151 research outputs found

    Cataloging the heart of a librarian

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    Preventive healthcare use, smoking, and alcohol use among Rhode Island women experiencing intimate partner violence

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    OBJECTIVE: Intimate partner violence (IPV) poses major health threats to women, including increased risk for several chronic health conditions. The impact of IPV on use of preventive health services is not well understood. Although several studies indicate that female victims of IPV have higher rates of alcohol abuse, this has not been replicated in population-based studies. The association of IPV with smoking has not been a major research focus. The purpose of this study was to examine the association between physical and psychological IPV in the past 12 months and preventive healthcare use, smoking, and alcohol use among women. METHODS: Data on 1643 women aged 18-54 from the 1999 Rhode Island Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System were analyzed. Logistic regression, controlling for age, race, marital status, education, insurance status, and functional disability, was used to model the associations of IPV with (1) checkups, (2) clinical breast examinations (CBEs), (3) Pap smear screening, (4) cigarette smoking, and (5) high-risk alcohol use. RESULTS: Prevalence of physical IPV was 4.1%. The prevalence of psychological IPV, in the absence of physical IPV was 4.5%. Physical IPV was associated with receiving regular Pap smears odds ratio ([OR] = 2.39, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.01-5.70), current smoking (OR = 2.07, 95% CI 1.03-4.18), and high-risk alcohol use (OR = 4.85, 95% CI 2.02-11.60). Psychological IPV was associated with high-risk alcohol use (OR = 3.22, 95% CI 1.46-7.09). CONCLUSIONS: Women experiencing IPV regularly access preventive healthcare, providing healthcare providers with opportunities to assess and counsel women for IPV in addition to smoking and high-risk alcohol use

    Adult asthma and traffic exposure at residential address, workplace address, and self-reported daily time outdoor in traffic: A two-stage case-control study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Most epidemiologic studies use traffic at residential address as a surrogate for total traffic exposure when investigating effects of traffic on respiratory health. This study used GIS (Geographical Information Systems) to estimate traffic exposure, not only on residential, but also on workplace address, in addition to survey questions on time spent in traffic during commuting or other daily activities.</p> <p>The aim was to investigate 1) if there is an association between traffic exposure and prevalence of adult asthma and asthma symptoms, and 2) if so, does this association become stronger using more complete traffic exposure information.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>This study was conducted in two stages: A first cross-sectional survey in Southern Sweden 2004 (n = 24819, 18-80 years, response rate 59%) was followed by a case-control study in 2005 to obtain more detailed exposure and confounder information (n = 2856, asthmatics and controls (1:3), 86% response rate). In the first survey, only residential address was known. In the second survey, questions about workplace addresses and daily time spent in traffic were also included. Residential and workplace addresses were geocoded and linked with GIS to road data and dispersion modelled outdoor concentrations of NO<sub>x </sub>(annual mean, 250 × 250 m resolution).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Living within 50 m of a road (measured by GIS) with traffic intensity of >10 cars/minute (compared with no road within this distance) was associated with an increased prevalence of asthma, (OR = 1.8, 95% CI = (1.1-2.8), and with asthma symptoms last 12 months. No statistically significant effects were seen for traffic exposure at workplace address, daily time spent in traffic, or commuting time to work, after adjustment for confounders. A combined total exposure estimate did not give a stronger association with asthma prevalence or asthma symptoms.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Traffic exposure at close proximity to residential address showed association with asthma prevalence and asthma symptoms last 12 months, among adults in southern Sweden. The associations were not stronger when accounting for total traffic exposure. This could reflect exposure misclassfication at workplace address and for other daily time in traffic, but also that residential address remains the main determinant for traffic exposure among adults.</p

    Rifting in heterogeneous lithosphere inferences from numerical modeling of the northern North Sea and the Oslo Graben.

