35 research outputs found

    Quality of two table grape guard cultivars treated with single or dual-phase release SO2 generators

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    Berries of seeded table grapes (cultivars Napoleón and Aledo) were trimmed in commercial packing houses, inoculated with Botrytis cinerea, packed with single and dual-phase release SO2 pads, and stored for up to four months at 0 ºC and 85±5 % relative humidity. Control grapes with or without inoculation, but without SO2 pads, were stored for up to 2 months. Botrytis cinerea rot (grey mould) limited the shelf-life of Aledo grapes to one month, while a two month shelf-life was established for Napoleón grapes, which suffered from berry splitting, Cladosporium herbarum and Botrytis cinerea rots. Yeasts of the Candida genera and secondary fungi were also identified in fruit suffering sour rot after 2 months at 0oC. No differences in grey mould development in the treatments without SO2 pads with or without inoculation. The native grey mould of these grapes was purified and included as the B. cinerea strain 20248 in the Spanish Type Culture Collection. Storage time, but not SO2 pads, slightly affected fruit quality. During the first month at 0oC, total soluble solids decreased by 1oBrix in 'Áledo' and berry hardness temporarily increased by around 30% in both cultivars. The pads provoked an SO2 taste acceptable for consumption, which was slightly higher in Napoleón than in Aledo grapes. The dual-phase release SO2 pads showed better performance for the long-term storage of grapes than single-release pads (both as regards berry sensory attributes and stem appearance, with lower stem browning). The dual-phase release SO2 pads extended the shelf-life of grapes by around 1 month, depending on the cultivar. Napoleón grapes showed a better potential for longterm storage than Aledo grapes due to thicker and more compact epidermis, thicker cell walls, and different epidermal microstructure including the transition cells between epidermis and the parenchyma

    Identification of QTLs related to sugar and organic acid composition in melon using near-isogenic lines

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    The soluble sugar and organic acid composition of melon (Cucumis melo L.) fruit flesh has become a major focus of plant breeding worldwide in an attempt to improve taste. Thus, sugar and organic acid profiles were characterized using near-isogenic lines (NILs) derived from the Spanish cultivar Piel de Sapo (PS) and the exotic Korean accession Shongwan Charmi (PI 161375). Fruits were cultivated in only one environment. These data were used to map 60 quantitative trait loci (QTLs): 18 for individual sugars, eight for sucrose equivalents, five for the glucose-to-fructose ratio, seven for the total sugar content and 21 for organic acids. Within the QTLs that were associated with the sugar profile, 27 defined the sugar content: eight for fructose, six for glucose, four for sucrose, and nine for sucrose equivalents. Although increased sweetness of selected NILs compared with the parental PS was achieved by an increased glucose or fructose content, only glucose heritability was above 0.5. A total of 21 QTLs (two with positive effects and nineteen with detrimental effects compared with the PS levels) controlled the organic acid profile: l-glutamic, ascorbic and succinic acids (the principal ones) and fumaric, citric, oxalacetic, and isocitric acids. The levels of sugars imparted by the PI 161375 introgression frequently decreased the score grades given to NILs by consumers. Within the 32 QTLs mapped for sensory traits, 27 were associated with lower scores in taste (nine QTLs), sweetness (eight QTLs) or global quality appreciation (nine QTLs); two with increased fruit sourness or sweetness and three with increased fruit bitterness. The QTLs defined herein may assist breeders to understand the overall organoleptic balance (sweetness, sourness, and umami taste) in melon fruit, particularly those located within linkage groups III, V, VI, and VIII to XI.This work was funded by grants AGL2003-09175-C02-01 and AGL2003-09175-C02-02 from the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science and Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER, European Union), 00620/PI/04 and 05676/PI/07 (Fundación Séneca de la Región de Murcia), and BIO-AGR06/02-0011 (Consejería de Educación y Cultura de la Región de Murcia). JO and IE were supported by fellowships from the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE-AECI), and Spanish Ministry of Education and Science (FPI), respectively.Peer reviewe

    Lipid Profiles in Preliminary Germinated Brown Rice Beverages Compared to Non-Germinated Brown and White Rice Beverages

