26 research outputs found

    Experiência internacional e estrangeira de controle sobre a atividade dos tribunais (juízes)

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    This article, based on the analysis of scientific views of scholars, summarizes the foreign experience of control over the activity of courts (judges). After summarizing the experience of Germany, it is stated that the legal mechanism of control over judges in this country is characterized not only by the differentiation of the distribution of supervisory powers at the federal and regional levels, but also by the active involvement of executive and legislative bodies. It is established that the existing foreign experience of control and supervision over the work of judges is quite diverse and can be used by domestic legislators when introducing amendments and additions to current legislation. The most positive experience that can be used in Ukraine to improve the control over the activity of judges includes: 1) The need to improve the procedure for selecting judges; 2) extension of the statute of limitations for committing an offense as a ground for disciplinary liability, in order to reduce the risk of judges avoiding its occurrence; 3) introduction of new forms and methods of control in the relevant field; 4) improvement of organizational and legal bases of public involvement in the implementation of control and supervision measures in the area under study.Este artículo, con base en el análisis de opiniones científicas de los académicos, resume la experiencia extranjera de control de la actividad de los tribunales (jueces). Tras resumir la experiencia de Alemania, se afirma que el mecanismo jurídico de control sobre los jueces en este país se caracteriza no solo por la diferenciación de la distribución de las facultades de supervisión a nivel federal y regional, sino también por la participación activa de los órganos ejecutivos y legislativos. Se establece que la experiencia extranjera existente en materia de control y supervisión de la labor de los jueces es muy diversa y puede ser utilizada por los legisladores nacionales al introducir enmiendas y adiciones a la legislación vigente. La experiencia más positiva que puede utilizarse en Ucrania para mejorar el control de la actividad de los jueces incluye: 1) la necesidad de mejorar el procedimiento de selección de los jueces; 2) la ampliación del plazo de prescripción de la comisión de una infracción como motivo de responsabilidad disciplinaria, a fin de reducir el riesgo de que los jueces eviten que se produzca; 3) la introducción de nuevas formas y métodos de control en el campo pertinente; 4) la mejora de las bases organizativas y jurídicas de la participación pública en la aplicación de medidas de control y supervisión en el área objeto de estudio.  Este artigo, com base na análise de visões científicas de estudiosos, resume a experiência estrangeira de controle sobre a atividade dos tribunais (juízes). Após resumir a experiência da Alemanha, afirma-se que o mecanismo jurídico de controle dos juízes neste país se caracteriza não só pela diferenciação da distribuição dos poderes de fiscalização nos níveis federal e regional, mas também pelo envolvimento ativo do Executivo e órgãos legislativos. Está estabelecido que a experiência estrangeira existente de controle e supervisão sobre o trabalho de juízes é bastante diversa e pode ser usada por legisladores nacionais ao introduzir emendas e adições à legislação em vigor. A experiência mais positiva que pode ser usada na Ucrânia para melhorar o controle sobre a atividade dos juízes inclui: 1) A necessidade de melhorar o procedimento de seleção dos juízes; 2) extensão do prazo de prescrição para a prática de crime como fundamento de responsabilidade disciplinar, de forma a reduzir o risco de os juízes evitarem a sua ocorrência; 3) introdução de novas formas e métodos de controle no campo relevante; 4) melhoria das bases organizacionais e jurídicas do envolvimento público na implementação de medidas de controlo e fiscalização na área em estudo

