15 research outputs found

    An Orientalism Patterns Representations of the Noble Prophetic Career

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    تحتل الدراسات الاستشراقية حيزاً كبيراً في مجال الدراسات الإسلامية, لأهميتها وثقلها العلمي, بوصفها أحد الأمور المساهمة في تشكيل العقل الغربي, وتحديد موقفهم تجاه الشرق الإسلامي. وقد اتخذت الأعمال الاستشراقية توجهين, الأول: التوجه السلبي يظهر التطرف وبث روح العداء ضد الإسلام ونبيه الكريم (y) والثاني يتسم ظاهره بالموضوعية والتجرد من روح العداوة إلا أن تتبع تجليات النصوص المعلنة تنبئ بأنساق خفية حاولت النصوص الأستشراقية إظهارها, ليتسنى لها التشكيك بأهم الحقائق الدينية وزعزعتها. لذا آثر البحث التنقيب عنها من خلال انتقاء نصوص لأخطر التوجهات الاستشراقية ومحاولة كشف الأنساق الثانوية فيها. لذا تقسم البحث إلى قسمين: أولاً: تحديد مفهوم الاستشراق وعرض أهم التعريفات التي توضح المفهوم اللغوي والاصطلاحي. ثانياً: النسق الاستشراقي والقرآن الكريم. وخاتمة وقائمة بالمصادر.Orientalist studies occupy a great place in the field of Islamic studies, because of their importance and scientific weight, as one of the things contributing to the formation of the Western mind, and determining their attitude towards the Islamic East. The orientalist work has taken two directions. First, the negative orientation shows extremism and spreading the spirit of hostility against Islam and its noble prophet. The second is characterized by objectivity and impartiality. However, following the manifestations of the texts that are announced, they reveal hidden patterns that the Assyrian texts tried to show, And shook it. Therefore, the research sought to explore through the selection of texts to the most oriental oriental orientations and attempt to detect the secondary patterns in them. Therefore, the research is divided into: First: to define the concept of Orientalism and to present the most important definitions that explain the linguistic and theological concept. Second: Orientalism and the Holy Quran. Conclusion and list of sources. &nbsp

    Prose Forms of Expression: Authority Speeches (Oration and Letter) in the First Abbasid Era as a Model

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      لاشك ان النثر يواكب تطورات الحياة ويندمج معها ليشكل ملمحاً اساسياً وعاملاً مهماً لها ويمارس دوراً فاعلاً في هذا التطور.   فهو نتيجة التطور الا انه سرعان ما يندمج في مجريات الحياة الحضرية ليؤسس شكلاً ينظم به هذه الحياة ويحدد مسارها. فكان لابد من وجود وسيلة تواصلية مناسبة للسلطان تكون قريبة ومتداولة، لا تحدث نفوراً او اعراضاً لدى المتلقي.  فكانت الخطابة والرسائل هي الخيار الاولي للسلطة. وقد تضمن الخطاب السلطوي افكاراً ظاهرة واخرى مضمرة بواسطة الانساق الثقافية الخفية. لذا قسمت البحث على توطئة ومطلبين اولاً/ توطئة ثانياً/ المطلب الاول: خطبة السلطة بين الاستحقاق والاستبداد ثالثاً/المطلب الثاني: الرسائل بين وعي السلطة والمؤلف المزدوج.There is no doubt that prose keeps pace with the developments of life and merges with it to form a basic feature and an important factor for it and plays an active role in this development.   It is the result of development, but it quickly merges with the course of urban life to establish a form by which this life is organized and determines its course. It was necessary to have an appropriate means of communication for the Sultan that is close and circulating, and does not cause aversion or symptoms to the recipient. Rhetoric and letters were the first choice of the authority. The authoritarian discourse included both visible and implicit ideas through hidden cultural patterns. So, I divided the research into first: Preliminary Second: The sermon of power between entitlement and tyranny Third: The messages between the awareness of power and the double author

    The Culture Between the Textual Authority and the Recipient - Rhetoric in the Fatimid Era-As a Model

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    من أساسيات النظام السلطوي التركيز على الفن القريب من الجمهور المُلقى عليهم الخطاب وإمكانية وسرعة فهمه، بوصفه نصاً يحمل المشاريع السلطوية التأسيسية، فكان النوع النثري وسيلة الاتصال المباشرة بين جهتين مختلفتين (آمر ومأمور)؛ لهذا يسعى البحث للكشف عن تلك الانساق المنطلقة من النصّ النثري تحت مسميات اصلاحية نهضوية تغييرية، تُخفي وراءها أطماع السلطة .One of the fundamentals of the authoritarian system is to focus on the art that is close to the audience and the possibility and speed of understanding it, describing it as a text that carries the foundational authoritarian projects, the type of prose was the direct means of communication between two different parties (authority and the charged), so the research seeks to uncover those patterns that originated from the prose text under the names of reformist and revivalist change, hiding behind the ambitions of the authority. &nbsp