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    Permian rifting and magmatism are widely documented across NW Europe. The different Permian basins often display contrasting structural styles and evolved in lithospheric domains with contrasting past evolution and contrasting thermotectonic ages. In particular, the Oslo Graben and the northern North Sea rift initiated in close areas of northern Europe. The Oslo Graben evolved in the cold and stable Precambrian lithosphere of Fennoscandia, whereas the northern North Sea rift took birth in freshly reworked Caledonian lithosphere. Huge volumes of magmatic rocks characterize the relatively narrow Oslo Graben. In contrast, little magmatism is documented for the wide northern North Sea rift. Differences in timing between both rifts are inferred but still debated. We present numerical thermomechanical models along a lithospheric E-W section that involves both the Oslo Graben and the northern North Sea area. Because the modeled section crosses the boundary between Caledonian and Proterozoic provinces, thermal and compositional heterogeneities are considered. As is suggested by various geophysical data sets, we also consider lithospheric thickness heterogeneities in the Precambrian lithosphere. Modeling results suggest that the northern North Sea was on top of "weak" lithosphere very sensitive to far-field stresses. Consequently, we suggest that rifting in the northern North Sea began as early as regional extension was effective (i.e., Late Carboniferous-Early Permian) and does not postdate the Oslo Graben as it is commonly assumed. Rifting in the "strong" Precambrian lithosphere is unexpected. Modeling results suggest that a pre-existing lithospheric thickness contrast within the Fennoscandian lithosphere favored rifting in the Oslo Graben

    Hopelessness and hours of services received by elderly and disabled clients

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    Linken mellom uttrykket av CYP3A4 og biotilgjengelighet av atorvastatin ved gastrisk bypass

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    Bakgrunn: Gastrisk bypass er en prosedyre innen overvektskirurgi hvor deler av magesekk og tarm blir forbikoblet slik at evnen til absorpsjon av næring blir redusert. Denne fysiologiske endringen kan påvirke biotilgjengeligheten av legemidler. Atorvastatin er et kolesterolsenkende legemiddel forskrevet til behandling av hyperkolesterolemi. Legemiddelet har en begrenset biotilgjengelighet (12 %) som følge av omfattende CYP3A4 og CYP3A5 metabolisme. I tillegg er atorvastatin et substrat for P-glykoprotein og OATP1B1 transport. Mål: Denne hovedfagsoppgaven er en del av et større samarbeidsprosjekt med Senter for sykelig overvekt ved sykehuset i Vestfold. Det overordnede målet for studien var å undersøke hvordan overvektskirurgi påvirker farmakokinetikken til atorvastatin. Målet for denne hovedoppgaven var å utvikle metoder for homogenisering av pasientbiopsier samlet fra mage, lever og ulike deler av tynntarm, og kvantifisering av CYP3A4 og CYP3A5 i disse biopsiene. Deretter skulle en mulig korrelasjon undersøkes mellom proteinuttrykket av CYP3A4 og CYP3A5 i biopsiene og den systemiske eksponeringen av atorvastatin i de samme pasientene. Metode: Homogenater fra biopsiene ble laget med Precellys 24 og mikrosomer ble isolert etter sentrifugering ved 108 000 g i 1 time. Pelleten ble reløst i sukrosebuffer og preparert for Western blotting. Et immunoanalytisk dot-blott ble utarbeidet ved bruk av nitrocellulosemembran og Bio-Dot mikrofiltrasjonsapparat, og protein-uttrykket av CYP3A4 og CYP3A5 ble kvantifisert ved bruk av Syngene fra GeneTools. Villin, et cytoskeletal protein spesifikt for enterocytter, ble brukt til å normalisere mengden enzymer i biopsiene fra magesekk og tynntarm, og mengden CYP-enzymer ble relatert til estimert totalprotein for hver biopsi. Resultater: Validering av metoden for kvantifisering av CYP3A4 og CYP3A5-enzymer i biopsier fra lever og ulike deler av gastrointestinalsystemet, viste tilfredsstillende interdag og intradag presisjon. Kvantitative resultater for CYP3A4 i biopsiene viste interindividuell variasjon, men det var antydning til en korrelasjon til resultatene fra de farmakokinetiske studiene utført på pasientene før og etter operasjonen. Pasienter med generelt lavt uttrykk av CYP3A4 i tarm, hadde i utgangspunktet en høy AUC(0-8), som ble betraktelig redusert ved gastrisk bypass. Pasienter med høyt uttrykk av CYP3A4 i tarm, hadde derimot en lav AUC(0-8), som økte etter gastrisk bypass. Konklusjon: Det ble utviklet metoder for homogenisering av biopsier fra magesekk, tarm og lever, og kvantifisering av CYP3A4 og CYP3A5 i disse biopsiene, ved bruk av Western blott. Mengder CYP3A4 ble kvantifisert, og resultatene tydet på at det var en sammenheng mellom uttrykket av CYP3A4 og endringer i den farmakokinetiske profilen av atorvastatin etter en gastrisk bypass operasjon