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    Brown rice is nutritionally superior to white rice, yet oil rancidity can be problematic during processing and storage regarding sensory attributes. Germinating brown rice is known to generally increase some health-promoting compounds. In response to increasing the consumption of plant-based beverages, we sprouted unstabilized brown rice, using green technologies and saccharification enzymes for value-added beverages. ‘Rondo’ paddy rice was dehulled, sorted and germinated, and beverages were produced and compared against non-germinated brown and white brewers rice beverages. The preliminary germinated brown rice beverage contained significantly higher concentrations of total lipids, diacylglycerols, triacylglycerols, free sterols, phytosterol esters and oryzanols than both non-germinated brown and white rice beverages. White rice beverages had significantly higher free fatty acids. Significant lipid losses occurred during sieving, yet novel germinated brown rice beverages contained appreciable levels of valuable health-beneficial lipids, which appeared to form natural emulsions. Further pilot plant investigations should be scaled-up for pasteurization and adjusted through emulsification to ameliorate sieving losses

    Familias térmicas solares para procesamiento de productos agropecuarios y agroindustriales en la región Huetar Norte de Costa Rica: programa local piloto

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    Different energy sources are applied in the operations used for processing and preserving food and other agricultural products. The Technology Institute of Costa Rica and the agricultural sector of Costa Rica has supported the Local Pilot Program for the use of solar energy in the Northern Huetar Region of Costa Rica for the application and evaluation of different solar thermal systems in small and medium-sized agricultural units to replace the traditional methods of energy generation for clean production systems, reduce the local carbon footprint and improve production conditions. For this reason, in the Northern Huetar Region of Costa Rica, hybrid solar thermosiphonic systems with an auxiliary electric system have been designed and evaluated for the sterilization of milking equipment; hybrid solar thermal systems with water and LP gas for sterilization and pasteurization of milk; hybrid forced solar thermal systems with water, hot air and LP gas and a passive solar dryer for different types of agricultural products. The results of the evaluation of these systems were obtained by setting thermocouples in key places inside the systems and they were stored in the cybernetic space to facilitate their access through any electronic device. These results has allowed verify the decrease in operating costs related to energy bills, the efficiency improvement of the different processes and the carbon footprint decreasing of these farms, which would represent a competitive advantage in the regional, national and international markets.En las operaciones de procesamiento y conservación de productos agropecuarios se aplica diferentes fuentes de energía, cuyo precio ha aumentado en los últimos años. Con el apoyo del programa local piloto de uso de energía solar en la región Huetar Norte, en conjunto con el Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica y el Sector Agropecuario, se ha evaluado la aplicación de diversos sistemas térmicos solares en pequeñas y medianas explotaciones agrícolas para sustituir los métodos tradicionales de generación de energía por sistemas limpios para mejorar las condiciones productivas y disminuir la huella de carbono local. Por esta razón, se ha diseñado y evaluado sistemas termosifónicos solares híbridos con un auxiliar eléctrico para la esterilización de equipos de ordeño, así como sistemas térmicos solares forzados híbridos con agua y gas LP para la esterilización y pasteurización de leche o para el secado de productos agrícolas con agua, aire caliente y gas LP y un secador solar pasivo para diferentes tipos de productos agrícolas. Los resultados de la evaluación de estos sistemas se obtuvieron por medio de la ubicación de termopares en lugares claves dentro de los sistemas y fueron almacenados en el espacio cibernético para facilitar su acceso mediante cualquier dispositivo electrónico. Estos resultados han permitido comprobar la disminución de los costos operativos relacionados con las facturas energéticas, el mejoramiento de la eficiencia de los diferentes procesos y la disminución de la huella de carbono de estas explotaciones, lo que representaría una ventaja competitiva en el mercado regional, nacional e internacional