    Plasma D-Dimer Value Corrected with Some Physiological and Inflammatory Markers (C-Reactive Protein and Ferritin) in Iraqi Patients with COVID-19 Infection

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    Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic it has been observed that patients have elevated plasma levels of D-dimer and some inflammatory markers (ferritin, interleukine 6, C-reactive protein (CRP) or fibrinogen). Some studies point to the existence of a certain correlation between those markers and D-dimer. CRP is a protein discovered in the 1930s by Tillett and Francis and is an acute phase reactant. It is a pentameric protein which is synthesized by the liver under the action of cytokine interleukin 6 (IL-6). D-dimers are multiple peptide fragments produced as a result of degradation of crosslinked fibrin, mediated by plasmin. A total of 60 patients were recruited and categorized into :1- group1 (controls), 2- group 2 (COVID-19 patients). 5 ml of blood was obtained from each patient by vein puncture, using 5 ml disposable syringes, then centrifuged at 3000 rpm for 10 minutes to collect the serum.  D- dimer, C-reactive protein were measured by using (Roche Diagnostics GmbH, Mannheim, Germany). At the same time, the Ferritin was assessed by using a miniVIDAS analyzer for the fluorescent enzymatic detection of β2-microglobulin (β2M) using the technique. Enzyme Linked Fluorescent Assay (ELFA) (BioMerieux). Our results showed that there was a non- significant difference in the P-values between control and patients males and females. The Mean ± SE of age in control group was 45.90 ± 3.34, while the Mean ± SE of age in patients was 45.35 ± 2.52. There was a non- significant difference between the two groups, the Mean ± SE of CRP in control group was 5.04 ±0.81, while the Mean ± SE of CRP in COVID-19 patients was 37.16 ±3.24, there was a highly Significant differences between them (P≤0.01). The CRP of COVID-19 patients were compared with those of control patients, the results shows significant increased CRP in covid-19 patients group as a compression with the control group, the findings of the study is similar to Jacob Lentner, etal findings. In response to infections, the liver synthesizes significant quantities of acute-phase proteins (APPs), such as CRP. This acute inflammatory protein is a highly sensitive biomarker for inflammation, tissue damage, and infection. It has been shown that CRP levels are correlated with levels of inflammation. CRP levels can promote phagocytosis and activate the complement system. In other words, CRP binds to microorganisms and promotes their removal through phagocytosis. D-dimers are one of the fragments produced when plasmin cleaves fibrin to break down clots. Our study showed that the serum D-dimer concentrations in patients significantly higher than those in control group which is similar to Mamta Soni, etal, 2020 findings. Elevated D-dimer levels have emerged as a consistent finding in severely ill COVID-19 patients, Multiple studies have identified an association between higher D-dimer levels and an increased risk of mortality in the COVID-19 patient population. Ferritin is an iron-storing protein; its serum level reflects the normal iron level and helps the diagnosis of iron deficiency anemia. Circulation ferritin level increases during viral infections and can be a marker of viral replication. Our study showed a significant increase in ferritin level in covid-19 patients group compared to control group, which consider similar to [] results. Although the exact cause for elevated ferritin in COVID-19 infection is unknown, it could be influenced by cytokine release or cellular damage that results in the leakage of intracellular ferritin. It has been previously shown that ferritin is a direct indicator of cellular damage suggestive of an association between organ damage and ferritin production. This could later cause cell death, known as ferroptosis. It is suggested that inflammation associated with sepsis could alter iron metabolism and deficiency to facilitate the immune system, which could be an early sign of COVID

    Assessment of Body Composition, Endurance and Nutrient Intakes among Females Team Players in Sports Club

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    Aim: The aim of the study was to assess the body composition, endurance level and usual nutrient intakes in female players representing a Sports Club in Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. Materials and Methods: Twenty-six adult female players aged between 15-24 years were selected from three different teams (basketball=12, tennis=4, volleyball=10) using convenience sampling technique. All participants were assessed for body composition through bioelectrical impedance method, endurance level using step test and nutrient intakes using 24-hour recall method. Significant differences (P < 0.05) were determined among the three teams in relation to body composition, endurance levels and nutrient intakes. Results: Body composition of players in three sports was significantly different in terms of body mass index, body fat mass, and percentage body fat and fitness scores. Tennis players had significantly higher body fat mass (28.5 ± 8.2 kg) and percent body fat (41 ± 7%) in contrast to that in basketball players (body fat mass: 19.2 ± 10.5 kg; percent body fat: 30.6 + 7.9%) and tennis players (body fat mass: 13 ± 4.2 kg; percent body fat: 26.5 ± 6.5%), respectively. On the other hand, volleyball players had significantly higher fitness score (72.2 ± 3.5) as compared to basketball players (71 ± 6.7), and tennis players (63 ± 8.2). On an average, volleyball players scored “very good” endurance level in contrast to “good” scores in basketball and tennis team players. However, this difference was not statistically significant. The average intakes of all nutrients including energy, protein, vitamins and minerals were below the recommended intakes among players of all sports teams.   Conclusions: Body composition and endurance level differ with the type of sports. Volleyball team players had the lowest BMI, body fat mass as well as percent body fat and highest fitness score and endurance level. However, the overall nutrient intakes of the female players representing the three teams were less than the recommended allowances for highly active women and did not differ with the type of sports played

