28 research outputs found


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    Lake Victoria is the largest among the African Great Lakes in East African region that are believed to have both dynamic and fragile aquatic ecosystems. Within two decades, the lake has experienced extensive resource exploitation leading to constrained productivity and drastic decline of native biodiversity. Intensive non-selective fishing, catchment vegetation degradation, industrial and agricultural pollution, the introduction of exotic species and uneven patchwork of governmental laws are some of the reasons for the current ecological woes facing Lake Victoria. This paper intends to stimulate recognition of Lake Victoria and its catchment as a lived Com­mons, to be shared, protected, managed and enjoyed by all who live around it. The paper compares the original biodiversity status of the lake with the current status and discusses the role of unlimited access as a function of the loss of the Lake’s biological wealth. The Lake’s water resource base, fishery, wetlands and other aquatic resources have been exhaustively discussed. In this review, we uphold the Hardin’s school of thought that freedom of the commoners causes resource overuse leading to poverty. Therefore, limiting freedom could be essential. However, there is need for provision of alternative means of survival since people with no choices would continue over-exploiting ecosystems even under limited access. The Lake Victoria basin commons should be protected by strict legal and clear political frame­work based on public trust doctrine, reinforced in law that the Lake is vital for the survival of people, plants and animals living on or near it and therefore must be protected for the common good. The political jurisdictions should consider governing the Lake basin as one integrated watershed. It is our fervent hope that bordering communities will secure grass root movements to protect and nurture Lake Victoria and its environs for the benefit of the present and future generations

    The challenges of management: Recent experiences in implementing fisheries co‐management in Lake Victoria, Kenya

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    This study examined the efficacy of community‐level fishery co‐management organizations called Beach Management Units (BMUs) along the Kenyan shores of Lake Victoria. BMUs were established to enhance sustainable Lake Victoria fishery management through increasing the level of community participation to assist in the administration of fisheries rules and regulations by, and for, the fishers. Inefficiencies have emerged, however, inhibiting the effective execution of sustainable fisheries management by the BMUs. Data were collected from 36 BMUs along the Kenyan shores of Lake Victoria. Descriptive and inferential analyses were performed using SPSS Version 20.0. The results indicated that BMUs are successful at educating fishers and that they are aware of fishing rules and regulations. Nevertheless, high violation rates were also observed, suggesting BMUs have limited impact on fisher decisions to comply with regulations. Data suggest that the failure to comply may be due to lack of adequate financial and equipment resources for monitoring, control and surveillance (MCS) operations, making them unable to control illegal fishing in their areas of jurisdiction. Furthermore, financial mechanisms, which would allow BMUs to sustainably fund their administrative and MCS operations, are weak, thereby reducing the BMUs ability to effectively function. The data from this study highlight two activities illustrating significant indices of good performance, namely resolving disputes and receiving visitors. The data also suggest the creation of BMUs has not ensured successful implementation of co‐management of Lake Victoria fisheries. BMUs are successful at activities of a social nature, but have poorly undertaken their core functions related to enforcement and compliance with fishing rules.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/113679/1/lre12095.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/113679/2/lre12095_am.pd


