267 research outputs found

    Parental attitudes towards vocational education: implications for counselling

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    This paper looked at one aspect of societal attitudes towards vocational education by conducting a survey involving 200 parents in Udu Local Government Area of Delta State. The result of the survey clearly showed that although parents recognize the employment value inherent in vocational education, they are still prepared to accept the superiority of socially prestigious and white-collar professions over technical related occupations. Simple percentages and frequencies were used to obtain data for this study. The paper concluded by examining the implications of these findings for guidance and counselling services in Nigeria. Key Words: Parental Attitude, Vocational Education, Counselling, skill training, school curriculum, grammar educatio

    Digital Libraries in Africa: Challenges and Opportunities

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    The paper explores the challenges faced by digital libraries in Africa and highlights solutions to curbing these challenges that bridge the digital divide in Africa. Research of Digital Libraries in Africa is reviewed in order to identify challenges and opportunities peculiar to Africa.Findings from review showed sustainable funding, High Cost of Infrastructures, Digital Literacy, Copyright Issues and Equity of access are challenges facing digital libraries in Africa. It further proffered solutions by encouraging Library Consortia in Africa and promoting Open access policies The benefits of digital libraries are enormous and there is a need for African countries to leverage of these benefits to improve the accessibility and availability of these resources which provide opportunities for African countries to be abreast with current information, thereby bridging the knowledge gap. This study provides solutions to challenges facing digital libraries in Africa

    Evaluation of Web Information Sources for Academic Purposes by Undergraduate Students in a Developing country

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    The study examined the web information seeking behavior of undergraduate students by evaluating information sources for academic purpose on the web. Three hundred questionnaires were distributed evaluating students perceptions on information sources on the web. Descriptive analysis, One-Way ANOVA was carried out in the analysis of data using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) software. The study revealed that relevance of the information source was a major criterion for evaluation among undergraduate students in Landmark University. It was further revealed that undergraduate students showed preference for search engines as the preferred information source medium on the web as more than 50% of students rated accessibility and authority on search engines high. Results obtained from the study further revealed the need to improve information literacy skills and the information retrieval skills of undergraduate students in Nigeria

    Low Carbon Development in Support of Improving Environmental Quality in Nigeria

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    The importance of technology advancements in Low Carbon Development (LCD) and their significant effects on both environmental sustainability and economic growth are highlighted in this abstract. The transformational role of innovations is highlighted by examining them in several sectors, such as waste management, carbon capture, energy efficiency, renewable energy, and sustainable transportation. In addition to reducing carbon emissions, these inventions support the development of a green economy, job creation, and economic resilience. According to the abstract, as countries—including Nigeria—adopt technological solutions, they are paving the way for a peaceful coexistence of environmental sustainability and economic growth

    Renewable Energy Alternatives: Bioetanol in Cassava as an Energy

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    The study aimed at investigating the use of cassava as potential alternative renewable energy. The study method utilized is a descriptive method of making bioethanol from cassava on a research facility scale. 50 kg of new cassava, include 1.5 ml of alpha-amylase protein at that point warm for 30-60 minutes Include 1 g of bread yeast, 65 g of urea, and 14 g of NPK. The efficiency of cassava at the cultivate level is 14.3 - 18.8 to/ha, in spite of the fact that information from the inquire about center reports that efficiency can reach 30-40 tons / ha. It is prescribed that cassava as a biofuel fabric comes from assortments that have the taking after properties: tall starch substance, tall abdicate potential, safe to biotic and abiotic stresses, adaptability in cultivating and collecting age

    Gravitational Study of the Hastings Salt Dome and Associated Faults in Brazoria and Galveston Counties,Texas

