria. Within this overall picture, the most notable constraints were from thermotolerant coliforms (TTCs), which exceeded the WHO drinking water guideline of zero colony forming units (cfu/100 ml) in 21% of sites (range 0–626 cfu/100 ml). TTC contamination was found to have a significant and positive correlation with annual average rainfall (ρ = 0.2, p = 0.00003). Across all three countries, WHO health based chemical drinking water quality values were exceeded at 9% of sites and were found for manganese (4%), fluoride (2.6%) and nitrate (2.5%); arsenic concentrations were below the guideline value of 10 μg l−1 (range 400 μg l−1) found in drinking water sources in Uganda challenges the decision by WHO not to formalise a health-based guideline for Mn. While the overall level of microbiological contamination from HPBs is low, results from this study strongly suggest that at a national and regional level, microbiological contamination rather than chemical contamination will provide a greater barrier to achieving targets set for improved drinking water quality under the UN-SDG 6. Efforts should be made to ensure that boreholes are properly sited and constructed effectively to reduce pathogen contamination

    UPGro Hidden Crisis Research Consortium. Survey 1 Country Report, Uganda

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    Statistics on the functionality of water points from the Hidden Crisis project in Uganda are presented. The survey, undertaken in 2016, was focussed on boreholes equipped with handpumps (HPBs) within the 112 districts of Uganda. A stratified two stage random sampling approach was adopted and 10 districts identified to sample. A tiered definition of functionality was applied, and all which enabled more nuanced definitions to be reported: The results from the survey indicate: • 55% of HPBs were working on the day of the survey (compared to national figure of 86% for rural water supply ) • 34% of HPBs passed the design yield of 10 litres per minute • 23% passed the design yield and also experienced < 1 month downtime within a year. • 18% passed the design yield and reliability criteria and also water quality criteria The results of the survey indicate the utility of carrying out more detailed assessments of functionality to help unpack national statistics. A linked survey of the performance of the water management arrangements at water points showed that for 70% of the sites water management arrangements were judged to be weak

    Contribution of physical factors to handpump borehole functionality in Africa

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    Handpumps are the main water supply for rural communities across sub-Saharan Africa. However, studies show that >25 % of handpumps are non-functional at any time. We present results from a systematic field study of handpump borehole functionality. The study was designed to investigate the contribution of physical factors to functionality outcomes, including; hydrogeology, borehole configuration, and handpump components. To achieve this, we deconstructed and examined 145 handpump boreholes in Ethiopia, Uganda and Malawi. Pumping tests showed that 19 % of boreholes were located in aquifers with transmissivity below the minimum required to sustain a handpump. Water levels, measured during the dry season, had a complex relationship with borehole configuration and transmissivity. The handpump cylinder was <10 m below the water table at 38 % of sites, which increases the risk of the handpump running dry during intensive use and/or in areas of low transmissivity. The water column was <20 m at 23 % of sites and screens were <10 m long at 29 % of sites and often sub-optimally positioned in the borehole. Borehole depth had no clear relationship with functionality. Using multinomial regression and four functionality categories (functional; unreliable; low yield; unreliable and low yield) as dependant variables, we found that transmissivity is a significant risk factor for the classification of handpump boreholes as low yield. The configuration of the borehole (e.g. cylinder position, screen/casing configuration and water column) is a statistically significant risk factor for the classification of handpump boreholes as unreliable. Handpump components were in poor overall condition but rising main pipes were a particular problem with 53 % of galvanised pipes corroded and 82 % of uPVC pipes damaged, with implications for handpump performance. Our study highlights the importance of; understanding aquifer properties, investing in borehole siting, construction (including supervision) and commissioning, and improving the quality of components and maintenance of handpumps
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