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    Comparative growth performance of male monosex and mixed sex Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) was conducted in six earthen ponds each measuring 150 m2 at the Kenya Marine & Fisheries Research Institute (KMFRI), Kegati Aquaculture Research Station. Male monosex and mixed sex of O. niloticus juveniles at an average weight of 12.2 ± 0.02 g and average length of 7.6 ± 0.02 cm were collected from nursery production ponds. The male monosex juveniles were obtained by feeding newly hatched juveniles with feed dosed with 17-α-methyltestosterone hormone for a period of one month. Stocking was at 3 juvenile m-2 and feeding was carried out using 28% crude protein diet twice daily for six months at 4% body weight. Selected water quality parameters (dissolved oxygen, temperature, pH, electrical conductivity and total ammonia nitrogen) were measured weekly in situ, while sampling for weight and length measurements was conducted on a monthly basis for a period of six months. Specific Growth Rate (SGR), Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR), Condition Factor (CF) and survival rate (%) were measured at the end of six months. Data were subjected to one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). At the end of six months, the average weight of male monosex and mixed sex fishes was 200.8 ± 0.81 g (mean ± SE) and 123.4 ± 0.76 g, respectively, while the average length of male monosex and mixed sex was 22.4 ± 0.21 cm and 18.6 ± 0.23 cm, respectively. The male monosex O. niloticus achieved significantly increased final weight and length, SGR, FCR and CF than the mixed sex O. niloticus (p 0.05). There were no significant differences in mean water quality parameters in male monosex and mixed sex ponds (p > 0.05). The male monosex fish performed better because most energy was spent on muscle and tissue development while the mixed sex fish spent most energy on reproduction activities at the expense of muscle and tissue development. Further studies should be done in other culture systems such as liner ponds, tanks, cages and raceways.Usporedna performansa rasta mužjaka istog spola u odnosu na mješoviti spol Nilske tilapije (Oreochromis niloticus) provedena je u šest zemljanih ribnjaka veličine 150 m2 u Kenijskom institutu za istraživanje mora i ribarstva (KMFRI), Akvakulturna stanica u Kegatiju. Nedozrele jedinke mužjaka istog spola i mješovitog spola O. niloticus prosječne mase 12,2 ± 0,02 g i prosječne dužine 7,6 ± 0,02 cm prikupljene su iz mladičnjaka. Nedozrele jedinke mužjaka su dobivene hranjenjem novoizleglih ličinaka s hranom doziranom hormonom 17 α-metil-testosteronom u razdoblju od mjesec dana. Nasad je proveden u gustoći od 3 mladunca / m2 i hranidbom od 28% sirovih proteina dva puta dnevno tijekom šest mjeseci na 4% tjelesne težine. Odabrani fizikalno-kemijski parametri vode (otopljen kisik, temperatura, provodljivost i ukupni amonijak) mjereni su tjedno in situ, dok su izmjere dužina i masa provedene na mjesečnoj bazi tijekom 6 mjeseci. Specifična stopa rasta (SGR), omjer konverzije hrane (FCR), kondicijski faktor (CF) i stopa preživljavanja (%) izmjereni su na kraju perioda od šest mjeseci. Podaci su analizirani jednosmjernom analizom varijance (ANOVA). Na kraju promatranog perioda od 6 mjeseci, prosječna težina mužjaka istog spola iznosila je 200,8 ± 0,81 g (prosjek ± standardna devijacija) i mješovitog spola 123,4 ± 0,76 g, a prosječna dužina mužjaka istog spola iznosila je 22,4 ± 0,21 cm i mješovitog spola 18,6 ± 0,23 cm. Mužjaci istog spola O. niloticus postigli su značajno veću konačnu težinu i dužinu, SGR, FCR i CF nego mješoviti spol (p 0,05). Nije zabilježena značajna razlika u kvaliteti mjerenih parametara u vodi ribnjaka promatranih skupina riba (p > 0,05). Mužjaci istog spola imaju bolje rezultate jer je većina energije potrošena na mišiće i razvoj tkiva, dok je mješoviti spol trošio najviše energije na reprodukcijske aktivnosti na račun mišića i razvoj tkiva. Daljnja istraživanja bi trebala biti usmjerena ka drugim sustavima uzgoja poput obloženih ribnjaka, zatvorenih bazena, kaveza i protočnih kanala

    Plasmodium falciparum serology: A comparison of two protein production methods for analysis of antibody responses by protein microarray.

