70 research outputs found

    If You Don't Look, You Won't See: Intravital Multiphoton Imaging of Primary and Metastatic Breast Cancer

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    A fundamental hallmark of cancer is progression to metastasis and the growth of breast cancer metastases in lung, bone, liver and/or brain causes fatal complications. Unfortunately, the cellular and biochemical mechanisms of the metastatic process remain ill-defined. Recent application of intravital multiphoton microscopy (MP-IVM) to image fluorescently labeled cells in mouse models of cancer has allowed dynamic observation of this multi-step process at the cellular and subcellular levels. In this article, we discuss the use of MP-IVM in studies of breast cancer metastasis, as well as surgical techniques for exposing tumors prior to imaging. We also describe a versatile multiphoton microscope for imaging tumor-stroma interaction

    Vesicular release probability sets the strength of individual Schaffer collateral synapses

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    Information processing in the brain is controlled by quantal release of neurotransmitters, a tightly regulated process. From ultrastructural analysis, it is known that presynaptic boutons along single axons differ in the number of vesicles docked at the active zone. It is not clear whether the probability of these vesicles to get released ( p ves ) is homogenous or also varies between individual boutons. Here, we optically measure evoked transmitter release at individual Schaffer collateral synapses at different calcium concentrations, using the genetically encoded glutamate sensor iGluSnFR. Fitting a binomial model to measured response amplitude distributions allowed us to extract the quantal parameters N, p ves , a n d q . We find that Schaffer collateral boutons typically release single vesicles under low p ves conditions and switch to multivesicular release in high calcium saline. Analyzing the variability of quantal parameters, we conclude that the vesicular release probability rather than the number of readily releasable vesicles or their transmitter content determines the potency of individual boutons

    Ultrafast glutamate sensors resolve high-frequency release at Schaffer collateral synapses

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    Glutamatergic synapses display a rich repertoire of plasticity mechanisms on many different time scales, involving dynamic changes in the efficacy of transmitter release as well as changes in the number and function of postsynaptic glutamate receptors. The genetically encoded glutamate sensor iGluSnFR enables visualization of glutamate release from presynaptic terminals at frequencies up to ∼10 Hz. However, to resolve glutamate dynamics during high-frequency bursts, faster indicators are required. Here, we report the development of fast (iGluf) and ultrafast (iGluu) variants with comparable brightness but increased Kd for glutamate (137 μM and 600 μM, respectively). Compared with iGluSnFR, iGluu has a sixfold faster dissociation rate in vitro and fivefold faster kinetics in synapses. Fitting a three-state model to kinetic data, we identify the large conformational change after glutamate binding as the rate-limiting step. In rat hippocampal slice culture stimulated at 100 Hz, we find that iGluu is sufficiently fast to resolve individual glutamate release events, revealing that glutamate is rapidly cleared from the synaptic cleft. Depression of iGluu responses during 100-Hz trains correlates with depression of postsynaptic EPSPs, indicating that depression during high-frequency stimulation is purely presynaptic in origin. At individual boutons, the recovery from depression could be predicted from the amount of glutamate released on the second pulse (paired pulse facilitation/depression), demonstrating differential frequency-dependent filtering of spike trains at Schaffer collateral boutons

    Ultrafast glutamate sensors resolve high-frequency release at Schaffer collateral synapses

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    ABSTRACT Glutamatergic synapses display a rich repertoire of plasticity mechanisms on many different time scales, involving dynamic changes in the efficacy of transmitter release as well as changes in the number and function of postsynaptic glutamate receptors. The genetically encoded glutamate sensor iGluSnFR enables visualization of glutamate release from presynaptic terminals at frequencies up to ∼10 Hz. However, to resolve glutamate dynamics during high frequency bursts, faster indicators are required. Here we report the development of fast (iGlu f ) and ultrafast (iGlu u ) variants with comparable brightness, but increased K d for glutamate (137 μM and 600 μM, respectively). Compared to iGluSnFR, iGlu u has a 6-fold faster dissociation rate in vitro and 5-fold faster kinetics in synapses. Fitting a three-state model to kinetic data, we identify the large conformational change after glutamate binding as the rate-limiting step. In rat hippocampal slice culture stimulated at 100 Hz, we find that iGlu u is sufficiently fast to resolve individual glutamate release events, revealing that glutamate is rapidly cleared from the synaptic cleft. Depression of iGlu u responses during 100 Hz trains correlates with depression of postsynaptic EPSPs, indicating that depression during high frequency stimulation is purely presynaptic in origin. At individual boutons, the recovery from depression could be predicted from the amount of glutamate released on the second pulse (paired pulse facilitation/depression), demonstrating differential frequency-dependent filtering of spike trains at Schaffer collateral boutons. Significance Statement Excitatory synapses convert presynaptic action potentials into chemical signals that are sensed by postsynaptic glutamate receptors. To eavesdrop on synaptic transmission, genetically encoded fluorescent sensors for glutamate have been developed. However, even the best available sensors lag behind the very fast glutamate dynamics in the synaptic cleft. Here we report the development of an ultrafast genetically encoded glutamate sensor, iGlu u , which allowed us to image glutamate clearance and synaptic depression during 100 Hz spike trains. We found that only boutons showing paired-pulse facilitation were able to rapidly recover from depression. Thus, presynaptic boutons act as frequency-specific filters to transmit select features of the spike train to specific postsynaptic cells

