59 research outputs found

    Sustainability of Financial Inclusion to Rural Dwellers in Nigeria: Problems and Way Forward

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    Financial inclusion as the provision of a broad range of high quality financial products such as savings, credit, insurance, payments and pensions, which are relevant, appropriate and affordable for the entire adult population especially the low income segments of the economy. This study critically examines the sustainability of financial inclusion to rural dwellers in Nigeria using descriptive study and content analysis. The study observed that the sustainability of financial inclusion to rural dwellers in Nigeria remains the mainstream for economic growth in any country. The implication of this study is that economy cannot grow fast without proper implementation of financial inclusion to rural areas in Nigeria. The study recommended that the promotion of collaboration between Deposit Money Banks (DMBs), Microfinance Banks (MFBs) and Communication services providers for enhanced intermediation of financial services should be encouraged; there is need to educate rural dwellers on the importance of banking as it would facilitate the success of CBN financial inclusion policy and that since some of the rural dwellers preferred to keep money under their pillows at home, there should be proper enlightenment to change their orientation on financial inclusion in Nigeria. Keywords: Financial Services, financial inclusion, DMBs, rural dwellers, poverty reduction.

    Implication of Marketing of Banking Services on the Profitability of Nigerian Banks: a Case Study of First Bank Plc.

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    Banking industry renders services to customers ranging from collection of deposits, opening various categories of account, deposit, current and savings account. Out of the volume of money-collected part are given out as loan to investors, individual, corporate bodies and the government. The aim of this study is to investigate the implication of marketing of banking services on the profitability of Nigerian banks. The scope of the study spanned from 2000 to 2012. The study made use of quantitative data and econometric techniques in assessing the level of implication. The result of the analysis shows that marketing of banking services have indeed had significant positive implication on profitability of Nigerian banks looking at the indicators of banks product or services such as savings account, current account, loan and advance, e-banking, payments and cash management, treasury services, etc. the study therefore recommend that bank customers, management and shareholders should adopt electronic banking operation so that it will increase the level of bank profitability; bank management should from time to time train their staff and customers with regards to services banks provide especially in the area of modern banking development and that the regulatory authorities (CBN, NDIC and Federal Ministry of Finance) should monitor the activities of commercial banks in terms of bank charges on services rendered to customers. Keywords: Marketing, Banking Services, Deposit, E-Banking, Profitability


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    ABSTRAKSanitasi merupakan komponen dari kesehatan lingkungan yaitu perilaku yang harus membudayakan hidup bersih dan sehat untuk mencegah manusia supaya tidak bersentuhan langsung dengan kotoran dan bahan buangan yang berbahaya. Sanitasi merupakan salah satu upaya kesehatan yang memelihara dan menjaga kebersihan lingkungan agar tidak member dampak pada subjeknya yaitu dengan menyediakan air bersih yang mengalir dan juga menyediakan tempat sampah agar supaya sampah-sampah tidak dibuang sembarangan dan tidak berserakan. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui Gambaran Hygiene Sanitasi Rumah Makan Di Wilayah Pasar Pinasungkulan Karombasan Kota Manado. Menggunakan pendekatan survei deskriptif dengan melakukan pendekatan observasi untuk mengetahui hygiene sanitasi rumah makan. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Desember tahun 2019. Data dari Puskesmas Ranotana Weru berjumlah 81 rumah makan yang terdaftar di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Ranotana Weru dan sesuai obeservasi yang dilakukan peneliti mendapatkan 30 rumah makan yang ada di wilayah pasar Pinasungkulan Karombasan Kota Manado. Hasil penelitian yang didapatkan diperoleh kesimpulan 6 RM memperoleh skor ≥ 600, 10 RM memperoleh skor ≥ 500, 11 RM memperoleh skor ≥ 400, dan 3 RM memperoleh skor ≥ 300.Kata Kunci : Hygiene, Sanitasi, Rumah Makan  ABSTRACT Sanitation is a component of environmental health, which is a behavior that must cultivate a clean and healthy life to prevent humans from coming into direct contact with harmful impurities and waste. Sanitation is one of the health efforts that maintain and maintain environmental cleanliness so that it does not have an impact on the subject, namely by providing clean  water and also providing trash bins so that rubbish is not thrown away and not scattered around. This research was conducted to determine the Overview on Sanitation Hygiene at the Karasasan Pinasungkulan Market Area in Manado City. Using a descriptive survey approach by conducting an observational approach to find out restaurant sanitation hygiene. This research was conducted in December 2019. Data from Ranotana Weru Public Health Center are 81 restaurants registered in Ranotana Weru Public Health Center and according to observations conducted by researchers found 30 restaurants in the Pinasungkulan Karombasan market area in Manado. Research results obtained the conclusion is 6 restaurants gets a score of ≥ 600, 10 restaurants gets a score of ≥ 500, 11 restaurants gets a score ≥ 400, and 3 restaurants gets a score ≥ 300. Keywords: Hygiene, Sanitation, Restauran

