209 research outputs found

    Integrating planning and scheduling in workflow domains

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    One of the main obstacles in applying AI planning techniques to real problems is the difficulty to model the domains. Usually, this requires that people that have developed the planning system carry out the modeling phase since the representation depends very much on a deep knowledge of the internal working of the planning tools. On some domains such as business process reengineering (BPR), there has already been work on the definition of languages that allow non-experts entering knowledge on processes into the tools. We propose here the use of one of such BPR languages to enter knowledge on the organisation processes to be used by planning tools. Then, planning tools can be used to semi-automatically generate business process models. As instances of this domain, we will use the workflow modeling tool SHAMASH, where we have exploded its object oriented structure to introduce the knowledge through its user-friendly interface and, using a translator transform it into predicate logic terms. After this conversion, real models can be automatically generated using a planner that integrates planning and scheduling, IPSS. We present results in a real workflow domain, the telephone installation (TI) domain.The SHAMASH project has being carried out in the course of the R&D project funded by the Esprit Program of the Commission of the European Communities as project number 25491. A complementary grant was given by the Spanish research commission, CICYT, under project number TIC98-1847-CE. We thank the partners of this project, who have originated and contributed to the ideas reported: UF (Unio´n Fenosa), SAGE (Software AG Espan˜ a), SEMA GROUP sae, UC3M (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid), WIP (Wirstchaft und infrastruktur & Co Planungs KG), and EDP (Electricidade de Portugal). We would specially like to thank all the UC3M team, the PLANET people and Paul Kearney (BT). Through talks with him we have outlined many ideas. This work has also been partially funded by grant MCyT TIC2002-04146-C05-05 and the UAH project PI2005/084.Publicad

    Interleukin-1 blockade in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction: rationale and design of the Diastolic Heart Failure Anakinra Response Trial 2 (D-HART2)

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    Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF) now accounts for the majority of con-firmed HF cases in the United States. However, there are no highly effective evidence-basedtreatments currently available for these patients. Inflammation correlates positively withadverse outcomes in HF patients. Interleukin (IL)-1, a prototypical inflammatory cytokine, hasbeen implicated as a driver of diastolic dysfunction in preclinical animal models and a pilot clini-cal trial. The Diastolic Heart Failure Anakinra Response Trial 2 (D-HART2) is a phase 2, 2:1 ran-domized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial that will test the hypothesis that IL-1blockade with anakinra (recombinant human IL-1 receptor antagonist) improves (1) cardiorespi-ratory fitness, (2) objective evidence of diastolic dysfunction, and (3) elevated inflammation inpatients with HFpEF (http://www.ClinicalTrials.gov NCT02173548). The co–primary endpointswill be placebo-corrected interval changes in peak oxygen consumption and ventilatory effi-ciency at week 12. In addition, secondary and exploratory analyses will investigate the effectsof IL-1 blockade on cardiac structure and function, systemic inflammation, endothelial function,quality of life, body composition, nutritional status, and clinical outcomes. The D-HART2 clinicaltrial will add to the growing body of evidence on the role of inflammation in cardiovascular dis-ease, specifically focusing on patients with HFpEF

    Social threat exposure in juvenile mice promotes cocaine-seeking by altering blood clotting and brain vasculature

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    Childhood maltreatment is associated with increased severity of substance use disorder and frequent relapse to drug use following abstinence. However, the molecular and neurobiological substrates that are engaged during early traumatic events and mediate the greater risk of relapse are poorly understood and knowledge of risk factors is to date extremely limited. In this study, we modeled childhood maltreatment by exposing juvenile mice to a threatening social experience (social stressed, S-S). We showed that S-S experience influenced the propensity to reinstate cocaineseeking after periods of withdrawal in adulthood. By exploring global gene expression in blood leukocytes we found that this behavioral phenotype was associated with greater blood coagulation. In parallel, impairments in brain microvasculature were observed in S-S mice. Furthermore, treatment with an anticoagulant agent during withdrawal abolished the susceptibility to reinstate cocaine-seeking in S-S mice. These findings provide novel insights into a possible molecular mechanism by which childhood maltreatment heightens the risk for relapse in cocaine-dependent individuals

    Cryotolerance of equine spermatozoa correlates with specific fatty acid pattern: A pilot study

