160 research outputs found

    Can’t get you out of my mind: Empathy, Distress, and Recurring Thoughts about a Person in Need

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    Research suggests that empathic concern and distress give rise to different patterns of helping behavior. It has been proposed that this difference is caused by the effects of these emotions on recurrent thoughts about the person in need. However, no research has directly investigated this potential explanation. To remedy this, we tested the hypotheses that distress, but not empathic concern, is associated with both anticipated recurring thoughts (Study 1) and experienced recurring thoughts (Study 2) about a victim. We also tested the hypothesis that distress is associated with thoughts about the victim, whereas empathic concern is associated with thoughts about the victim’s situation (Study 3), which is potentially a consequence of the motives associated with each emotion. Lastly, we assessed the causal relations between distress, empathic concern, and recurrent thoughts (Study 4). Overall, results demonstrate a distinctive, and important, pattern of associations among empathic concern, distress, and different forms of recurrent thoughts about an emotion-eliciting stimulus

    The Business of Gamifying School Work. Perceptions of the Gamification Phenomenon and the Services and Companies Behind It

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    If we think about the earliest exposure that we, as individuals, have to schedules, routines, effort, and hard work, most probably it is schooling and elementary education in particular that first comes to mind. Historically, teachers have tried (based on learning theory or their own intuition) to motivate students by making learning fun; however, more recently, many schools have become fascinated by the digital gamification phenomenon. This work explores the diverse perceptions of the role of this digital gamification among teachers and principals in urban schools in a city in the north of Spain trying to answer why, besides the lack of theoretical foundations, gamification software, hand in hand with the companies behind it, is colonizing classrooms. Three in-depth, semi-structured interviews with principals (who also work as regular teachers) were carried out and the information obtained was coded and represented through hierarchical trees. Then, the data provided by each respondent was compared. Principal?s perceptions range from the enthusiasm of having easy access to these free tools, to more critical opinions on their use from both a political and pedagogical perspective

    From aesthetics to ethics: Testing the link between an emotional experience of awe and the motive of quixoteism on (un)ethical behavior

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    According to the awe-quixoteism hypothesis, one experience of awe may lead to the engagement in challenging actions aimed at increasing the welfare of the world. However, what if the action involves damaging one individual? Across four experiments (N = 876), half participants were induced to feel either awe or a different (pleasant, activating, or neutral-control) emotion, and then decided whether achieving a prosocial goal (local vs. global). In the first three experiments this decision was assessed through a dilemma that involved to sacrifice one individual’s life, additionally in Experiments 2 and 3 we varied the quality of the action (ordinary vs. challenging). In Experiment 4, participants decided whether performing a real helping action. Overall, in line with the awe-quixoteism hypothesis, the results showed that previously inducing awe enhanced the willingness to sacrifice someone (Experiments 1, 2 and 3) or the acceptance to help (Experiment 4) when the decision involved engaging in challenges aimed at improving the welfare of the world

    Why do we comply with law?: an exploration of the apparaisal foundations of normative behavior

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    El presente artículo estudia dos características de todo sistema normativo, legitimidad y eficacia, así como su percepción a través de distintas culturas. Hemos confirmado empíricamente la importancia de la legitimidad en la valoración de las normas, pero también hemos hallado interesantes diferencias entre las valoraciones de eficacia según la cultura y el género sexualThis paper examines two features of the whole normative system –rightfulness and efficiency– and how it is perceived in different cultures. The importance of rightfulness is proved vis-á-vis the appraisal of norms. Interesting differences were also found between appraisals of efficiency depending on the culture and on the gende

    Influence of feeding on neuroendocrine and gastrointestinal regulators and their relationship with obesity

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    Different foods and nutrients are analyzed and their ability to trigger the formation of these signals, thus determining that food is more interesting when it comes to treating obesity by its anorectic effect and its involvement at the hormonal level in the individual who suffers from this pathology. Aims. Analyze the Neuroendocrine regulation of satiety and how the intake of certain foods can trigger anorectics processes and thus the decrease in intake. Settings and Design. This is a work that is characterized as a bibliographical review. Methods and Material. An exhaustive bibliographic search has been carried out in several databases, where we must highlight the search in Pubmed (with 51 articles obtained), Dialnet (1 article) and Google academic (6 articles), from where a series of studies have been selected with a Maximum age of 10 years that have allowed the development of this work, which has been developed over the months from February to June 2018. Conclusions. The consumption of a diet rich in protein foods and foods with a low glycemic index, in addition to foods with a solid or semi-solid composition and a hard or crunchy texture are able to stimulate a greater anorectic effect which can produce a process Positive about obesity by allowing the weight loss of these patients