    Moralitas Dalam Novel Bidadari-bidadari Surga Karya Tere Liye

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    This study aimed to describe the morality of the characters in the novel Angels-Angels Heaven works Tere Liye. Morality is described that relate to conscience, freedom and responsibility, values ​​and norms, as well as the rights and obligations of the characters in the novel. To determine morality contained in the novel then used the following research questions: How moralitastokoh-figure-terdapatvdalam novel Angel Angel Heaven Tere Liye work, in terms of morality, namely: conscience, freedom and responsibility, values ​​and norms, as well as the rights and obligation This type of research is qualitatively using descriptive content analysis (content analysis). This method is used to see and describe the existing data in novel Angel Angel-Heaven Work Tere Liye which decomposes in the form of words rather than in the form of numbers. In the data collection was done in three steps: read and understand the novel Angel-Angel Heaven TereLiye work, mark events and figures behavioral symptoms that lead to focused research, and inventory data by using the format of the data inventory. Results of this study showed that the novel Angel Angel Heaven-there character who has morality associated with (1) conscience, which is reflected by the figures, namely: Laisa figures, figures Dalimunte, Ikanuri figures, figures Wibisana, Yashinta figures; (2) freedom and responsibility, reflected by the figures, namely: laisa figures, figures Dalimunte, Mamak Lainuri figures, and figure Burhan Wak, (3) values ​​and norms, reflected by the figures, namely: Ikanuri figures, figures Wibisana; (4 ) the rights and obligations reflected by figures, namely: Laisa figures, figures mamak Lainuri

    Implications of Development Bank Finance on the Growth and Development of Msmes in Nigeria (2010-2017)

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    Developing a sustainable source of finance for MSMEs has remained a perennial problem as a result of their poor accounting systems and lack of, or low-valued collaterals. This study examined the impact of development bank finance on the growth and development of MSMEs in Nigeria from 2010 – 2017 with specific objectives of determining whether MSMEs have poor accounting systems, the extent to which SMEs financing depend on sound accounting practices and whether MSMEs funding depend on collateral using the survey research design method

    Implications of Financial Intermediation on the Performance of Microfinance Banks in Nigeria: 2000-2016.

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    This paper examined the relationship between Financial Intermediation and the performance of Microfinance banks in Nigeria. The main objective of this study is to examine the effect of financial intermediation on the performance of Microfinance banks in Nigeria. Data were sourced from the Central Bank of Nigeria Statistical Bulletin. The method adopted for data analysis to the stated objective was regression analysis

    Modern Slavery, Environmental Degradation and Climate Change: Fisheries, Field, Forests and Factories

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    In this commentary paper, the current state of research on the tightly connected and bi-directional relationships among modern slavery, environmental degradation and climate change is critically assessed and reviewed. An emerging branch of research has begun to conceptualize linkages between slavery and environmental change. Responding to a gap in the extant literature, this paper synthesizes and makes sense of this emerging research base and proposes a future research agenda for exploring the slavery–environment nexus. Through an exploration of 19 key texts which explicitly examine the relationship between slavery and environmental change, spanning across diverse disciplines and spatial scales, we draw out two key arguments that can be adopted in proposing a future research agenda. Firstly, we identify the sectoral emergence of the nexus, forming primarily around four key sectors: (i) Fisheries, (ii) Fields, (iii) Forests and (iv) Factories. The review suggests that a sufficient exploration of slavery–environment linkages needs to transverse these sectoral boundaries. Secondly, the paper highlights the bi-directional interactions among modern slavery, climate change and environmental degradation. Accordingly, we argue for a holistic lens which explores how slavery practices and environmental change are continually shaping one another. Existing research has provided initial understandings of the relationship among modern slavery, environmental destruction and climate change. However, there remains considerable scope for the connections between the three to be further interrogated and unpacked. Based on the review, the paper sets out three key research agendas, highlighting the need to move beyond a spatially and sectorally confined exploration of slavery–environment interactions towards an integrated and sophisticated interrogation of the nexus. Additionally, we propose the future examination of the deep underlying drivers of slavery–environment interactions and to situate these within contemporary capitalist social and economic relations

    The Pan African Thoracic Society Methods in Epidemiologic, Clinical and Operations Research Program: A story of success told through a history of publications

