23 research outputs found

    The Role of Community Pharmacists in Drug Information Services in Lamongan During the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Information about drugs has spread widely across social media platforms during the COVID-19 pandemic, resulting in drug panic buying. However, public awareness and understanding about how to use drugs properly remains low. This phenomenon may lead to medication errors. Community pharmacists can provide information about the rational use of drugs though a differential diagnosis approach by comparing clinical symptoms of similar minor illnesses to increase patient safety in taking medication. This research aimed to investigate drug information services and the ideal components of counselling, information, and education (KIE) carried out by community pharmacists in drugstores during the COVID-19 pandemic. This was observational research conducted in 12 drugstores in Lamongan from April 2021 to July 2021. The data were gathered by checklists of 8 criteria of ideal KIE based on pharmacy service standards in the drugstores. The results indicated that there was an appropriate adjustment in providing drug information during the COVID-19 pandemic. Appropriate pharmacist activity in giving KIE was 68.6%, patient response to drug information services was 61.6%, and patient ability to repeat the information was 64.9%. The pharmacists are expected to have comprehensive knowledge and ability to provide drug information services. Also, they should be more communicative to increase awareness, willingness, and ability to promote a healthy life during the pandemic. Keywords: community pharmacy, drug information, COVID-1

    The Effect of Visual Media Education in the Management Therapy on the Level of Knowledge of Patients Diabetes Mellitus with Comorbid

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    Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a group of metabolic diseases characterized by hyperglycemia that occurs due to abnormalities in insulin secretion, insulin action or both and is often accompanied by increased blood pressure. One of the drug-related problems that are frequently encountered is patient non-compliance in taking drugs. This can occur due to a lack of knowledge about managing pharmacological and non-pharmacological therapies, making therapeutic outcomes difficult. This study aims to determine the effect of visual media education on managing pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment on the level of knowledge of type 2 DM patients with comorbid hypertension. This type of research is quasi-experimental, with pretest and posttest designs without a control group design. The research sample is the age group that has the age of 18-68 years, as many as 123 people using Purposive Sampling. The results showed that the level of knowledge before being given education was in a good category (4.81%), sufficient (42.29%), and less (52.90%). After being given education visual media, there was an increase in knowledge results for the good (74.25%), sufficient (18.14%) and poor (7.61%) categories. The results of the Wilcoxon test analysis obtained a p-value (0.000) < (0.005), which means that there is an effect of visual media education on the level of knowledge of type 2 DM patients with comorbid hypertension. Through the results of this study, it is hoped that pharmacists can provide ongoing educational counselling to chronic disease patients receiving polypharmacy to prevent drug-related problems

    Edukasi Identifikasi Masa Kadaluarsa Obat dan Perhitungan Beyond Use Date pada Pasien Instalasi Farmasi Rawat Jalan di RSUD dr. R. Koesma Kabupaten Tuban

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    Public knowledge about health, especially medicine is still very limited. One of the terms of health in medicine that is less known by the public is BUD (Beyond Use Date). BUD is time limit for the use  of  medicinal products after being prepared/formulated or after the primary packaging is  opened /tampered with. While ED (Expiration Date) is the time limit for the use of medicinal products after being  produced by the manufacturer before the packaging is opened. ED is listed by the manufacturer on the packaging while BUD is not always listed. Providing correct information about BUD becomes the  needs of the community  to avoid negative impacts that may arise,such as: the occurrence of medication error, the target therapy is  not optimal and decreases the effectiveness of the medicinal products. For this reason, an effort  is needed to increase public knowledge about BUD, namely through counseling activities with lecture, discussion and Q&A methods. Counseling on BUD (Beyond Use Date) in patients of Hospital Outpatient Pharmacy Installationt dr.R.Koesma Tuban Regency, aims to find out  the level of public knowledge of BUD. Based on the evaluation results of the pre test question sheet (before counseling) and post test question sheet (after counseling) most of the participants increased their knowledge,its means that the participants understood the definition and the difference between BUD and ED solid, semi-solid, liquid, eye drops and insulin preparations