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    Salt domes are important geological structures because they are potential major hydrocarbon traps and have a profound effect on overlying strata in the subsurface. Over five hundred salt domes have been located on the United States Gulf Coast region, including the Hastings Salt Dome. Hastings Oil Field is located about 40.2 km (25 miles) southeast of Houston, Texas. The Hasting oil field was discovered in 1934 and it was considered the largest oil reserve on the Gulf Coast. Its peak production of 75,000 BOPD (barrels of oil per day) was recorded in 1977 and it had a cumulative production of 582 MMBO (million barrels of Oil) as at February 2011. Gravity surveying is a geophysical method of investigating subsurface features based on differences in rock densities. This is carried-out by using a gravimeter, which is an instrument that measures variations in gravitational attraction over the surface of the earth. Five hundred and thirty-seven gravity readings (including base station readings) were collected along roads and accessible routes in the study area by using a CG-5 Scintrex Autograv Gravimeter. Gravity readings were collected at every one-third to one-fourth of a mile. The CG-5 Autograv instrument measures relative gravity readings of the earth’s gravitational fields. Geographical coordinates for each of the gravity station was determined with the aid of a Trimble NOMAD GPS unit. A Digital Elevation Model over the study area was generated from LiDAR data and this provided elevation values for each gravity stations. These elevation values were used for elevation corrections (free-air correction and Bouguer correction), which is an important aspect of gravity correction in creation of a Bouguer Anomaly map. Bouguer Anomaly reveals lateral variation in density of rocks at the subsurface. Two oval gravity low anomalies were found and interpreted as Hastings and Manvel Salt Domes. Data retrieved from the Texas Natural Resources Information System database revealed a series of normal faults within the area of the Hastings Salt Dome. Well log correlation, application of the concept of creekology, and a detailed gravity study accurately revealed the location and other physical characteristics of the Hastings Salt Dome. Well log correlation also revealed evidence of uplift of the overlying sedimentary beds over the Hastings Salt Dome. The flow pattern of the Clear Lake creek over Hastings Salt Dome supports the evidence of the presence of a subsurface feature. The Digital Elevation Model revealed surface imprints (isolated highs) associated with the presence of Blue Ridge, Pierce Junction and Webster salt domes but this was not observed over the Hastings Salt Dome. This study will ultimately lead to a better understanding of the size, geometry, depth and structure of the Hastings Salt Dome


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    This study ascertained the determinants of farmland productivity in Aba Agricultural Zone, Abia State. A Multi-stage sampling procedure was used to select 144 respondents for the study, and data were elicited with the use of structured and open-ended questionnaire. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, partial factor productivity and ordinary least square regression model. The mean productivity of farmland in Aba Agricultural Zone was N172,994.89/ha, ranging from N136,722.22/ha in Aba South to N205,027.78/ha in Obingwa LGA in the area. The result of the determinants of farm land productivity showed that extension contact (0.2341), occupational status (1.7103), farm size (-0.7550), fertilizer use (2.0404), hired labour (0.0009) and farming experience (23190) significantly influenced the productivity of land. The important factors limiting farmland productivity in the study area were land fertility, improvement of land, proper use of land and ownership of land. However, there were no significant differences in the farmland productivity across Aba agricultural zone. The study recommended that sustainable farmland management practices should be adopted by farmers as well as new farming practices for enhanced productivity