    Conflict of interests in commercial and civil law

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    The modern specifics of the development of social relations are due to new phenomena that require research and regulation. One of these is the issue of conflict of interest settlement in the business sphere. Given this, it is critical to analyze the causes of conflicts of interest in the system of management and production of public goods, which will contribute to the acceleration of the improvement of the management system and the transformation of the economy of Ukraine. The work aims to identify the conflict of interests in the business sphere and to determine the methods of their settlement. The research methodology consists of: the dialectic method, the abstraction method, the analysis and synthesis method, the logical-semantic method, the classification and grouping method, the system-structural method, the functional method, the sociological method, the statistical method, the formal-legal method, the synergistic method, the historical-legal method, comparative-legal method, method of interpretation and hermeneutics, analytical method and logical-legal method. As a result of the research, it is noted that the conflict of interests is a generally accepted term denoting a contradiction between the interests that are protected by law and must be satisfied by the actions of another authorized person and the personal interests of this authorized person. In particular, the essence, peculiarities of passage, and consequences of the conflict of interests in the field of management were investigated. Attention is drawn to the fact that the conflict of interests in the field of management is considered as a potential threat to the implementation of entrepreneurial activity

    Effective synergic interaction of strategic business units of diversified company

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    Integration processes in the global economy promote the development of diversified integrated companies, representing a group of legally and economically independent and/or affiliated companies that carry out joint activities based on interaction and interconnections development. It is the study of the interconnections of strategic business units of diversified companies that allows to distinguish synergistic interaction features, which, in the long run, ensures the achievement of sustainable competitive advantages for companies. The main purpose of this study is to distinguish the features of the synergistic interaction of strategic business units of diversified companies and the creation of management tools for them. The authors developed and presented the simulation model for managing the interaction of strategic business units of diversified companies based on synergy and proposed an algorithm for its application in real business practice for a company operating in the building ceramic market

    Determination of Continuum Fracture Mechanics Parameters for Molecular Dynamics Simulations

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    This study is aimed at determination of continuum fracture mechanics parameters such as stress intensity factors, T-stress and higher-order terms, from molecular dynamics simulation performed for copper plate with narrow diamond-like crack. For this purpose, an embedded atom potential (EAM) available in LAMMPS (Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator) molecular dynamics (MD) software is utilized to accurately describe mixed-mode crack growth. The stresses calculated from MD method using the virial theorem are used for over-deterministic method for extracting stress intensity factors, T-stress and higher ­ order terms of Williams series expansion. It is shown that the algorithm of the over-deterministic method can be generalized for MD calculations and gives the reasonable value of continuum fracture mechanics parameters. The obtained value of stress intensity factors, T-stresses and higher order terms are compared with the theoretical values for an infinite plate with the central crack under Mode I loading and Mixed Mode loading conditions for several values of the mixity parameter which defines the type of Mixed Mode loading


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    Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic is an extraordinary challenge for all countries and affects the psychological wellbeing of healthcare professionals working with people suffering from COVID-19 and puts them at a high risk of mental health problems. The aim of the study was to identify stress-related factors that affect the mental health of healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic in Ukraine. Subjects and methods: A total of 1098 Ukrainian healthcare workers were surveyed using an online questionnaire consisting of questions relating to a) socio-demographic characteristics; b) perceptions of the COVID-19 related situation; and c) stress and protective factors. Respondents were divided into two groups, depending on whether they provided care to the patients with COVID-19 or not. Results: Of the 1087 healthcare workers, 863 (79.4%) were found to have anxiety / fear caused by the COVID-19. No significant difference was detected between professionals who did and did not provide personal assistance to patients with COVID-19 concerning anxiety / fear related to COVID-19 (p=0.0776). Based on logistic regression model (χ2(6)=263.70, p=0.000) the most significant predictive factors for anxiety / fear caused by the COVID-19 were factors related to safety and risk perception (the risk of getting infected, dying, infecting loved ones, perception of the threat of the epidemic spread), information factors (constant news about COVID-19), as well as factors related to the organisation of care (lack of staff in health care facilities). Conclusions: Negative risk perception, high consumption of COVID-19 news, and shortage of staff in health care facilities were significant predictors of anxiety / fear caused by the COVID-19

    Minimal information for studies of extracellular vesicles (MISEV2023): From basic to advanced approaches