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    Abstrak: Pengobatan sendiri atau yang sering disebut swamedikasi adalah salah satu usaha masyarakatvatau komunitas untuk memelihara kesehatannya sendiri. Pada prakeknya, swamedikasi bisa menjadi akar masalah terkait penggunaan obat (Drug related problem) karena kurangnya pengetahuan masyarakat tentang obat serta penggunaannya. Apoteker merupakan tenaga kesehatan yang memiliki keahlian di bidang obat dan informasi obat, namun masyarakat banyak yang belum mengenal profesi Apoteker. Saat ini, pemberdayaan program pendidikanvkesehatan serta pelayanan kesehatan di usiavdini terutama di level  sekolah dasar (SD) telah mulai berkembang. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah memperkenalkan profesi apoteker sebagai salah satu tenaga kesehatan dan sumber informasi obat serta memberikan pelatihan keterampilan dan edukasi tentang penggunaan obat yang tepat. Telah dilakukan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat yang dilaksanakan di MI Muhammadiyah Latek Kecamatan Sekaran Kabupaten Lamongan. Metode kegiatan ini dilakukan dengan Cara Belajar Insan Aktif (CBIA), simulasi meracik obat dan evaluasi edukasi dilakukan dengan game ular tangga, sehingga memberikan daya ingat kepada siswa/i tentang profesi apoteker dan penggunaan obat yang tepat. Dari hasil evaluasi menunjukkan hasil yang positif yaitu terjadi peningkatan pengetahuan mengenai profesi apoteker dan penggunaan obat yang tepat.Abstract:  Self-medication is partvof the community's efforts tovmaintain its own health. In practice, self-medicationvcan be a source ofvdrug-related problems (Drug related problems) due to the limited knowledge about drugs and their use. Pharmacists are health workers who have expertise in medicine and drug information, but many people do not know the Pharmacist profession. Today, the development of health education programs and health services at school age, especially at the elementary school level has begun to develop. The purpose of thisvcommunity servicevactivity is to introduce the pharmacist profession as one of the health workers and drug information sources and provide skills training and education about the use of appropriate drugs. Community service activities have been carried out at MI Muhammadiyah Latek, Sekaran District, Lamongan Regency. The method of this activity is carried out by Learning Active Persons (CBIA), simulating drugs and evaluating education conducted with snake ladder games, so as to provide memory to students about the pharmacist's profession and the proper use of drugs. The evaluation results showed a positive result, namely an increase in knowledge about the pharmacist's profession and the appropriate use of drugs


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    Abstrak: Desa Wisata merupakan salah satu destinasi wisata yang dapat dikembangkan dan dapat memberikan dampak positif bagi masyarakat sekitar desa. Wisata Bumi Ganjaran memiliki potensi sumber daya alam yang baik, namun pemanfaatannya masih belum maksimal sehingga kurang menarik minat wisatawan. Pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan minat masyarakat desa sekitar dalam memanfaatkan sumber daya alam yang ada (tanaman obat keluarga) sebagai salah satu fasilitas wisata kesehatan. Metode pendekatan dengan model Partisipatory Rural Appraissal (PRA) digunakan dalam program ini melalui kegiatan edukasi dan pembuatan rumah toga. Mitra dalam kegiatan ini yaitu Kelompok Sadar Wisata (pokdarwi s) yang terdiri dari (perangkat desa Pajangan dan kelompok usaha jamu). Anggota pokdarwis yang mengikuti kegiatan ini sebanyak 36 orang. Hasil yang didapatkan sebelum edukasi tingkat pengetahuan baik (66,66%) dan pengetahuan kurang (13,88%). Setelah edukasi mengalami peningkatan pengetahuan baik (91,67%) dan pengetahuan kurang (0%). Pokdarwis juga memiliki minat postif dalam memanfaatkan dan melestarikan toga (83,33%). Selain itu melalui kegiatan ini juga menghasilkan rumah toga. Abstract: Tourism Village is one of the tourist destinations that can be developed and can have a positive impact on the community around the village. Bumi Ganjaran tourism has good natural resource potential, but its utilization is still not maximized so that it is less attractive to tourists. This service aims to increase the knowledge and interest of the surrounding village community in utilizing existing natural resources (family medicinal plants) as one of the health tourism facilities. The approach method with the Participatory Rural Appraissal (PRA) model is used in this program through educational activities and making a toga house. Partners in this activity are pokdarwis (Pajangan village officials and herbal medicine business groups). Pokdarwis members who participated in this activity were 36 people. The results obtained before education level of good knowledge (66.66%) and poor knowledge (13.88%). After education, there was an increase in good knowledge (91.67%) and less knowledge (0%). Pokdarwis also has a positive interest in utilizing and preserving the toga (83.33%). In addition, this activity also produces a toga house. 