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    Sperm cryopreservation represents a powerful tool for horse breeding. To improve the efficiency of artificial insemination in the horse using cryopreserved spermatozoa, an adequate understanding of the underlying biophysical properties that affect sperm cryosurvival needs to be reached yet. In this pilot study, we described isolation and analysis of the main fatty acids from sperms of stallions classified as good and poor freezers (7 GF and 5 PF, according to sperm motility and viability, before and after cryopreservation). Fatty acid profiles were only assessed in pre-thaw sperms. Eight main fatty acids were identified, using gas chromatography, and their contents were expressed as percentage of the total lipid content. We found that lauric, myristic and oleic acid (C12:0, C14:0 and C18:1n9c) turned out to be about 2-fold more abundant in the sperm cells of the GFs compared with PFs. Moreover, we described for the first time the presence of a very high amount of a trans geometrical isomer of linoleic acid, linolelaidic acid (C18:2n6t), in pre-thaw PF spermatozoa. Notably, we found in fresh sperms of PF stallions a ratio of unsaturated fatty acids to saturated fatty acids which was twice that of those of GF group, suggesting a positive effect of a high saturated-to-unsaturated fatty acid ratio for the “freezability” of equine spermatozoa. Finally, principal component analysis (PCA) confirmed the relationships between specific fatty acids and cryotolerance of equine spermatozoa, also providing a graphical classification and additional information about the dominant variables governing the classification process

    The Landscape of Repetitive Elements in the Refined Genome of Chilli Anthracnose Fungus Colletotrichum truncatum

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    The ascomycete fungus Colletotrichum truncatum is a major phytopathogen with a broad host range which causes anthracnose disease of chilli. The genome sequencing of this fungus led to the discovery of functional categories of genes that may play important roles in fungal pathogenicity. However, the presence of gaps in C. truncatum draft assembly prevented the accurate prediction of repetitive elements, which are the key players to determine the genome architecture and drive evolution and host adaptation. We re-sequenced its genome using single-molecule real-time (SMRT) sequencing technology to obtain a refined assembly with lesser and smaller gaps and ambiguities. This enabled us to study its genome architecture by characterising the repetitive sequences like transposable elements (TEs) and simple sequence repeats (SSRs), which constituted 4.9 and 0.38% of the assembled genome, respectively. The comparative analysis among different Colletotrichum species revealed the extensive repeat rich regions, dominated by Gypsy superfamily of long terminal repeats (LTRs), and the differential composition of SSRs in their genomes. Our study revealed a recent burst of LTR amplification in C. truncatum, C. higginsianum, and C. scovillei. TEs in C. truncatum were significantly associated with secretome, effectors and genes in secondary metabolism clusters. Some of the TE families in C. truncatum showed cytosine to thymine transitions indicative of repeat-induced point mutation (RIP). C. orbiculare and C. graminicola showed strong signatures of RIP across their genomes and “two-speed” genomes with extensive AT-rich and gene-sparse regions. Comparative genomic analyses of Colletotrichum species provided an insight into the species-specific SSR profiles. The SSRs in the coding and non-coding regions of the genome revealed the composition of trinucleotide repeat motifs in exons with potential to alter the translated protein structure through amino acid repeats. This is the first genome-wide study of TEs and SSRs in C. truncatum and their comparative analysis with six other Colletotrichum species, which would serve as a useful resource for future research to get insights into the potential role of TEs in genome expansion and evolution of Colletotrichum fungi and for development of SSR-based molecular markers for population genomic studies

    Momentum distributions in ^3He-^4He liquid mixtures

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    We present variational calculations of the one-body density matrices and momentum distributions for ^3He-^4He mixtures in the zero temperature limit, in the framework of the correlated basis functions theory. The ground-state wave function contains two- and three-body correlations and the matrix elements are computed by (Fermi)Hypernetted Chain techniques. The dependence on the ^3He concentration (x_3) of the ^4He condensate fraction (n0(4))(n_0^{(4)}) and of the ^3He pole strength (Z_F) is studied along the P=0 isobar. At low ^3He concentration, the computed ^4He condensate fraction is not significantly affected by the ^3He statistics. Despite of the low x_3 values, Z_F is found to be quite smaller than that of the corresponding pure ^3He because of the strong ^3He-^4He correlations and of the overall, large total density \rho. A small increase of n0(4)n_0^{(4)} along x_3 is found, which is mainly due to the decrease of \rho respect to the pure ^4He phase.Comment: 23 pages, 7 postscript figures, Revte

    Handbook for Aboriginal Alcohol and Drug Work

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    The Handbook for Aboriginal Alcohol and Drug Work is a practical tool written for Aboriginal drug and alcohol workers, mental health workers and others working in this field. It offers a detailed look at alcohol and drug work from clinical, through to prevention, early intervention and harm reduction. This handbook is also likely to help people working to improve policy and those advocating for change. The idea for it came from workers all over Australia. They told us that they needed an easy to use handbook that can help them respond to the range of alcohol and drug issues they face every day. They also told us that such a book needs to take into account the complex challenges facing workers when helping clients, their families and, sometimes, whole communities