    Bibliography on Vancouver Lake Watershed, Including Burnt Bridge Creek, Flushing Channel, Lake River, and Salmon Creek: A History of Restoration Efforts for Vancouver Lake

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    The causes for the demise of Vancouver Lake are numerous and most are known. Where we have been in the past can show the directions we might want to explore in the future. Past actions have only temporarily restored the lake to health. Some of this failure is a lack of funds to continue maintenance of the technical fixes put in place. The primary issue facing the Vancouver Lake Watershed Partnership is whether or not they should allow the lake to die and lose what many consider a major recreational resource. Many would argue that allowing the lake to silt up and become a wetlands suitable only for wildlife habitat is unacceptable. Groups such as the Vancouver Lake Sailing Club make credible arguments that the lake is valuable for purposes such as theirs. Members of other groups, and the general public retain fond memories of swimming in the lake and now bring their kids, or grandkids, to swim every summer. The question becomes one of cost/benefit analysis: how much are the responsible parties willing to spend to keep the lake open for sailing & swimming, and how much is too much to expend? Whatever fate is decided upon for Vancouver Lake, the rest of the watershed cannot be forgotten. Burnt Bridge Creek and Salmon Creek are still of questionable water quality. Lake River bears the brunt of this pollution by draining the lake as well as these polluted tributaries. It is eroding Bachelor Island and closing up its own outlet into the Columbia River. This bibliography serves as the history of previous efforts to restore Vancouver Lake to health. Other parts of the watershed such as Burnt Bridge Creek, Lake River and Salmon Creek are included as they contribute to the overall condition of Vancouver Lake


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    In recent years, teacher preparation programs and the individuals who staff them have been the object of much criticism, from both within and ouside the profession. Because methods courses are viewed as an integral component of teacher education programs, this study examined English methods courses in terms of course content, teaching strategies, and demographics of respondents. The sample consisted of secondary English methods professors in colleges and universities in nine midwestern states and randomly selected public school English teachers in the same states. Survey instruments were developed by the researcher; 281 surveys were mailed, with 153 usable surveys returned. Respondents were to list topics they felt should be emphasized in English methods courses. Strategies for teaching composition and strategies for teaching literature were the topics most frequently mentioned by both groups; however, while teachers believed discipline was an important item, professors ranked it almost last. Professors and teachers agreed that the three most important teaching strategies for beginning teachers to possess were discussion, individualized instruction, and lecture. Pearson product-moment correlations and multiple t tests were calculated to test for relationships and comparisons between responses of teachers and professors and between actual and ideal inclusions of content items in methods courses and teaching strategies used by educators. Results indicated that teachers viewed actual courses much differently than what they thought should ideally be included; professors\u27 actual and ideal ratings were quite similar, suggesting they were more satisfied with the current course structure than were teachers. Both groups felt innovative strategies, such as computer-assisted instruction and individualized instruction, should be implemented in the classroom, but generally did not use the strategies as often as the lecture and discussion methods

    Monism and Synaesthesia : Two metaphysical concepts in the Art of Edvard Munch

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    This thesis attempts to discuss two metaphysical aspects that appear in Edvard Munch's art: monism and synaesthesia. These two topics have been previously discussed by other art historians and critics; however it is this writer's opinion that the concepts in themselves were not properly understood in the first place. This, in turn, influenced their interpretation within the context of Munch's work. Monism and synaesthesia have been considered here in connection with their metaphysical background. Therefore this thesis discusses the topics first of all from an art historical perspective, then from a philosophical point of view. A certain knowledge of neurology as well as of history of religions has also contributed to the elucidation of the themes here discussed. The reasons for Munch's concern with metaphysical topics have been acknowledged here as well. These reasons were both general as well as private. The Weltanschauung at the end of the nineteenth century had a definite predilection for metaphysics and Munch was certainly influenced by it. In addition, he had very clear personal reasons to be concerned with such topics: death in his family as well as death threatening him in his childhood were serious grounds that were conducive to Munch's interest in metaphysics and therefore, in monism and synaesthesia