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    Abstrak: Pengembangan Desa Wisata kian gencar dilakukan sejumlah daerah di Indonesia. Desa Pajangan memiliki tanah dan tanaman yang subur, perairan yang bagus dan suasana alam yang asri jauh dari polusi yang dapat mendukung berkembangnya menjadi desa wisata yang lebih baik. Potensi tersebut belum dimaanfaatkan secara baik oleh masyarakat sehingga belum mampu meningkatkan perekonomian masyarakat secara signifikan. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk mendiskripsikan kegiatan pengabdian yang telah dilakukan dalam upaya pengembangan pariwisata ekonomi kreatif desa melalui pelatihan produk wellness yaitu lulur herbal “Black scrub”. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat (PKM) pengembangan pariwisata ekonomi kreatif desa melalui pelatihan produk wellness ini dilakukan pada bulan juni - september 2022 meliputi kegiatan survey permasalahan mitra, pengurusan perizinan PKM, FGD hasil temuan masalah mitra, Sosialisasi kegiatan, pelatihan lulur herbal ”Black Scrub”, pelatihan pemasaran, penjualan produk, Monitoring dan Evaluasi kegiatan. Evaluasi kegiatan dilakukan dengan mengisi lembar tilik yang berisi list kemampuan mitra dalam memproduksi lulur. Mitra dalam kegiatan ini adalah kelompok pengusaha jamu dan pengurus wisata bumi Ganjaran yang berjumlah total 36 orang. Pengembangan pariwisata ekonomi kreatif desa melalui pelatihan produk wellness yaitu lulur herbal “Black scrub” mampu meningkatkan skill mitra sebesar > 75% indicator yang telah ditetapkan dalam pengolahan sumber daya alam menjadi produk unggulan desa wisata. Adanya produk unggulan dari desa wisata menjadi sumber peningkatan ekonomi tersendiri.Abstract: The development of tourist villages is increasingly being carried out by a number of regions in Indonesia. Pajangan Village has fertile soil and plants, good waters and a beautiful natural atmosphere away from pollution which can support its development into a better tourism village. This potential has not been utilized properly by the community so that it has not been able to significantly improve the community's economy. This community service activity aims to describe the community service activities that have been carried out in an effort to develop village creative economic tourism through training on wellness products, namely the "Black scrub" herbal scrub. Community service activities (PKM) for the development of rural creative economy tourism through training on wellness products are carried out in June - September 2022 including survey activities for partner problems, PKM licensing arrangements, FGD findings on partner problems, socialization of activities, "Black Scrub" herbal scrub training, marketing training, product sales, Monitoring and Evaluation of activities. Evaluation of activities is carried out by filling out a check sheet containing a list of partners' capabilities in producing scrubs. The partners in this activity were a group of herbal medicine entrepreneurs and the management of the Ganjaran earth tour, which totaled 36 people. The development of rural creative economy tourism through training on wellness products, namely the "Black scrub" herbal scrub, is able to increase partners' skills by > 75% of indicators that have been set in processing natural resources into superior products for tourist villages. The existence of superior products from tourist villages is a separate source of economic improvement.

    Implementation of Telemedicine through “Apoteker Keluarga Online” Application as an Effort for Rational Headache Self-Medication

