6,065 research outputs found

    Chemo-enzymatic saccharification strategy of microalgae chlorella sorokiniana

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    Biofuel production using microalgae attracted much attention because it can be cultured using CO2 and sunlight. With high carbohydrate content, microalgae have the potential to be used as a fermentation feedstock for bioethanol production. In present work, chemo-enzymatic saccharification of Chlorella sorokiniana microalgae were investigated. Chemical hydrolysis of the biomass followed by enzymatic hydrolysis and was also evaluated the effect of combining the two enzymes and the sequential addition. The effect of α-amylase concentrations was analyzed in ranged between 50 and 8000 U/g of biomass and for amyloglucosidase between 90 and 600 U/g of biomass. The higher concentrations showed the highest conversion of reducing sugars. The α-amylase concentration 8000 U/g of biomass presented a conversion of 43.06 ± 2.92% (w/w), while amyloglucosidase with 600 U/g of biomass obtained 76.57 ± 6.42% (w/w). The combination of two enzymes simultaneously was more efficient than the sequential addition for low enzyme concentrations (α-amylase 50 U/g and amyloglucosidase 90 U/g) with a total reducing sugar of 22.78 ± 3.06 and 16.92 ± 2.06% (w/w), respectively. On the other hand, using the higher enzymes concentrations, no difference was observed between the two addition strategies, 58.9 ± 3.55 and 57.05 ± 2.33% (w/w) for the sequential and simultaneous, respectively. Both strategies didn’t present advantage, since the amyloglucosidase enzyme alone produced slightly higher results. Even thought, the obtained results showed successfully performed saccharification of microalgal biomass and clearly point to microalgae use for saccharification and subsequent bioethanol production.Part of this work has been supported by European governments (INTERREG VA-POCTEP- 2014-2020; 0055_ALGARED_PLUS_5_E) and the Portuguese Science Foundation (FCT) through the grant UID/MAR/00350/2013 to the CIMA of the University of Algarve.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Backlash and State Strategies in International Investment Law

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    This book provides an important corrective to existing theories of international law by focusing on how states respond to increased legalisation and rely on legal expertise to manoeuvre within and against international law

    Etude de l'effet de l'amodiaquine sur les globules rouges infectés par le paludisme dans les images multispectrales

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    Nous avons montrĂ© que l’amodiaquine se fixe prĂ©fĂ©rentiellement dans les globules rouges infectĂ©s et nous avons Ă©galement Ă©tĂ© capable de retrouver les concentrations du mĂ©dicament dans les cellules, Ă  partir d’images multispectrales. Une scĂšne d'images multispectrales de frottis sanguins non marquĂ©s est obtenue Ă  partir d’une culture de plasmodium falciparum, Ă  laquelle nous avons ajoutĂ© diffĂ©rentes doses d’amodiaquine (AQ) ; Les images sont obtenues Ă  partir d'enregistrement de treize capteurs spectraux couplĂ©s Ă  un microscope multimodal et multispectral. Ces images sont ensuite utilisĂ©es pour Ă©tudier l’interaction du mĂ©dicament avec les globules rouges en fonction des concentrations, en ayant recours Ă  des techniques d’analyse multivariĂ©e telles que la classification hiĂ©rarchique, la mĂ©thode des k-moyennes et l’analyse en composante principale. Les rĂ©sultats obtenus nous montrent que l’imagerie multispectrale est un atout majeur pour le diagnostic mĂ©dical et peut donc constituer une technique de routine pour l’étude de nouvelles molĂ©cules antipaludiques, notamment issues de la pharmacopĂ©e africaine.Mots-clĂ©s: imagerie multispectrale, classification hiĂ©rarchique, analyse en composante principale, k-moyennes.Study of the Effect of Amodiaquine on Red Blood Cells Infected by Malaria in Multispectral ImagesWe have demonstrated that amodiaquine binds preferentially in the infected red blood cells and we have also been able to retrieve the drug concentrations in the cells. A scene of multispectral images of free labelled blood smears have been obtained from plasmodium falciparum culture to which we have added different quantities of amodiaquine; the images have been recorded from thirteen spectral sensors coupled with a multimodal and multispectral microscope. These images have been used to study the interaction of the drug with the red blood cells as function of drug concentration by the use of multivariate statistical analysis techniques such as hierarchical classification, k-means method and principal component analysis techniques. The results show that the multispectral imagery is a key technique in medical technologies and can therefore be used as routine method for antimalarial drug design, especially in African traditional pharmacopeia study.Keywords: multispectral imagery; hierarchical classification; principal component analysis; k-means

    Variation in bulk-leaf <sup>13</sup>C discrimination, leaf traits and water-use efficiency–trait relationships along a continental-scale climate gradient in Australia