    Translation and validation of Arabic version of maternal responsiveness questionnaire

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    Objectives: Aim to translate the original maternal responsiveness questionnaire from English to Arabic language and validate it. In addition to achieving equivalence between the original and adapted questionnaire. Method: maternal responsiveness questionnaire was translated into the Arabic language by using the WHO guideline of translation technique (translation – back translation and bilingual technique). A cross-cultural study design was used in this study to adapt the English version of the instrument to the new version in the Arabic language. Results: The translated Arabic maternal responsiveness questionnaire demonstrated a high degree of accuracy of translation and high estimates of content validity (S-CVI/Ave =0.96) and the Cronbach alpha showed a high level of internal consistency for questionnaire sub-scale as follow; 0.85 for responsiveness; 0.89 for delayed responsiveness; and 0.73 for non-responsiveness. Conclusion: The Arabic version of the maternal responsiveness questionnaire is highly reliable and has sufficient content validity and a culturally adapted form that can be used to measure the maternal responsiveness for Arabic-speaking mothers.&nbsp

    Translation and Validation of Arabic Version of Maternal Responsiveness Questionnaire

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    Objectives: Aim to translate the original maternal responsiveness questionnaire from English to Arabic language and validate it. In addition to achieving equivalence between the original and adapted questionnaire. Method: maternal responsiveness questionnaire was translated into the Arabic language by using the WHO guideline of translation technique (translation – back translation and bilingual technique). A cross-cultural study design was used in this study to adapt the English version of the instrument to the new version in the Arabic language. Results: The translated Arabic maternal responsiveness questionnaire demonstrated a high degree of accuracy of translation and high estimates of content validity (S-CVI/Ave =0.96) and the Cronbach alpha showed a high level of internal consistency for questionnaire sub-scale as follow; 0.85 for responsiveness; 0.89 for delayed responsiveness; and 0.73 for non-responsiveness. Conclusion: The Arabic version of the maternal responsiveness questionnaire is highly reliable and has sufficient content validity and a culturally adapted form that can be used to measure the maternal responsiveness for Arabic-speaking mothers.&nbsp

    The Traditional Practices of Mothers in Caring of Neonates Affected by Hyperbilirubinemia

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    Objectives: The current study aimed to identify the mothers’ traditional practice in caring for newborns with jaundice; we want to determine the association between mothers’ practices and their demographic characteristics.  Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted on 100 mothers from inpatient pediatric wards of Babylon Teaching Hospital for maternal and pediatric care. They were selected by non-probability, purposive sampling method. The study data were collected by a three-part tool: demographic data sheet related to mothers and children, mothers’ knowledge concerning neonatal jaundice, and the mother’s knowledge and home practices concerning neonatal jaundice. The obtained data were analyzed using the SPSS version 22. Results: Most mothers (67%) were younger than 30 years, and 10% had college or institute educational level. Also, 87% of mothers knew that jaundice is a common problem for neonates; 25% did not know that jaundice is abnormal if it occurs within the first 36 hours. About 17% of mothers did not agree that maternal and fetal blood group differences lead to jaundice. Besides, 47% of mothers were uncertain that severe jaundice could lead to deafness, and 78% knew that phototherapy is the treatment for jaundice. Discussion: The majority of respondents in the study were aged 29 years or less. Most of them adopted breast and formula as the type of feeding. The most recognizable outcome of this study was the adequate knowledge and practices of mothers concerning traditional caring for neonates with jaundice

    Measurement the Self-efficacy Among Infertile Women in Al-Hilla City, Iraq

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    Objectives: This study aims to measure the self-efficacy among women who have infertility in Al-Hilla City, Iraq. Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional study in Al-Hilla City, Iraq, to measure the self-efficacy among infertile women. Using the non-probability purposive sampling method, 107 (Mean±SD age: 28.81±6.306 years) women with infertility were recruited. The study data were collected from the study samples using the infertility self-efficacy scale questionnaire. It is scored on a 3-point Likert scale to measure self-efficacy among infertile women. Results: The results show that the overall self-efficacy of infertile women is low. Also, there is a significant association between the self-efficacy of infertile women with all study parameters (P<0.05) except the age and level of education. Discussion: The highest percentage of the study samples were less than 30 years and lived in the urban area. The overall self-efficacy among infertile women was low, and the correlation between self-efficacy and their demographical data was significant except for the age and level of education