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    People who seek self-medication for acute headaches in pharmacies are not properly diagnosed and treated. Irrational drug use has a high potential for causing medication errors. The AKO application is one of the digital counseling service apps managed by a pharmacist who has a strategic role in educating patients on self-medication behavior in telemedicine services. The objective of this study is to identify the benefits of AKO use in increasing rational self-medication behavior in headache complaints. It is a descriptive analysis study with a case-control design. The population is the Lamongan community who have had headache self-medication. Samples were taken by purposive sampling technique. A total of 130 participants were divided into two groups: the intervention group and the control group. A headache self-medication questionnaire was employed as the instrument. The collected data was then analyzed using the Mann Whitney test to determine the value of the AKO application in increasing knowledge of the rationality of self-medication in headache complaints. The data from the measurement of the level of knowledge of the rationality of headache self-medication revealed that the majority of the intervention group (92.3%) had good knowledge and none had poor knowledge. While there are still respondents with less knowledge (15.3%) in the control group. The statistical test results for the benefits of AKO application assistance on the level of knowledge of the rationality of headache self-medication revealed a p value = 0.000, indicating a significant difference between the intervention and treatment groups. The use of telemedicine via the AKO application can increase public awareness of the rational use of headache medications. Digital health services can be used as a medium for counseling and remote patient health monitoring.     


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    Latar belakang: Antasida merupakan salah satu obat yang digunakan untuk mengatasi keluhan gastritis. Tujuan utama dalam pengobatan gastritis adalah menghilangkan nyeri, menghilangkan inflamasi dan mencegah terjadinya ulkus lambung dan komplikasi. Kurangnya pengetahuan pasien tentang penggunaan antasida dengan baik dapat mempengaruhi outcome klinis pasien. Tujuan: mengetahui gambaran pengetahuan pasien gastritis yang menerima terapi antasida. Metode: Desain penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif. Metode pengambilan data secara propektif yang diperoleh dengan lembar kusioner yang dibagikan kepada pasien. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh pasien gastritis di Puskesmas Karangkembang Babat pada bulan Mei tahun 2021. Teknik penentuan sampel dengan cara consecutive sampling. Hasil: Dari hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pengetahuan pasien terhadap indikasi, interaksi, cara penggunaan, lama penggunaan, penyimpanan, efek samping dan aturan pakai antasida masuk dalam kategori kurang. Simpulan: Kurangnya pengetahuan seseorang dapat dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor seperti usia, pengalaman, kondisi pasien dll. Pemberian edukasi kepada pasien sangat diperlukan agar pengetahuan pasien menjadi lebih baik sehingga terapi yang diharapkan dapat dicapai


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    Abstrak: Pandemi COVID-19 berdampak pada kesehatan dan perekonomian masyarakat. Penggunaan masker dengan tiga lapis sangat direkomendasikan dalam pencegahan penularan COVID-19. Akan tetapi, produksi masker tiga lapis masih belum banyak ditemukan. Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan masker kain tiga lapis sebagai alternatif bagi masyarakat untuk digunakan saat aktivitas sehari-hari dalam menghadapi krisis kesehatan yang terjadi. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan optimalisasi peran lembaga Aisyiyah cabang Lamongan dalam pembentukan kelompok Rojulu a’maalin, untuk memproduksi masker tiga lapis 3A (Antiair, Antiaerosol, dan  Antibakteri). Pelatihan dilaksanakan selama 2 bulan meliputi tahap koordinasi dan identifikasi permasalahan mitra, pemaparan materi masker 3A, pembuatan masker 3A, pendampingan pembuatan masker 3A, monitoring hasil produksi. Keberhasilan kegiatan ini diukur menggunakan lembar tilik. Hasil pengamatan didapatkan bahwa sebesar 94% mitra mampu memproduksi masker 3A. Hal ini menunjukkan sebagian besar kelompok Rojulu A’maalin mampu meproduksi masker 3A dengan benar.Abstract:  The COVID-19 pandemic has an impact on the health and economy of Aisyiyah's cadres. The use of three-layer masks is highly recommended in preventing the transmission of COVID-19. However, the production of three-layer masks is still not widely found. Therefore a three-layer cloth mask is needed as an alternative for the community to use during their daily activities in the face of the health crisis that occurs. The purpose of community service activities is to optimize the role of the Lamongan branch of the Aisyiyah institution in the formation of the Rojulu a'maalin group, to produce three-layer 3A masks (Antiair, Antiaerosol, and Antibacterial). The implementation of activities was carried out for 2 months including the coordination stage and identification of partner problems, exposure to 3A mask material, making 3A masks, assisting in making 3A masks, monitoring production results. The success of this activity is measured using a view sheet. The results showed that the Rojulu A'maalin group was able to produce 3A masks (94%). This shows that most of the Rojulu A'maalin group were able to properly produce 3A masks