76 research outputs found

    Carrier doping effect of humidity for single-crystal graphene on SiC

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    Carrier doping effects of water vapor and an adsorbed water layer on single-crystal graphene were evaluated. After annealing at 300 °C in nitrogen ambient, the sheet resistance of epitaxial graphene on a SiC substrate had a minimum value of 800 Ω/sq and the carrier density was estimated to be 1.2 × 1013 cm-2 for an n-type dopant. The adsorbed water layer, which acted as a p-type dopant with a carrier density of -7.4 × 1012 cm-2, was formed by deionized (DI) water treatment. The sheet resistances of graphene samples increased with humidity, owing to the counter doping effect. The estimated p-type doping amounts of saturated water vapor were -2.5 × 1012 cm-2 for DI-water-treated graphene and -3.5 × 1012 cm-2 for annealed graphene

    X-ray magnetic circular dichroism and photoemission study of the diluted ferromagnetic semiconductor Zn1x_{1-x}Crx_xTe

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    We have performed x-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD) and valence-band photoemission studies of the diluted ferromagnetic semiconductor Zn1x_{1-x}Crx_xTe. XMCD signals due to ferromagnetism were observed at the Cr 2p absorption edge. Comparison with atomic multiplet calculations suggests that the magnetically active component of the Cr ion was divalent under the tetrahedral crystal field with tetragonal distortion along the crystalline a-, b-, and c-axes. In the valence-band spectra, spectral weight near the Fermi level was strongly suppressed, suggesting the importance of Jahn-Teller effect and the strong Coulomb interaction between the Cr 3d electrons

    A Study of Extracting Related Documents for Essay Evaluation Modules

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    本研究では,小論文採点システムにおいて必要となる小論文に関連した文書を取得する方法を開発した.本研究プロジェクトの自動採点の評価軸の1 つに「妥当性」がある.妥当性の評価手法として,小論文の内容がWikipediaの文書の内容と,どの程度一致しているかを基準に妥当性スコアを算出する方法を考えている.しかし,Wikipediaの文書は多様であり,小論文で取り上げていない議題に関する文書も多く存在する.そこで本論文では小論文ごとに適切な文書を取得する方法を提案する.いくつかの手法を試した結果,単語ベクトルを使用した方法が,関連した文書を獲得することができたことを報告する.We are developing an automatic Japanese essay-scoring system that is composed of 4 evaluation criteria, comprehensiveness, logical consistency, validity, spelling and grammar. In this paper, we discuss the most powerful approach to extract documents of Wikipedia that relates to the reference texts of the target essay theme for validity evaluation. The reason for using Wikipedia documents for evaluating validity of students’essays is that we assume that validity can be evaluated by the expanded discussions in Wikipedia documents that relates to the essay theme. Experimental results show that the skip-gram based word vector is the best approach to extract relating documents to reference texts among several keyword-based evaluation approaches

    Proposing an Unsupervised Approach to Evaluate Essays Using IDF on Reference Data

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    大学入試において2020 年から記述式問題が導入されることから記述式の問題を自動で採点する手法の開発が求められている.本論では,エッセイタイプの小論文課題を対象に,課題に関連する参照データとWikipedia 全文から作成したidf を利用した事前採点不要な自動採点手法を提案する.先行研究において,日本語小論文を対象とした自動採点では,多くの事前採点が必要となり,実際の数百人規模の試験では利用することが難しいと考えられる.そこで本研究では,事前採点が不要な小論文採点手法を提案する.また,小論文の模擬試験を実施して小論文データを構築する.構築した小論文データに対して採点手法を用い,実験を行い評価する.また小論文データの人手による採点に対しても評価を行う.評価実験の結果neologd 辞書を利用した形態素解析器を用いて, idf 値を利用した形態素の一致数が,人手の評価値と相関が高いことを示す.In this paper, we describe an on-going study of developing an automatic essay-scoring system in Japanese. Essay scoring systems have already been developed and used mainly in English, while not many previous studies have been done on Japanese essay evaluations. Most of the methods and systems of automatic essay evaluation need not small number of previously human-graded essays for calibrating the parameter of regression functions or parameter of machine learning. The previous studies show the high performance for essay evaluation task, however, it must be not easy to assume large graded essays in, for example, actual tests or entrance examinations. Thus, we take a approach to evaluate Japanese essays without previously human-graded essays but with assuming reference data related to essay questions. The proposed method is a simple one, that is, evaluating the essays with co-occurrences with the reference data in their words or morphemes. In the method technical terms would be given high scores using neologd dictionary and idf values. Experimental results show that the proposed method works well in our developing Japanese mock trial writing tests. Key words automatic scoring of essays, human annotation, supportin

    MicroRNAs:New players in IBD

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    MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small non-coding RNAs, 18–23 nucleotides long, which act as post-transcriptional regulators of gene expression. miRNAs are strongly implicated in the pathogenesis of many common diseases, including IBDs. This review aims to outline the history, biogenesis and regulation of miRNAs. The role of miRNAs in the development and regulation of the innate and adaptive immune system is discussed, with a particular focus on mechanisms pertinent to IBD and the potential translational applications