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    The evaluation of protein antigens as putative serologic biomarkers of infection has increasingly shifted to high-throughput, multiplex approaches such as the protein microarray. In vitro transcription/translation (IVTT) systems-a similarly high-throughput protein expression method-are already widely utilised in the production of protein microarrays, though purified recombinant proteins derived from more traditional whole cell based expression systems also play an important role in biomarker characterisation. Here we have performed a side-by-side comparison of antigen-matched protein targets from an IVTT and purified recombinant system, on the same protein microarray. The magnitude and range of antibody responses to purified recombinants was found to be greater than that of IVTT proteins, and responses between targets from different expression systems did not clearly correlate. However, responses between amino acid sequence-matched targets from each expression system were more closely correlated. Despite the lack of a clear correlation between antigen-matched targets produced in each expression system, our data indicate that protein microarrays produced using either method can be used confidently, in a context dependent manner, though care should be taken when comparing data derived from contrasting approaches

    Genome sequence of the tsetse fly (Glossina morsitans):Vector of African trypanosomiasis

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    Tsetse flies are the sole vectors of human African trypanosomiasis throughout sub-Saharan Africa. Both sexes of adult tsetse feed exclusively on blood and contribute to disease transmission. Notable differences between tsetse and other disease vectors include obligate microbial symbioses, viviparous reproduction, and lactation. Here, we describe the sequence and annotation of the 366-megabase Glossina morsitans morsitans genome. Analysis of the genome and the 12,308 predicted protein-encoding genes led to multiple discoveries, including chromosomal integrations of bacterial (Wolbachia) genome sequences, a family of lactation-specific proteins, reduced complement of host pathogen recognition proteins, and reduced olfaction/chemosensory associated genes. These genome data provide a foundation for research into trypanosomiasis prevention and yield important insights with broad implications for multiple aspects of tsetse biology.IS

    Using technology acceptance model to understand fish farmers’ intention to use black soldier fly larvae meal in Nile tilapia production in Kenya

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    The purpose of this study was to identify the underlying socio-psychological factors that influence pond and cage farmers’ intentions to adopt Black Soldier Fly Larvae (BSFL) in Kenya. Based on the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), this study empirically investigated the relationship between TAM constructs, namely Perceived Ease of Use (PEOU), Perceived Usefulness (PU), Attitude towards Use (ATT), and Behavioral Intention (BI) to use BSFL. The study used a cross-sectional survey design to collect primary data from 211 randomly selected cage operators (98) and pond farmers (113) in Kenya’s Siaya, Kisumu, and Homabay Counties. A structural equation model was employed to examine hypothesized paths in the uptake of BSFL meal with the aid of SmartPLS 3. The inner model path coefficients suggested that ATT had the strongest effect on farmers’ intentions to adopt BSFL (0.411). Further, PU had a greater relative influence on intention to adopt BSFL than PEOU based on the model path coefficients of 0.319 and 0.178 respectively. This indicates that the more respondents believe BSFL is useful in their fish farm's production conditions, the more likely they are to adopt BSFL. Consequently, these findings have direct implications for policy development and the potential use of BSFL in aquaculture

    Validation of immunoglobulin G enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for antibodies to pneumococcal surface adhesin A in the diagnosis of pneumococcal pneumonia among adults in Kenya.

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    Epidemiologic studies of pneumococcal pneumonia, including vaccine efficacy trials, are hampered by a lack of sensitive and specific diagnostic tests. Pneumococcal surface adhesin A (PsaA) is a genetically conserved, surface-expressed protein common to all serotypes of Streptococcus pneumoniae and is highly immunogenic. Detection of anti-PsaA immunoglobulin G by recombinant PsaA enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay was evaluated for diagnosis of pneumococcal pneumonia in paired serum samples from 4 adult populations: 47 healthy control subjects, 56 clinic control subjects without pneumococcal disease syndromes, 109 patients with pneumococcal pneumonia, and 93 pneumonia patients with no evidence of pneumococcal etiology. By considering a 2-fold increase in antibody concentration as positive, sensitivity was 0.70, and specificity was 0.98. With a 1.3-fold increase, these were 0.89 and 0.98, respectively. The test's performance was not affected by the patients' human immunodeficiency virus status or by the pneumococcal serotype. The combination of high sensitivity and high specificity makes this an ideal assay for epidemiologic studies of pneumococcal pneumonia