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    Extracellular vesicles (EVs), through their complex cargo, can reflect the state of their cell of origin and change the functions and phenotypes of other cells. These features indicate strong biomarker and therapeutic potential and have generated broad interest, as evidenced by the steady year-on-year increase in the numbers of scientific publications about EVs. Important advances have been made in EV metrology and in understanding and applying EV biology. However, hurdles remain to realising the potential of EVs in domains ranging from basic biology to clinical applications due to challenges in EV nomenclature, separation from non-vesicular extracellular particles, characterisation and functional studies. To address the challenges and opportunities in this rapidly evolving field, the International Society for Extracellular Vesicles (ISEV) updates its 'Minimal Information for Studies of Extracellular Vesicles', which was first published in 2014 and then in 2018 as MISEV2014 and MISEV2018, respectively. The goal of the current document, MISEV2023, is to provide researchers with an updated snapshot of available approaches and their advantages and limitations for production, separation and characterisation of EVs from multiple sources, including cell culture, body fluids and solid tissues. In addition to presenting the latest state of the art in basic principles of EV research, this document also covers advanced techniques and approaches that are currently expanding the boundaries of the field. MISEV2023 also includes new sections on EV release and uptake and a brief discussion of in vivo approaches to study EVs. Compiling feedback from ISEV expert task forces and more than 1000 researchers, this document conveys the current state of EV research to facilitate robust scientific discoveries and move the field forward even more rapidly

    Analysis of Tax Burden in Enterprises of Various Fields

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    Maģistra darba mērķis – izpētīt uzņēmumu nodokļu sloga novērtēšanas metodes un Latvijas Republikas nodokļus reglamentējošo normatīvo bāzi, novērtēt dažādās nozarēs strādājošo uzņēmumu nodokļu uzskaiti un nodokļu slogu, izstrādāt priekšlikumus nodokļu uzskaites pielāgošanai nodokļu sloga plānošanai, kā arī noteikt vai nodokļu slogs atkarīgs no nozares, kurā veic darbību uzņēmums. Lai sasniegtu mērķi, ir jāveic sekojošie darba uzdevumi: •veikt uzņēmumu nodokļu sloga novērtēšanas metožu izpēti; •izpētīt Latvijas Republikas normatīvos aktus, kas regulē nodokļu uzskaiti uzņēmumā; •veikt analizējamo uzņēmumu vispārējo raksturojumu; •izvērtēt analizējamo uzņēmumu nodokļu uzskaiti un analizēt pētāmo uzņēmumu nodokļu slogu; •izstrādāt priekšlikumus nodokļu uzskaites pielāgošanai nodokļu sloga plānošanai un nodokļu plānošanai. Atslēgvārdi: uzņēmumu nodokļu slogs, nodokļu uzskaite, nodokļu optimizācija, nodokļu plānošana.The aim of the Master’s thesis – to do a research on tax burden evaluation methods and normative basis of tax regulations of the Republic of Latvia, to evaluate tax bookkeeping and tax burden in enterprises of various fields, to develop tax bookkeeping adaptation suggestions for tax burden planning, as well as to determine, whether tax burden depends on the field, in which the enterprise operates. To reach this aim, the following work tasks have to be performed: •doing a research on tax burden evaluation methods; •doing a research on normative acts of the Republic of Latvia that regulate tax bookkeeping in enterprises; •general characterization of the analyzed enterprises; •evaluation of tax bookkeeping of the analyzed enterprises and analysis of tax burden for the enterprises of interest; •development of tax bookkeeping adaptation suggestions for tax burden planning. Keywords: enterprise tax burden, tax bookkeeping, tax optimization, tax planning

    Humanistic approach towards education of preschool children with developmental speech and language disorders