    Effect of hot water dips on the quality of fresh-cut Ryan Sun peaches

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    Fresh-cut products are an important developing food product category, and as a response to current lifestyles they are becoming increasingly popular due to their convenience, nutritious and fresh-like quality. However, fresh-cut produce has limited shelf life because preparation involves physically injuring the tissue, producing subsequent physiological, physical and chemical responses (increasing respiration rate and ethylene production, flavor loss, cut surface discoloration, browning, color loss, decay, increased rate of vitamin loss, rapid softening, shrinkage and shorter storage life), which influences consumer acceptability. The aim of this study was to analyze the effect of hot water dip on the quality of fresh-cut Ryan Sun peaches, applied before or after processing. Fresh-cut Ryan Sun peaches were packaged and stored 6 d at 5 °C. Respiration rate, firmness, pH, titratable acidy, total phenol content, antioxidant activity and sensory quality were assessed throughout storage. The results demonstrated the efficiency of hot water dip at 50 °C for 3 min before fresh-cut processing on Ryan Sun peaches to maintain the firmness, lightness and hue angle of the flesh color. This was likely a result of the inactivation of enzymes related to browning and softening. In addition, this treatment allowed the fresh-cut peaches to have the highest TA, which positively influenced the product flavor and thus the acceptability of consumers.Los productos cortados enfresco son una importante categoría en desarrollo dentro de la industria de alimentos y como respuesta a los estilos de vida actuales se han popularizado debido a su conveniencia, frescura y calidad nutricional. Sin embargo, los productos cortados en fresco tienen una limitada vida útil debido a que su elaboración daña físicamente el tejido, produciendo una respuesta fisiológica, física y química (aumento de la tasa de respiración y producción de etileno, pérdida de sabor, decoloración de la superficie de corte, pardeamiento, pérdida de color, pudriciones, incremento de la tasa de pérdida de vitaminas, ablandamiento acelerado, marchitez y reducción de la vida de almacenamiento), lo que influye en la aceptación por parte del consumidor. El objetivo de este trabajo consistió en analizar el efecto de las inmersiones en agua caliente sobre la calidad de los duraznos Ryan Sun cortados en fresco, aplicadas antes o después del procesamiento. Los duraznos Ryan Sun cortados en fresco se envasaron y se almacenaron 6 días a 5 °C. Durante el período de almacenamiento se analizaron la tasa de respiración,firmeza, acidez titulable, contenido de compuestosfenólicos totales, actividad antioxidante y calidad sensorial. Los resultados demostraron que las inmersiones en agua caliente a 50 °C durante 3 min, previo al procesamiento en fresco, son eficientes para mantener la firmeza, la luminosidad y el tono de la pulpa de los duraznos Ryan Sun cortados en fresco, debido a la inactivación de las enzimas relacionadas con el pardeamiento y el ablandamiento. Además, este tratamiento permitió mantener una alta acidez titulable, la que influye positivamente en el sabor del producto y por ende en la aceptabilidad por parte del consumidor

    Uso de la energía solar en sistemas de producción agropecuaria: producción más limpia y eficiencia energética

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    New clean energy alternatives to mitigate the greenhouse effect and achieve real clean production are currently being sought. Among these alternatives, solar energy and use of biomass and other renewable sources have been recommended for their effectiveness in adaptability to climate change and local carbon sequestration.This paper presents the design and preliminary results of a thermal system installed in a milk factory and dairy processing plants located in the North Huetar Region of Costa Rica. The generated data show the potentiality of energy production by solar energy systems in agricultural activities. These preliminary results have shown that these systems make it possible to produce about 30% of the energy needed for these activities, thereby allowing reduce production costs, emission of greenhouse gases and, consequently,  carbon footprint.Actualmente se busca nuevas opciones de energías limpias para mitigar el efecto de invernadero y lograr sistemas de producción verdaderamente sostenibles; entre éstas, la energía solar y el uso de biomasa y otras fuentes renovables se han recomendado particularmente  para lograr la captura local de carbono y la adaptabilidad al cambio climático. Este artículo presenta el diseño de un sistema térmico y fotovoltaico, y los resultados preliminares obtenidos tras su instalación en lecherías y plantas procesadoras de lácteos ubicadas en la Región Huetar Norte de Costa Rica, con datos que demuestran la potencialidad de la producción energética a partir de la energía solar en actividades agropecuarias. Estos resultados preliminares han permitido comprobar que mediante estos sistemas se logra producir alrededor del 30% de la energía necesaria para estas actividades, contribuyendo de esta forma a disminuir los costos de producción, la emisión de gases de efecto invernadero y por ende, la huella de carbono

    Effect of calcium and anti-browning agents on total phenols and antioxidant capability of 'Packham's Triumph' pears packed in modified atmosphere

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    The effect of calcium propionate (PCa) 1% p/v, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) 0.1% p/v, cysteine (CIS) 0.5% p/v and citric acid (AC) 0.5% p/v were evaluated on the total phenol content, antioxidant capability and respiration rate of 'Packham's Triumph' pear wedges, packed in modified atmosphere (MA, 8-11% O2 and 14-16% CO2 after 6 days of storage) and stored at 5°C for 8 days. The treatments were control (washed with water at 5°C, MA), PCa + EDTA + CIS + AC (MA), and PCa + EDTA + CIS (MA). The evaluations were performed on days 1, 3 and 8 after processing. The respiration rate of the control samples was 42% lower than the pear wedges treated with PCa and anti-browning agents (10-12 mg CO2 kg⁻¹ h⁻¹) during 8 days of storage. On days 3 and 8, the pear wedges treated with PCa + EDTA + CIS + AC and PCa + EDTA + CIS showed respiration rates 55% higher than the control samples. On the other hand, the total phenol content was preserved along the storage period, even though it was 27% lower than the content in peeled fresh fruit (265 mg 100 gfw-1). At the end of the storage period, the PCa + EDTA + CIS showed the highest phenolic content (214 mg 100 gfw-1), while it was lower in the other treatments (146 mg 100 gfw-1). According to the antioxidant capability, non-significantly statistical differences were shown throughout shelf-life, except those wedges treated with PCa + EDTA + CIS whose antioxidant capability was increased by 67%. After the minimally processing operations chemical agent immersions and MA packaging, the total phenol content was diminished compared to the initial fresh flesh fruit. In addition, MA could have a high impact on gas atmosphere inside the packages and preservation of the functional quality of 'Packham's Triumph' pear wedges because no differences were detected among treatments

