60 research outputs found

    Suns-VOC_\textrm{OC} characteristics of high performance kesterite solar cells

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    Low open circuit voltage (VOCV_{OC}) has been recognized as the number one problem in the current generation of Cu2_{2}ZnSn(Se,S)4_{4} (CZTSSe) solar cells. We report high light intensity and low temperature Suns-VOCV_{OC} measurement in high performance CZTSSe devices. The Suns-VOCV_{OC} curves exhibit bending at high light intensity, which points to several prospective VOCV_{OC} limiting mechanisms that could impact the VOCV_{OC}, even at 1 sun for lower performing samples. These VOC_{OC} limiting mechanisms include low bulk conductivity (because of low hole density or low mobility), bulk or interface defects including tail states, and a non-ohmic back contact for low carrier density CZTSSe. The non-ohmic back contact problem can be detected by Suns-VOCV_{OC} measurements with different monochromatic illumination. These limiting factors may also contribute to an artificially lower JSCJ_{SC}-VOCV_{OC} diode ideality factor.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures, 1 supplementary materia

    P-, I-, g-, and D-Angles in Normed Spaces

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    The notion of angles is known in a vector space equipped with an inner product, but not well established in a vector space equipped only with a norm. In this note, we shall develop some notions of angles between two vectors in a normed space and discuss their properties

    Usulan Peramalan Permintaan & Pengendalian Persediaan Bahan Baku Pada Produk Alternator di PT.XYZ

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    PT. XYZ is engaged in manufacturing automotive products has products such as altenator and motor starter for automobile vehicles. The problem that exists in the company is experiencing a shortage of products to sell or not being able to meet the demand for the number of products requested. The purpose of this study is to determine optimal production planning and raw material inventory control in order the company can minimize stock outages. The methods used in this study are moving average, weight moving average, and exponential smoothing for forecasting. As for raw material inventory control, it uses the economic order quantity, safety stock, and reorder point methods. The results of this study obtained is weight moving average method n = 3, because it has the smallest error rate, namely with MAD of 5,364, MSE of 39,447,784, and MAPE of 10.66%%. Meanwhile, raw material inventory control for 2022  obtained by using economic order quantity method, achived by directly order  11,243 units per year, with the number of orders every 55 times, then the total inventory cost is IDR 673,725,000. In the safety stock method for 2022, it is 3,564 units with a reorder point of 7,128.XYZ ini bergerak di bidang manufaktur produk otomotif. Produk yang dihasikan oleh PT. XYZ adalah altenator dan motor starter untuk kendaraan mobil. Masalah yang terdapat pada perusahaan yaitu, mengalami kekurangan produk untuk dijual atau tidak dapat memenuhi permintaan jumlah produk yang diminta. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah agar perusahaan dapat menentukan perencanaan produksi yang optimal dan pengendalian persediaan bahan baku agar perusahaan dapat meminimalisir kehabisan stok. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah moving average, weight moving average, dan exponential smoothing untuk peramalan. Sedangkan untuk pengendalian persediaan bahan baku menggunakan metode economic order quantity, safety stock, dan reorder point. Hasil dari penelitian ini didapatkan metode yang tepat yaitu metode weight moving average n = 3, karena memiliki tingkat kesalahan paling kecil, yaitu dengan MAD sebesar 5.364, MSE sebesar 39.447.784, dan MAPE sebesar 10,66%. Sedangkan pada pengendalian persediaan bahan baku untuk tahun 2022 didapatkan pada metode economic order quantity yaitu pembelian bahan baku yang ekonomis dalam sekali pesan adalah sebesar 11.243 unit per tahun, dengan jumlah pemesanan dilakukan setiap 55 kali, maka total biaya persediaan yaitu sebesar Rp 673.725.000. Pada metode safety stock untuk tahun 2022 yaitu sebesar 3.564 unit dengan reorder point yaitu sebesar 7.128. Kata Kunci: Peramalan, dan Pengendalian Persediaan Bahan Bak

    A parallel dipole line system

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    We present a study of a parallel linear distribution of dipole system, which can be realized using a pair of cylindrical diametric magnets and yields several interesting properties and applications. The system serves as a trap for cylindrical diamagnetic object, produces a fascinating one-dimensional camelback potential profile at its center plane, yields a technique for measuring magnetic susceptibility of the trapped object and serves as an ideal system to implement highly sensitive Hall measurement utilizing rotating magnetic field and lock-in detection. The latter application enables extraction of low carrier mobility in several materials of high interest such as the world-record-quality, earth abundant kesterite solar cell, and helps elucidate its fundamental performance limitation. (C) 2015 AIP Publishing LLC

    Pendidikan Moderasi Beragama Dalam Keluaga Berbasis Al-Qur’an

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    Religious Moderation Education in Families Based on Al-Qur'an The purpose of this study is to analyze the theoretical concept of religious moderation education in families based on al-Qur'an. Given that the family context in the policy of strengthening religious moderation by the Ministry of Religious Affairs of Indonesia has not been a priority compared to the social and educational context. In this study, the author uses the method of tafsir maudhu'i, which serves to explore the thematic idea of "religious moderation education in the family" comprehensively in the Qur'an. This paper found that there are four concepts of religious moderation education in the Quran-based family, namely; First, family education with creed vision. Second, family education with a humanitarian vision. Third, family education with a national vision. Fourth, family education with a vision of justice. In addition, it can also be seen that there are eight terms of religious moderation in the Qur'an, namely; First, al-Wasth (الوسط) which means just, best people, and not excessive. Secondly, al-Sadad (السداد) is right on target and means right. Third, al-Qasd (القصد) means having good and right goals, determination, and direction. Fourth, al-Istiqamah (الإستقامة) is consistent. Fifth, al-Khairiyah (الخيرية) is the best people. Sixth, al-Adl (العدل) is the people who always uphold justice. Seventh, al-Yusr (اليسر) is the people who always provide ease and eliminate difficulties. Eighth, al-Hikmah (الحكمة) is a people who always pay attention to all sides of things or problems

    Program Mendengar Aktif untuk Ayah dengan Anak Usia 4 Hingga 6 Tahun

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    Today, fathers are more involved in children’s caretaking.  This role has shifted the views about family. Fathers who had the function as breadwinners are now also taking the role as caregivers. Unfortunately there are still some inadequacy in caregiving by fathers, especially in communicating with children. This issue needs to be handled because father’s competence in caregiving affects the development of the children to produce positive behavior. Fathers need an intervention to increase their knowledge and skills to communicates with children. One intervention that gives maximum effect is by trained fathers to increase knowledge and skills on active listening. This research is a one group pretest and posttest design type which involved 5 young adult fathers with children aged 4-6 years old and was performed in Depok, West Java. The final result shows a significant differences in fathers’ active listening knowledge and skills before and after receiving the father active listening program
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