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    Changing approaches towards education of preschool children with developmental speech and language disorders occurs due to systemic pressure from government policy, which includes the development of inclusive education, the promotion of multidisciplinary cooperation in the development of policies and educational practices. Differentiation, personalization and integration of children with special educational needs are trends that indicate the humanization of education. Based on the analysis of scientific publications on the issues of therapy (treatment) and education of preschool children with developmental speech and language disorders for 2000-2019, key trends in education have been identified. The academic paper summarizes the experience of involving parents in the treatment of children. The importance of increasing parents’ awareness concerning the peculiarities of children with developmental speech and language disorders has been identified. The effectiveness of family-centered practice in education compared to usual practice has been proven. It has been determined that the humanistic approach should include the principle of involvement of all subjects of education of children with developmental speech and language disorders. Family-centered practice is a form of humanistic approach to education, where there is a division of responsibilities and reducing the burden on preschool teachers in the upbringing and education of such children. The features of a humanistic approach to education determine the individual approach to therapy and education. This approach is complemented by differentiated and personalized approaches. It has been determined that home speech sound disorder treatment is effective due to the formation of the natural environment, which contributes to the formation of positive relationships between children developmental speech and language disorders and parents.A mudança de abordagens em relação à educação de crianças pré-escolares com distúrbios de desenvolvimento de fala e linguagem ocorre devido à pressão sistêmica da política governamental, que inclui o desenvolvimento da educação inclusiva, a promoção da cooperação multidisciplinar no desenvolvimento de políticas e práticas educacionais. A diferenciação, personalização e integração de crianças com necessidades educacionais especiais são tendências que indicam a humanização da educação. Com base na análise de publicações científicas sobre as questões de terapia (tratamento) e educação de crianças pré-escolares com distúrbios do desenvolvimento de fala e linguagem para 2000-2019, as principais tendências na educação foram identificadas. O artigo acadêmico resume a experiência de envolver os pais no tratamento de crianças. Foi identificada a importância de aumentar a conscientização dos pais sobre as peculiaridades das crianças com distúrbios de desenvolvimento de fala e linguagem A eficácia da prática centrada na família na educação em comparação com a prática usual foi comprovada. Foi determinado que a abordagem humanística deve incluir o princípio do envolvimento de todas as disciplinas da educação de crianças com distúrbios do desenvolvimento da fala e da linguagem. A prática centrada na família é uma forma de abordagem humanística da educação, onde há uma divisão de responsabilidades e redução da carga sobre os professores da pré-escola na educação e educação dessas crianças. As características de uma abordagem humanística da educação determinam a abordagem individual da terapia e da educação. Esta abordagem é complementada por abordagens diferenciadas e personalizadas. Determinou-se que o tratamento domiciliar dos distúrbios sonoros da fala é eficaz devido à formação do ambiente natural, que contribui para a formação de relações positivas entre os distúrbios da fala e da linguagem no desenvolvimento das crianças e os pais.El cambio de enfoques hacia la educación de los niños en edad preescolar con trastornos del desarrollo del habla y el lenguaje se produce debido a la presión sistémica de la política gubernamental, que incluye el desarrollo de la educación inclusiva, la promoción de la cooperación multidisciplinaria en el desarrollo de políticas y prácticas educativas. La diferenciación, personalización e integración de los niños con necesidades educativas especiales son tendencias que indican la humanización de la educación. Sobre la base del análisis de publicaciones científicas sobre los problemas de la terapia (tratamiento) y la educación de niños en edad preescolar con trastornos del desarrollo del habla y el lenguaje para 2000-2019, se han identificado tendencias claveen la educación. El artículo académico resume la experiencia de involucrar a los padres en el tratamiento de los niños. Se ha identificado la importancia de aumentar la conciencia de los padres sobre las peculiaridades de los niños con trastornos del desarrollo del habla y el lenguaje. Se ha demostrado la eficacia de la práctica educativa centrada en la familia en comparación con la práctica habitual. Se ha determinado que el enfoque humanista debe incluir el principio de participación de todos los sujetosde la educación de los niños con trastornos del desarrollo del habla y del lenguaje. La práctica centrada en la familia es una forma de enfoque humanista de la educación, donde hay una división de responsabilidades y se reduce la carga de los maestros de preescolar en la crianza y educación de estos niños. Las características de un enfoque humanista de la educación determinan el enfoque individual de la terapia y la educación. Este enfoque se complementa con enfoques diferenciados y personalizados. Se ha determinado que el tratamiento del trastorno de los sonidos del habla en el hogar es eficaz debido a la formación del entorno natural, que contribuye a la formación de relaciones positivas entre los niños con trastornos del desarrollo del habla y el lenguaje y los padres

