5 research outputs found

    The investigation of singular integro-differential equations relating to adhesive contact problems of the theory of viscoelasticity.

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    Política de acceso abierto tomada de: https://v2.sherpa.ac.uk/id/publication/14498The exact and approximate solutions of singular integro-differential equations relating to the problems of interaction of an elastic thin finite or infinite non-homogeneous patch with a plate are considered, provided that the materials of plate and patch possess the creep property. Using the method of orthogonal polynomials the problem is reduced to the infinite system of Volterra integral equations, and using the method of integral transformations this problem is reduced to the different boundary value problems of the theory of analytic functions. An asymptotic analysis is also performed

    Exact solutions of some singular integro-differential equations related to adhesive contact problems of elasticity theory.

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    Política de acceso abierto tomada de: https://v2.sherpa.ac.uk/id/publication/14498The problem of constructing an exact solution of singular integro-differential equations related to problems of adhesive interaction between elastic thin semi-infinite homogeneous patch and elastic plate is investigated. For the patch loaded with horizontal forces the usual model of the uniaxial stress state is valid. Using the methods of the theory of analytic functions and integral transformation, the singular integro-differential equation is reduced to the Riemann boundary value problem of the theory of analytic functions. The exact solution of this problem and asymptotic estimates of tangential contact stresses are obtained

    The adhesive contact problem for a piecewise-homogeneous orthotropic plate with an elastic patch.

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    El copyright pertenece a los autores.A piecewise-homogeneous elastic orthotropic plate, reinforced with a finite patch of the wedge-shaped, which meets the interface at a right angle and is loaded with tangential and normal forces is considered. Using methods of the theory of analytic functions, the problem is reduced to the system of singular integro-differential equations (SIDE) with fixed singularity. Under tension-compression of patch using an integral transformation a Riemann problem is obtained, the solution of which is presented in explicit form. The tangential contact stresses along the contact line are determined and their asymptotic behavior in the neighborhood of singular points is established

    DispoCen. Much more than a program about lexical availability

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    DispoCen es un sistema para el análisis de la disponibilidad y la centralidad léxica. Aunque existen programas específicos para el cálculo de los citados índices, estos suelen restringir en exceso las posibilidades de análisis y explotación de los datos, bien porque se trata de herramientas obsoletas, bien porque sus códigos son excesivamente cerrados e inaccesibles. DispoCen está basado en una librería de herramientas en R que pone al alcance de quienes estudian el léxico el desarrollo de múltiples aplicaciones y modelos originales. En este trabajo hemos incluido los códigos necesarios para ejecutar los análisis, con lo que potenciamos la necesaria replicabilidad que favorece el trabajo autónomo de la comunidad investigadora. Para facilitar el acceso al sistema, también presentamos una sencilla utilidad gráfica que permite el acceso a los análisis más usuales. Como muestra de las posibilidades de DispoCen, incluimos un apartado específico con propuestas de análisis realizadas con filtros sociológicos.DispoCen is a system for the analysis of availability and lexical centrality. Although there are specific programs for calculating the mentioned index, these tend to excessively restrict the possibilities of data analysis, either because they are obsolete tools, or because their codes are excessively closed and inaccessible. DispoCen is based on a library of tools in R that makes the development of multiple applications and original models to those who study the lexicon. In this paper we have included the necessary codes to run the analysis, thereby enhancing the necessary replicability that allows the autonomous work of the research community. To facilitate access to the system, we also present a simple graphical tool that facilitates access to the most common analyzes. As a sample of the possibilities of DispoCen, we include a specific section with proposals for analysis made with sociological ítems.Este trabajo ha sido posible gracias a la financiación y patrocinio del Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades al Proyecto de Investigación Agenda 2050. El español de Málaga: procesos de variación y cambio espaciales y sociales (PID2019-104982GB-C5-2)

    The boundary value contact problem of electroelasticity for piecewise-homogeneous piezo-electric plate with elastic inclusion and cut

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    El copyright pertenece a los autores.In this paper a contact problem of the theory of electroelasticity for piecewise-homogeneous plate of piezo-electric material with infinite cut and elastic finite inclusion of variable bending rigidity is considered. By using methods of the theory of analytic function, the problem is reduced to a system of singular integro-differential equations with fixed singularity. Using an integral transformation, a Riemann problem is obtained, the solution of which is presented in explicit form