    Effect of Molecular Orientation to Proton Conductivity in Sulfonated Polyimides with bent backbones

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    Two organized sulfonated polyimides (ASPIs) with bent polymer backbones were synthesized to study a relation between structure and proton conductivity. Proton conductivity exhibited different values between the thin film and bulk pelletized forms. Results from small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and attenuated total reflection measurements suggest that the orientation of backbones is different between the thin film and bulk forms. SAXS results suggest excess amount of water uptake in the bulk samples compared to the thin film form. These structure and water uptake property could contribute the difference of the proton conductivity between the thin film and bulk pelletized forms

    SH-SY5Y human neuronal cells with mutations of the CDKN2B-AS1 gene are vulnerable under cultured conditions

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    Glaucoma is a common cause of blindness worldwide. Genetic effects are believed to contribute to the onset and progress of glaucoma, but the underlying pathological mechanisms are not fully understood. Here, we set out to introduce mutations into the CDKN2B-AS1 gene, which is known as being the closely associated with glaucoma, in a human neuronal cell line in vitro. We introduced gene mutations with CRISPR/Cas9 into exons and introns into the CDKN2B-AS1 gene. Both mutations strongly promoted neuronal cell death in normal culture conditions. RNA sequencing and pathway analysis revealed that the transcriptional factor Fos is a target molecule regulating CDKN2B-AS1 overexpression. We demonstrated that gene mutation of CDKN2B-AS1 is directly associated with neuronal cell vulnerability in vitro. Additionally, Fos, which is a downstream signaling molecule of CDKN2B-AS1, may be a potential source of new therapeutic targets for neuronal degeneration in diseases such as glaucoma

    A Study of Extracting Related Documents for Essay Evaluation Modules

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    本研究では,小論文採点システムにおいて必要となる小論文に関連した文書を取得する方法を開発した.本研究プロジェクトの自動採点の評価軸の1 つに「妥当性」がある.妥当性の評価手法として,小論文の内容がWikipediaの文書の内容と,どの程度一致しているかを基準に妥当性スコアを算出する方法を考えている.しかし,Wikipediaの文書は多様であり,小論文で取り上げていない議題に関する文書も多く存在する.そこで本論文では小論文ごとに適切な文書を取得する方法を提案する.いくつかの手法を試した結果,単語ベクトルを使用した方法が,関連した文書を獲得することができたことを報告する.We are developing an automatic Japanese essay-scoring system that is composed of 4 evaluation criteria, comprehensiveness, logical consistency, validity, spelling and grammar. In this paper, we discuss the most powerful approach to extract documents of Wikipedia that relates to the reference texts of the target essay theme for validity evaluation. The reason for using Wikipedia documents for evaluating validity of students’essays is that we assume that validity can be evaluated by the expanded discussions in Wikipedia documents that relates to the essay theme. Experimental results show that the skip-gram based word vector is the best approach to extract relating documents to reference texts among several keyword-based evaluation approaches

    Proposing an Unsupervised Approach to Evaluate Essays Using IDF on Reference Data

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    大学入試において2020 年から記述式問題が導入されることから記述式の問題を自動で採点する手法の開発が求められている.本論では,エッセイタイプの小論文課題を対象に,課題に関連する参照データとWikipedia 全文から作成したidf を利用した事前採点不要な自動採点手法を提案する.先行研究において,日本語小論文を対象とした自動採点では,多くの事前採点が必要となり,実際の数百人規模の試験では利用することが難しいと考えられる.そこで本研究では,事前採点が不要な小論文採点手法を提案する.また,小論文の模擬試験を実施して小論文データを構築する.構築した小論文データに対して採点手法を用い,実験を行い評価する.また小論文データの人手による採点に対しても評価を行う.評価実験の結果neologd 辞書を利用した形態素解析器を用いて, idf 値を利用した形態素の一致数が,人手の評価値と相関が高いことを示す.In this paper, we describe an on-going study of developing an automatic essay-scoring system in Japanese. Essay scoring systems have already been developed and used mainly in English, while not many previous studies have been done on Japanese essay evaluations. Most of the methods and systems of automatic essay evaluation need not small number of previously human-graded essays for calibrating the parameter of regression functions or parameter of machine learning. The previous studies show the high performance for essay evaluation task, however, it must be not easy to assume large graded essays in, for example, actual tests or entrance examinations. Thus, we take a approach to evaluate Japanese essays without previously human-graded essays but with assuming reference data related to essay questions. The proposed method is a simple one, that is, evaluating the essays with co-occurrences with the reference data in their words or morphemes. In the method technical terms would be given high scores using neologd dictionary and idf values. Experimental results show that the proposed method works well in our developing Japanese mock trial writing tests. Key words automatic scoring of essays, human annotation, supportin