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    © 2017 John Wiley & Sons Ltd Large spatial and temporal gradients in rainfall and temperature occur across Australia. This heterogeneity drives ecological differentiation in vegetation structure and ecophysiology. We examined multiple leaf-scale traits, including foliar 13C isotope discrimination (Δ13C), rates of photosynthesis and foliar N concentration and their relationships with multiple climate variables. Fifty-five species across 27 families were examined across eight sites spanning contrasting biomes. Key questions addressed include: (i) Does Δ13C and intrinsic water-use efficiency (WUEi) vary with climate at a continental scale? (ii) What are the seasonal and spatial patterns in Δ13C/WUEi across biomes and species? (iii) To what extent does Δ13C reflect variation in leaf structural, functional and nutrient traits across climate gradients? and (iv) Does the relative importance of assimilation and stomatal conductance in driving variation in Δ13C differ across seasons? We found that MAP, temperature seasonality, isothermality and annual temperature range exerted independent effects on foliar Δ13C/WUEi. Temperature-related variables exerted larger effects than rainfall-related variables. The relative importance of photosynthesis and stomatal conductance (gs) in determining Δ13C differed across seasons: Δ13C was more strongly regulated by gs during the dry-season and by photosynthetic capacity during the wet-season. Δ13C was most strongly correlated, inversely, with leaf mass area ratio among all leaf attributes considered. Leaf Nmass was significantly and positively correlated with MAP during dry- and wet-seasons and with moisture index (MI) during the wet-season but was not correlated with Δ13C. Leaf Pmass showed significant positive relationship with MAP and Δ13C only during the dry-season. For all leaf nutrient-related traits, the relationships obtained for Δ13C with MAP or MI indicated that Δ13C at the species level reliably reflects the water status at the site level. Temperature and water availability, not foliar nutrient content, are the principal factors influencing Δ13C across Australia

    Solvability of Variational Inequalities on Hilbert Lattices

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    V902 Monocerotis: a likely disc-accreting intermediate polar

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    Aims: We aim to confirm whether the eclipsing cataclysmic variable V902 Mon is an Intermediate Polar, to characterise its X-ray spectrum and flux, and to refine its orbital ephemeris and spin period. Methods: We performed spectrographic observations of V902 Mon in 2016 with the 2.2m Calar Alto telescope, and X-ray photometry and spectroscopy with XMM-Newton in October 2017. This data was supplemented by several years of AAVSO visual photometry. Results: We have confirmed V902 Mon as an IP based on detecting the spin period, with a value of 2,208s, at multiple epochs. Spectroscopy of the donor star and Gaia parallax yield a distance of 3.5+1.3-0.9, kpc, suggesting an X-ray luminosity one or two orders of magnitude lower than the 10^33 erg/s typical of previously known IPs. The X-ray to optical flux ratio is also very low. The inclination of the system is more than 79deg, with a most likely value of around 82deg. We have refined the eclipse ephemeris, stable over 14,000 cycles. The Halpha line is present throughout the orbital cycle and is clearly present during eclipse, suggesting an origin distant from the white dwarf, and shows radial velocity variations at the orbital period. The amplitude and overall recessional velocity seem inconsistent with an origin in the disc. The \emph{XMM-Newton} observation reveals a partially absorbed plasma model typical of magnetic CVs, with a fluorescent iron line at 6.4keV showing a large equivalent width of 1.4keV. Conclusions: V902 Mon is an IP, and probably a member of the hypothesized X-ray underluminous class of IPs. It is likely to be a disc accretor, though the radial velocity behaviour of the Halpha line remains puzzling. The large equivalent width of the fluorescent iron line, the small FX/Fopt ratio, and the only marginal detection of X-ray eclipses suggests that the X-ray emission arises from scattering.Comment: 10 pages, 12 figure

    Growth and development of date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) seedlings under drought and salinity stresses

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    The present investigation has been performed to evaluate date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) tolerance to osmotic stress induced by polyethylene glycol (PEG) or NaCl during the early stages of plant development. Two varieties Nakhla hamra (NHH) and Tijib widely cultivated in Mauritania were tested.NHH showed increasing of epicotyl length, primary root length, secondary root number and proline content when water deficit was induced by PEG. In contrast, on the basis of the same developmental and biochemical characters, the Tijib cultivar was more tolerant in salinity stress. This difference of cultivars&rsquo; behavior according the growth conditions is discussed

    20 K superconductivity in heavily electron doped surface layer of FeSe bulk crystal

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    A superconducting transition temperature Tc as high as 100 K was recently discovered in 1 monolayer (1ML) FeSe grown on SrTiO3 (STO). The discovery immediately ignited efforts to identify the mechanism for the dramatically enhanced Tc from its bulk value of 7 K. Currently, there are two main views on the origin of the enhanced Tc; in the first view, the enhancement comes from an interfacial effect while in the other it is from excess electrons with strong correlation strength. The issue is controversial and there are evidences that support each view. Finding the origin of the Tc enhancement could be the key to achieving even higher Tc and to identifying the microscopic mechanism for the superconductivity in iron-based materials. Here, we report the observation of 20 K superconductivity in the electron doped surface layer of FeSe. The electronic state of the surface layer possesses all the key spectroscopic aspects of the 1ML FeSe on STO. Without any interface effect, the surface layer state is found to have a moderate Tc of 20 K with a smaller gap opening of 4 meV. Our results clearly show that excess electrons with strong correlation strength alone cannot induce the maximum Tc, which in turn strongly suggests need for an interfacial effect to reach the enhanced Tc found in 1ML FeSe/STO.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure
