118 research outputs found

    Functional Imaging of Autonomic Regulation: Methods and Key Findings.

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    Central nervous system processing of autonomic function involves a network of regions throughout the brain which can be visualized and measured with neuroimaging techniques, notably functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). The development of fMRI procedures has both confirmed and extended earlier findings from animal models, and human stroke and lesion studies. Assessments with fMRI can elucidate interactions between different central sites in regulating normal autonomic patterning, and demonstrate how disturbed systems can interact to produce aberrant regulation during autonomic challenges. Understanding autonomic dysfunction in various illnesses reveals mechanisms that potentially lead to interventions in the impairments. The objectives here are to: (1) describe the fMRI neuroimaging methodology for assessment of autonomic neural control, (2) outline the widespread, lateralized distribution of function in autonomic sites in the normal brain which includes structures from the neocortex through the medulla and cerebellum, (3) illustrate the importance of the time course of neural changes when coordinating responses, and how those patterns are impacted in conditions of sleep-disordered breathing, and (4) highlight opportunities for future research studies with emerging methodologies. Methodological considerations specific to autonomic testing include timing of challenges relative to the underlying fMRI signal, spatial resolution sufficient to identify autonomic brainstem nuclei, blood pressure, and blood oxygenation influences on the fMRI signal, and the sustained timing, often measured in minutes of challenge periods and recovery. Key findings include the lateralized nature of autonomic organization, which is reminiscent of asymmetric motor, sensory, and language pathways. Testing brain function during autonomic challenges demonstrate closely-integrated timing of responses in connected brain areas during autonomic challenges, and the involvement with brain regions mediating postural and motoric actions, including respiration, and cardiac output. The study of pathological processes associated with autonomic disruption shows susceptibilities of different brain structures to altered timing of neural function, notably in sleep disordered breathing, such as obstructive sleep apnea and congenital central hypoventilation syndrome. The cerebellum, in particular, serves coordination roles for vestibular stimuli and blood pressure changes, and shows both injury and substantially altered timing of responses to pressor challenges in sleep-disordered breathing conditions. The insights into central autonomic processing provided by neuroimaging have assisted understanding of such regulation, and may lead to new treatment options for conditions with disrupted autonomic function

    Brain putamen volume changes in newly-diagnosed patients with obstructive sleep apnea.

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    Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is accompanied by cognitive, motor, autonomic, learning, and affective abnormalities. The putamen serves several of these functions, especially motor and autonomic behaviors, but whether global and specific sub-regions of that structure are damaged is unclear. We assessed global and regional putamen volumes in 43 recently-diagnosed, treatment-naïve OSA (age, 46.4 ± 8.8 years; 31 male) and 61 control subjects (47.6 ± 8.8 years; 39 male) using high-resolution T1-weighted images collected with a 3.0-Tesla MRI scanner. Global putamen volumes were calculated, and group differences evaluated with independent samples t-tests, as well as with analysis of covariance (covariates; age, gender, and total intracranial volume). Regional differences between groups were visualized with 3D surface morphometry-based group ratio maps. OSA subjects showed significantly higher global putamen volumes, relative to controls. Regional analyses showed putamen areas with increased and decreased tissue volumes in OSA relative to control subjects, including increases in caudal, mid-dorsal, mid-ventral portions, and ventral regions, while areas with decreased volumes appeared in rostral, mid-dorsal, medial-caudal, and mid-ventral sites. Global putamen volumes were significantly higher in the OSA subjects, but local sites showed both higher and lower volumes. The appearance of localized volume alterations points to differential hypoxic or perfusion action on glia and other tissues within the structure, and may reflect a stage in progression of injury in these newly-diagnosed patients toward the overall volume loss found in patients with chronic OSA. The regional changes may underlie some of the specific deficits in motor, autonomic, and neuropsychologic functions in OSA

    Reduced regional brain cortical thickness in patients with heart failure.

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    AimsAutonomic, cognitive, and neuropsychologic deficits appear in heart failure (HF) subjects, and these compromised functions depend on cerebral cortex integrity in addition to that of subcortical and brainstem sites. Impaired autoregulation, low cardiac output, sleep-disordered-breathing, hypertension, and diabetic conditions in HF offer considerable potential to affect cortical areas by loss of neurons and glia, which would be expressed as reduced cortical thicknesses. However, except for gross descriptions of cortical volume loss/injury, regional cortical thickness integrity in HF is unknown. Our goal was to assess regional cortical thicknesses across the brain in HF, compared to control subjects.Methods and resultsWe examined localized cortical thicknesses in 35 HF and 61 control subjects with high-resolution T1-weighted images (3.0-Tesla MRI) using FreeSurfer software, and assessed group differences with analysis-of-covariance (covariates; age, gender; p<0.05; FDR). Significantly-reduced cortical thicknesses appeared in HF over controls in multiple areas, including the frontal, parietal, temporal, and occipital lobes, more markedly on the left side, within areas that control autonomic, cognitive, affective, language, and visual functions.ConclusionHeart failure subjects show reduced regional cortical thicknesses in sites that control autonomic, cognitive, affective, language, and visual functions that are deficient in the condition. The findings suggest chronic tissue alterations, with regional changes reflecting loss of neurons and glia, and presumably are related to earlier-described axonal changes. The pathological mechanisms contributing to reduced cortical thicknesses likely include hypoxia/ischemia, accompanying impaired cerebral perfusion from reduced cardiac output and sleep-disordered-breathing and other comorbidities in HF