    Mechanistic evaluation of sulphide scale formation in the oilfield

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    Scale deposits, such as more conventional sulphate and carbonate scales, impair oil and gas production and lead to problems such as production loss, equipment failure and additional expenditure. However, more recently the occurrence of sulphide scales (e.g. FeS, ZnS and PbS) is increasingly being reported. The mechanisms of formation and inhibition of sulphide scales in oilfield systems are not yet fully understood. This thesis presents a modelling, methodological and mechanistic study of sulphide scale (FeS, ZnS, PbS) formation and inhibition. A number of specific aspects relating to sulphide scaling are studied in this thesis, as follows: (i) Sulphide scale formation and the related mechanisms of inhibition by chemical scale inhibitors; (ii) the effects of commercial scale inhibitors (e.g. PPCA, DETPMP and other blends) on sulphide and mixed scale formation; (iii) the effect of THPS as a sulphide scale dissolver and the additional effect of brine composition (Ca2+ and Mg2+ ) on its performance; (iv) the effect of scale inhibitors on the morphology of both BaSO4 and CaCO3 when co-precipitated with sulphide scales; (v) the effect of scale inhibitors on mixed sulphide scaling (e.g. ZnS/PbS etc.); (vi) a sulphide prediction model was also developed which gives a description of the sulphide precipitation interactions and this was tested against experiment. These various experimental studies were carried out using an integrated combination of techniques such as a modified static bottle tests (performed in an anaerobic apparatus for some cases to avoid Fe2+ oxidation), dynamic static tests, particle size analysis, inductively coupled plasma (ICP), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX). These studies have enabled us to develop some new insights into the mechanisms of sulphide scale formation and inhibition in this work. For example, some of the specific contributions to the understanding of sulphide scale formation an d inhibition mechanisms, from this work are listed as follows: • A number of predictions were made using a detailed sulphide model of experimental quantities such as final solution pH, saturation ratios (SR), mass of FeS etc. These predictions were compared directly with the experimentally measured quantities and excellent agreement has been found. • A number of novel types of FeS inhibition behaviour have been observed and describes when treated with scale inhibitors e.g. some FeS solutions are found to become clear from black 24hrs after the scale inhibitor treatment. • There is significant barite crystal distortion when co-precipitated with FeS, but no distortion is observed when barium sulphate co-precipitates with PbS and ZnS. • Mg2+ has a profound effect on the ability of THPS to inhibit FeS and this work demonstrates that THPS is significantly enhanced by the presence of Mg2+ which has more effect than any other ions. • CaCO3 crystals deposit in bulk solution, rather than on the metal surface when coprecipitated with ZnS. The polymorphs of CaCO3 form on the metal surface when coprecipitated with PbS. • Mixed PbS and ZnS sulphide scale is found to be easier to inhibit than either scale individually

    Evaluation Of Okra Cultivars And Breeding Lines For Agronomic Traits In Umudike In Southeastern Nigeria

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    Six (6) genotypes comprising two (2) cultivars and four (4) breeding lines of Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus (L) Moench) were studied in a randomized complete block design with three (3) replicates to determine their performance under Umudike environmental conditions in 2002 and 2003 cropping seasons. With respect to fresh pod yield, all the genotypes performed very well in both years, although the breeding lines performed better than the two (2) varieties. Breeding lines LD88/1-8-16-2 and LD88/1-8-13-2-4 recorded fresh pod yields of 3.6 and 3.2 t/ha in 2002, 3.5 and 3.3 t/ha in 2003 respectively, which are well above the fresh pod yields recorded for Okra in the tropics. The early maturing Okra genotypes used in the present study with 3 to 4 months duration present a possibility of growing two crops of Okra (early and late croppings) in one year, unlike the indigenous photoperiod sensitive varieties with eight to nine months duration. Keywords: Okra, cultivars, breeding lines, and Agronomic traitsGlobal Journal of Agricultural Sciences Vol. 7 (1) 2008: pp. 11-1

    Adoption of Web 2.0 Applications for Education by Students in Nigeria

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    This study entailed the survey of the use of Web 2.0 for educational purposes by the students in Nigeria. The sample of the study constituted of students from seven faculties and one center which were purposively selected. The study used a questionnaire as its instrument of data collection. Four hundred copies of the questionnaire were distributed among the sample, out of which 380 were returned and found usable. Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) was used to analyze the collected data. Statistical methods used for the analyses of the data were frequency distribution, cross tabulation, T-test, One-way ANOVA and Regression. The study revealed that majority of the students of the University of Ibadan is already familiar with the term “Web 2.0” and are using it for educational purposes. The students indicated that the Internet was their source of information about the term “Web 2.0”. Also, course mates/ friends, lecturers and newspapers/magazines were sources of information. In exploring the group of students that use Web 2.0 for education purposes, it was discovered that the students in higher levels use Web 2.0 tools more than their counterparts in lower levels and majority of these students are in IT-related departments like computer science, library, archival and information studies