    Cutting and temperature of preservation effect on the physiological activity and quality of fresh cut 'Packham's Triumph' and 'Shinco' pears

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    The aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of wedge and dice cut format and storage temperature on the physiological activity, firmness and organic acid and sugar content of fresh cut pears (Pyrus communis L.) 'Packham's Triumph' and 'Shinco'. The whole fruit was washed, peeled, cut, packed in modified atmosphere and subsequently stored at 5 and 8°C for 8 days. In 'Packham's Triumph' the storage temperature and the cutting format separately showed a significant effect on the physiological activity, which was lower in the wedges stored at 5°C. The cutting format and storage temperature, separately, also showed a significant effect on the firmness, the wedges showed a 12% higher firmness than dices (4.9 kg-f) while wedges and dices of 'Packham's Triumph' pears stored at 5°C were firmer (5.3 kg-f) than those stored at 8°C (5.1 kg-f). The interaction of the cutting format and storage temperature showed a significant effect on organic acid, the content of oxalic and malic acids was higher in wedges stored at 5°C compared with the other cutting format at both storage temperatures at the end of the storage. In 'Shinco', the cutting format and the storage temperature showed a significant effect on the ethylene rate, which was lower in the wedges stored at 5°C than those stored at 8°C. At the end of storage, the content of malic acid was affected by the cut format which was 18% higher in dices in comparison with wedges while the fructose content in dices stored at 5°C was the highest in comparison with the other cutting formats stored either at 5 or 8°C. In summary, the 'Packham's Triumph' and 'Shinco' pears can be minimally processed under wedge and dice cut format, respectively, and they both must be stored at 5°C packed in modified atmosphere in order to preserve their quality

    Aroma volatiles associated with the senescence of climacteric or non-climacteric melon fruit

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    This paper characterizes the changes in aroma volatiles associated with fruit senescence based on the climacteric or non-climacteric behavior found in a collection of near-isogenic lines (NILs) of melon (Cucumis melo L.). Data were analyzed by univariate and multivariate methodologies. In general, senescence led to a decrease in complexity of the aroma profile, but total area counts increased compared with harvest levels. The quantitative trait loci (QTLs) that induced climacteric behavior in the NILs strongly affected the aroma profile during senescence. In senescent climacteric fruit, the relative contributions of acetate and non-acetate esters to the overall aroma profile increased in relation to harvest levels, particularly propyl acetate, isobutyl acetate, methyl 2-methylbutanoate, ethyl butanoate, hexyl acetate and benzyl acetate. In the senescent non-climacteric NILs, 15–17 volatiles of the profile were undetectable, particularly some aldehydes, while other aldehydes were reduced, esters did not change from harvest to senescence and sulfur-derived compounds increased. Methyl propanoate decreased with senescence irrespective of the climacteric behavior. The climacteric senescent fruit of the NILs could be discriminated from the non-climacteric fruit by 11 compounds of the profile, mainly benzyl acetate, hexanal and pentanal among others (ethyl acetate, propan-2-yl acetate, nonanal, 2-ethylhexan-1-ol, methyldisulfanylmethane, acetone and 2-ethylfuran). The grouping of senescent climacteric NILs was mainly attributable to high relative values of ethyl acetate, methyl butyrate and propyl acetate. Finally, the physiological behavior of NILs also allowed to classify methyl propanoate, ethyl 2-methylpropanoate, pentanal, acetone and 2-ethylfuran as ethylene-independent aroma compounds while isobutyl acetate was classified as ethylene-dependent.This work was funded by grants BIO-AGR06/02-0011 (Consejería de Educación y Cultura de la Región de Murcia), 05676/PI/07 and 00620/PI/04 (Fundación Séneca de la Región de Murcia), AGL2003-09175-C02-01 and AGL2003-09175-C02-02 from the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science and Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER, European Union). Javier M. Obando-Ulloa was partly supported by fellowships from Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and during his stay at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven by COST 924 Program.Peer reviewe