    A Survey of Universal Design at Museums: Current Industry Practice and Perceptions

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    Background: Museums are key educational and cultural resources in the community, yet many are not accessible to visitors with disabilities. Universal design promotes products and environments usable to the greatest extent possible by all people, regardless of ability. This study explores current industry practice and perceptions of accessibility and universal design in a small sample of American museums. Suggestions for how occupational therapists can help museums go above and beyond ADA guidelines are provided. Method: An 17-item cross-sectional survey was used to collect data. Twenty-five museum associations assisted with recruitment. A descriptive numerical summary and qualitative analysis were used to summarize the results. Results: Sixty respondents participated in the survey. Accommodations for visitors with visual impairment and physical barriers created by historical buildings were identified as both challenges and successes by the respondents. Confusion between ADA standards and universal design was evident in several responses. Conclusion: The most frequently reported accessibility rating was good. Staff training and community-based partnerships are important, but often overlooked practices for improving accessibility. Local agencies who serve people with disabilities are underused resources in the community. There is a potential role for occupational therapists to assist museums with staff training, recruiting people with disabilities, and establishing community partnerships. Additional research is warranted

    Exploring the Usefulness of Pre-Visit Materials for Children with Autism at a Public Museum

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    Abstract Children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) participate in community-based settings at lower rates than typically developing children. Museums provide a structured, predictable, and supportive place for children with ASD to learn. Visiting a museum may create unique challenges for children with ASD and their families. Sensory processing disorder (SPD) is a common barrier to participation that makes it difficult to process information coming in through the senses. For children who are easily overstimulated, crowds, noise, and long lines can be a source of anxiety and stress. Providing pre-visit materials such as social stories, accessibility maps, and communication books can support engagement in the museum setting. This study explored the usefulness of pre-visit materials for children with ASD who attended a low sensory event at a public museum. Data were collected during interviews with 22 parents and care partners. All participants found the pre-visit materials useful before and during the museum visit. Participants provided recommendations for improvement including developing multiple formats (e.g., audio, video), different languages, and limiting the pictures per page. This study highlights the unique value of occupational therapy in a community setting. Occupational therapists consider how features of the environment may support or limit participation. The pre-visit materials developed in this study may help museums offer more inclusive experiences to children with ASD and their families. Partnerships with disciplines such as occupational therapy may help museums and other community organizations welcome visitors of all abilities. Plain Language Summary Museums are key educational resources in the community. Families of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) face unique challenges to participating in museum settings. This study explored the usefulness of pre-visit materials including a social story, accessibility map, and communication book. These materials were developed through a partnership between a public museum, occupational therapy graduate program, and 22 parents and care partners of children with ASD. All participants found the pre-visit materials useful for improving participation in a museum visit. This study highlights the unique value of occupational therapy at a museum. The materials developed for this study could be replicated to promote a more inclusive experience in other community settings. Partnering with disciplines experienced in working with people with disabilities can assist in creating welcoming environments for people of all abilities. Additional research is needed to explore the benefits of collaborative partnerships between community organizations and occupational therapy programs

    Detection of human papillomavirus in laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma: systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Background: Recent studies have reported a human papillomavirus (HPV) prevalence of 20% to 30% in laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma (LSCC), although clinical data on HPV involvement remain largely inconsistent, ascribed by some to differences in HPV detection methods or in geographic origin of the studies. Objective To perform a systematic review and formal meta-analysis of the literature reporting on HPV detection in LSCC. Methods Literature was searched from January 1964 until March 2015. The effect size was calculated as event rates (95% confidence interval [CI]), with homogeneity testing using Cochran's Q and I2 statistics. Meta-regression was used to test the impact of study-level covariates (HPV detection method, geographic origin) on effect size. Potential publication bias was estimated using funnel plot symmetry. Results One hundred seventy nine studies were eligible, comprising a sample size of 7,347 LSCCs from different geographic regions. Altogether, 1,830 (25%) cases tested HPV-positive considering all methods, with effect size of 0.269 (95% CI: 0.242 to 0.297; random-effects model). In meta-analysis stratified by the 1) HPV detection technique and 2) geographic study origin, the between-study heterogeneity was significant only for geographic origin (P = .0001). In meta-regression, the HPV detection method (P = .876) or geographic origin (P = .234) were not significant study-level covariates. Some evidence for publication bias was found only for studies from North America and those using non–polymerase chain reaction methods, with a marginal effect on adjusted point estimates for both. Conclusions Variability in HPV detection rates in LSCC is explained by geographic origin of study but not by HPV detection method. However, they were not significant study-level covariates in formal meta-regression

