1,109 research outputs found

    Urban climate multi-scale modelling in Bilbao (Spain): a review

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    Despite development of cities are including more sustainable aspects (e.g. reduction of energy consumption), urban climate still needs to be consolidated as an important variable in urban planning. In this sense, the analysis of urban climate requires a multiscale approach. This work presents a review of the results of the analysis of urban climate in Bilbao (Spain). In the meso-scale, an Urban Climate Map (UC-Map) is developed using a method based on GIS calculations, specific climatic measurements and urban climate expert knowledge. All the information is grouped in 5 information layers (building volume, building surface fraction, urban green areas, ventilation paths and slopes). The final UC-Map presents areas with relative homogeneous climate variables (i.e. climatopes) that are classified in terms of thermal comfort. Urban planning recommendations are defined. In the micro-scale, results extracted from ENVI-met model in four urban spaces show the influence in thermal comfort levels of the interaction of regional climate conditions with the urban development characteristics of each area and the location inside the whole city. In both spatial scales, climate modelling should be accompanied by specific measurement campaigns to validate results.Basque Science, Technology and Innovation Plan under the Project K-Egokitzen European Community's Seventh Framework Programme under, Project RAMSES - Reconciling Adaptation, Mitigation and Sustainable Development for Citie

    Decadal changes in the South Pacific western boundary current system revealed in observations and ocean state estimates

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    Observations and ocean state estimates are used to investigate the nature and mechanism of decadal variability in the East Australian Current (EAC) system and South Pacific subtropical gyre. A 62 year record on the Tasmanian continental shelf shows decadal variations of temperature and salinity, as well as a long‐term trend, which has been related to wind‐driven variations in the poleward extension of the EAC. Repeat expendable bathythermograph lines spanning the last 15 years suggest that low‐frequency variations in the transport of the EAC extension and Tasman Front are anticorrelated, but the time series are too short to draw firm conclusions. Here we use two ocean state estimates spanning the past 50 years to diagnose the physical mechanisms and spatial structure of the decadal variability of the South Pacific subtropical gyre. The observations and state estimates paint a consistent picture of the decadal variability of the gyre and EAC system. Strengthening of the basin‐wide wind stress curl drives a southward expansion of the subtropical gyre. As the gyre shifts south, the EAC extension pathway is favored at the expense of the Tasman Front, resulting in the observed anticorrelation of the these two major currents. The results suggest that the subtropical gyre and western boundary current respond to decadal variability in basin‐scale wind stress curl, consistent with Island Rule dynamics; that strong decadal variability of the South Pacific gyre complicates efforts to infer trends from short‐term records; and that wind stress curl changes over the South Pacific basin drive changes in the EAC system that are likely to have implications for marine ecosystems and regional climate


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    A study was conducted in which melon seed meal (MSM) replaced fat at 0, 33, 66, and 100% levels in four batches of pork sausages. The chemical and storage properties, cooking weight losses, and sensory properties, of the sausages were determined in the meat processing laboratory. The results showed that MSM increased both ash and crude protein contents. The highest ether extract (36%) was obtained for batch 1 (control) while the lowest value (25.50%) was recorded for batch 4. The values obtained for refrigeration weight losses increased with increase in MSM while the results for dry matter were statistically insignificant. Batch 3 had the highest cooking weight loss of 0.83% whilebatch one had the lowest value of 0.30%. The values obtained for sensory properties increased with increase in the level of MSM up to 66%. It was concluded that pork back fat can be replaced with MSM in pork sausage without adverse effect on processing yield

    Diffraction-limited imaging with ground-based optical telescopes

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    The construction of diffraction-limited images with ground-based optical telescopes by means of closure-phase observations is explored. The effect of redundant baselines on closure-phase observations is analyzed, and it is shown that for bright objects a nonredundant-mask approach is superior to the use of the full aperture. Observations of closure phase with a nonredundant mask on the 200 in. Hale Telescope are presented, and compared with the predictions of atmospheric seeing theory. It is demonstrated that fairly complex images can be constructed from closure-phase observations alone

    Extended High-Ionization Nuclear Emission-Line Region in the Seyfert Galaxy NGC 4051

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    We present an optical spectroscopic analysis of the well-known Seyfert galaxy NGC 4051. The high-ionization nuclear emission-line region (HINER) traced by [Fe X]6374 is found to be spatially extended to a radius of 3a rcseconds (150 pc) west and southwest from the nucleus; NGC 4051 is the third example which has an extended HINER. The nuclear spectrum shows that the flux of [Fe X]6374 is stronger than that of [Fe VII] 6087 in our observation. This property cannot be interpreted in terms of a simple one-zone photoionization model. In order to understand what happens in the nuclear region in NGC 4051, we investigate the physical condition of the nuclear emission-line region in detail using new photoionization models in which the following three emission-line components are taken into account; (1) optically thick, ionization-bounded clouds; (2) optically thin, matter-bounded clouds; and (3) a contamination component which emits Hα\alpha and Hβ\beta lines. Here the observed extended HINER is considered to be associated with the low-density, matter-bounded clouds. Candidates of the contamination component are either the broad-line region (BLR) or nuclear star forming regions or both. The complexity of the excitation condition found in NGC 4051 can be consistently understood if we take account of these contamination components.Comment: 16 pages, including figures. To Appear in the Astronomical Journal February 2000 Issu