    Acidentes fisiológicos e podridões atípicas em linhas quaseisogénicas de melão e em cultivares de referência

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    [EN]: Postharvest disorders and rots can produce important economic losses in fruits stored for long time for exportation. The genetic and physiological basis of some disorders in melon (Cucumis melo L.) are unknown and particularly the possible relation with climacteric behavior. A collection of melon near-isogenic lines (NILs) (SC3-5 and seven more showing climacteric and two non-climacteric ripening pattern) were analyzed to study genetic and physiological aspects of fruit disorders and rots. Two non-climacteric (Nicolás; Inodorus Group; and Shongwan Charmi PI161375, Conomon Group) and two climacteric cultivars (Fado, Reticulatus Group; Védrantais, Cantaloupensis Group) were used as reference. The field was divided in eight blocks containing one three-plant replication for each NIL,two for the parental cultivar Piel de Sapo and one or two for the reference cultivars. Replications evaluated were more than six in the cultivars studied. Plant problems included aphids, powdery mildew, and leaf wind injury. Preharvest fruit disorders included whole fruit cracking in cultivar Védrantais and NIL 5M2, and stylar-end cracking in cultivar Fado. Climacteric NILs with yellow skin were particularly affected by over-ripening, stylar-end cracking, and sunburn during cultivation. At harvest, two NILs showed slight placental tissue necrosis which was inherited from SC and were also detected after storage. Other uncommon disorders seen at harvest or 30 days after storage at 8o C included warted skin (scarring), flesh discoloration (light brown or translucent areas), hollow flesh disorder, and deep furrow netting inherited from SC. Less common rots included grey mould, bacterial soft rot, Penicillium rot, cottony leak and internal Cladosporium rot. Stylar-end hardness below 20 N·mm-1 was associated with cracking and softening. The incidence of the disorders and rots was too low to confirm that the genetic component played a role in their development.[PT]: Analisaram-se frutos de melão (Cucumis melo L.) provenientes de uma coleção de linhas quase-isogénicas (NIL), SC3-5 e outras sete climatéricas e duas não-climatéricas, para avaliar a ocorrência de acidentes fisiológicos e a suscetibilidade a podridões. Como termo de comparação utilizou-se duas cultivares não-climatéricas (Nicolás, grupo Inodorus, e Shongwan Charmi ou acesso PI161375, grupo Conomon) e duas cultivares climatéricas (Fado, grupo Reticulatus, e Védrantais, grupo Cantaloupensis). O experimento foi dividido em oito blocos contendo três plantas por repetição para NIL, dois para a cultivar parental Piel de Sapo (PS), e um ou dois para a cultivar testemunha. As repetições avaliadas foram mais de seis para as cultivares em estudo. Durante a produção, as folhas foram afetadas por pulgão, oídio e acidentes meteorológicos. Os acidentes fisiológicos que ocorreram nos frutos durante a produção incluíram fendilhamento na cultivar Védrantais e na NIL 5M2 e fendilhamento da zona pistilar na cultivar Fado. As NIL climactéricas com casca amarela revelaram-se muito suscetíveis à sobre-maturação, fendilhamento pistilar e queimaduras solares durante a produção. Duas NIL exibiram uma ligeira necrose do tecido placentar, carater herdado da linha PI161375. Outros acidentes fisiológicos atípicos observados na colheita ou após 30 dias a 8ºC incluíram casca verrugosa, descolorações castanho-claras na polpa, translucência da polpa, cavidades na polpa e ornamentação profundamente sulcada na casca, herdada do PI161375. Observou-se a ocorrência de podridões pouco usuais em melão, nomeadamente podridão cinzenta, podridão bacteriana, Penicillium sp., Phytium sp. e cladosporiose interna. Uma dureza da região pistilar inferior a 20 N mm-1 estava associada ao fendilhamento e ao amolecimento excessivo. A ocorrência destes acidentes fisiológicos ou podridões foi baixa para assegurar o envolvimento de fatores genéticos no seu desenvolvimento.This work was funded by grants 05676/PI/07 and 00620/PI/04 (Fundación Séneca de la Región de Murcia), BIO-AGR06/02-0011 (Consejería de Educación y Cultura de la Región de Murcia), AGL2003-09175-C02-01 and AGL2003-09175-C02-02 from the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science and Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER, European Union). J. Obando and E. Moreno were supported by fellowships from MAEAECI (Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs) and AGAUR (Generalitat de Cataluña) respectively.Peer reviewe