    Разработка учебно-методического обеспечения дисциплины "Физика информационных технологий"

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    Right-handed subjects only, between-sex differences for all models. Excel file showing global and main effects of RMANOVA for original model (left-most) and four models with age-related effects. The effects are compared with the models with all subjects (Additional file 1), and the significance classified via color-coding cells as “same” (green) or “changed” (orange) according to whether the P value shifted from below or above the 0.05 threshold. (XLSX 14 kb

    Volumetric and microstructural abnormalities of the amygdala in focal epilepsy with varied levels of SUDEP risk

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    Although the mechanisms of sudden unexpected death in epilepsy (SUDEP) are not yet well understood, generalised- or focal-to-bilateral tonic-clonic seizures (TCS) are a major risk factor. Previous studies highlighted alterations in structures linked to cardio-respiratory regulation; one structure, the amygdala, was enlarged in people at high risk of SUDEP and those who subsequently died. We investigated volume changes and the microstructure of the amygdala in people with epilepsy at varied risk for SUDEP since that structure can play a key role in triggering apnea and mediating blood pressure. The study included 53 healthy subjects and 143 patients with epilepsy, the latter separated into two groups according to whether TCS occur in years before scan. We used amygdala volumetry, derived from structural MRI, and tissue microstructure, derived from diffusion MRI, to identify differences between the groups. The diffusion metrics were obtained by fitting diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) and neurite orientation dispersion and density imaging (NODDI) models. The analyses were performed at the whole amygdala level and at the scale of amygdaloid nuclei. Patients with epilepsy showed larger amygdala volumes and lower neurite density indices (NDI) than healthy subjects; the left amygdala volumes were especially enhanced. Microstructural changes, reflected by NDI differences, were more prominent on the left side and localized in the lateral, basal, central, accessory basal and paralaminar amygdala nuclei; basolateral NDI lowering appeared bilaterally. No significant microstructural differences appeared between epilepsy patients with and without current TCS. The central amygdala nuclei, with prominent interactions from surrounding nuclei of that structure, project to cardiovascular regions and respiratory phase switching areas of the parabrachial pons, as well as to the periaqueductal gray. Consequently, they have the potential to modify blood pressure and heart rate, and induce sustained apnea or apneusis. The findings here suggest that lowered NDI, indicative of reduced dendritic density, could reflect an impaired structural organization influencing descending inputs that modulate vital respiratory timing and drive sites and areas critical for blood pressure control

    Developing a manually annotated clinical document corpus to identify phenotypic information for inflammatory bowel disease

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Natural Language Processing (NLP) systems can be used for specific Information Extraction (IE) tasks such as extracting phenotypic data from the electronic medical record (EMR). These data are useful for translational research and are often found only in free text clinical notes. A key required step for IE is the manual annotation of clinical corpora and the creation of a reference standard for (1) training and validation tasks and (2) to focus and clarify NLP system requirements. These tasks are time consuming, expensive, and require considerable effort on the part of human reviewers.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Using a set of clinical documents from the VA EMR for a particular use case of interest we identify specific challenges and present several opportunities for annotation tasks. We demonstrate specific methods using an open source annotation tool, a customized annotation schema, and a corpus of clinical documents for patients known to have a diagnosis of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD). We report clinician annotator agreement at the document, concept, and concept attribute level. We estimate concept yield in terms of annotated concepts within specific note sections and document types.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Annotator agreement at the document level for documents that contained concepts of interest for IBD using estimated Kappa statistic (95% CI) was very high at 0.87 (0.82, 0.93). At the concept level, F-measure ranged from 0.61 to 0.83. However, agreement varied greatly at the specific concept attribute level. For this particular use case (IBD), clinical documents producing the highest concept yield per document included GI clinic notes and primary care notes. Within the various types of notes, the highest concept yield was in sections representing patient assessment and history of presenting illness. Ancillary service documents and family history and plan note sections produced the lowest concept yield.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Challenges include defining and building appropriate annotation schemas, adequately training clinician annotators, and determining the appropriate level of information to be annotated. Opportunities include narrowing the focus of information extraction to use case specific note types and sections, especially in cases where NLP systems will be used to extract information from large repositories of electronic clinical note documents.</p