117 research outputs found

    Orders and dimensions for sl(2) or sl(3) module categories and Boundary Conformal Field Theories on a torus

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    After giving a short description, in terms of action of categories, of some of the structures associated with sl(2) and sl(3) boundary conformal field theories on a torus, we provide tables of dimensions describing the semisimple and co-semisimple blocks of the corresponding weak bialgebras (quantum groupoids), tables of quantum dimensions and orders, and tables describing induction - restriction. For reasons of size, the sl(3) tables of induction are only given for theories with self-fusion (existence of a monoidal structure).Comment: 25 pages, 5 tables, 9 figures. Version 2: updated references. Typos corrected. Several proofs added. Examples of ADE and generalized ADE trigonometric identities have been removed to shorten the pape

    Comments about quantum symmetries of SU(3) graphs

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    For the SU(3) system of graphs generalizing the ADE Dynkin digrams in the classification of modular invariant partition functions in CFT, we present a general collection of algebraic objects and relations that describe fusion properties and quantum symmetries associated with the corresponding Ocneanu quantum groupo\"{i}ds. We also summarize the properties of the individual members of this system.Comment: 36 page

    Semi-regular masas of transfinite length

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    In 1965 Tauer produced a countably infinite family of semi-regular masas in the hyperfinite II1\mathrm{II}_1 factor, no pair of which are conjugate by an automorphism. This was achieved by iterating the process of passing to the algebra generated by the normalisers and, for each n∈Nn\in\mathbb N, finding masas for which this procedure terminates at the nn-th stage. Such masas are said to have length nn. In this paper we consider a transfinite version of this idea, giving rise to a notion of ordinal valued length. We show that all countable ordinals arise as lengths of semi-regular masas in the hyperfinite II1\mathrm{II}_1 factor. Furthermore, building on work of Jones and Popa, we obtain all possible combinations of regular inclusions of irreducible subfactors in the normalising tower.Comment: 14 page

    Branching rules of semi-simple Lie algebras using affine extensions

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    We present a closed formula for the branching coefficients of an embedding p in g of two finite-dimensional semi-simple Lie algebras. The formula is based on the untwisted affine extension of p. It leads to an alternative proof of a simple algorithm for the computation of branching rules which is an analog of the Racah-Speiser algorithm for tensor products. We present some simple applications and describe how integral representations for branching coefficients can be obtained. In the last part we comment on the relation of our approach to the theory of NIM-reps of the fusion rings of WZW models with chiral algebra g_k. In fact, it turns out that for these models each embedding p in g induces a NIM-rep at level k to infinity. In cases where these NIM-reps can be be extended to finite level, we obtain a Verlinde-like formula for branching coefficients.Comment: 11 pages, LaTeX, v2: one reference added, v3: Clarified proof of Theorem 2, completely rewrote and extended Section 5 (relation to CFT), added various references. Accepted for publication in J. Phys.

    Virasoro Representations on Fusion Graphs

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    For any non-unitary model with central charge c(2,q) the path spaces associated to a certain fusion graph are isomorphic to the irreducible Virasoro highest weight modules.Comment: 9 pages (2 Figures not included), Bonn-HE-92-2

    From conformal embeddings to quantum symmetries: an exceptional SU(4) example

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    We briefly discuss several algebraic tools that are used to describe the quantum symmetries of Boundary Conformal Field Theories on a torus. The starting point is a fusion category, together with an action on another category described by a quantum graph. For known examples, the corresponding modular invariant partition function, which is sometimes associated with a conformal embedding, provides enough information to recover the whole structure. We illustrate these notions with the example of the conformal embedding of SU(4) at level 4 into Spin(15) at level 1, leading to the exceptional quantum graph E4(SU(4)).Comment: 22 pages, 3 color figures. Version 2: We changed the color of figures (ps files) in such a way that they are still understood when converted to gray levels. Version 3: Several references have been adde

    Quantum subgroups of a simple quantum group at roots of 1

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    Let G be a connected, simply connected, simple complex algebraic group and let e be a primitive l-th root of 1, with l odd and 3 does not divide l if G is of type G_{2}. We determine all Hopf algebra quotients of the quantized coordinate algebra of G at e.Comment: 29 pages, accepted in Compositio Mathematic

    From modular invariants to graphs: the modular splitting method

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    We start with a given modular invariant M of a two dimensional su(n)_k conformal field theory (CFT) and present a general method for solving the Ocneanu modular splitting equation and then determine, in a step-by-step explicit construction, 1) the generalized partition functions corresponding to the introduction of boundary conditions and defect lines; 2) the quantum symmetries of the higher ADE graph G associated to the initial modular invariant M. Notice that one does not suppose here that the graph G is already known, since it appears as a by-product of the calculations. We analyze several su(3)_k exceptional cases at levels 5 and 9.Comment: 28 pages, 7 figures. Version 2: updated references. Typos corrected. su(2) example has been removed to shorten the paper. Dual annular matrices for the rejected exceptional su(3) diagram are determine