    International and foreign experience of control over the activity of courts ( judges)

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    This article, based on the analysis of scientific views of scholars, summarizes the foreign experience of control over the activity of courts (judges). After summarizing the experience of Germany, it is stated that the legal mechanism of control over judges in this country is characterized not only by the differentiation of the distri-bution of supervisory powers at the federal and regional levels, but also by the active involvement of executive and legislative bodies. It is established that the existing foreign experience of control and supervision over the work of judges is quite diverse and can be used by domestic legislators when introducing amendments and additions to current legislation. The most positive experience that can be used in Ukraine to improve the control over the activity of judges includes: 1) The need to improve the procedure for selecting judges; 2) extension of the statute of limitations for committing an offense as a ground for disciplinary liability, in order to reduce the risk of judges avoiding its occurrence; 3) introduction of new forms and methods of control in the relevant field; 4) improvement of organizational and legal bases of public involvement in the implementation of control and supervision measures in the area under study.Este artigo, com base na análise de visões científicas de estudiosos, resume a experiência estrangeira de controle sobre a atividade dos tribunais (juízes). Após resumir a experiência da Alemanha, afirma-se que o mecanismo jurídico de controle dos juízes neste país se caracteriza não só pela diferenciação da distribuição dos poderes de fiscalização nos níveis federal e regional, mas também pelo envolvimento ativo do Executivo e órgãos legislativos. Está estabelecido que a experiência estrangeira existente de controle e supervisão sobre o trabalho de juízes é bastante diversa e pode ser usada por legisladores nacionais ao introduzir emendas e adições à legislação em vigor. A experiência mais positiva que pode ser usada na Ucrânia para melhorar o controle sobre a atividade dos juízes inclui: 1) A necessidade de melhorar o procedimento de seleção dos juízes; 2) extensão do prazo de prescrição para a prática de crime como fundamento de responsabilidade disciplinar, de forma a reduzir o risco de os juízes evitarem a sua ocorrência; 3) introdução de novas formas e métodos de controle no campo relevante; 4) melhoria das bases organizacionais e jurídicas do envolvimento público na implementação de medidas de controlo e fiscalização na área em estudoEste artículo, con base en el análisis de opiniones científicas de los académicos, resume la experiencia extran-jera de control de la actividad de los tribunales (jueces). Tras resumir la experiencia de Alemania, se afirma que el mecanismo jurídico de control sobre los jueces en este país se caracteriza no solo por la diferenciación de la distribución de las facultades de supervisión a nivel federal y regional, sino también por la participación activa de los órganos ejecutivos y legislativos. Se establece que la experiencia extranjera existente en materia de control y supervisión de la labor de los jueces es muy diversa y puede ser utilizada por los legisladores nacionales al introducir enmiendas y adiciones a la legislación vigente. La experiencia más positiva que puede utilizarse en Ucrania para mejorar el control de la actividad de los jueces incluye: 1) la necesidad de mejorar el procedimiento de selección de los jueces; 2) la ampliación del plazo de prescripción de la comisión de una infracción como motivo de responsabilidad disciplinaria, a fin de reducir el riesgo de que los jueces eviten que se produzca; 3) la introducción de nuevas formas y métodos de control en el campo pertinente; 4) la mejora de las bases organizativas y jurídicas de la participación pública en la aplicación de medidas de control y supervisión en el área objeto de estudi