28 research outputs found

    Borophosphosilicate glass component analysis using secondary neutral mass spectrometry

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    In the present study the SNMS technique for the quantitative component analysis of the borophosphosilicate glass layers was used. These layers were deposited on the silicon substrate by chemical vapor deposition method. The charge-up of the surface is compensated by plasma gas electrons in the high frequency mode sputtering. It is shown that modes of such sputtering significantly influence on the macro- and microrelief of the crater during the process of the depth component distribution analysis. An on-off time ratio change of the voltage applied to the sample results in changing the crater shape. At the same time the increase of the sputtering frequency results in appearance of thin protrusions at the crater bottom. Improvement of the depth resolution requires optimization both on-off time ratio and frequency of voltage applied to the sample

    AES and XPS characterization of TiN layers formed and modified by ion implantation

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    Compositional characterization of sputtered and implanted titanium nitride (TiN) layers for microelectronics application is performed based on Auger Electron Spectroscopy (AES) and X-ray induced Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) data. AES shows a strong overlapping of the most intensive peaks of Ti and N. A simple empirical method using intensity relations of Auger spectra is developed for quick estimation of layer composition in small areas. Defined modification of the TiN layers was realized by means of carbon and oxygen implantation to study their influence on quantitative analysis. In difference to standard AES analysis the results of quantification using the method proposed are found to be in good agreement with XPS profiles and with results from Principal Component Analysis (PCA), where peak overlapping is excluded. The influence of oxygen was found to be crucial for standard AES analysis but it could be taken into account in the proposed method. High carbon concentrations show no significant influence on the Ti and N peak shapes

    Plasma Activated Synthesis of Macromolecular Compound

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    The paper is devoted to study of the plasma-activated synthesis of organic compounds with optically activity. Synthesis was carried out in plasma-liquid system with a rotating gliding discharge submerged in a liquid. The initial reagents of synthesis were ethanol, ammonia, and CO2. The possibility of the influence of the electric field direction on the optical activity of the products of plasma-activated synthesis is shown

    Institute of Semiconductor Physics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics

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    Abstract. In the present study the SNMS technique for the quantitative component analysis of the borophosphosilicate glass layers was used. These layers were deposited on the silicon substrate by chemical vapor deposition method. The charge-up of the surface is compensated by plasma gas electrons in the high frequency mode sputtering. It is shown that modes of such sputtering significantly influence on the macro-and microrelief of the crater during the process of the depth component distribution analysis. An on-off time ratio change of the voltage applied to the sample results in changing the crater shape. At the same time the increase of the sputtering frequency results in appearance of thin protrusions at the crater bottom. Improvement of the depth resolution requires optimization both on-off time ratio and frequency of voltage applied to the sample

    Моделювання за допомогою методу еквівалентних схем перехідних процесів при збудженні поверхневої фото-ЕРС в тонких плівках ZnO

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    Плівки ZnO були отримані нанесенням оксиду цинку на підкладку кремнію p-типу за допомогою магнетронного розпилення, після чого у плівку були імплантовані іони Nd+ з подальшим відпалом. Динаміка фотозбуджених носіїв досліджувалась за допомогою вимірювання поверхневої фото-ЕРС Перехідний процес кінетики фото-ЕРС після вимкнення джерела світла часто має вигляд немонотонного та/або знакозмінного загасання. Моделювання таких складних перехідних процесів проводилося за допомогою методу еквівалентних схем. Були розроблені еквівалентні схеми, що містять у собі декілька елементів опору (R), ємності (C) та індуктивності (L). За допомогою аналізу імпедансу в часовій області була також розроблена проста процедура підгонки, яка дозволяє точно відтворювати виміряний перехідний процес фото-ЕРС. Показано можливий взаємозв'язок між цими елементами RCL і фізичною картиною явищ переносу заряду в областях розділу структури. Такий підхід може бути корисним для використання при моделюванні характеристик інтерфейсів у напівпровідникових структурах і пристроях.The dynamics of photoexcited carriers in magnetron sputtered ZnO films is characterized employing time-domain impedance analysis, which is based on the measurements of the surface photovoltage (SPV) transients. The studies focus on observing the damage after the implantation of Nd+ ions in ZnO layers and a subsequent anneal. We observed the positive and negative components of the measured SPV transient and develop equivalent circuits of the structure involving multiple series of parallel resistance (R), capacitance (C), and inductance (L) elements, and derive a simple fitting procedure which allows to reproduce accurately the measured SPV transient. The relationship between these RCL elements and a rough physical picture of the charge transport phenomena in the interface regions of the structure is envisaged. This approach is conceptually useful for characterizing interfaces in semiconductor structures and devices

    Ultrasound effect on radiation damages in boron implanted silicon

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    The radiation defect distribution in boron implanted Si with and without ultrasound (US) treatment have been investigated. Obtained results have shown the significant influence of the in situ US treatment on the defect formation. The defect concentration decreases both in the as-implanted and post-annealed samples, implanted with US-treatment. The physical model of this effect, connecting it with stimulated diffusion of silicon interstitials under the US treatment have been proposed