    Customers Development Plan for an eSports center

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    RESUMEN: Siguiendo la propuesta de Steve Blank y Bob Dorf en su El Manual del Emprendedor (2012), el presente trabajo aplica la metodología Lean Startup para analizar la viabilidad de la apertura de un centro de eSports en Santander. El trabajo se estructura en dos grandes bloques. El primero plantea, a partir fundamentalmente de datos secundarios, una serie de hipótesis en torno a un modelo de negocio basado en la oferta de formación y competición amateur presencial para adolescentes y adultos jóvenes. El segundo bloque trata de validar si las hipótesis previamente planteadas en el modelo de negocio son acertadas mediante el diseño, recogida, análisis y posterior discusión de los resultados obtenidos en cinco pruebas de validación realizadas entre febrero y mayo de 2018: una landing page, un newsletter con 224 suscritos, una encuesta a 229 personas, un evento competitivo online para 78 participantes y la asistencia a una feria del sector del ocio alternativo. El desarrollo de las hipótesis planteadas fija el core business de la startup en la formación regular sobre los eSports más populares, definidos bajo las tipologías MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) y Shooter, y destinada principalmente a clientes entre los 12 y los 29 años. Los resultados de las pruebas de validación ofrecen indicios razonables sobre la viabilidad del proyecto, ya que indican que el 51% de los encuestados desean formación sobre eSports y, de estos, entre el 56% y el 60%, formación regular intensiva y especializada.ABSTRACT: Following the proposal of Steve Blank and Bob Dorf in The Startup Owner´s Manual (2012), the present paper applies the Lean Startup methodology in order to analyse the feasibility of opening an eSports centre in Santander. This paper is structured in two blocks. The first one raises, mainly from secondary data, a series of hypothesis around a business model based on the offer of training and live amateur competition for teenagers and young adults. The second block tries to validate if the hypothesis previously raised in the business model are right through the design, collection, analysis and subsequent discussion of the results obtained in five validation tests carried out between February and May of 2018: a landing page, a newsletter with 224 subscribers, a survey with 229 respondents, a competitive online event for 79 competitors and the attendance at an alternative leisure fair. The hypothesis development sets the core business of the startup in the regular training over the most popular eSports, defined by the typologies MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) and Shooter, and primarily aimed at customers between 12 and 29 years old. The results of the validation tests provide reasonable indications regarding the viability of the project, since the 51% of the respondents want eSports training, and among them, between the 56-60% want regular, intensive and specialized training.Máster en Empresa y Tecnologías de la Informació

    Classic populism in Latin America through the figures of Lázaro Cárdenas and Juan Domingo Perón

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    RESUMEN: El populismo clásico fue una forma de hacer política centrada en un estilo particular de liderazgo que se dio en varios países de América Latina entre las décadas de 1930 y 1950. Este trabajo trata de analizarlo a través de dos de sus figuras más representativas: Lázaro Cárdenas (1895-1970) y Juan Domingo Perón (1893-1974). Ambos fueron líderes que trataron de buscar una relación directa, personalista y carismática con sus seguidores, con una fuerte base de apoyo clientelar y un discurso de apelación al “pueblo” frente al statu quo. Sus políticas profundizaron en la apertura de las instituciones y la movilización de las masas populares bajo la promesa de una reforma social a favor de la clase trabajadora, democracia electoral y nacionalismo económico.ABSTRACT:Classic populism was a way to make politics grounded in a particular style of leadership that happened in several countries of Latin America between the 1930s and 1950s. This paper tries to analyze it through two of its most representative figures: Lázaro Cárdenas (1895-1970) and Juan Domingo Perón (1893-1974). Both were leaders who tried to seek a direct, personalistic and charismatic relationship with their followers, with a strong base of patron-client relationship and a speech of appeal to the "people" against the status quo. Their policies deepened in the opening of the institutions and the mobilization of the popular masses under the promise of a social reform in favor of the working class, electoral democracy and economic nationalism.Grado en Histori

    Efectos perversos de las normas incumplidas: aspectos teóricos y experimentales

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Facultad de Psicología, Departamento de Psicología Social. Fecha de lectura: 12-1-9

    Esfera Pública y temas de conflicto

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    La relación entre sociedad y política tiene un espacio privilegiado en la esfera pública. Los temas de conflicto están sometidos a las leyes sociales impuestas por los medios de comunicación. Pero más allá de los medios de comunicación existen, sobre todo a la hora de abordar cuestiones como la relación entre Religión y Política, unos principios que deben tenerse en cuenta para el adecuado diálogo público

    Dissecting the dimension of protection: Caligae and Scutum in the evaluative model of normative appeals

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    A normative appeal indicates that one should (or should not) do a certain action in a concrete situation. According to the Evaluative Model of Normative Appeals (EMNA), willingness to comply with these messages depends on an appraisal formed by two dimensions: formality and protection. In this work we center on the dimension of protection, proposing that it can be divided into two components: avoiding physical or psychological damage (scutum) and affording the performance of the main intended action (caligae). We conducted two studies to test this twofold meaning of protection. In Study 1 (N = 525), we manipulated the coherence of regulatory focus (promotion vs. control vs. prevention) with salience of the components of protection (caligae vs. control vs. scutum). In Study 2 (N = 513), we separately measured the perception of each component referred to an actual normative appeal (i.e., “To get into a class punctually”). The results showed that the manipulated salience and the measured perception of caligae and scutum elicits (Study 1) and predicts (Study 2) higher willingness to comply with normative appeals. Theoretical and applied implications of the results are discussedThis research received financial support from a Spanish Education Ministry grant (PSI2014–53321-P) and the Programa CONICYT, FONDECYT Iniciación 11130710 (Chile