    The impact of the urban canyon geometry in the nocturnal heat island intensity: analysis by a simplified model adapted to a GIS

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    A geometria urbana é um dos fatores de maior influência na intensidade da ilha de calor urbana. Seu estudo requer a caracterização de cânions urbanos, geralmente medidos pela relação entre a altura dos edifícios e a largura da rua (H/W), conceito aplicado no modelo numérico de Oke em 1981. O objetivo deste artigo é verificar o impacto da geometria do cânion urbano na intensidade de ilhas de calor noturna. Para isso, foram realizados levantamento de dados climáticos e de geometria urbana em duas cidades brasileiras. Os valores de intensidade de ilha de calor foram confrontados com os simulados pelo modelo original de Oke (1981), o qual foi calibrado e adaptado à plataforma SIG, de forma a possibilitar a incorporação de outro parâmetro de geometria, além da relação H/W: o comprimento de rugosidade. Esse processo gerou uma nova ferramenta de cálculo, que é denominda THIS (Tool for Heat Island Simulation). Aplicou-se o novo modelo para simular alguns cenários urbanos hipotéticos, que representam vários tipos de cânions urbanos. Os resultados demonstraram que cânions urbanos de maior rugosidade amenizam as intensidades de ilha de calor noturna em relação a um cânion de mesmo valor de relação H/W e menor rugosidade.Urban geometry is one of the main factors influencing the development of urban heat islands. The study of urban geometry requires a characterization of urban canyons, which can be usually measured by the H/W ratio (a relationship between the height and the width of a street), a concept applied in a numerical model by Oke in 1981. The aim of this paper is to verify the impact of the canyon geometry on the intensity of the nocturnal urban heat islands. For this purpose, measurements of climate data and urban geometry were conducted in two Brazilian cities. The values of heat island intensity were cross-examined to those generated with the application of the original Oke's model. Therefore, this latter was calibrated and adapted to run in a GIS platform, allowing the incorporation of a geometric parameter other than the H/W ratio - the roughness length. Then, this process produced a new calculation tool, which is called THIS (Tool for Heat Island Simulation). The new model was applied to simulate some hypothetical urban scenarios representing several urban canyons types. The results showed that the urban canyons with the largest roughness reduce the nocturnal heat island intensities in relation to an urban canyon of the same H/W value, but presenting lower roughness rates instead.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (Fapesp)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (Capes)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq

    A Study of Nine High-Redshift Clusters of Galaxies: IV. Photometry and Sp ectra of Clusters 1324+3011 and 1604+4321

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    New photometric and spectroscopic observations of galaxies in the directions of three distant clusters are presented as part of our on-going high-redshift cluster survey. The clusters are CL1324+3011 at z = 0.76, CL1604+4304 at z = 0.90, and CL1604+4321 at z = 0.92. The observed x-ray luminosities in these clusters are at least a factor of 3 smaller than those observed in clusters with similar velocity dispersions at z <= 0.4. These clusters contain a significant population of elliptical-like galaxies, although these galaxies are not nearly as dominant as in massive clusters at z <= 0.5. We also find a large population of blue cluster members. Defining an active galaxy as one in which the rest equivalent width of [OII] is greater than 15 Angstroms, the fraction of active cluster galaxies, within the central 1.0 Mpc, is 45%. In the field population, we find that 65% of the galaxies with redshifts between z = 0.40 and z = 0.85 are active, while the fraction is 79% for field galaxies at z > 0.85. The star formation rate normalized by the rest AB B-band magnitude, SFRN, increases as the redshift increases at a given evolving luminosity. At a given redshift, however, SFRN decreases linearly with increasing luminosity indicating a remarkable insensitivity of the star formation rate to the intrinsic luminosity of the galaxy over the range -18 >= ABB >= -22. Cluster galaxies in the central 1 Mpc regions exhibit depressed star formation rates. We are able to measure significant evolution in the B-band luminosity function over the range 0.1 <= z <= 1. The characteristic luminosity increases by a factor of 3 with increasing redshift over this range.Comment: 64 pages, 18 figures, accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journal on May 25, 2001. Scheduled to appear in Sept 2001 issu

    Absolute Spectrophotometry of Northern Compact Planetary Nebulae

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    We present medium-dispersion spectra and narrowband images of six northern compact planetary nebulae (PNe): BoBn 1, DdDm 1, IC 5117, M 1-5, M 1-71, and NGC 6833. From broad-slit spectra, total absolute fluxes and equivalent widths were measured for all observable emission lines. High signal-to noise emission line fluxes of H-alpha, H-beta, [OIII], [NII], and HeI may serve as emission line flux standards for northern hemisphere observers. From narrow-slit spectra, we derive systemic radial velocities. For four PNe, available emission line fluxes were measured with sufficient signal-to-noise to probe the physical properties of their electron densities, temperatures, and chemical abundances. BoBn 1 and DdDm 1, both type IV PNe, have an H-beta flux over three sigma away from previous measurements. We report the first abundance measurements of M 1-71. NGC 6833 measured radial velocity and galactic coordinates suggest that it is associated with the outer arm or possibly the galactic halo, and its low abundance ([O/H]=1.3x10E-4) may be indicative of low metallicity within that region.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figure, accepted in A&A (03/14/2005