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    Objectives: Despite bearing a substantial burden of respiratory diseases, low- and middle-income countries in Africa contribute little to the research literature. Since 2007, the Pan African Thoracic Society’s Methods in Epidemiologic, Clinical, and Operations Research (PATS-MECOR) program has been working to strengthen capacity in lung health research in Africa. The aim of this study was to assess the research productivity of previous PATS-MECOR participants.Materials and Methods: A systematic review of publications attributed to past PATS-MECOR participants up until 2018 was carried out using a systematic search strategy based on their names on PubMed database.Results: A total of 210 participants drawn from 21 African countries attended PATS-MECOR between 2007 and 2016, of which more than three-quarters (76.7%) had ever published. Of the total 1673 included publications, 303 (12.7%) had multiple course attendees as coauthors. The median publication per published participant was 5 (IQR 2–13) articles. The percentages of the first author, second authors, or last authors publications were 371 (22.2%), 239 (14.3%), and 99 (5.9%), respectively. The top three journals published in were PLOS One 108 (6.6%), Lancet 80 (4.9%), and the International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease 52 (3.2%). The median citation of their publications was 11 (4–26). There was approximately a double-fold rise in the publication output of participants in their 1st year following attendance to PATS-MECOR compared to the year before the course (123, 68.0% vs. 58, 32.0%).Conclusion: The PATS-MECOR training program has been successful in research capacity building for African investigators as evidenced by a growing publication track record. There is a need to ensure sustainability and for increased collaboration and networking among the trained critical mass of researchers in the continent

    Creating a public space and dialogue on sexuality and rights: a case study from Bangladesh

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    This article describes and analyses a research based engagement by a university school of public health in Bangladesh aimed at raising public debate on sexuality and rights and making issues such as discrimination more visible to policy makers and other key stakeholders in a challenging context. The impetus for this work came from participation in an international research programme with a particular interest in bridging international and local understandings of sexual and reproductive rights. The research team worked to create a platform to broaden discussions on sexuality and rights by building on a number of research activities on rural and urban men’s and women’s sexual health concerns, and on changing concepts of sexuality and understandings of sexual rights among specific population groups in Dhaka city, including sexual minorities. Linked to this on-going process of improving the evidence base, there has been a series of learning and capacity building activities over the last four years consisting of training workshops, meetings, conferences and dialogues. These brought together different configurations of stakeholders – members of sexual minorities, academics, service providers, advocacy organisations, media and policy makers. This process contributed to developing more effective advocacy strategies through challenging representations of sexuality and rights in the public domain. Gradually, these efforts brought visibility to hidden or stigmatised sexuality and rights issues through interim outcomes that have created important steps towards changing attitudes and policies. These included creating safe spaces for sexual minorities to meet and strategise, development of learning materials for university students and engagement with legal rights groups on sexual rights. Through this process, it was found to be possible to create a public space and dialogue on sexuality and rights in a conservative and challenging environment like Bangladesh by bringing together a diverse group of stakeholders to successfully challenge representations of sexuality in the public arena. A further challenge for BRAC University has been to assess its role as a teaching and research organisation, and find a balance between the two roles of research and activism in doing work on sexuality issues in a very sensitive political context

    The Pan African Thoracic Society Methods in Epidemiologic, Clinical and Operations Research Program: A story of success told through a history of publications

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    Objectives: Despite bearing a substantial burden of respiratory diseases, low- and middle-income countries in Africa contribute little to the research literature. Since 2007, the Pan African Thoracic Society’s Methods in Epidemiologic, Clinical, and Operations Research (PATS-MECOR) program has been working to strengthen capacity in lung health research in Africa. The aim of this study was to assess the research productivity of previous PATS-MECOR participants. Materials and Methods: A systematic review of publications attributed to past PATS-MECOR participants up until 2018 was carried out using a systematic search strategy based on their names on PubMed database. Results: A total of 210 participants drawn from 21 African countries attended PATS-MECOR between 2007 and 2016, of which more than three-quarters (76.7%) had ever published. Of the total 1673 included publications, 303 (12.7%) had multiple course attendees as coauthors. The median publication per published participant was 5 (IQR 2–13) articles. The percentages of the first author, second authors, or last authors publications were 371 (22.2%), 239 (14.3%), and 99 (5.9%), respectively. The top three journals published in were PLOS One 108 (6.6%), Lancet 80 (4.9%), and the International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease 52 (3.2%). The median citation of their publications was 11 (4–26). There was approximately a double-fold rise in the publication output of participants in their 1st year following attendance to PATS-MECOR compared to the year before the course (123, 68.0% vs. 58, 32.0%). Conclusion: The PATS-MECOR training program has been successful in research capacity building for African investigators as evidenced by a growing publication track record. There is a need to ensure sustainability and for increased collaboration and networking among the trained critical mass of researchers in the continent