    ScanImage: Flexible software for operating laser scanning microscopes

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    BACKGROUND: Laser scanning microscopy is a powerful tool for analyzing the structure and function of biological specimens. Although numerous commercial laser scanning microscopes exist, some of the more interesting and challenging applications demand custom design. A major impediment to custom design is the difficulty of building custom data acquisition hardware and writing the complex software required to run the laser scanning microscope. RESULTS: We describe a simple, software-based approach to operating a laser scanning microscope without the need for custom data acquisition hardware. Data acquisition and control of laser scanning are achieved through standard data acquisition boards. The entire burden of signal integration and image processing is placed on the CPU of the computer. We quantitate the effectiveness of our data acquisition and signal conditioning algorithm under a variety of conditions. We implement our approach in an open source software package (ScanImage) and describe its functionality. CONCLUSIONS: We present ScanImage, software to run a flexible laser scanning microscope that allows easy custom design

    Stochastic models and dynamic measures for the characterization of bistable circuits

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    During the last few years, a great deal of interest has risen concerning the applications of stochastic methods to several biochemical and biological phenomena. Phenomena like gene expression, cellular memory, bet-hedging strategy in bacterial growth and many others, cannot be described by continuous stochastic models due to their intrinsic discreteness and randomness. In this thesis I have used the Chemical Master Equation (CME) technique to modelize some feedback cycles and analyzing their properties, including experimental data. In the first part of this work, the effect of stochastic stability is discussed on a toy model of the genetic switch that triggers the cellular division, which malfunctioning is known to be one of the hallmarks of cancer. The second system I have worked on is the so-called futile cycle, a closed cycle of two enzymatic reactions that adds and removes a chemical compound, called phosphate group, to a specific substrate. I have thus investigated how adding noise to the enzyme (that is usually in the order of few hundred molecules) modifies the probability of observing a specific number of phosphorylated substrate molecules, and confirmed theoretical predictions with numerical simulations. In the third part the results of the study of a chain of multiple phosphorylation-dephosphorylation cycles will be presented. We will discuss an approximation method for the exact solution in the bidimensional case and the relationship that this method has with the thermodynamic properties of the system, which is an open system far from equilibrium.In the last section the agreement between the theoretical prediction of the total protein quantity in a mouse cells population and the observed quantity will be shown, measured via fluorescence microscopy

    Modelling Vesicular Release at Hippocampal Synapses

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    We study local calcium dynamics leading to a vesicle fusion in a stochastic, and spatially explicit, biophysical model of the CA3-CA1 presynaptic bouton. The kinetic model for vesicle release has two calcium sensors, a sensor for fast synchronous release that lasts a few tens of milliseconds and a separate sensor for slow asynchronous release that lasts a few hundred milliseconds. A wide range of data can be accounted for consistently only when a refractory period lasting a few milliseconds between releases is included. The inclusion of a second sensor for asynchronous release with a slow unbinding site, and thereby a long memory, affects short-term plasticity by facilitating release. Our simulations also reveal a third time scale of vesicle release that is correlated with the stimulus and is distinct from the fast and the slow releases. In these detailed Monte Carlo simulations all three time scales of vesicle release are insensitive to the spatial details of the synaptic ultrastructure. Furthermore, our simulations allow us to identify features of synaptic transmission that are universal and those that are modulated by structure

    The Effects of NR2 Subunit-Dependent NMDA Receptor Kinetics on Synaptic Transmission and CaMKII Activation

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    N-Methyl-d-aspartic acid (NMDA) receptors are widely expressed in the brain and are critical for many forms of synaptic plasticity. Subtypes of the NMDA receptor NR2 subunit are differentially expressed during development; in the forebrain, the NR2B receptor is dominant early in development, and later both NR2A and NR2B are expressed. In heterologous expression systems, NR2A-containing receptors open more reliably and show much faster opening and closing kinetics than do NR2B-containing receptors. However, conflicting data, showing similar open probabilities, exist for receptors expressed in neurons. Similarly, studies of synaptic plasticity have produced divergent results, with some showing that only NR2A-containing receptors can drive long-term potentiation and others showing that either subtype is capable of driving potentiation. In order to address these conflicting results as well as open questions about the number and location of functional receptors in the synapse, we constructed a Monte Carlo model of glutamate release, diffusion, and binding to NMDA receptors and of receptor opening and closing as well as a model of the activation of calcium-calmodulin kinase II, an enzyme critical for induction of synaptic plasticity, by NMDA receptor-mediated calcium influx. Our results suggest that the conflicting data concerning receptor open probabilities can be resolved, with NR2A- and NR2B-containing receptors having very different opening probabilities. They also support the conclusion that receptors containing either subtype can drive long-term potentiation. We also are able to estimate the number of functional receptors at a synapse from experimental data. Finally, in our models, the opening of NR2B-containing receptors is highly dependent on the location of the receptor relative to the site of glutamate release whereas the opening of NR2A-containing receptors is not. These results help to clarify the previous findings and suggest future experiments to address open questions concerning NMDA receptor function

    Abstracts from the 8th International Conference on cGMP Generators, Effectors and Therapeutic Implications

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    This work was supported by a restricted research grant of Bayer AG